View Full Version : Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

11th April 2010, 08:30 AM

This man's grasp of history and the civil war specifically makes me ill.

If he wants to equate with terrorism, I suggest he study sherman's march.


Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

Editor's note: Roland S. Martin, a CNN political analyst, is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith," and the new book, "The First: President Barack Obama's Road to the White House." He is a commentator for TV One Cable Network and host of a Sunday morning news show.

(CNN) -- Based on the hundreds of e-mails, Facebook comments and Tweets I've read in response to my denunciation of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's decision to honor Confederates for their involvement in the Civil War -- which was based on the desire to continue slavery -- the one consistent thing that supporters of the proclamation offer up as a defense is that these individuals were fighting for what they believed in and defending their homeland.

In criticizing me for saying that celebrating the Confederates was akin to honoring Nazi soldiers for killing of Jews during the Holocaust, Rob Wagner said, "I am simply defending the honor and dignity of men who were given no choice other than to fight, some as young as thirteen."

Sherry Callahan said that supporting the Confederacy is "our history. Not hate; it's about heritage and history."

Javier Ramirez called slavery evil, but prefaced his remarks by saying that "Confederate soldiers were never seen as terrorists by [President Abraham] Lincoln or U.S. generals on the battlefield. They were accorded POW status, they were never tried for war crimes. Not once did Confederate soldiers do any damage to civilians or their property in their invasion of the north. The same is not true of Union soldiers."

Realskirkland sent me a Tweet saying, "Slavery is appalling, but was not the only reason for the CW [Civil War]. Those men, while misguided on some fronts stood up for what they felt was right. They embodied that American ideal that the states have a right to govern themselves. THAT is what a confederate soldier stood for."

If you take all of these comments, don't they sound eerily similar to what we hear today from Muslim extremists who have pledged their lives to defend the honor of Allah and to defeat the infidels in the West?
Video: Governor: Slavery omission 'mistake'
Video: Confederate month: 'Part of heritage'
Video: Martin: 'Month honors terrorists'

* American Civil War
* Terrorism
* Osama bin Laden
* U.S. History
* War and Conflict

When you make the argument that the South was angry with the North for "invading" its "homeland," Osama bin Laden has said the same about U.S. soldiers being on Arab soil. He has objected to our bases in Saudi Arabia, and that's one of the reasons he has launched his jihad against us. Is there really that much of a difference between him and the Confederates? Same language; same cause; same effect.

If a Confederate soldier was merely doing his job in defending his homeland, honor and heritage, what are we to say about young Muslim radicals who say the exact same thing as their rationale for strapping bombs on their bodies and blowing up cafes and buildings?

If the Sons of Confederate Veterans use as a talking point the vicious manner in which people in the South were treated by the North, doesn't that sound exactly like the Taliban saying they want to kill Americans for the slaughter of innocent people in Afghanistan?

Defenders of the Confederacy say that innocent people were killed in the Civil War; hasn't the same argument been presented by Muslim radicals in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places where the U.S. has tangled with terrorists?

We can't on the one hand justify the actions of Confederates as being their duty as valiant men of the South, and then condemn the Muslim extremists who want to see Americans die a brutal death. These men are held up as honorable by their brethren, so why do Americans see them as different from our homegrown terrorists?

The fundamental problem with extremism is that when you're on the side that is fanatical, all of your actions make sense to you, and you are fluent in trying to justify every action. Every position of those you oppose is a personal affront that calls for you to do what you think is necessary to protect yourself and your family.

Just as radical Muslims have a warped sense of religion, Confederate supporters have a delusional view of what is honorable. The terrorists are willing to kill their own to prove their point, and the Confederates were just as willing in the Civil War to take up arms against their fellow Americans to justify their point.

Even if you're a relative of one of the 9/11 hijackers, that man was an out-and-out terrorist, and nothing you can say will change that. And if your great-great-great-granddaddy was a Confederate who stood up for Southern ideals, he too was a terrorist.

They are the same.

