View Full Version : I went to a Tea Party Event Tonight

15th April 2010, 06:31 PM
Hi everyone. I went to a Tea Party event tonight . . . on the spur of the moment with my friend, and I have some pictures to share. I don't want to defend the merits of the the Tea Party movement, or who is behind it. I just went, and thought y'all might like some of the photos.

15th April 2010, 06:41 PM
I would post more, but it says the upload folder is full.

And I was saving the best for last!

15th April 2010, 06:43 PM

Those pics are REALLy BIG!!!

Go download imagecomressor and run them through that with the preset for upload to yahoo photos.


I will do a couple for you now.. .hold on.

15th April 2010, 06:49 PM
Ok here you go... you can delete these two from your posts above.. .notice how much smaller in disk size these are!

15th April 2010, 06:49 PM
Sorry about that . . . it won't let me upload anything now. But they're on the case. . .

1970 Silver Art
15th April 2010, 06:51 PM
There was a Tea Party event in my city today but I did not go to it. I did not feel that I would fit in with the Tea Party crowd and I would probably end up being uncomfortable being there. That is why I did not go to the Tea Party event that was held in my city today.

15th April 2010, 06:51 PM
more . . . reduced :-)

15th April 2010, 06:55 PM
reduced, reduced. These are my favorites.

Rebel Yarr
15th April 2010, 07:00 PM
Good stuff - thanks for sharing the pics- such an angry conspiracy minded mob!!!

FYI on file sizes - see the "resolution" of the pic - that is typically what is going to make it so large in file size.....3264x2448.

You can use the method described above - or open paint if yer using Windows...in paint go to "Image" then "stretch/skew" make the file like 25% in both height and width. that will make the file size much smaller and save bandwidth and disk space for the site...

I don't know why they do not limit picture upload sizes to 100 or 200k - would really help them out with $$ I'd think.

15th April 2010, 07:02 PM
I used Photoshop and reduced them to 25% for web . . . I guess my camera is more powerful than I thought.

15th April 2010, 07:05 PM
Thanks for posting!

15th April 2010, 07:13 PM
Awesome ponzi silver poster.
I'd tape that to the side of my van and ride around town ;D

Thanks for the pics.
God's Peace,

mick silver
15th April 2010, 07:18 PM
i also went to one today for a few hours ... there were guys carring ak47 and the cops made then take the mags out to make sure there was no ammo in them ... in ky they go all out for a tea party

15th April 2010, 07:18 PM
Awesome ponzi silver poster.
I'd tape that to the side of my van and ride around town ;D

Thanks for the pics.
God's Peace,

I took that pic specifically for you guys here. :-)

15th April 2010, 07:54 PM
I see some of the parties on the news, so much fun!
Singing, dancing, catchy tunes, cool signs, T-shirts, nice weather, happy people voicing their opinions.
So much fun!

16th April 2010, 01:41 AM
Perhaps a choreographer will come up a tea party waltz or tango, complete with music & fashion. Then we'll be able to show our displeasure, in a very happy and congeal manor.

16th April 2010, 04:34 AM
You "don't want to defend the merits of the the Tea Party movement, or who is behind it", and the CFTC Silver Ponzi sign picture was taken for the benefit of the other GSers and not your own personal interest, why did you go at all?

None of it seems to interest you. I'm not attacking you K-os, I'm just wondering.

16th April 2010, 05:52 AM
Thanks for sharing the photos k-os!

What are your thoughts on the Tea Party? I went to the protest last year but I don't like how the movement has been hijacked by Hannity, Palin, etc...

16th April 2010, 05:53 AM
Hi everyone. I went to a Tea Party event tonight . . . on the spur of the moment with my friend, and I have some pictures to share. I don't want to defend the merits of the the Tea Party movement, or who is behind it. I just went, and thought y'all might like some of the photos.

Did you happen to talk to any of these people? Ask them the GSUS-type questions? I find this whole TEA party phenomenon a disturbing precursor to Tyranny of the masses. I get the emotional rant, but where is the intellectual leadership? Did you collect any insights?

16th April 2010, 06:33 AM
Awesome ponzi silver poster.
I'd tape that to the side of my van and ride around town ;D

Thanks for the pics.
God's Peace,

16th April 2010, 06:37 AM
Awesome pictures! I'm glad you could go!

