View Full Version : Do you prepare your own taxes??

15th April 2010, 05:18 PM
just got done with this article which notes that more and more americans are switching to diy programs or just doing them by hand

and was wondering how many gs-us'ers do their own

as for me, i do my own but mine are staight forward enough to allow me to use the ez form. I file mine snail mail as well.

15th April 2010, 05:25 PM
I do my own. Use turbo tax deluxe.

No complaints. Did mine early every year, done by Feb 20......

I messed up my tax stuff years and years ago, and it was painful enough to make SURE it never got the way again.

15th April 2010, 05:43 PM
I have almost always done my own.... not too complicated... until last year.

I got TurboTax (for investors) and it was worth the time savings to import all the dumb-ass trades I made.

The tax system is so corrupt and complicated that it is hard to tell if you mess something up. Also, I still wasted the better part of 2 days doing this.

15th April 2010, 05:54 PM
Ponce<--------makes only Social Security, to little to file a tax return :oo-->, poor babyyyyyyyy heheheeheehheheheh.

I think that I'll apply for food stamps hahahahahaahah.

1970 Silver Art
15th April 2010, 06:55 PM
I also do my own taxes and I have always done my own taxes since 1997. I use Turbo Tax to do my taxes and I e-file. My tax return is straight forward and it does not take me very long to do mine.

15th April 2010, 07:02 PM
I found that doing one's own taxes is a lot easier when one has very little income...

15th April 2010, 07:27 PM
I did my own taxes up until a few years ago. At that point, I took everything out of my 401k and pension, started working for myself, and I hired an accountant.

I am very happy to pay an accountant .00575 of my annual income to save me .125 of my annual income in taxes.

15th April 2010, 07:40 PM
I did my own taxes up until a few years ago. At that point, I took everything out of my 401k and pension, started working for myself, and I hired an accountant.

I am very happy to pay an accountant .00575 of my annual income to save me .125 of my annual income in taxes.

k-os, paying someone else is fine. After all time is money. :o

My wife is a former tax accountant with the Aetna Life Insurance Co. so we are golden. ;D ;D

mick silver
15th April 2010, 07:43 PM
i also have and accountant ... every thing i do on my farm is a right off