View Full Version : Hi everyone

11th April 2010, 12:03 PM
Seems like website ground rules are being dissected, negotiated and established before we get on to serious conversations. Gentlemanly conduct toward others is key to our studies.

I’ve joined up here at Gold-SilverUS and haven’t yet begun to continue with bartering and horse trading and silver musings. Admittedly my writing isn’t professional but comes from 12 years of reading and thinking about the who, what, where, when, why and how of events. I’m a blue collar worker and proud of it.

I hope we can soon settle into focusing on gold, silver, the US and everything it encompasses. After all, this IS the name of the website.

Question to the members….

As an aside, I wonder if members would be banned for speaking out about their being anti-Zionists. NOT being anti-Semites, a whole different thing.. As I understand, Zionism is an economic/political movement. So is it wrong to examine the inner workings of Zionism and decide the truth for ourselves ? And how is it possible to examine these inner workings when members writing about such matters are being banned ?

You see, I don’t know much about Zionism and how it relates to the Jewish religion. Are we been led down the rosy path of misdirection that to be antiZionist is the same thing as being anti-Semitic ?

All I want is the truth laid bare. For without truth all we have is insanity.

Best wishes,


11th April 2010, 12:06 PM
Glad to see you!


Looking forward to your narratives.


11th April 2010, 12:13 PM
Question to the members….

As an aside, I wonder if members would be banned for speaking out about their being anti-Zionists. NOT being anti-Semites, a whole different thing.. As I understand, Zionism is an economic/political movement. So is it wrong to examine the inner workings of Zionism and decide the truth for ourselves ? And how is it possible to examine these inner workings when members writing about such matters are being banned ?

You see, I don’t know much about Zionism and how it relates to the Jewish religion. Are we been led down the rosy path of misdirection that to be antiZionist is the same thing as being anti-Semitic ?

All I want is the truth laid bare. For without truth all we have is insanity.

Best wishes,


I don't care what anyone says... being anti-zionist is not the same as antisemitism (whatever the hell that means...)

Discuss away... it's an important topic.

11th April 2010, 12:14 PM
I hope we can soon settle into focusing on gold, silver, the US and everything it encompasses. After all, this IS the name of the website.

Go ahead and start your bartering and horsetrading thread now and don't worry about that other stuff here...lol.


11th April 2010, 12:15 PM
Seems like website ground rules are being dissected, negotiated and established before we get on to serious conversations. Gentlemanly conduct toward others is key to our studies.

I’ve joined up here at Gold-SilverUS and haven’t yet begun to continue with bartering and horse trading and silver musings. Admittedly my writing isn’t professional but comes from 12 years of reading and thinking about the who, what, where, when, why and how of events. I’m a blue collar worker and proud of it.

I hope we can soon settle into focusing on gold, silver, the US and everything it encompasses. After all, this IS the name of the website.

Question to the members….

As an aside, I wonder if members would be banned for speaking out about their being anti-Zionists. NOT being anti-Semites, a whole different thing.. As I understand, Zionism is an economic/political movement. So is it wrong to examine the inner workings of Zionism and decide the truth for ourselves ? And how is it possible to examine these inner workings when members writing about such matters are being banned ?

You see, I don’t know much about Zionism and how it relates to the Jewish religion. Are we been led down the rosy path of misdirection that to be antiZionist is the same thing as being anti-Semitic ?

All I want is the truth laid bare. For without truth all we have is insanity.

Best wishes,


AGNUT my man, best poster ever at GIM, we NEED your old Bartering and Horse Trading thread here, THAT was the single best thread ever on any forum anywhere!

11th April 2010, 12:16 PM
Hey, Agnut nice to see you.

In response to being led down the wrong path, I can only offer this tidbit

The path to salvation is narrow and as difficult to walk as a razor's edge.

I don't know who said that, but can only make addendum to it, with this;

Meatshields will be placed & encountered along the route.

11th April 2010, 03:32 PM
Glad to see you made it Agnut! Yippee! :D

11th April 2010, 03:33 PM
Glad to see you!


Looking forward to your narratives.


Thanks crazychicken. I’m in the middle of writing silver musing XLIX (that’s #49 to us gringos) There is an interesting narrative/story included.