16th April 2010, 06:38 AM
Photos from the party, fun was had by all!
http://stpetersashtabula.org/communitypics/communitypics-Thumbnails/1.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fk1wl7rssIA/SNayRETzCTI/AAAAAAAAHqo/npWoG_-mZEw/s400/BALLOONAPOLOOZA+3+013.JPG

16th April 2010, 07:00 AM
Thanks for sharing the photos k-os!

What are your thoughts on the Tea Party? I went to the protest last year but I don't like how the movement has been hijacked by Hannity, Palin, etc...

I really do not like groups or crowds in general. I went because my friend wanted to go.

The event seemed very emotion based . . . for example, there was a 15 year old girl talking about "democracy". The crowd loved her, and I admire her courage, but she was basically telling everyone that their vote counts. I didn't think the Tea Party issue is to "get out and vote", but perhaps I am wrong.

At the Tea Party, all I wanted to do was walk around and read the signs, because from the speakers, I couldn't tell what the message was, other than just being mad about taxes and voting. So, in my opinion, the speakers were all "preaching to the choir", as I doubt anyone who attended the tea party was a non-voting tax lover.

I think we'd all have a much greater success in if we truly embodied the original Boston Tea Party spirit and stopped buying useless stuff and/or stopped paying taxes.

16th April 2010, 07:06 AM
Did you happen to talk to any of these people? Ask them the GSUS-type questions? I find this whole TEA party phenomenon a disturbing precursor to Tyranny of the masses. I get the emotional rant, but where is the intellectual leadership? Did you collect any insights?

That is a very good point, and I think in my response to sunshine05 I said the same sort of thing. (So I think I just complimented myself too!) :oo-->

I did talk to some guys about a 2nd Amendment picnic and that led to a discussion about the Appleseed Project.

16th April 2010, 07:24 AM
That 15 year old girl should have been talking about a "Republic", not democracy.

....and you never answered my question.

16th April 2010, 07:41 AM
Thanks k-os. When we went last year we had a "Ron Paul was Right" sign and a "Stop Illegal Immigration" sign. It was nice to be around people who agreed with us.

16th April 2010, 09:35 AM
That 15 year old girl should have been talking about a "Republic", not democracy.

Exactly. That was my point in posting it.

....and you never answered my question.

I am sorry, I didn't know I was on trial here. :P But if you read my response to sunshine05 again, you will see that I did indeed answer your question.

I will not be posting for the next few days so we can continue this next week if you'd like.

Have a great weekend!

16th April 2010, 10:25 AM
I made it clear that I wasn't attacking you in my post, and that I was just curious.
Suddenly you're defensive and commenting about being "on trial".

I already read your post to Sunshine. I guess you just go to these things to read signs and take pictures. That is the only answer I can deduce from your posting on the subject.

I can live without a straight answer. I hope you have a great weekend too.

16th April 2010, 10:49 AM
Awoke, I like you, but I think you're reading a bit too much into this thread...

I guess you just go to these things to read signs and take pictures. That is the only answer I can deduce from your posting on the subject.

I have been to a "tea party" before. I did not really go to "do" anything - like k-os, I was kinda weary of those who fund them and their (the tea parties) association with the likes of Sean Hannity. I was just in the area and I thought I would mosey around and read some signs. I didn't take any pictures, but if I didn't mind everyone here knowing what city I live in, I might have taken some pictures simply to post them here so people can discuss them if they so desire (unless I'm much mistaken, this is what k-os was trying to accomplish by posting this thread).

I think you're just being a bit paranoid...

16th April 2010, 11:16 AM
Hahaha! Gonzo, I hear you.

I'm not really being paranoid, and I don't think K-os had any sinister motivations for being at the Tea Party, but when you ask a simple question and people beat around the bush, well, it got under my skin.

Dave Thomas
16th April 2010, 12:06 PM
I think you probably would have had more fun at an "End the Fed" rally, since there was a stated goal, and everyone knew why they were there. It also tended to be attended by folks who "Got the memo" as it were about big government, I.E. Lots of freemen types.

With the "Tea Party" now you have an entire spectrum of political ideologies, from libertarians to neocons. The tea party movement is a very interesting thing, it's like the popular and unregulated outcropping of a failed republican party. So on it's face it would seem that the idea is genuine, and it's amazing that many folks are actually giving a crap and protesting. Ultimately the majority of these folks still have a whole lot of waking up to do. I'm wondering when the Tea Party is going to be assimilated back into the Republican party, and just who they're going to recruit to do so. Kinda sad really.