View Full Version : Why Americans are so unhappy

13th April 2010, 06:09 AM
Just wanted to get this out, throw stones at me at will.

I have a bunch of friends from various countries, and I can get various opinions on this country. Typically, 3 types of people REALLY like America:
1) people who see opportunities, or who lived in a place back home with very limited opportunities (such as small towns).
2) people who were poor back home. here you can get all food and shelter you want just by going to work
3) women. foreign women really like this place as you have a lot of quality males who don't drink and work arse off, with a good house, a car etc. your laws are pro-women (or should I put anti-male), they love credit cards and shopping.

The most unhappy group IMHO - MALES.

Males are generally overworked, under-loved (very low number of quality females available).
A lot of folks I know who immigrated young, or if their parents immigrated and who are well off, are traveling A LOT to get some REAL (not BS) women action.

Here's Happy Planet Index:

USA is #150

So, this is a controversial question, not to start a fight or anything...but.

---Who cares if gold is or isn't money if you are not happy?

13th April 2010, 06:13 AM
:sun: happiness most be seperate from external forces :sun:

13th April 2010, 06:19 AM
cortez, I don't ask latinos or south americans :banrasta

:banrasta http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Drinks/drinking-34.gif http://smileyman.net/english/Media/sex_have-t-25.gif

13th April 2010, 07:52 AM
I would say 'most' Americans arent happy because either their favorite team (Red or Blue) told them so, or their most liked tv personality told them so. When the propaganda machine says stand, they stand. When it says sit, they sit.

I have gotten in conversations too many to list, where the person i am talking to will start to repeat talking points they heard on the MSM. Or spewing something they heard on their favorite radio talkshow. Mockingbird, Mockingbird, Mockingbird. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

The reality is most Americans, even in this economy and with what is happening all around them, still believe that if they could just vote their 'team' into office, they could fix that others guys 'team', and show him they can make this country better. FOR THEM.

It is only when they feel that their personal lives are being effected, that they will actually hit pause on the TV recorder, get up out of the recliner, grab a pen and paper, and write a damn letter! Watch out!

And are you ready for the TRUTH? Americans are unhappy because they are convinced that the blame is to be put on the Government, CONgress, State Reps, The Fed's, all the alphabet agencies, and their boss'. But the ugly truth is that the blame needs to be placed directly on the one who stares back at you in the mirror.

There is only a small percentage that truly can stand under what has, is, and will happen(ed). Those people usually end up being demonized by the demons themselves.

13th April 2010, 08:12 AM
Men can be unhappy in our system if they follow the path that our society preaches.

Go to school, get a good job, buy a house, get married, have 2.4 kids...etc. As our economy has shown us, there isn't jobs for everyone. As our divorce rates skyrocket, 50%. That's 1 out of 2 men, who's had that path shattered.

Men are taught our value is set by a dollar amount, and by gaining praise from women. Men tend to think themselves as failures if they lose jobs, get divorced, or can't get dates with women.

There is too many external things, that affect our egos and our personal value.

But if you see right through all that BS...being a guy in America is great....and travelling is great too. I like women who smile, which you don't see much here. Strangers smiling at each other. Men, it's good to travel too.

13th April 2010, 08:19 AM
wow, 2 replies, and 2 smites. I either missed the point completely, or it hits too "home" that nobody wants to talk about? or everyone's busy "working" :dunno ....jeez, see if your life doesn't go by and you all will still be "working"... :taunt:

But the ugly truth is that the blame needs to be placed directly on the one who stares back at you in the mirror.

I hear what you are saying, Sui Juris. It is just weird to see how comfortable people are in their own denial and delusions...."we are #1"... "best country to live in"...

I like being outdoors, walking or running, or biking. We walk every evening with my wife around our neighborhood). After 6 pm it is practically deserted. But you can sure see that TV is on in every freakin' house.

We also go to a local "plaza" that kinda sorta could have a potential to be a people's hang-out place, we see european teens hanging out there because it has an ice cream and a coffee shop, and tables outside. This is the only place to hang out in this part (it is a border of a very large city). Most places to hang out you need to drive 30 minutes or more. I still don't understand WHY this place hasn't been built up better to suite hanging out, you need to unpave a part of it an put a fountain, and tables etc., and kick out a furniture store and make it into something - like a theater or whatnot...where people would be interested to come in. And then you need a walkway above (or below) the street to plaza across.... I mean this is basic stuff everyone in city planning understands - in Europe and South America. And it isn't expensive. And people WILL COME, 'cause they've got nowhere else to go but to grab their cars, drive around, and then go back to their TVs.