Best wishes,


11th April 2010, 03:37 PM
What can I say.............. ;D

11th April 2010, 03:41 PM
agnut, good to see you here.

from what i've seen of G-S thus far, we've had a few teething problems, but on the whole, it's good. there's been some open, intelligent discussion of judaism without it degenerating to name-calling, and there have been no bannings for partaking in civil conversation (that i've seen, one problem is that you can't easily tell who has been banned, but i think i've been keeping up and it's very few so far). moderation thus far has been much more even handed than GIM became/perhaps is in its new incarnation from what i've heard.

11th April 2010, 03:56 PM
Welcome Ag.

the below is not about you

gim2 is still bleeding heavily ROFL

Took this long to figure them out, really people.

I say close the doors , maybe 1000 more will join.

The producers are already here.

Even the leftist neocons and ass kissers like hanging with the crazy. LOL

This place has not even started really, many of us had a bad week.
And it was Easter long weekend, etc , but the gang is all here.

Where is Blue Midnight, there is still key people to find.
Jedem is here, did we find King ? There are some lost
people out there, good people, they will find us.

Percival is lonely too, where the shills ? ROFL
edit add it ain't a personal attack he is lonely though, out gunned

1970 Silver Art
11th April 2010, 04:01 PM
Welcome to Gold-Silver.US. :)

Darn it!!!!! I forgot to roll out the red carpet again. Sorry about that. ;D

willie pete
11th April 2010, 04:01 PM
Welcome aboard Agnut :D

12th April 2010, 05:45 AM
Quote from Brewtech :
I don't care what anyone says... being anti-zionist is not the same as antisemitism (whatever the hell that means...)

Discuss away... it's an important topic.

Hi Brewtech. I agree that it should be thoroughly discussed and dissected . I hope someone will take this subject up in a separate thread. I would recommend that it be done in an unemotional manner in order to reveal and thereby understand for once and for all what Zionism is and its goals.

I have seen website members banned because of this, good intelligent members too . However, it was often presented in the form of a diatribe rather than as a thoughtful investigation of the facts. Emotionalism has no place in examining the truth.

From what I have seen, anti-Zionism is being viewed as being under the umbrella of anti-semiticism and thereby benefiting in a hands off policy.

Anyway, I don’t have time for this as I am focused on bartering and horse trading and silver musing articles. They are both up close and personal to us and have the capability to have a great impact on our lives. Things we can do and change in order to protect ourselves and better our lives.

When we write we should ask ourselves what benefit we can offer to others. What will come from a particular subject. Illumination ? Hopefully.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 06:02 AM
Quote from Book :
Go ahead and start your bartering and horsetrading thread now and don't worry about that other stuff here...lol.

Hi Book. HaHa. I wrote above that I’m doing just that. I posted a silver musing yesterday and have another one in the works. I replied to Libertarian Guard that I have the complete bartering and horse trading thread on hard drive and could download it as well as the silver musing series. I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

Best wishes,


P.S. There is a huge owl (6 foot wingspan; I've seen him) nested to the northeast that ceased his hooting about an hour ago and the birds are twittering outside right now as the sun reaches the horizon (well, you know what I mean). It’s 5:58 AM here and I have been on the internet since 2:00 A.M. Country life can be as crazy as city life; it’s just a different crazy I’m comfortable with.

12th April 2010, 06:50 AM
Quote from Percival (the Merciful):
AGNUT my man, best poster ever at GIM, we NEED your old Bartering and Horse Trading thread here, THAT was the single best thread ever on any forum anywhere!

Aw shucks Percival; ya got me blushing. Writing on the bartering and horse trading thread has been the most fun for me on the internet. I guess I found my niche. And if you have a niche, scratch it until it bleeds (money).

It shouldn’t be long before I can download all the past bartering and horse trading as well as write new stuff.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 06:54 AM
Hey, Agnut nice to see you.

In response to being led down the wrong path, I can only offer this tidbit

The path to salvation is narrow and as difficult to walk as a razor's edge.

I don't know who said that, but can only make addendum to it, with this;

Meatshields will be placed & encountered along the route.

