View Full Version : Somalis in Minneapolis: their numbers are growing and theyre bringing expensive

11th April 2010, 08:49 PM
The St. Patrick’s Day festivities meant something much different for the couple in their 80s from Minneapolis than for the other revelers at the local American Legion Post on Florida’s Treasure Coast.

Within days the couple would be returning home to a Minnesota suburb now changed forever by the huge influx of Somali immigrants whose behavior had forced them to move from their familiar neighborhood.

“They are taught how to flush,” Marie (not her real name) said. She began to describe how the émigrés are taught how to use and flush a toilet, how to turn on kitchen faucets to get hot and cold water and how to use a stove in a house built in Somalia expressly to teach immigrants to the United States how to behave in their new surroundings

Then she went on to reminiscence on her over 80 years of living in her beloved country. One of 11 children of Eastern European descent, she said, “We spoke English.” The life she and her husband lived was one of hard work, diligence and respect for our country. When she said they had to move away from the home they worked hard to pay for, her voice became sadder. Describing how the Somalis bring home their groceries in the metal carts and just discard them along the streets and sidewalks, frustrated Marie. When she asked one woman why she didn’t return the carts, she was told that someone from the store always comes along and picks them up. In that small detail, Marie revealed a totally different mindset from America’s earlier immigrants than from what she and her husband were confronting today.

Somali immigration trends in Minnesota have exponentially grown from 1990 when fewer than 5,000 residents were born in Africa, to the estimated 25,000 Somali residents by 2004 “with no signs of slowing down.” Most are Sunni Muslims.

Brought initially to the northern state by do-gooder missionaries, the Somalis readily found welcoming social services, health and educational opportunities in the mostly left leaning state’s bureaucracy. But a far darker unintended consequence of Somali immigration has reared its head in the high number of their children born in America with autism. Dr. Sanne Magnan, Minnesota state health commissioner, said a recent study seems to confirm that “Somali children in this country experience higher levels of severe autism.”

Idil Abdull, mother of an autistic child, said, “Yes, there is a problem. . .I know there are Somalis whose kids are under the bed and not taken anywhere. . .” The study concluded the Somalis were two to seven times more likely as other pupils to be in autistic classrooms. What is not included in the NEW YORK TIMES article is any estimate of the enormous cost to taxpayers of educating even one autistic child, let alone a burgeoning population of such pupils. Rightful consideration must be given to hard working American taxpayers and residents like Marie and her husband who all over this country are being forced to pay for and adjust to the inordinate strains of immigration, either legal or illegal, while liberal politicians and liberal media souhttp://www.collinsreport.net/2010/04/11/somalis-in-minneapolis-their-numbers-are-growing-and-theyre-bringing-expensive-autistic-children/rces continue to ignore them.

11th April 2010, 08:53 PM
How can you tell a Somali is autistic? They all seem borderline retarded to me, and I know quite a few. They are a cancer on the taxi community here in AZ.

12th April 2010, 05:02 AM
i have a family member who is a gp who frequently treats them. they stab each other all the time, throw medicines away instead of taking them, beat their wives, and live 30 people to a house (spreading the flu, whooping cough, etc. like wildfire).

his town is full of them. a turkey plant brings them in from minneapolis, and then they all get fired after about 3 months. they end up hanging around town causing problems and living off social services. i have nothing good to say about the subject.

12th April 2010, 07:06 AM
How can you tell a Somali is autistic? They all seem borderline retarded to me, and I know quite a few. They are a cancer on the taxi community here in AZ.

olmstein " gets it" here... kudos.

12th April 2010, 10:28 PM
Go check out the gas station right before the exit to lindbergh terminal. There is a huge taxi operation there. These guys have chicken fights where they are all betting on the chickens, but the chickens are cab drivers. It's very interesting to watch how they behave as you fill up the rent-a-reck and double check for your wallet. In general a very rude bunch, to be stereotypical about it. Another day in the brownout of Amerika.

12th April 2010, 10:33 PM
If evolution be true... we have some races closer to apes than others... and with those traits come ape-like behavior. Or...

12th April 2010, 10:41 PM
My GF and I had to go to the University of MN main campus this weekend. HOLY shiznit there were a lot of Somalians running around. It was pretty freeky being so close to all of them walking around in garments. They don't really like the rest of the population that much. No eye contact and they walked in groups of two or more ignoring our presence as much as possible. All cell phone conversations were in their native language. We saw a rat scurry out of a market and bolt across the street. My gf and I looked at each other and then back at the sewer rat in sheer amazement.

That thing was as big as a cat, I swear!!!

13th April 2010, 05:17 AM
there's a whole crapload of them that live in an apartment complex down by 19th avenue south. it looks like a third world country. laundry sheets hanging out of windows, 50 people with no shirts on out running around in the street, random shit strewn everywhere. next time you're down there go take a look. 19th avenue south right off the freeway exit.

General of Darkness
13th April 2010, 07:31 AM
I thought that Somalis were nation builders, isn't that a reason people would let them into any nation. oo-->

13th April 2010, 09:33 AM
I spent a week in Portland, Maine and there is a shitpot full of them there also. Filthy buggers. I axed a colleague what the deal was and he said the Catholic church had been bringing them in as part of a humanitarian effort.

