View Full Version : bishop Richard Williamson silenced ahead of court appearance

15th April 2010, 11:49 AM
The Hoffman Wire
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

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Lawyer: bishop silenced ahead of court appearance

(Michael Hoffman's comment immediately follows this report)

(AP) – April 15, 2010 - BERLIN — A lawyer says an ultraconservative British bishop has been silenced by his Catholic order before a court hearing regarding a denial of the Holocaust.

Matthias Lossmann told The Associated Press that his client, Bishop Richard Williamson, who resides in England, has been told not appear at the Regensburg court for Friday's hearing and to refrain from interviews and Internet activities.

Lossmann said a letter on behalf of the Switzerland-based general secretary of the Society of St. Pius X, Christian Thouvenot, advises the bishop to shut down his blog and his Web site.

Friday's hearing regards Williamson's appeal of a fine he was given by a German court in 2009 for incitement, in connection with an interview with Swedish TV in 2008 during which he questioned that Jews died during the Holocaust. (End quote)

HOFFMAN's COMMENT: Bishop Williamson has no web site, just a blog which is available only by e-mail subscription. He had no intention of attending the show trial in Regensburg, so one must wonder what is the point of the claim that his order, the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has banned him from doing so. He has also been under a gag order from the SSPX for some time.

Several months ago Bishop Williamson was offered a deal by the German prosecutor for avoiding prison -- if he would apologize to the Zionist community and pay a large fine. He refused both demands.

Speaking for myself and not Bishop Williamson, I observe that while he is housed and fed at the SSPX house in London and treated decently by the priests with whom he resides, he has been almost completely abandoned by his fellow bishops and priests worldwide, who will not even offer public prayers on his behalf. In last Sunday's bulletin of the SSPX chapel in northern Idaho there was an appeal for prayers for Pope Benedict XVI who, it was said, was under "media attack." Needless to say, there was no appeal for prayers for Williamson. Such cold-hearted mercilessness is purely rabbinic in spirit.

Despite denials by the hierarchy of the SSPX, it is rather easy to see that the false religion of Holocaustianity has infiltrated its ranks just as it has infiltrated the Vatican. Bishop Williamson would not be in any hot water with the Catholic Church if he had denied that Mohammed had flown to heaven from Al Quds, or doubted that Mormon founder Joseph Smith found the golden plates on Hill Cumorah. Williamson has been made a leper for casting doubt on a doctrine which both the Vatican and the SSPX hold sacred, the new creed of Holocaustianity.

What is sacred both to modern Catholicism and the "traditional Catholic"
SSPX is the gas chamber idol of Auschwitz, about which Pope Pius XII, in the whole of his long reign as pontiff, expressed not one single word, most likely because he knew, through Vatican intelligence, that the Germans did not operate any such monstrosity.

Meanwhile the allegedly "traditional" SSPX has adopted the Auschwitz idol of Newchurch and proclaimed it a horrifying, if not unforgivable sin, for Williamson to blaspheme this holy gas chamber relic of Holocaustianity.

Bishop Williamson's statements about execution gas chambers can only be a grave transgression in the moral and spiritual realm if the SSPX believes in Holocaustianity which, patently, they do, since they are persecuting their own bishop for having doubted it.

Here we witness a startling transformation in the priestly fraternity founded by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, akin to the astonishing alchemical spectacle of witnessing Pope John Paul II enter a synagogue and encourage the assembled Pharisees to continue in their Talmudic faith, an accursed act of betrayal which his successor has repeated three times (Matthew 26:34).

The ancient occult mandate for the alchemical processing of the Church is being fulfilled on schedule, before our very eyes, both within the Vatican and within its one-time traditional opposition, where doubting the lies about gas chamber extermination in Auschwitz is now a mortal sin and a cause for the public humiliation, silencing and exile of one of the bishops Msgr. Lefebvre consecrated.

For this reason alone, Richard Williamson has been expelled as seminary rector, abandoned in all but the necessities of life, and prosecuted in Germany, for the greater glory of the abominable Auschwitz idol which has replaced Calvary as the most sacred suffering in all of history.
Bishop Williamson is a martyr to the defense of Our Lord's Passion and Crucifixion against its substitution by the Auschwitz shoah-business.
God help all those who have failed to lift even a finger in his defense.

For Further Research:

The Attacks on Pope Benedict - a Conspiracy of Man - or God?

Vatican Alchemy on the Eve of the Trial of Bishop Williamson:

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15th April 2010, 12:06 PM

Speaking Truth is now a Hate Crime.


15th April 2010, 03:36 PM
Modern day crucifiction!

16th April 2010, 06:49 AM
Bishop Williamson convicted of Holocaust denial

BERLIN – A German court has convicted ultraconservative British Bishop Richard Williamson of incitement for denying the Holocaust in a television interview.

A court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg on Friday found Williamson guilty of incitement for saying in an interview with Swedish television that he did not believe Jews were killed in gas chambers during World War II.

The court ordered Williamson to pay a fine of euro10,000 ($13,544).

The Roman Catholic bishop was barred by his order from attending Friday's proceedings.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BERLIN (AP) — Ultraconservative British Bishop Richard Williamson went on trial Friday on charges of denying the Holocaust for saying in a TV interview that he did not believe Jews were killed in gas chambers during World War II.

The Roman Catholic bishop was barred by his order from attending the proceedings in a court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg. The ultraconservative Society of St. Pius X also forbade him from making statements to the media.

The court had issued Williamson a fine of euro12,000 (about $16,200) for incitement in connection with his statements last year, but the bishop refused to accept the punishment, forcing his case to be tried publicly.

Williamson's lawyer, Matthias Lossmann, told the German news agency DAPD his client had expressly requested that the interview, given to Swedish television in November 2008, not be shown in Germany. But it was broadcast over the Internet and cited in German media.

Denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense in Germany.

The interview was conducted near Regensburg and was granted shortly before Williamson's excommunication was lifted by Pope Benedict XVI, along with that of three other bishops from the anti-modernization movement of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

The lifting of Williamson's excommunication sparked outrage among Jewish groups and in Israel. The Vatican's handling of the affair prompted criticism from German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

A verdict was expected later Friday.