America, what's wrong?

And so that you don't think I am just running my mouth...Me and my hot eastern european wife are off to Virgin Islands tomorrow, so you have fun here trading gold for silver and back.

13th April 2010, 08:33 AM
Men can be unhappy in our system if they follow the path that our society preaches.

I totally agree, it is clear as day here.

I like women who smile, which you don't see much here. Strangers smiling at each other. Men, it's good to travel too.

That is the strangest thing about america. people actually say "hi" to you here on the street, which is unusual for most other world, but they would either fail to make an eye contact, or won't smile, etc. and women...they just don't smile or make eye contact at all.

13th April 2010, 08:47 AM
Funny how most of those countries in the top of the "happy" list are those same countries with fewer $s in their pockets.


13th April 2010, 09:06 AM
I honestly think the problem is television. People watch TV and believe they're entitled to the same life they see. I can't tell you how many friends and family members wish for this and that but don't want to put in the work to achieve it.

TV and entitlement mentality are my answers to your question.

philo beddoe
13th April 2010, 09:11 AM
wow, 2 replies, and 2 smites. I either missed the point completely, or it hits too "home" that nobody wants to talk about? or everyone's busy "working" :dunno ....jeez, see if your life doesn't go by and you all will still be "working"... :taunt:

But the ugly truth is that the blame needs to be placed directly on the one who stares back at you in the mirror.

I hear what you are saying, Sui Juris. It is just weird to see how comfortable people are in their own denial and delusions...."we are #1"... "best country to live in"...

I like being outdoors, walking or running, or biking. We walk every evening with my wife around our neighborhood). After 6 pm it is practically deserted. But you can sure see that TV is on in every freakin' house.

We also go to a local "plaza" that kinda sorta could have a potential to be a people's hang-out place, we see european teens hanging out there because it has an ice cream and a coffee shop, and tables outside. This is the only place to hang out in this part (it is a border of a very large city). Most places to hang out you need to drive 30 minutes or more. I still don't understand WHY this place hasn't been built up better to suite hanging out, you need to unpave a part of it an put a fountain, and tables etc., and kick out a furniture store and make it into something - like a theater or whatnot...where people would be interested to come in. And then you need a walkway above (or below) the street to plaza across.... I mean this is basic stuff everyone in city planning understands - in Europe and South America. And it isn't expensive. And people WILL COME, 'cause they've got nowhere else to go but to grab their cars, drive around, and then go back to their TVs.

America, what's wrong?

And so that you don't think I am just running my mouth...Me and my hot eastern european wife are off to Virgin Islands tomorrow, so you have fun here trading gold for silver and back.

13th April 2010, 10:32 AM
grd? you are right.......what they see overseas about the US goes to them by means of TV and what they see is what they want, and not really what remains hidden.

13th April 2010, 11:29 AM
Happiness is not having "authorities" telling you what you have to do all the time. It has gotten to the point where being left alone to responsibly conduct your life is getting harder to do. Just the trend of invasion into my personal privacy by the surveillance cameras, cops with all of their technology to instantly scan your license plates, having to get your drivers license scanned to go your kids school or a background check to be involved in school activities, instant financial info gathered on data bases...I think I liked everything being on paper and the cumbersome task of having to physically search for info and mail it from one place to the next...those were the days.

I'm not liking what we are becoming.

13th April 2010, 01:18 PM
I'm not liking what we are becoming.

Nor do I, now get back to posting. :whip

Appreciate your words.

mick silver
13th April 2010, 02:07 PM
this is why .... becase we pay for the ones who do nothing and get every thing

13th April 2010, 02:56 PM
actually no, you are paying for people in USA who feel they are entitled to stuff. most people in "poor" countries were somewhat poor before US was there, and became even poorer when US came in.

but if you think so, then stop paying. what I originally liked about GIM was that there are people here who think outside the box.

13th April 2010, 04:30 PM
"Why Americans are so unhappy"

Because, by and large we're spoiled rotten to the core and are filled with the gimme, gimme, gimme, selfish assed whining attitudes that can think only of themselves.

14th April 2010, 06:17 AM
Funny how most of those countries in the top of the "happy" list are those same countries with fewer $s in their pockets.
when one has nothing and something comes ones way. that person is usually thankful and appreciative. when one has everything and something comes ones way one just has one more of everything. less is more. more begats more!!