View Full Version : You Tube Requires Phone Numbers Now

14th April 2010, 10:03 PM
YouTube now gone Orwellian â‚€œ Now requires SMS from every new Registrant

go to original for pics and links

April 14, 2010 by uswgo
Filed under Establishing The Police State, Featured Stories

(USWGO Alt News Brian D. Hill)

Author: Brian D. Hill

Another Notice: If you donâ‚„t want to live in a police state I suggest boycott Google after calling them and telling them that until they stop the SMS verification or make it optional that you wonâ‚„t ever use a Google product or else one day Google may require a Social Security Number just to use an account. :(

Notice: I only changed IPs to test the theory of YouTube requiring all to submit SMS information. It is not for abuse and I do not condone people changing IPs for abuse. I only did this to verify YouTubes new policy. This was not to escape any bans but simply to verify that YouTube is requiring all to submit personal information that could also be tracked by the CIA and government sponsored disinfo trolls.

Now if you are simply a regular person, not a spammer, and not a multiple account creator that just wants a Google or YouTube account, your out of luck without giving out your cell phone number or regular phone number to their authorities (aka the youtube police). YouTube has become a phone number collector which means they can give police, FBI, and CIA peoples private phone numbers if you use Google.

We have now discovered after receiving complaints and reports from both the silenced YouTube activist and other sources that YouTube now requires all future Google and YouTube Registrant users to verify their accounts via SMS or Voice Call (only available in certain countries). To test this we were able to trick YouTube using multiple IPs but each registration we tested out requires SMS Verification. We will input the log of testing different IPs of manually registering for YouTube but each totally unique IP, after we cleared both the flash cookies and all data from firefox each time, and even though we looked totally unique YouTube or Google knew a different IP was registering but it again required me to give out my cell phone number or phone number. REQUIRED â‚€œ From JAP Anonymous service
24.148.148.*** SMS REQUIRED â‚€œ From our Home Internet Connection

Also we changed our IP by changing the MAC Address and even then YouTube required it on that IP as well even though that IP was never abusive or was never involved in spam registrations YouTube didnâ‚„t care so we confirmed that Google/YouTube wonâ‚„t allow multiple registrations anymore from the same person. This is a problem as I run multiple organizations such as WeAreChange Mayodan and Madison, Hyipo, USWGO, and I have my own personal account untied to controversial political stuff.

This also means that if you get your account suspended by YouTube or post a lot of controversial political videos you would either have to own a lot of phone numbers, cell phones, or have to resort to identity theft just to get back on YouTube. This is alarming now that YouTube is forcing all future users to tie their cell phone numbers or regular traceable phone numbers to their online accounts.

So after my multiple IP test against Googles servers we can now confirm that Google is now requiring all future users to have a cell phone or a phone in Voice Call capable areas. That is why the activist isnâ‚„t coming back for another protest on YouTube because he doesnâ‚„t own a cell phone, and the account he was able to use before it got suspended was from bugmenot a free password site where you can get into a free account published by other users and many of the bugmenot public accounts usually get taken and their passwords changed. This was told to me by source Mr. B the YouTube activist. Even his protest username gives it away that he hijacked a bugmenot account just to do the protest which ended in failure.

So according to me changing IPs, using two different MAC Addresses with a sucessful IP Change, and clearing all private data YouTube still required a SMS Verification so this now means You are now forced to give out your SMS Cell phone Number or regular phone number which means now Google and YouTube can record private citizens phone and cell phone numbers against their will or else they cannot own a google or youtube account anymore. It also means youtube videos that require age verification also wonâ‚„t let you see those videos without a cell phone number or regular phone number which means the CIA can now profile those that watch flagged Alex Jones and other truth videos.

This is one step closer to a police state internet where just to get on the internet youâ‚„ll be required to give out your drivers license identification maybe even your license plate number just like now just to book a Hotel you have to give them your drivers license information. Also twitter has a optional service where if you verify your account by your personal and traceable information twitter can declare your account a verified account. If twitter decides it had enough of spammers it may require us to give out our Social Security Number, Employer Identification number, or any other personal information just to have a twitter account.

What scares me is creating private anonymous accounts allows whisleblowers to expose government corruption without fear of being traced, especially whe using Tor Vidalia or JAP. Now if they require this to not allow multiple accounts and force everyone to verify identities this means the end of whisleblowers and those talking bad about their boss since everything you say on your account is public knowledge, and this will also force Mrs. Q of Fed Up With School Lunch project to put her real identity which can her to be fired or else she canâ‚„t speak badly of school lunches as they tie her identity to her blog.

This is the end of free speech as we know it if they start tracing everybody then nobody will stand up out of fear of losing ones job, imprisonment, and threats. This is the start of George Orwells 1984.

So if you donâ‚„t believe me I will show you all a screenshot and if it wonâ‚„t show then it will show at uswgo.com if it was mirrored to forums and other sites.