As a matter of conscience, I will not justify, understand or accept the atrocious view of Muslim terrorists that their actions represent a just war. They are reprehensible, and their actions a sin against humanity.

And I will never, under any circumstances, cast Confederates as heroic figures who should be honored and revered. No -- they were, and forever will be, domestic terrorists.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Roland Martin.

11th April 2010, 08:31 AM
What crap!


11th April 2010, 08:32 AM
I might also add that he is off base with his understanding of Muslims as well.

11th April 2010, 08:39 AM
The way I see it, BIG difference, the UNIFORMED CSA troops were no terrorists. They went into battle as an army, no definition of terrorist fits that group,period, terrorists do not have field armies,Navies or Air forces. Terrorists target civilians,not other armies. Big BS

11th April 2010, 08:44 AM
The way I see it, BIG difference, the UNIFORMED CSA troops were no terrorists. They went into battle as an army, no definition of terrorist fits that group,period, terrorists do not have field armies,Navies or Air forces. Terrorists target civilians,not other armies. Big BS

Right on!

A bunch of BS!


11th April 2010, 08:46 AM
The founding fathers were also terrorists.

11th April 2010, 08:50 AM
The founding fathers were also terrorists.
I diisagree. They were more of Guerrilla soldiers.

They were always soldiers fighting an arm force. Same with the confederates. Neither FF or the Confederates would walk into a crowded mall and indescriminately kill innocents.

11th April 2010, 08:58 AM
The founding fathers were also terrorists.
I diisagree. They were more of Guerrilla soldiers.

They were always soldiers fighting an arm force. Same with the confederates. Neither FF or the Confederates would walk into a crowded mall and indescriminately kill innocents.

I'm not saying they were murderers, just that they fall under the very broad definition of terrorism, 'the use of violence or threats of violence to achieve political ends'.

General of Darkness
11th April 2010, 09:21 AM
Understand that anyone that goes against the interests of a corporation, i.e. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.INC is deemed a terrorists now.

11th April 2010, 09:25 AM
Anyone notice that his psychology could easily be reversed to show the Union camp as terrorist? That is, according to HIS way of thinking, not a rational persons way of thinking.

11th April 2010, 09:37 AM
Understand that anyone that goes against the interests of a corporation, i.e. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.INC is deemed a terrorists now.


11th April 2010, 09:51 AM
What about the Union's soldiers involved in Shermans March to the Sea. The crimes from that one are too numerous to list.

11th April 2010, 10:16 AM
Those are more of "war crimes" or "atrocities." They go hand in hand with any war no matter how civilized a people want to pretend they are.

I guess the big guys are war criminals. The little guys are terrorist.

Guerrilla soldiers don't have to be either but can be both

11th April 2010, 10:19 AM
Atrocities depends on the definition of the word as well as who wins and who loses.


11th April 2010, 10:30 AM
Just more re-writing history to demonize YT.

Of course Confederate soldiers was not a terrorists, and anybody who says that should be ignored as stupid or insane. These were states trying to reclaim their sovereignty from the federal government, and the soldiers were part of a duly authorized fighting force.

Is this retard trying to say that Robert E. Lee was some sort of 19th century Osama Bin Laden?

BTW, here's a photo of the author of this asinine drivel:


11th April 2010, 10:34 AM
Just more re-writing history to demonize YT.

Of course Confederate soldiers was not a terrorists, and anybody who says that should be ignored as stupid or insane. These were states trying to reclaim their sovereignty from the federal government, and the soldiers were part of a duly authorized fighting force.

Is this retard trying to say that Robert E. Lee was some sort of 19th century Osama Bin Laden?

BTW, here's a photo of the author of this asinine drivel:


Calling that crap "assinine drivel" is way too much of an understatement!

Thank you for posting the picture of the piece. Says a lot.


11th April 2010, 10:52 AM
BTW, here's a photo of the author of this asinine drivel:


MY GOD!!! He's a conehead!

