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View Full Version : Anger As School Tells Boys To Dress As Girls

14th April 2010, 06:01 AM
And the continued degeneration of the world we live in continues. how this even was given the green light with out others raising complaint beggars belief and the opening statement of the article is a right Perla, a pedophiles wet dream I would imagine. . .

An American school has been forced to axe a cross-dressing fashion show featuring eight-year-old boys in women's clothing.
Boys were told they could wear clothes including skirts and high heels

Parents in New Jersey were sent letters telling them their boys must wear female clothes - suggesting cheerleader outfits and poodle skirts
The show at Maude Wilkins Elementary School was supposed to mark Women's History Month, but sparked outrage from some mums.
"My son was very upset," said Janine Giandomenico. "He said, 'Mommy, please don't make me do this.'"

Stacy Bowen, a mother of two young children, added: "I was just so outraged. I find it completely alarming that a school would do this."
If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser. However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from.

An excerpt from the pack sent out to parents.
In a 16-page pack sent home with students, teacher Tonya Uibel informed parents that all students in her third grade class would have to participate in the activity.

The bundle included suggestions of how students may dress, including fashions from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
There were also photographs of fashion icons like Twiggy and Madonna.

"If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser," the pack said.

"However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from."

After objections students have now been asked instead to draw a picture of a person dressed in clothing from a specific era.
In a letter to parents head teacher Beth Narcia informed parents that the show, which was to be videotaped, had been cancelled.
She apologised for "any confusion or frustration" the assignment may have caused. Yeah that's going to make the whole situation better isn't it dear.


Nomen luni
14th April 2010, 06:07 AM
There is definitely an agenda, and it takes a strong man to speak against it.


14th April 2010, 06:11 AM
Hopefully this event will wake a few more people up to the reality of just how compromised our public school system has become. If one parent pulls their child out of the schools and starts actually teaching them, I consider this event a net gain.

14th April 2010, 06:15 AM
And yet again, my tax dollars going towards something I completely oppose.

14th April 2010, 08:00 AM
Idiotic schools.
Too many people working there with big visions that no one gives a damn about.
To the parents the school is daycare. To some of the teachers it's a wonderful opportunity to share enriching experiences and shape these young humans into bright young stars and get the family and community involved and lalalala lets run through the daisy fields and spin around with smiles upon our faces!
School should be like work, you go there, and once it's over you're free. No stupid crap to keep the parents involved or dumbass things where they need to dress up.

14th April 2010, 08:58 AM
Women's History Week ?

What a great idea !

It seems like there is a lot of information about Women's History that is not well known - how has the world evolved, and how that has affected the place of women in today's society.

Educating people about this at the school level would be a great idea.

I suggest they start with videos such as this :

mick silver
14th April 2010, 09:16 AM
and i have to pay taxes for sh*t like this

14th April 2010, 09:44 AM
The show at Maude Wilkins Elementary School was supposed to mark Women's History Month, but sparked outrage from some mums.



14th April 2010, 09:51 AM
..."If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser," the pack said.

"However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from."...

I'm confused.

Are the parents upset by the entire idea? The article clearly states they do not have to wear womans clothing but do have to wear something period appropriate and be able to explain the time period it came from.

14th April 2010, 06:16 PM
No, they DO have to wear women's clothes, just that it doesn't necessarily have to be a dress. For example a women's pants suit would be acceptable.

Isn't this whole thing...a little bit insulting to women?

..."If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser," the pack said.

"However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from."...

I'm confused.

Are the parents upset by the entire idea? The article clearly states they do not have to wear womans clothing but do have to wear something period appropriate and be able to explain the time period it came from.

14th April 2010, 06:31 PM
Do they make them wear blackface for "Black history Month"? ::)

Saul Mine
14th April 2010, 08:09 PM
Why can't boys be more like girls?

Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gspaoaecNAg)

Grand Master Melon
30th June 2010, 11:01 PM
It would have been funny, in a sick way, if some ballsy kid showed up in some of those Madonna pointy things and a bondage outfit or something that would make it obvious, as if it weren't already, that the whole idea was stupid.

1st July 2010, 12:00 AM
..."If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser," the pack said.

"However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from."...

I'm confused.

Are the parents upset by the entire idea? The article clearly states they do not have to wear womans clothing but do have to wear something period appropriate and be able to explain the time period it came from.

If this confuses one, then obviously a product of public skooling....

I would wear a speedo only... no top... LOL

1st July 2010, 05:41 AM
What a pathetic disgrace.

1st July 2010, 05:56 AM
..."If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trouser," the pack said.

"However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from."...

I'm confused.

Are the parents upset by the entire idea? The article clearly states they do not have to wear womans clothing but do have to wear something period appropriate and be able to explain the time period it came from.

If this confuses one, then obviously a product of public skooling....

I would wear a speedo only... no top... LOL

Thanks for adding value to the conversation

Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st July 2010, 08:02 AM
How bizarre and twisted that they would think dressing boys up like women is somehow "honoring" women...

These children are impressionable and easily confused in these formative years. This gender confusion serves only to neuter, destabilize and twist these kids psychologically.