View Full Version : Soros Warns Europe of Disintegration Over Greece

12th April 2010, 08:53 PM
The euro zone is at a dangerous brink, says billionaire investor George Soros, unless Germany agrees to lend money to Greece at below-market rates.

"It is 50-50 whether the euro zone breaks up," Soros says. "The damage that breakup would cause is so great, that I think that as people realize it, they will pull back from the brink."

He told the Financial Times that "we are at the brink now ... a solution has to be found in a matter of days."

If “Greece has to borrow at 6 or 7 percent, it cannot make the target,” Soros says.

“The IMF is in the business of making emergency loans with conditions and that is what Greece needs.”

Soros notes that “having a common currency was very sensible for a common market,” but added that if “the political will to keep Europe together” is lacking, disintegration is the most likely result.

“Currency traders find it very difficult right now to speculate because public opinion is very much aroused,” Soros observes. “If I were running a hedge fund now, I would be wary of making money because the political consequences would be too severe.”

Soros, who became a billionaire by betting against the Bank of England almost 20 years ago, also says he doubts that hedge funds are playing much of a role in the current crisis because “there is a kind of witch-hunt looking for someone who is profiting.”

Economists say that the weekend pledge by euro zone leaders to provide Greece with 30 billion euros ($40.3 billion) in loans should ensure Athens can meet its near-term funding needs.

"The deal still needs unanimous EU backing before it is made operational, so we are not there yet,” Kenneth Broux, senior market economist at Lloyds TSB, told MarketWatch.

“But at least we know how the plumbing looks like if Greece struggles to rollover short- and longer-term funding."

12th April 2010, 09:03 PM
They just got a bailout,
next year or two they will
be back to this point, the brink.

If the Greeks were sovereign they would
do the right thing, no IMF style austerity,
exit from Euro, devaluation, limiting imports
and encouraging exports with THEIR currency,
they cannot do this now, the current account
would be addressed , etc, one of the main
underlying problems , exactly the same story
that Peter Schiff tells about the USA ,
the underlying problem, current account deficit.

All EU countries that have current account deficits
are bleeding and all will eventually face problems,
even Italy has this problem.

Just read a report, Latvia has been destroyed
by IMF style measures, unemployment rocketed
to 25 % .

This is what they will do to Greece,
the government is traitorous dummies.

And they will rig the markets, game them, make
big big money trading bonds and currencies
with perfect timing as they engineer all of this.
Lots of info out there showing this already.

12th April 2010, 09:06 PM
Why do evil people live so damn long? ???
If this bastard says Greece needs a loan from the IMF, they should tell them to stick it up their ass and do the opposite.

12th April 2010, 09:08 PM
Iceland was the test country. It is interesting to see how they have evolved the procedures to even plunder more loot as they hop from country to country.

12th April 2010, 09:19 PM
The people are clueless, just this Easter weekend
was with family for 2 days, they are asking me what
is going on, and at this point I am not saying much.

I said,

" if you do not understand what is going on in the USA
and who is in charge and involved it would be very difficult
to grasp what is happening in Greece, and I don't claim
to understand " , "and I can show you you tube videos
where the congress of the USA cannot get answers too " ,
" they are going to destroy Greece " , " property values
will plummet " "get ready for it" .

What do you guys think ? It's close family and they have
heard me speak on FED, USD, inflation, bubbles, trade issues,
since going back to even before I joined GIM, back then I started
with M3 discussion. I never start discussion, ever .
Some are semi aware and show hope then
they open their mouths sometimes and I want to scream.
My sister is famous for this. And she read some threads on gim
and agora too, and still, and she works for a bank as Sr person. LOL

12th April 2010, 09:32 PM
Usury is mathematically impossible to pay in a finite money token system.
Usury is an abomination.
Usury has been denounced for over 3500 years.
Usury is a scam to legally rob.
Usury is the reason for chaos, and until folks shun usury, it won't ever get better.