General of Darkness
11th April 2010, 11:00 AM
The writing is on the wall. The mongrels now see whites as weak and have been given freedom to attack them in any manor they can. This is just an example of that.

11th April 2010, 11:13 AM
I'm in awe of the greatness of stupidity by this author. He writes a whole piece on 'terrorism', yet doesn't even know what terrorism is.

I'll help him....blowing up innocent people in cafe instilling fear..to push an agenda. Terrorism.

Marching gallantly into battle to defend your country. Patriotism.

Not to mention some one should explain to this guy that the Civil War was not about slavery.

11th April 2010, 11:21 AM
Not to mention some one should explain to this guy that the Civil War was not about slavery.

If you haven't noticed, everything is about slavery to a certain segment of American society.

Celtic Rogue
11th April 2010, 11:37 AM
What a putz! He obviously is blessed with a public school education! He seems to cherry pick events and try and fit it in to his narrow view... Now thats racist!!!

11th April 2010, 11:41 AM
(CNN) -- Based on the hundreds of e-mails, Facebook comments and Tweets I've read in response to my denunciation of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's decision to honor Confederates for their involvement in the Civil War -- which was based on the desire to continue slavery -- the one consistent thing that supporters of the proclamation offer up as a defense is that these individuals were fighting for what they believed in and defending their homeland.

Our "homeland" now...lol.

General of Darkness
11th April 2010, 12:00 PM
Our "homeland" now...lol.

go fuck your mother.

11th April 2010, 12:43 PM
Simply put, the confederacy, fought for the ORIGINAL united states. The north fought for europe. The u.s. as we knew it died in 1865.

Slavery had NOTHUNG to do with that war whatsoever. it was the PROPAGANDA that was used, but the real issue was imo, all the gold being discovered out west had gathered europs (rothschilds ) interest, the new gold laden western states must NOT be allowed to form under the original constitution with out stronger federal control.

11th April 2010, 12:46 PM
Our "homeland" now...lol.

go f*ck your mother.

ENOUGH with the personal attacks. That one was WAY over the line... consider this your warning.

11th April 2010, 12:47 PM
What about the Union's soldiers involved in Shermans March to the Sea. The crimes from that one are too numerous to list.

Sherman"s March wasnt considered a crime at the time, Andersonville would be considered a Death camp on par with Dachau today, the crimes/laws of today did not apply then. Quantrel would have been a terrorist as well by today's definition.It was a method of making war, lets not lose focus, this is not a US vs CSA thread, this is a revisionist issue.

11th April 2010, 01:09 PM
What about the Union's soldiers involved in Shermans March to the Sea. The crimes from that one are too numerous to list.

Sherman"s March wasnt considered a crime at the time, Andersonville would be considered a Death camp on par with Dachau today, the crimes/laws of today did not apply then. Quantrel would have been a terrorist as well by today's definition.It was a method of making war, lets not lose focus, this is not a US vs CSA thread, this is a revisionist issue.

I'm reading a book on Quantrill now..."The Devil Knows How to Ride." Those guys did not fool around back then. It's interesting that he had at least a couple of colored guys that rode with him Not sure how that worked.

I live in the blackest state in the corporation so I'm just waiting for the powder keg to ignite. Luckily I have like minded individuals with me that are ready for them too.

11th April 2010, 01:32 PM
Divide and conquer.

BTW - the Articles of Confederation created a perpetual union, that was made more perfect (yeah, right), by the compact known as the US Constitution.

willie pete
11th April 2010, 01:45 PM
Hey Roland-

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6872/douchebag.jpg (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/douchebag.jpg/)

11th April 2010, 03:34 PM
25k+ colonist died in the Revolutionary War. 17k+ from curable diseases like small pox, scurvy etc.

So 8k+ actually gave their life in battle against DESPOTISM AND TYRANNY, the true enemy of freeman.

The War of Northern aggression resulted in over 620,000 thousand AMERICAN deaths. Around 400k from disease.

So 230k+ actually gave their life in battle, all in the name of 'freedom'.

You tell me who the REAL enemy is.