Hi Horn. Ain't it the truth ? Just be careful to not cut yourself to ribbons on that razor's edge (maybe Occam's Razor would be a kinder cut, eh ?)

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 06:58 AM
Glad to see you made it Agnut! Yippee! :D

Greetings MNeagle; glad to see you here too. Gold-Silver.US is a site for sore eyes. HaHa

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 07:07 AM
What can I say.............. ;D

Hey Ponce; that’s the shortest post I’ve ever seen you write. Somehow I feel honored. HaHa

We all have plenty of work to do here. I’ll do my best to keep up with you rich and retired members. I’m just a working slob who didn’t prepare for my retirement early enough. Oh well, at least I only work about 20 hours per week in my own company. Could be worse; I could be a WalMart greeter.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 07:38 AM
agnut, good to see you here.

from what i've seen of G-S thus far, we've had a few teething problems, but on the whole, it's good. there's been some open, intelligent discussion of judaism without it degenerating to name-calling, and there have been no bannings for partaking in civil conversation (that i've seen, one problem is that you can't easily tell who has been banned, but i think i've been keeping up and it's very few so far). moderation thus far has been much more even handed than GIM became/perhaps is in its new incarnation from what i've heard.

Hi Unarian. Good to see you here too. Thanks for the heads up. Things are already settling down. I guess many members had to go through the 5 stages of loss until acceptance prevailed. For some reason I didn’t feel any anxiety or anger. I was writing on the old GIM for about 7 years and was an early member thanks to G-Khan’s help in getting me started. I hadn’t written anything for almost 40 years before that; didn’t even know that I was capable of writing anything coherently. So a huge thanks goes out to G-Khan for changing my life for the better.

I, like many of you here, had countless hours in putting my heart and soul into writing, reading and thinking about topics on the old GIM website. Maybe I don’t feel regret or anger because I got so much out of it and will be eternally grateful for what was and not feel bad because it ended.

And look at us now. A brand spanking new website with so many of the great old curmudgeons from the past. What more could we ask for ? Well, maybe that we could get along with the GIM2 members. If they see what we are doing and having a lot of learning and a lot of fun in the process, they may gravitate toward US as in Gold-Silver.US. Nothing succeeds like success.

Perhaps GIM2 will in time become a sister website to Gold-Silver.US . There is room for everyone because we write about the totality of life on this earth. So, so many topics to share.

Shouldn’t we be building bridges rather than burning bridges ?

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 07:43 AM
Well buddy.......you should know by now that is not what I have that makes me "rich" but rather what I don't have "debts"..........besides my 1,850 rolls of tp of course hahahahahahaha.

12th April 2010, 07:45 AM
Welcome Ag.

the below is not about you

gim2 is still bleeding heavily ROFL

Took this long to figure them out, really people.

I say close the doors , maybe 1000 more will join.

The producers are already here.

Even the leftist neocons and ass kissers like hanging with the crazy. LOL

This place has not even started really, many of us had a bad week.
And it was Easter long weekend, etc , but the gang is all here.

Where is Blue Midnight, there is still key people to find.
Jedem is here, did we find King ? There are some lost
people out there, good people, they will find us.

Percival is lonely too, where the shills ? ROFL
edit add it ain't a personal attack he is lonely though, out gunned

Hi Magnes. Glad to see you here. Percival was over the top in welcoming me here. We should have some fun with the bartering and horse trading thread as soon as I can figure how and where to download the past three years and three months writings onto Gold-Silver.US.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 07:47 AM
Welcome aboard Agnut :D

Thanks Willie Pete. Can't wait to get started.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 07:50 AM
I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

We all want your bartering and horse trading thread a sticky Agnut.


12th April 2010, 07:56 AM
I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

We all want your bartering and horse trading thread a sticky Agnut.



Ag's B&H was the first thread I read as a lurker at the old place.
Great material - I hope Ag has backups of all that info and we sticky it for posterity's sake and the benefit of those that had not had the opportunity to read it.


12th April 2010, 07:58 AM
Well buddy.......you should know by now that is not what I have that makes me "rich" but rather what I don't have "debts"..........besides my 1,850 rolls of tp of course hahahahahahaha.

Hey Ponce; ain’t that the truth !! Being debt free has become a sign of wealth. Whoda thunk ?

