View Full Version : Census 2010 - "Dear Resident"

Phenix Pawn
14th April 2010, 11:47 AM
Today I find my self on a rampage...

The Census dept. has recently notified Mr. Fish that he has failed to submit his REQUIRED CENSUS FORM. Be a "good sheep" Bahh Bahh Bahh, ect. Mr Fish's rosey existence has fallen hard times, and his life seems more DREAMY then ever before. Mr. Fish had noticed some information on the slavenet about RESIDENTS. Mr. Fish has great intrest in Taxes Voodoo and RIGHTS. This is because Mr. Fish thought that ownership was the same as OWNERSHIP. Mr. Fish has decided on a little "test".
Mr. Fish has decided that since said location represents his personal trust and custodial duties, as well as being COMPLETELY DEBT FREE, that this must be his own personal DOMICILE and not RESIDENCE, according to loose definition...

"No residents hear?"

Am I the first to mention the Residence Issue via Census, or did I miss a Thread?

Anyway, Mr. Fish might enjoy any possible feedback...just for laughs

OR tell me to sheep-up or shut up!

14th April 2010, 12:10 PM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

Phenix Pawn
14th April 2010, 12:11 PM
One more thing...

My buddy, Mr. Fish, is a decent guy. Unfortunately, his girl, Bubble Head, had a passing fascination with mind expanding toast. Authorities actually caught Mr. Fish with said toast. Authorities "toasted" Mr. Fish's spotless record and caused him to "fell on (his) Knee". This puts Mr. Fish (long ago reformed), in the lucky position as to ABSOLVING his citizen Rights.

I actually believe that this may make Mr. Fish an "American National"?



14th April 2010, 12:19 PM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

But... but... don't you want "your fair share" of government money? The tv/radio/internet ads told me that the government has money allocated for communities all across the country and unless you give them the information, you won't get "your fair share".

Has anyone else seen those ads?

14th April 2010, 12:39 PM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

But... but... don't you want "your fair share" of government money? The tv/radio/internet ads told me that the government has money allocated for communities all across the country and unless you give them the information, you won't get "your fair share".

Has anyone else seen those ads?

It is awful kind of them to remind me how i can get back a small percentage of the money that was taken from me by gunpoint.

Here is my idea: Leave me and money alone, I am not asking for a handout. If I want to do a charitable contribution, I will do so....at my discretion.

I am me, I am free
14th April 2010, 01:08 PM
That's right, the terms 'resident' and 'residence' are dirty words (as is the term 'address').

A domicile is what one should have, NOT a residence.

14th April 2010, 01:24 PM
It is awful kind of them to remind me how i can get back a small percentage of the money that was taken from me by gunpoint.

Here is my idea: Leave me and money alone, I am not asking for a handout. If I want to do a charitable contribution, I will do so....at my discretion.

I agree. It's actually an insult that they don't think we can manage our own communities, but we need them to tell us that we need a new road or library, and after taking our money away from us, giving some back in exchange for personal information. By the beard of Zeus, how do people not see this for the scam it is?!?

Phenix Pawn
14th April 2010, 03:42 PM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

But... but... don't you want "your fair share" of government money? The tv/radio/internet ads told me that the government has money allocated for communities all across the country and unless you give them the information, you won't get "your fair share".

Has anyone else seen those ads?

Hmmm...fair share?
"Separate the die packs from the bailout cash...Dis is for you and diss, da big bag , is for me and da boys, day wulda come bys but days bizzy discussin dat "Glowballl Warm Thing"..days always has da best jobs...cuz dayz always nose hows to gets back da money day gives da sheep...sees its...GUBBERMENT" quote by Vinnie Bernstien, Custodial Engineer, Treasury Dept.

14th April 2010, 04:02 PM
"fair share" is to take a greater percentage from my meager paycheck and give to the 25 unemployed immigrants next door

1970 Silver Art
14th April 2010, 04:19 PM
I mailed my Census in on April 1, 2010 and that is no April fool's joke. I tend to procrastinate sometimes but I cannot help it. I could have done it earlier but I procrastinated but I eventually got it done and mailed on April 1, 2010.

15th April 2010, 12:01 AM
Right, it's a joke but remember, they will use our information against us... TPTB know strength and numbers must be calculated beforehand... how much manpower will be needed to force compliance in civil unrest.

Phenix Pawn
15th April 2010, 06:27 AM
I mailed my Census in on April 1, 2010 and that is no April fool's joke. I tend to procrastinate sometimes but I cannot help it. I could have done it earlier but I procrastinated but I eventually got it done and mailed on April 1, 2010.

Perhaps we's was cousins in annnutter life?


PS: Outstanding Avatars...Just keep em' coming!!!

15th April 2010, 07:22 AM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

This is exactly how I filled mine out.

OK, well, I didn't put "Techguy", I put "k-os", and I have no wife. But, I put "N/A" on all of the other questions/answers.

On Easter, I told my family that this is how I filled out my census. My brother in law started spouting stuff like "fair share" blah blah. I don't watch TV, but I knew what he was saying must have been from a commercial.

When I asked them "Why do they need to know what color my skin is?" Silence filled the room.

1970 Silver Art
15th April 2010, 10:41 AM
I could be very wrong on this and please correct me if I am wrong here but I think that there is a longer form Census that contains more than 10 questions that asks questions such as how much money you are making and some other "sensitive" questions. I got and filled out the 10 question version of the Census form.

The people who got the Census form with more probing questions might know what I am talking about.

15th April 2010, 11:52 AM
Sent my census in.

Number of people (blue box) 2.

Name of first person: Techguy
Name of second person: Techguy's Wife.

All other questions: N/A.

have a nice day.

I didn't even give them the satisfaction of collecting our names... It was addressed to "current resident" after all.


I forget.

2 adults + ages

2 shildren + ages.

go away.