View Full Version : Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK

11th April 2010, 10:32 AM

'A draconian Internet censorship bill that has been long looming on the horizon finally passed the house of commons in the UK yesterday, legislating for government powers to restrict and filter any website that is deemed to be undesirable for public consumption.

The “Digital Economy Bill” was rushed through parliament in a late night session last night after a third reading. In the wake of the announcement of a general election on May 6, the government has taken advantage of what is known as the “wash-up process”, allowing the legislative process to be speeded up between an election being called and Parliament being dissolved.

the white rabbit
11th April 2010, 10:35 AM
Did GIM2 help them right that bill ?

11th April 2010, 10:44 AM
ore on this here (http://www.prisonplanet.com/death-of-the-internet-unprecedented-censorship-bill-passes-in-uk.html). but i don't think it'll work from a tech point of view (easy enough to get around this kind of stuff via the use of proxies, i've seen at least a couple of software solutions to china's great firewall, e.g. TOR), and if the govt. here were to actually go so far as to try this seriously, i think it would be the final straw for a lot of brits.

11th April 2010, 01:47 PM
Did GIM2 help them right that bill ?

You need to cut it out with the idea spamming. Thought crime will not be tolerated. Pre-emptive actions will be undertaken to prevent any future thought crime.

"Don't try to reach me
'Cause I'd tear up your mind
I've seen the future
And I've left it behind" - Supernaut

12th April 2010, 03:38 PM

12th April 2010, 03:42 PM
We need to disassociate with anything to do regarding that island, and quick!!!

All Ties Should Be Severed Immediately

12th April 2010, 09:19 PM
Where is V?

12th April 2010, 09:34 PM
"We love Big Brother!"

--- Winston Smith