I am a bit envious about your 1,850 rolls of toilet paper. Ya know, it could be quite valuable someday.

Maybe the old phrase “three squares a day” could take on a (w)hole new meaning. HaHa

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 08:06 AM
Maybe the old phrase “three squares a day” could take on a (w)hole new meaning. HaHa

This again is where more smileys are needed, nothing like waking up to such a thing. ::) :D

12th April 2010, 08:17 AM
Maybe the old phrase “three squares a day” could take on a (w)hole new meaning. HaHa

This again is where more smileys are needed, nothing like waking up to such a thing. ::) :D

Hi Horn. I guess the only thing worse than being the butt of a joke is seeing a joke of the butt.

Yeah, too early to be this sick; just can't help myself.

Best wishes,


12th April 2010, 08:18 AM
Welcome back.

12th April 2010, 09:19 AM
I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

We all want your bartering and horse trading thread a sticky Agnut.


agnut - welcome! Take some time to get settled in, and after you get your bartering & horse trading thread up and running, send me a PM and I'll make sure it gets stickied.

12th April 2010, 10:26 AM
Glad to see you here, agnut! Your bartering and horse-trading writings will be a huge asset to this forum. I wish I had your writing skill.

Sock Puppy
12th April 2010, 11:14 AM
Welcome, Agnut!

When you made your post, I found that I really didn't know what "Zionism" is. Sure, I had seen the term many times on GIM, but often when I did, it was coupled with some statement about "the f____ing joos" or some such and the poster got banned, and that seemed proper and right.

When you made the distinction between being anti-Zionist and anti-semitic, I found myself at a loss and feeling a bit ignorant. I had always assumed that the two were one and the same thing. A quick Wiki visit gave me all the information I needed--to be more confused and feel even more ignorant.

One of the things mentioned in the Wiki article was that Zionism was the result of efforts of "secular Jews". I had to shake my head and say, "Say what? What the hell is a secular Jew? Wouldn't that be like saying secular Christians started a movement?"

I'm not so ignorant to not realize that there are Jews by religious faith--those who believe in Judaism, and there are people who consider themselves to be Jewish by genetics. But my (admittedly limited) understanding of this is that to be genetically Jewish is defined by the Old Testament or Torah (or something similar) which defines being a Jew as following the matriarchal lineage to Biblical characters. This to me is saying that one is a secular Jew by definitions that are not secular at all. It seems contradictory.

I don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak, so my interest is limited to my curiosity. I don't even know if I am Jewish or not by any definition. My presumption is that I'm not since I was baptized as a Lutheran and while I am spiritual, I am opposed to organized religion, whatever flavor.

I can see how it might be difficult to try to separate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. My question is how do you, and how do others make this distinction?


12th April 2010, 11:19 AM
When you made the distinction between being anti-Zionist and anti-semitic, I found myself at a loss and feeling a bit ignorant. I had always assumed that the two were one and the same thing.


Bernie Madoff is not a Zionist...so what is he Sock?


12th April 2010, 12:32 PM
One of the things mentioned in the Wiki article was that Zionism was the result of efforts of "secular Jews". I had to shake my head and say, "Say what? What the hell is a secular Jew? Wouldn't that be like saying secular Christians started a movement?"

I'm not so ignorant to not realize that there are Jews by religious faith--those who believe in Judaism, and there are people who consider themselves to be Jewish by genetics. But my (admittedly limited) understanding of this is that to be genetically Jewish is defined by the Old Testament or Torah (or something similar) which defines being a Jew as following the matriarchal lineage to Biblical characters. This to me is saying that one is a secular Jew by definitions that are not secular at all. It seems contradictory.

The clever tribe has left a convoluted trail.
1) Wikipedia belongs to the tribe.
2) Most so called Jews are actually Khazars and have no ancestry in common with Biblical characters.
3) The religion of this tribe is the Talmud, not the Torah.

12th April 2010, 12:46 PM
Maybe the old phrase “three squares a day” could take on a (w)hole new meaning. HaHa

This again is where more smileys are needed, nothing like waking up to such a thing. ::) :D

Hi Horn. I guess the only thing worse than being the butt of a joke is seeing a joke of the butt.

