View Full Version : Who Wants Continuation of War in Afghanistan?

11th April 2010, 06:51 PM
US Defense Secretary, Robert Gate told a US Senate committee that it was not the right time to start peace talks with Taliban. He said the right time would be when Taliban are weakened to the verge of accepting all US conditions. Similarly, US president Barack Obama has said that the US forces would remain in Afghanistan for a long time in order to ensure that no attack is launched against USA from that country. Seeing the tempo of the spreading of the influence of the Islamic Emirate, the enemy’s dream to defeat the Jihadic movement in the country will never come true, nor will they be weakened to the point to accept all American colonialist terms and conditions. However, by adopting this unrealistic approach, Washington will only prolong the war in the country, resulting into growing miseries for the people.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has explained time and again that as an official policy, it will never allow the soil of Afghanistan to be used against any other country and is ready to provide guarantee in this regard. However, the foreign invading forces should withdraw from Afghanistan completely and immediately. Being a home-grown nationalist Islamic movement, the Islamic Emirate agenda is focused on reconstruction and development of the country, prosperity of the people, mutual cooperation with friendly countries, establishment of justice and peace, eradication of graft and corruption and non- interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

In contrast, the US rulers have been following a narrow-minded colonialist agenda in collaboration with the Northern Alliance led by some notorious warlords whose manifesto is based on Pashtun racial cleansing. The warlords of the Northern Alliance also give distorted information to the White House rulers and to the Pentagon generals aimed at prolonging the war. Thus they want to keep the flames of war flaring up in the country and cash in on the American lack of knowledge of domestic rivalries and their arrogance.

By capitalizing on this weakness of the invaders, the warlords are holding top slots in the government and have amassed hundreds of millions of dollars through cash privileges and contracts bestowed on them by the Americans. However, if the US keeps continuing this one-sided policy, the day is near when they will end up approaching a precipice of collapse and total disintegration. Example of the former Soviet Union is before them. For one decade, rulers of the former Soviet Union were not able to wriggle themselves free from the Afghan tangle through a sagacious initiative of early withdrawal from the country. This cost them their survival as a political system.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has put forward its objective before the entire world in unambiguous words, i.e. that we want:

1. Complete withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.
2. Liberation of the country.
3. Establishment of an Islamic system in the country based on the aspirations of the people.
4. Rehabilitation, development and prosperity of the people.
5. Participation of all pious and talented Mujahid Afghans in the government from all racial groups.

Members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have decided to achieve these goals- be them through peaceful means or through jihadic options.

So one can see clearly, that the American agenda in Afghanistan is not based on the so-called fighting terrorism rather it is based on occupation of the country to achieve its strategic goals in Asia. The problem is, Washington is not ready to give the right of liberation to the Afghans by pulling out of Afghanistan. They are bent on maintaining their domination in the country by raising fatuous slogans of democracy and human rights while they are the most flagrant violators of human rights and democratic values. Their aim to publicize the war on terrorism is to provide them justification for the presence of American troops in Afghanistan.

11th April 2010, 07:07 PM
If we were to stop wars then these nation would die........what the hell do I mean by this? damn if I know, but I know that I am right.

Waiting for the draft.........will they take a 70 year old (young) man? well, they did call a 63 years old from the national guard.

11th April 2010, 07:25 PM
Bring all our soldiers home, close down ALL foreign bases.... END THE MIC.

Park the navies off the east and west coast....defensive posture only.

Time to speak softly and carry a big stick... LEAVE US ALONE, AND WE WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE.

11th April 2010, 07:38 PM
Because of the damage that we have done to the world there will be a payback, even if we were to quit the wars of liberation.

11th April 2010, 08:03 PM
Because of the damage that we have done to the world there will be a payback, even if we were to quit the wars of liberation.

I agree!! We have pissed a lot of nations off including a few allies. We are damned if we do or damned if we don't!

11th April 2010, 09:26 PM
Because of the damage that we have done to the world there will be a payback, even if we were to quit the wars of liberation.

I agree!! We have pissed a lot of nations off including a few allies. We are damned if we do or damned if we don't!

Indeed the American government has pissed off a lot of people. However one has to start somewhere and it would be more prudent for the current administration to keep its campaign promises (who am I kidding politicians lie, cheat and steal to get into office) and pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan and close its bases worldwide. In doing so they strengthen their home defenses, and they save themselves hundreds of billions in the process, but maybe that’s a bit too logical an idea to be implemented.

Too many successive American administrations have seen themselves as the world police force and in my opinion have led to more chaos and discord then if they were to have let things run their course. Defense of their own country and people is a more noble endeavor then bringing “freedom and democracy” to those that don’t want it..


