14th April 2010, 03:08 PM
Like locust in the night the land they will cover, plunderng and leaving nothing behind.
Love and hate will mingle in the night, love for theirs that don't have and hate for those who do have.
The food will go first, for money is no good, and then it will be all that they never had.......they will be in the lookout for any one with anything, for it could be food to give to their loves one.
The houses of the rich they will look in wonder and their stomach will rumble with the smell of kooking.
They will try and take that which is not theirs, but the owners are aware and protecting their wares.
A shot and a yell....... will cover the night, and someone who was hungry is no longer there.
Men will die and so will women and children and the earth they will kiss where they will die in dispair.
Dark clouds will form all over the cities, not from fires of cooking but from fires of anger and hate.
Blood will be all over the place from those who fought the ones with the guns.
I am tired and sick, and sleepy I am....but first I will write of what is.
And now to bed I go, never to get up.
You guys know me, crazy as a beaver hahahahahaha ???
Love and hate will mingle in the night, love for theirs that don't have and hate for those who do have.
The food will go first, for money is no good, and then it will be all that they never had.......they will be in the lookout for any one with anything, for it could be food to give to their loves one.
The houses of the rich they will look in wonder and their stomach will rumble with the smell of kooking.
They will try and take that which is not theirs, but the owners are aware and protecting their wares.
A shot and a yell....... will cover the night, and someone who was hungry is no longer there.
Men will die and so will women and children and the earth they will kiss where they will die in dispair.
Dark clouds will form all over the cities, not from fires of cooking but from fires of anger and hate.
Blood will be all over the place from those who fought the ones with the guns.
I am tired and sick, and sleepy I am....but first I will write of what is.
And now to bed I go, never to get up.
You guys know me, crazy as a beaver hahahahahaha ???