Yeah, too early to be this sick; just can't help myself.

Best wishes,


I'm sorry, so often the letters mislead me.

Oh no, thank you for the laughter, earlier the better, is a ray of sunshine in my world.

Anyway it is after lunch now, time to get fully fledged in the slimey. ;D

Sock Puppy
12th April 2010, 12:52 PM
When you made the distinction between being anti-Zionist and anti-semitic, I found myself at a loss and feeling a bit ignorant. I had always assumed that the two were one and the same thing.


Bernie Madoff is not a Zionist...so what is he Sock?


Is this multiple choice. Let's see:

A criminal?
A prisioner?
A notorious scam artist?

I think I may be missing some point here.


12th April 2010, 12:57 PM
I'm not so ignorant to not realize that there are Jews by religious faith--those who believe in Judaism, and there are people who consider themselves to be Jewish by genetics.


You tell 'em Sock!


12th April 2010, 01:11 PM

Her sister?

All that ponzi dough, and can't get a half decent face lift.

12th April 2010, 01:13 PM


To make you feel even more welcome, I broke your smite cherry.

mick silver
12th April 2010, 01:24 PM
agnut, good to see you here.

from what i've seen of G-S thus far, we've had a few teething problems, but on the whole, it's good. there's been some open, intelligent discussion of judaism without it degenerating to name-calling, and there have been no bannings for partaking in civil conversation (that i've seen, one problem is that you can't easily tell who has been banned, but i think i've been keeping up and it's very few so far). moderation thus far has been much more even handed than GIM became/perhaps is in its new incarnation from what i've heard.

Hi Unarian. Good to see you here too. Thanks for the heads up. Things are already settling down. I guess many members had to go through the 5 stages of loss until acceptance prevailed. For some reason I didn’t feel any anxiety or anger. I was writing on the old GIM for about 7 years and was an early member thanks to G-Khan’s help in getting me started. I hadn’t written anything for almost 40 years before that; didn’t even know that I was capable of writing anything coherently. So a huge thanks goes out to G-Khan for changing my life for the better.

I, like many of you here, had countless hours in putting my heart and soul into writing, reading and thinking about topics on the old GIM website. Maybe I don’t feel regret or anger because I got so much out of it and will be eternally grateful for what was and not feel bad because it ended.

And look at us now. A brand spanking new website with so many of the great old curmudgeons from the past. What more could we ask for ? Well, maybe that we could get along with the GIM2 members. If they see what we are doing and having a lot of learning and a lot of fun in the process, they may gravitate toward US as in Gold-Silver.US. Nothing succeeds like success.

Perhaps GIM2 will in time become a sister website to Gold-Silver.US . There is room for everyone because we write about the totality of life on this earth. So, so many topics to share.

Shouldn’t we be building bridges rather than burning bridges ?

Best wishes,


well said and welcome to the new show

12th April 2010, 01:44 PM
I, like many of you here, had countless hours in putting my heart and soul into writing, reading and thinking about topics on the old GIM website. Maybe I don’t feel regret or anger because I got so much out of it and will be eternally grateful for what was and not feel bad because it ended.

And look at us now. A brand spanking new website with so many of the great old curmudgeons from the past. What more could we ask for ? Well, maybe that we could get along with the GIM2 members. If they see what we are doing and having a lot of learning and a lot of fun in the process, they may gravitate toward US as in Gold-Silver.US. Nothing succeeds like success.

Perhaps GIM2 will in time become a sister website to Gold-Silver.US . There is room for everyone because we write about the totality of life on this earth. So, so many topics to share.

Shouldn’t we be building bridges rather than burning bridges ?

Best wishes,



This only confirms what I've long known, you are a gentleman par-excellence.

13th April 2010, 06:49 AM
I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

We all want your bartering and horse trading thread a sticky Agnut.


agnut - welcome! Take some time to get settled in, and after you get your bartering & horse trading thread up and running, send me a PM and I'll make sure it gets stickied.

Thanks madfranks. I am sending you a private message regarding posting the bartering and horse trading thread in its entirety. Also the silver musing series.

I’m settling in as fast as I can since I believe that time is of the essence since events are accelerating. Also, we need to not miss a beat in taking up where GIM left off (and picking up the tempo too).