11th April 2010, 10:00 PM
The slow drain of American manpower and material, through military misadventures is part of the policy to destroy America. There is no constitutional authority for an undeclared unWar. But since the bankruptcy and reorganization, the Creditor prefers a nation burdened with perpetual world wide conflict. And the Congress, as trustee in bankruptcy, dutifully obeys.

Of course, it is 100% voluntary, so until consent is withdrawn, we cannot object nor complain.

11th April 2010, 10:33 PM
If we were to stop wars then these nation would die........what the hell do I mean by this? damn if I know, but I know that I am right.

Waiting for the draft.........will they take a 70 year old (young) man? well, they did call a 63 years old from the national guard.

Although I do agree that America relies on militarism and such, there was a recent article mentioning a decent amount (some) layoffs in I think the Air Force throughout 2010. But just imagine either war coming to an end or some of the hundreds of bases around the world coming back home to America...talk about even higher unemployment numbers and who knows what else that those in charge don't want to see.

This shit will never end with the morons in place right now running things. War is IN! Get ready for the next one, although I don't see a draft in the future, ever...IMO.

12th April 2010, 01:33 AM
None of these wars would exist if there was a draft.

12th April 2010, 01:40 AM
The question every Amercian should ask themselves when it comes to war is this,

Is it worth the life of my child?

If you answer no, then the war is not justifiable to you, regardless of the political ramifications.

The problem is, the people making the decision to send America's youth off to die, don't really care if it's your kid or my kid. But, it damn sure isn't going to be their kid.

That's why guys like Dick Cheney got 5 draft deferments in Vietnam. Their wealth and connections, insulate them from what the rest of us have to deal with.

12th April 2010, 03:57 AM
None of these wars would exist if there was a draft.

I have said the same repeatedly. If we go to war the first thing thing we should do is start the draft.
Give everyone with a support our troops bumper sticker a m4 and a ruck.

We would have a lot less war.

12th April 2010, 07:15 AM
Cornelius, I gave you the pen and you wrote part of what I had mind, thanks.

Noob? that's no longer true because by saying that "We support the troops" we are then approving of the governments action........to me that would be like the Nazi era where the only excuse was........"I was only obeying orders"

Those fighting kids have a "mind" of their own and should know that shooting unarmed civilians for sport is wrong.

12th April 2010, 09:58 AM
by saying that "We support the troops" we are then approving of the governments action
It much better to say "Support our troops. Bring them home to guard our borders"

There can be only one reason we have been engaged in wars that have absolutely no strategic value to the people of the United States. The contradiction is blatant...we have tyrannical laws like the so-called "Patriot Act" yet our borders are wide open and our rulers like it that way.

It's really obvious........CUI BONO?

12th April 2010, 10:09 AM
Bring all our soldiers home, close down ALL foreign bases.... END THE MIC.

Park the navies off the east and west coast....defensive posture only.

Time to speak softly and carry a big stick... LEAVE US ALONE, AND WE WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE.

This message is so simple, that our fellow Americans can not grasp it! Our Neo-Cons and other vested interests have convinced them non intervention = isolationists = leprosy.

12th April 2010, 10:17 AM
The slow drain of American manpower and material, through military misadventures is part of the policy to destroy America. There is no constitutional authority for an undeclared unWar. But since the bankruptcy and reorganization, the Creditor prefers a nation burdened with perpetual world wide conflict. And the Congress, as trustee in bankruptcy, dutifully obeys.

Of course, it is 100% voluntary, so until consent is withdrawn, we cannot object nor complain.

Not all congress critters vote us into undeclared wars. If our fellow Americans could begin to wake-up and quit supporting those who do. Real change could begin. I know it would be a awfully big step, getting Americans to see the light, but we must keep trying, it is part of the message I've been preaching for many years now.

Keep on rocking in the free world.

12th April 2010, 10:20 AM
None of these wars would exist if there was a draft.

I'm not so sure, our history during the Viet Nam years says otherwise.

12th April 2010, 12:15 PM
None of these wars would exist if there was a draft.

I'm not so sure, our history during the Viet Nam years says otherwise.
Good point. What cannot be done with the draft can be done by governmedia propaganda. The end result is the same; sucker young minds of mush into getting themselves maimed or killed for nothing.

12th April 2010, 12:18 PM
Anyone who wants "cheap" oil.

12th April 2010, 12:26 PM
None of these wars would exist if there was a draft.

I'm not so sure, our history during the Viet Nam years says otherwise.
Good point. What cannot be done with the draft can be done by governmedia propaganda. The end result is the same; sucker young minds of mush into getting themselves maimed or killed for nothing.


They sell it to our kids on teevee.

12th April 2010, 03:05 PM
Book, is it too late for me to join the Army?