View Full Version : Who are the world's richest Jews?

mick silver
15th April 2010, 09:34 PM
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1163054.html ... New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Businessman Sheldon Adelson, Russian mogul Roman Abramovich and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg rank among the world's richest Jews, according a new survey published by TheMarker.

The financial newspaper on Wednesday published an analysis of the world's richest Jews, ranking them by sector and industry and based on their standing on Forbes' list of the world's richest people.

Most of the people included on TheMarker's list have business ties with Israel and are also involved in philanthropy for Jewish causes.

Contrary to Forbes' list, a number of the Jewish billionaires listed have not inherited their fortunes, but rather earned them through entrepreneurial initiatives or political changes, such as the dissolution of the former Soviet Union.

So who ranks number one? According to TheMarker, Oracle founder Lawrence Ellison is the richest Jew in the world, with a net worth of $28 billion (Forbes No. 6).

Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg News service, ranks as the richest Jew in the media industry, with a net worth of $18 billion (Forbes No. 23). Isaac Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Comics, ranked second on TheMarker's list, with a net worth of $1.6 billion (Forbes No. 616).

In the technology sector, Ellison came in first place again, followed by Facebook's Zuckerberg, the youngest member of TheMarker's list, with a net worth of $4 billion (Forbes No. 212).

Energy companies and Chelsea football club owner Abramovich led the way in the oil and commodities section, with $11.2 billion (Forbes No. 50), followed by Viktor Vekelsberg, the owner of Renova Group, a large Russian conglomerate (Forbes No. 113). His net worth stands at $6.4 billion.

Other categories ranked by TheMarker include real estate, finance and gambling and tourism, with Australian property developer Harry Triguboff (Forbes No. 316), entrepreneur George Soros (Forbes No. 258) and Adelson (Forbes No. 73), topping those categories, respectively.

willie pete
15th April 2010, 09:48 PM
Probably one you've never heard of

15th April 2010, 10:18 PM
You got it Mr. pete..........

And the tittle should read...Who are the world's richest Zionists.

I will say something about this every time that I see it..........

General of Darkness
15th April 2010, 10:39 PM
You got it Mr. pete..........

And the tittle should read...Who are the world's richest Zionists.

I will say something about this every time that I see it..........

While I agree with saying that not every jew is a zionist, and not every zionist is a jew. I will say that the majority of jews I've met needed a good punch in the face. You like bananas Ponce? How about them bananas?

16th April 2010, 05:21 AM
I suppose the Rothschilds own haaretz.com..................

.....Look over there! Don't look over here!

16th April 2010, 05:49 AM
Q: Who are the world's richest Jews?

A: ...the unseen jews who are richer than the regular ultra-wealthy jews who control the Banking Hollywood Military Disinfo Machine.

From the "Our Crowd" of New York to the the Rothschild "Octopus" of old Europe.

It's the bloodlines that matter.

From Jim Cramer to Ben Bernanke, be wary of such not-so-rich jews trying to sell you the junk paper that the rich jews want to unload.

16th April 2010, 08:03 AM
Heyyyyyyyyyy Mr. Darkness.........I love bananas, remember that I come from a "banana" republic hahahahahaahahahah

16th April 2010, 08:08 AM

Who? Names in this thread.