View Full Version : why is obama talking about nuclear attacks all of the sudden?

14th April 2010, 07:16 AM
weirdness the last week, and now this:


The White House has warned state and local governments not to expect a "significant federal response" at the scene of a terrorist nuclear attack for 24 to 72 hours after the blast, according to a planning guide.
President Obama told delegates from 47 nations at the Nuclear Security Summit on Tuesday that it would be a "catastrophe for the world" if al-Qaeda or another terrorist group got a nuclear device, because so many lives would be lost and it would be so hard to mitigate damage from the blast.

A 10-kiloton nuclear explosion would level buildings within half a mile of ground zero, generate 900-mph winds, bathe the landscape with radiation and produce a plume of fallout that would drift for hundreds of miles, the guide says. It was posted on the Internet and sent to local officials.

SUMMIT: Nuclear agreement hailed as step forward
The document is designed to help local officials craft plans for responding to a nuclear blast. The prospect is anything but far-fetched, says Rick Nelson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Do I think in my lifetime I'll see the detonation of a nuclear device? I do."

One challenge he says, will be to persuade survivors to stay indoors, shielded from dangerous radiation until they're given the all-clear or told to evacuate. "In all likelihood, families will be separated," he says. "It's going to be scary to sit tight, though it's the right thing to do."

The government's planning scenarios envision a terrorist strike in an urban area with a 10-kiloton device, slightly smaller than the roughly 15-kiloton Hiroshima bomb. A 10-kiloton device packs the punch of 10,000 tons of TNT.

The chaos that would inevitably follow such a blast would make it difficult for the federal government to react quickly. "Emergency response is principally a local function," the document says, though "federal assistance will be mobilized as rapidly as possible."

The "Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation" was developed by a task force headed by the White House Homeland Security Council. It was circulated to state and local government officials and first responders in January 2009.

The report has never been formally released to the public, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro says.

It offers practical guidance to first responders and advice on radiation measurement and decontamination.

Disaster experts say local governments aren't prepared for a nuclear attack. "There isn't a single American city, in my estimation, that has sufficient plans for a nuclear terrorist event," says Irwin Redlener of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.

The message for families is simple, he says: Stay put. Wait for instructions. If you've been outside, dust off, change, shower. "What citizens need to know fits on a wallet-sized card," Redlener says. "A limited amount of information would save tens of thousands of people."

14th April 2010, 07:18 AM
The angry muslim are going to kill you with a dirty bomb shtick is fading fast.



14th April 2010, 07:22 AM
yeah. he hasn't mentioned nukes at all for a year and a half, and now it's all nukes 24/7 for the last week.

14th April 2010, 07:24 AM

Terrorists already have nukes. Here is their weapons-making camp.

14th April 2010, 07:29 AM

Terrorists already have nukes. Here is their weapons-making camp.

haha. nice one ;D

14th April 2010, 07:31 AM
Urban area? I bet they have planned a final solution to the Detroit problem...

14th April 2010, 10:49 AM
This would be a solution for the powers-that-be to repel the common uprising against their takeover of America... since they have fleeced all the taxes, land & business they can from us.

Nuke the people, provide safe haven for the elite (and their future families)... glean up the remaining leftovers and start their process of mass taxed slaves again.

mick silver
14th April 2010, 10:55 AM
there was a vid over at the old gim that said they always tell you what coming , but most never hear it

Celtic Rogue
14th April 2010, 11:03 AM
IMHO its just a matter of time. I wouldnt put it past our govt to pull a FF. But even if it is from a muslim group... just how easy would it to slip over the southern boarder with all the hunderds and hundreds of illegals a day that slip in? I am pretty sure we have many sleeper cells from many nations in our midst already!

Hatha Sunahara
14th April 2010, 11:08 AM
Last night I was watching Obama's comments about nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorist on the MSM news. Lately, I have also been following this series of You Tube videos" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BewhYr-rZo4 and reading background information about it.

So I interpret what Obama says in the context of the three truths that Dimitri Khalezov describes concerning 911.

There are apparently three different levels of knowledge about 911 and terrorism in our power structure.

The first truth is what we all 'know' because it is what we are told by the mainstream media--that 19 Arab hijackers flew planes into the WTC Towers and the Pentagon. These planes caused two of the WTC Towers to turn into dust, and the third WTC tower turned into dust because of damage from falling debris of the other buildings. Everybody 'knows' this, and a large portion of the population believes it.

The second truth is what the high ranking members of our government believe, and is an extension of the first truth. This is the story of how the Al Qaeda terrorists had nuclear weapons on the planes which crashed into the WTC towers, and since the weapons were at close to 1000 feet of altitude, if they were detonated, all of New York would have been destroyed and everyone killed. So, in order to save New York, the Towers had to be demolished by the nuclear demolition devices that were part of the demolition plan that had to accompany the building plan in order for a building permit to be issued. Our president and our congress believe that the government saved New York, and that the public should not be informed of this to avoid mass panic. Also because the government was instrumental in the deaths of a small number of people in order to save the rest of the people of New York City.