Of course the crime rate there has exploded. Imagine that.

willie pete
13th April 2010, 09:54 AM
When I hear of Somalis, the first thing I think of are pirates hijacking oil tankers

13th April 2010, 10:09 AM
I axed a colleague what the deal was and he said the Catholic church had been bringing them in as part of a humanitarian effort.

I'm a Catholic, but some of these Catholic "charities" (and other Christian "charities") are communist fronts. Be careful where your money is donated.

Some people involved in these airlifts may have good intentions, but I can't see how the majority involved can't see the evil of bringing Muslims, who blame the U.S.A for the destruction of their country, into our neighborhoods. It's suicidal.

13th April 2010, 10:23 AM
Welcome to the "Multicultural soup bowl" that is known as the pre-pubescent NWO.

13th April 2010, 10:24 AM
Something that I have noticed........ they are placing a consentration of overseas refugees in different part of the country, easy to do with a map and a pencil.

13th April 2010, 10:27 AM
Based on the past pattern established by the CFR, (8 yrs Rep, 8 years Dem, repeat. This excluded FDR) TPTB should have enough somalis placed so that by the time Obama serves his second term they can somehow incite a race-based revolution.

I'm not forcasting, I'm just saying.

General of Darkness
13th April 2010, 10:38 AM
Based on the past pattern established by the CFR, (8 yrs Rep, 8 years Dem, repeat. This excluded FDR) TPTB should have enough somalis placed so that by the time Obama serves his second term they can somehow incite a race-based revolution.

I'm not forcasting, I'm just saying.

Could be, but I'm not intimidated by the skinnies. :CS

13th April 2010, 11:03 AM
I can see it now.

This is Stewart Brockley with your eye-in-the-sky traffic news here on WRPT Channel 7.

It looks like we have a couple of blocked off lanes down by the interstate here this
morning with heavy congestion all the way down to...(whooshing noise is heard
followed by a trail of smoke) what the heck was that!!

Pilot: Looked like a...a missile!

Brockley: Wait a minute, aim down there! Yeah, there, by the rooftops.
Folks, it looks like we have some Somalian residents waving at the helicopter with some sort
of super soaker. My goodness, what a lovely bunch of peopl...is that an....



It looks like we have a newschopper down, we have a newschopper down. Thank you Brockley. And now Karen with the weather.

mick silver
13th April 2010, 11:13 AM
that just one reason you need to move out of citys as fast as you can

13th April 2010, 11:16 AM
I thought that Somalis were nation builders, isn't that a reason people would let them into any nation. oo-->


Working as planned by ZOG.

mick silver
13th April 2010, 11:40 AM
why is Israel not letting them in there country ,

13th April 2010, 11:47 AM
So why are we still bringing them over here?

13th April 2010, 11:53 AM
So why are we still bringing them over here?

The destruction of Western Civilization and the White race in general is one of the main objectives of "TPTB". Hence the genocide through immigration and other methods such as "White guilt".

13th April 2010, 12:01 PM
Brent, by 2,050 only 15-17 of the US population will be Anglo white..........with the majority being Latinos.

13th April 2010, 12:10 PM
Ponce, by 2050 only 5 to 9% of the population will be alive.

Refer to the massive depopulation programs outlined in the Global 2000 Report.

13th April 2010, 12:12 PM
OK, in that case only 15-17% of those 5-9% will be Anglo whites :laugh

13th April 2010, 12:20 PM

13th April 2010, 12:30 PM
Brent, by 2,050 only 15-17 of the US population will be Anglo white..........with the majority being Latinos.

Exactly my point.

There is a planned and deliberate genocide of the White race currently ongoing. You are a perfect example of this. Before the Jews opened our borders your kind would have never been allowed to live here.

16th April 2010, 05:44 AM
Brent, by 2,050 only 15-17 of the US population will be Anglo white..........with the majority being Latinos.

then it will cease to BE America.....name one country, state, neighborhood that latinos havent totally turned into a sheeeothole!

16th April 2010, 06:32 AM
I can't help but think this is an intentional move to destroy America from within. New Hampshire is 98% Caucasian. There are groups in the Concord area that are bringing in Somali refugees by the boatload. Everything that has said to have been seen happening above, we see happening in our state capital. When the final battle lines are drawn which side do you think they will be on?

16th April 2010, 06:34 AM
somebody had an awesome thread about this on gim1, only the subject was ireland. they had a shitload of pics to go with the story. i don't remember the refugess that were brought in, but it was shocking how much the society had been destroyed. i wish i could have saved it, it was that much of a wake up call.

16th April 2010, 06:41 AM
I can't help but think this is an intentional move to destroy America from within.
You're just noticing this now?

somebody had an awesome thread about this on gim1, only the subject was ireland....

.... i wish i could have saved it, it was that much of a wake up call.

Maybe if you email the grand orient masonic lodge in Minnesota and ask nicely, they will rip it off the archived GIM databank onto a disc for you.

16th April 2010, 07:44 AM
USA = anti-white third world sh1t hole


30th April 2010, 11:24 AM
so many great posts here, worth a re-read imo.

30th April 2010, 06:10 PM
If evolution be true... we have some races closer to apes than others... and with those traits come ape-like behavior. Or...

Hmmmmm, yep.

27th March 2022, 06:05 AM
Minneapolis Mosques Will Be Allowed to Blast Call to Prayer on Outdoor Loud Speakers All Year Round