Verify your account
Youâ‚„re almost done! We just need to verify your account before we can create it.Account verification helps with:

* Preventing spam: we try to verify that real people, not robots, are creating accounts.
* Recovering account access: we will use your information to verify your identity if you ever lose access to your account.
* Communication: we will use your information to notify you of important changes to your account (for example, password changes from a new location).

Unless you explicitly tell us to do so, your phone number will never be sold or shared with other companies, and we will not use it for any purpose other than during this verification step and for password recovery and account security issues. In other words, you donâ‚„t have to worry about getting spam calls or text messages from us, ever.For more information, please read our frequently asked questions.

It used to be to stop spammers and those that use black hat tactics for SEO they required SMS Verification if you create more then 10 accounts a day now they force it on all users no matter what purpose the account being created is for.
Also they claim they are doing this to stop account abuse, but all this will resort to is people using identity theft, cell phone cloning, and hijacking other peoples accounts to commit abuse which will hurt the account owner and force that user to constantly argue with the Google abuse team to get it cleared up, or purchase another cell phone with a number just to have a Google Account again. They claim itâ‚„s to stop spammers but the spammers can just hijack other accounts of pay people that donâ‚„t wanna use Google to use their phones to verify their accounts.
Also Google claims it is to ₓRecovering account access: we will use your information to verify your identity if you ever lose access to your account.₝ This directly is proof that Google is going to track your account and can possibly use GPS satellites to track what you are doing on Google at that particular time. They are openly admitting that they will use your personal information.
Of course playing the positive spin they also claim forcing SMS Verification is for ₓCommunication: we will use your information to notify you of important changes to your account (for example, password changes from a new location).₝ So of course you may feel as though big brother may call your cell phone and use up your minutes any time you change your password on a friends computer, anytime YouTube unfairly suspends you they will use up your limited minutes just to be simply told your account is kaput, and Google can probably track your call location.
Whether or not you abuse Google or YouTube the fact that they can tie your almost-permanent identification t0 your online accounts is scary and can lead to more perfect underground CIA Assassinations of those that speak out or will make citizens more paranoid so they wonâ‚„t speak up. Is this googles intentions???


more companies working against freedom, information warfare

How Microsoft Took The Wrong Side On The Kyrgyzstan Revolution


In my earlier post on the recent Kyrgyzstan revolution, I commented on the lack of cyber attacks and what that implies for this event. Now, thanks to the help of a contact in Central Asia, I see that the Bakiev administration had effectively shut down all opposition media in the months and weeks prior to the April 7th revolution, which isn't all that surprising.

What is surprising, however, is that Microsoft appears to have helped Bakiev do it. Essentially, Microsoft's Kyrgyzstan agent assisted the Kyrgyz authorities in cracking down on dissenting media five days before last week's uprising.

Saul Mine
15th April 2010, 03:24 AM
Anti-piracy enforcers claiming to represent Microsoft used to shut down dissident media in former USSR
Cory Doctorow at 7:46 PM Wednesday boingboing (http://www.boingboing.net/2010/04/14/microsoft-anti-pirac.html)

Danny O'Brien from the Committee to Protect Journalists sez, "The Kyrgyz government used anti-piracy heavies (including a guy who is president of 'Kyrgyz Association for Defense of Intellectual Property Rights' and who works with Microsoft) to shut down Stan TV, an independent web TV news channel in Kyrgyzstan. They said they were investigating unlicensed Microsoft software and seized all the journalists' laptops and work computers, shutting down the station. When the President was ousted two weeks later, Stan TV got it all back without explanation. Apparently there's a long history of governments using Microsoft's name and piracy charges to squelch independent media in Russia, too."

Selective enforcement of alleged software infringement is being used with some frequency in the former Soviet republics as cover to harass independent media. Local law enforcement officials have been given broad powers, in the name of fighting piracy, to raid premises and seize hardware. For the most part, Western companies and governments have encouraged this broadening of powers--but they have not insisted on checks to ensure such powers are not misused. As a result, abuses of power are being committed in the names of those companies.

Stan TV employees told CPJ that police were accompanied by a technical expert, Sergey Pavlovsky, who claimed to be a representative of Microsoft's Bishkek office. According to the journalists, Pavlovsky said he had authorization papers from Microsoft but was unwilling to show them. After a cursory inspection of the computers, they said, Pavlovsky declared all of the equipment to be using pirated software. Stan TV's work computers, as well as the personal laptops of journalists, were seized; the offices were also sealed, interrupting the station's work.

Microsoft, piracy, and independent media in Kyrgyzstan

Update: Danny adds, "Just to be clear, Microsoft says they knew nothing about this raid. Here's their statement on the matter: 'The raid against Stan Media was initiated by the Kyrgyz police without any involvement from any Microsoft employees or anyone working on Microsoft's behalf. The identified local lawyer has been representing Microsoft in a few enforcement actions targeting resellers of pirated software, but at this time he was asked to assist the police to identify possible unlicensed software in the role of a technical specialist from the local 'Association of Right Holders of Intellectual Property Protection'. No claims were filed on Microsoft's behalf and any suggestion that Microsoft approved or supported this police action is inaccurate.'