The third truth is what really happened. Probably only a handful of people know this. I'm not sure what it is, so I won't go any further on this one.

But it seemed amusing to me to hear Obama talking publicly from what he believes about 911 and about the war on terror. He believes that 'terrorists' are in possession of a number of nukes stolen from the former Soviet Union, and that they are raring to use them wherever they can. Obama must be getting this information from a trusted source--probably the CIA, and others who may be privy to the real truth, and he believes it. This lie can be maintained because it contains all of what the American public believes, but just a little extra. The little extra is the nuclear demolition of the WTC towers. They do not talk about that. But they do talk about nukes, and controlling nukes. I think most of the world's leaders in other countries believe this--Merkel, Sarkozy, Brown, Berlusconi probably all believe this story. Putin probably doesn't believe it, nor do the Chinese or the Japanese leadership.

Whatever the real truth is, it is being used to control all the world's governments and by deception, forcing everyone to go along with every insane anti-terrorist measure that the people who know the real truth want to put in place. This is likely how the War on Terrorism works. Freaking out all the world's leaders with the possibility of instant unannounced mass death of their citizens at the hands of terrorists. It is going in the direction of suspecting everyone of being a terrorist.

Obama specifically outlined in his comments on yesterday's news that the governments are all responsible with their nuclear weapons, and the biggest threat to humanity is nuclear weapons in the hands of 'terrorists'. I think he believes that. I also think that the people who don't know the part about nuclear demolition of the WTC aren't making the connection between 911 and nuclear terror, because they believe there was nothing nuclear about 911.

I personally don't know what to believe. I do know what not to believe, and that is the story about 19 Arab hijackers flying planes into the WTC causing the towers to collapse. Many others have trouble believing that, but cannot wrap their minds around using thermonuclear devices to turn the WTC towers into fine dust.

I'm not going to defend any claims I have related here. I did not come up with this train of thought, and I am trying to sort it out just like everyone else, so if you want me to come up with more evidence, go look for it yourself, and let me know what you find. You can follow the discussion of this on a different thread here on GSUS:


These various, 'hierarchialized' versions of truth make a lot of sense to me. There is an old Latin adage: Quod licet jovi, non licet bovi. That applies nicely here.


14th April 2010, 11:28 AM
But even if it is from a muslim group...

Get real. That suitcase nuke will come from Dimona:



14th April 2010, 12:44 PM
Gotta give 22% of the population something to worry about now that they have no more stress from work!

14th April 2010, 01:06 PM

Terrorists already have nukes. Here is their weapons-making camp.

yeah. i admire that Mordechai guy, the whistleblower that really talked about Israel's nukes.

14th April 2010, 01:16 PM
yeah. i admire that Mordechai guy, the whistleblower that really talked about Israel's nukes.


His story is told in this video.


14th April 2010, 03:43 PM
But even if it is from a muslim group...

Get real. That suitcase nuke will come from Dimona:




14th April 2010, 04:33 PM
Constant fear is the name of the game. Lower your vibration so you can be a slave!

15th April 2010, 05:28 AM
They always warn us before they carry out a FF attack.

We just don't listen.

General of Darkness
15th April 2010, 06:49 AM
First they SAY IT, then they DO IT. :boom :redfc :boom

15th April 2010, 09:23 AM
Last night I was watching Obama's comments about nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorist on the MSM news. Lately, I have also been following this series of You Tube videos" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BewhYr-rZo4 and reading background information about it.

So I interpret what Obama says in the context of the three truths that Dimitri Khalezov describes concerning 911.


Thanks Hatha - and good to see you posting over here.

The same video was discussed elsewhere, in a rather poorly moderated forum - but that quickly degenerated into pathetic personal attacks on anyone that had anything reasonable to add to the conversation. I dont know how you put up with their kindergarten behavior for so long :) We are obviously not welcome in their little private club, if they allow their attack dogs to carry on like that with their guests.

The fact that the attack dogs are blatantly wearing the name tags of previously respected guests suggests that this is official policy over at the poorly moderated forum.

The Khalezov theory (or revelation), is staggering and thought provoking. It rings much closer to the truth than any other theory Ive looked at.

So there you go guys - they have already nuked the USA - 3 nukes in 1 day, of 150 KT yield each .. and the promise of more to come.

Watch all 26 videos and be stunned.

mick silver
15th April 2010, 09:48 AM
i still dont know why the us gov pay familys for there members who die in the world trade center ... never before has the gov done that

15th April 2010, 12:58 PM
i still dont know why the us gov pay familys for there members who die in the world trade center ... never before has the gov done that

hush money.