Best wishes,


13th April 2010, 07:43 AM
Glad to see you here, agnut! Your bartering and horse-trading writings will be a huge asset to this forum. I wish I had your writing skill.

Glad to see you here, agnut! Your bartering and horse-trading writings will be a huge asset to this forum. I wish I had your writing skill.

Hi Hoarder and thanks. I hope to get the bartering and horse trading thread up as soon as the administrators/ moderators/big Kahunas tell me what to do.

As for my writing skills….that’s still up in the air. A bubble waiting to pop. Or a zit maybe. HaHa

Hoarder, I’ve read some of your past contributions on the old GIM website and you are no slouch. I hope you will continue educating here.

Best wishes,


P.S. Someday I hope to be able to write about Hoarders. The unsavory connotations flying around need to be targeted and shot down without prejudice.

15th April 2010, 06:15 AM
It seems obvious that there is something seriously amiss with regard to clear understanding of what a real Jew is and what he believes in. Are all Jews Zionists ? Are all Zionists Jews ? Were there even Zionists back in biblical times ? If not, when did Zionism begin ? And by whom ? And why ? What are the goals of Zionism and how are they supported by the Talmud, the early “bible of the original Jews ? How do the Jews, who can trace their lineage back to ancient times, look upon the Zionist Jews ? And many other questions.

The overview is that when we hear the word Zionist, we aren’t sure whether we are dealing with a religion or a political/economic movement.

Making it a crime to ask questions about such matters is anathema to mankind’s progress.

I will close such discussion but again recommend that it would be beneficial to further discuss in a fresh thread, if someone so chooses. Seeking out truth can be tedious at times but the rewards can be as spectacular as a warm sunny day after having had months of frigid stormy weather.

Can you imagine a 4X8 poster in someone’s front yard (you know who I’m thinking of) that says

“I’m anti-Zionist but NOT anti-Semitic” .

Makes you think. Makes others think.

Best wishes,


15th April 2010, 06:59 AM
I agree. I know I am very confused about the entire Jew/Zionist issue.

15th April 2010, 08:20 AM
Agnut :
This only confirms what I've long known, you are a gentleman par-excellence.

High praise indeed. HaHa Thanks.

In the movie Blast From The Past I remember one of the characters describing what a gentleman was. He said it was someone who did their best to make others comfortable. This is what I hope all here will endeavor to share with each other.

Best wishes,


Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. -Martin H. Fischer

“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” - Helen Keller

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. -John Kenneth Galbraith

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

And last but not least :

When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness. -Joseph Campbell

15th April 2010, 08:39 AM

I'm pleased that you made it here and will re-start the old thread. As for the other item of interest, intelligent discussion will help a lot of members, myself included, get a better understanding of the difference.

It's good to have you aboard with your ever courteous presence.


15th April 2010, 10:01 AM


To make you feel even more welcome, I broke your smite cherry.

Hi Market Neutral; couldn’t think of a better “partner” to have lost my cherry to.

Was it good for you too ?

Will you respect me in the morning ?

Are you going to call me ? When ?

OOOh ! You men are all alike !

Best wishes,


15th April 2010, 10:08 AM

I'm pleased that you made it here and will re-start the old thread. As for the other item of interest, intelligent discussion will help a lot of members, myself included, get a better understanding of the difference.

It's good to have you aboard with your ever courteous presence.


Hi Argenteum Telum. I just PMed madfranks and he has offered to help me get the thread downloaded. Gotta review it as we go along; might take a bit of time.

Best wishes,


16th April 2010, 01:39 PM
I hope that the moderators will give me a sticky place where I may continue with the bartering and horse trading thread. We’ll see.

We all want your bartering and horse trading thread a sticky Agnut.



Ag's B&H was the first thread I read as a lurker at the old place.
Great material - I hope Ag has backups of all that info and we sticky it for posterity's sake and the benefit of those that had not had the opportunity to read it.


B&HT got me on GIM1 as well, changed my life in more ways than one.

