View Full Version : A funny little story

Celtic Rogue
15th April 2010, 06:46 AM
I feed the squirrels in my backyard. A few years back in the fall, I fed them some peanuts in shell that I had left over. They took them and then I forgot about it.

Then the next spring I started getting these strange weeds popping up all around my beds and yard. I pulled some up and noticed what looked like little peanuts on the roots. I took a leaf and looked it up on the web ... and sure enough peanuts.

So I let the other plants mature and waited. The 4 plants I harvested gave me a nice bunch of fresh peanuts. I cleaned them and roasted them in the oven. They were awesome.

So I now grow some peanuts for a nice protien source and snacking fun. I guess living in Virginia doesnt hurt! ;)

15th April 2010, 07:09 AM
Great story!


15th April 2010, 08:14 AM
So now you are stealing the squirrel's crops?


Kidding. That's a cool story.

Korbin Dallas
15th April 2010, 01:55 PM
I love it when volunteers turn up, and produce something!

Celtic Rogue
16th April 2010, 07:01 AM
So now you are stealing the squirrel's crops?


Kidding. That's a cool story.

Well yes I am... LOL turn about is fair play... those tree rats keep stealing my bird food! But I actually like them... I have one that I named split because he has a split in his ear. He comes and actually knocks on my sliding glass door begging for peanuts... he will eat out of my hand. ;D

16th April 2010, 07:19 AM
My grandparents used to feed Cheerios by hand to a few squirrels.

16th April 2010, 07:34 AM
How neat!