15th April 2010, 01:05 PM
i still dont know why the us gov pay familys for there members who die in the world trade center ... never before has the gov done that

hush money.

Can't have a real trial with legal Discovery exposing all the evidence in a court of law that Mossad did 9-11...lol.


15th April 2010, 01:06 PM

Hatha Sunahara
15th April 2010, 01:33 PM
Several years ago I read an article on Rense.com:


I was trying to wrap my head around 'spontaneous combustion' of cars. Couldn't do it. But I can wrap my head around a thermonuclear detonation underground.

Also, if you look at the videos of the two tall WTC towers, you will see, just before the buildings start to drop, at the top, where all the smoke is pouring out, an inferno of fire, and then it disappears as the buildings turn to dust. That inferno, in the seconds before the buildings disappeared into dust must have put out some really hot dust that did not cool before it reached the street, and that, I believe is what caused the cars to 'spontaneously' combust. Also, when I watch the WTC 7 collapse videos, I can't get it out of my head that what looks like a building dropping into its own footprint is really a column of dust that looks like a building. The whole thing was in the 'crash' zone, so was the part of Fiterman Hall across the street that evaporated to dust. Seems to be a well defined border to the crash zone and the damage zone. I can imagine what such a blast would do to New York if it wasn't contained by 27 meters of Granite. Years ago I suspected I was watching a nuclear blast in the WTC towers when I looked closely at pictures of the Sedan-Storax nuclear test. Look at the billows of dust in that nuclear test, then look at the billows of dust from the WTC towers. Amazing. I also think Khalezov needs to take measures to protect his safety.

Thanks for the welcome here at GSUS. I think the posters here are a cut above average, and I kinda wondered where the good posters went until I found out almost by accident.


15th April 2010, 01:43 PM
General of Darkness is correct. They're getting us ready for war by talking about it. That's why it's in the news. Watch for more talk. A nuke going off will be the start of the next WW.

15th April 2010, 01:47 PM
Several years ago I read an article on Rense.com:


I was trying to wrap my head around 'spontaneous combustion' of cars. Couldn't do it. But I can wrap my head around a thermonuclear detonation underground.

Also, if you look at the videos of the two tall WTC towers, you will see, just before the buildings start to drop, at the top, where all the smoke is pouring out, an inferno of fire, and then it disappears as the buildings turn to dust. That inferno, in the seconds before the buildings disappeared into dust must have put out some really hot dust that did not cool before it reached the street, and that, I believe is what caused the cars to 'spontaneously' combust. Also, when I watch the WTC 7 collapse videos, I can't get it out of my head that what looks like a building dropping into its own footprint is really a column of dust that looks like a building. The whole thing was in the 'crash' zone, so was the part of Fiterman Hall across the street that evaporated to dust. Seems to be a well defined border to the crash zone and the damage zone. I can imagine what such a blast would do to New York if it wasn't contained by 27 meters of Granite. Years ago I suspected I was watching a nuclear blast in the WTC towers when I looked closely at pictures of the Sedan-Storax nuclear test. Look at the billows of dust in that nuclear test, then look at the billows of dust from the WTC towers. Amazing. I also think Khalezov needs to take measures to protect his safety.

Thanks for the welcome here at GSUS. I think the posters here are a cut above average, and I kinda wondered where the good posters went until I found out almost by accident.


Interesting Hatha.


Storax Sedan was a shallow underground nuclear test conducted in Area 10 of Yucca Flat at the Nevada Test Site on 6 July 1962 as part of Operation Plowshare, a program to investigate the use of nuclear weapons for mining, cratering, and other civilian purposes. [1] The radioactive fallout from the test contaminated more US residents than any other nuclear test, and the Sedan Crater is the largest man-made crater in the United States, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.







15th April 2010, 04:11 PM
Don't understand the whining about a 10 kt nuke, when for decades, the US was perfectly willing to sacrifice a large portion of its population and infrastructure on the altar of choice of political systems. Reading Herman Kahn's On Thermonuclear War, a 50% loss of population could be considered "acceptable" in a US-USSR exchange.

15th April 2010, 06:46 PM
Set off by Al-CIA-duh, in an American city, if I know how these bastards do things! Angry

As you say. But which city? What will be their ground zero target? A city with a large Jewish population? What target will draw the most Sheeple support to bomb Iran back to the stone age? What city will have the American Sheeple say "protect us, abolish the 1st Amendment, take our guns, bring one world government to make sure this never happens again".

16th April 2010, 04:27 AM
Denver and Montreal keep coming up in hushed research/speculation circles over the last couple years.

Hatha Sunahara
16th April 2010, 01:29 PM
Only a very few people seem to be interested in who the real terrorists are.

That's what makes the world such a dangerous place. Everyone will be sleeping as they get blown to bits.


mick silver
16th April 2010, 07:55 PM
most are a sleep even when there awake