16th April 2010, 05:40 PM
You gonna get that whole bartering and horse trading thread on here Agnut, I had a lot of valuable posts on that thread and it was my all time favorite thread on any forum anywhere, the info in that thread was absolutely priceless. I am still making a lot of money in reselling items I find at yard sales and such, its a great way to make money if youy have a knack for finding valuable in demand items for pennies. I would love to share more of my experiences should you get that thread going again, what area will it be in here?

I would also love to take part in any discussion about Zionism, as you may or may not know I am Jewish but I dont practice Judaism any longer, I do not take issue with those who have a problem with radical Zionists but not all Zionists are radical any more than all Christians are extremist fundamentalists and it is important to acknowledge this lest you appear ignorant and bigoted. Also I take great issue with those who claim the Holocaust didnt happen, they had a memorial last week of NON JEWS who were part of the LIBERATION effort and saw it all with their own eyes, are we to assume they are all part of the hoax also, and if so, to what f*cking end?

April 7, 2010
Ceremony to be Webcast Live on Thursday, April 15, at 11:30 A.M. EDT at www.ushmm.org
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In what may be one of their final national gatherings, 120 World War II veterans who helped liberate the Nazi concentration camps will reunite to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the end of the war and pay tribute to the survivors as well as their wartime comrades. The gathering will include those who entered the camps immediately as well as those who followed, all attempting to bring not only freedom, but aid and compassion to the survivors. They include American soldiers from all backgrounds, including Japanese Americans whose families were interned in the U.S. and many others who saw the German camps first-hand. In honor of the anniversary of liberation, the Museum has designated “Stories of Freedom: What You Do Matters” as this year’s remembrance theme.

General David H. Petraeus will be the featured speaker at the National Days of Remembrance ceremony in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on April 15. General Petraeus led the 101st Airborne Division in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During World War II, the 101st liberated Landsberg, a subcamp of Dachau, and will be represented at the ceremony. The ceremony will be Webcast live at 11:30 a.m. EDT at www.ushmm.org.

From April 11 through April 18, the Museum is leading the nation’s annual Days of Remembrance commemorating the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust as well as the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution. The Rotunda event is the national ceremony, and hundreds of other observances take place in communities, state houses, city halls, churches, synagogues, and military installations worldwide.

“We are thrilled to be honoring the liberators and recognizing their heroism as well as their important role as the first eyewitnesses to the Holocaust,” said Fred S. Zeidman, Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “As we pay tribute to those who sacrificed to defeat Nazism, we are reminded of the obligation each of us has to work to preserve human freedom by confronting hatred wherever it occurs.”

In addition to the invitation-only Rotunda event, the Museum is holding public names reading ceremonies in honor of the victims of the Holocaust, daily from Sunday, April 11 to Wednesday, April 14 in the Museum’s Hall of Remembrance from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. EDT. Persons interested in participating in the names reading are encouraged to come to the Museum during those hours or visit www.ushmm.org/dor to reserve a specific time slot. More information about the Days of Remembrance and the 2010 theme is also available at the site.

A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders to promote human dignity, confront hatred, and prevent genocide. Federal support guarantees the Museum’s permanent place on the National Mall, and its far-reaching educational programs and global impact are made possible by generous supporters nationwide. For more information, visit www.ushmm.org.

MEDIA: All media must have Capitol Hill press credentials to cover the April 15 event in the Rotunda. To acquire credentials, please contact the appropriate Gallery. Space is limited. Media should RSVP with the appropriate Gallery and can contact the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for more information.

To those who deny it happened, as we really supposed to assume ALL THESE PEOPLE are liars or would it be a safer bet to assume you are just delusional?

2nd May 2010, 12:35 AM
To those who deny it happened, as we really supposed to assume ALL THESE PEOPLE are liars or would it be a safer bet to assume you are just delusional?


These videos prove it is a hoax...lol.


2nd May 2010, 01:50 AM
I wonder how the testimony of liberators of camps that were not deathcamps can be evidence of the holocaust... No doubt many people died at the end of the war from starvation due to the supply routes were destroyed, but none of US forces ever arrived to liberate camps that were supposedly death camps, they were all in the Soviet sector....

2nd May 2010, 09:48 AM
Most people think only about "those" people when they see anything about the liberation of the death camps....... "those" people consisted of only about 7% of all those in the camps........is the way that "they" have trained you to think.