View Full Version : The Anglo-Saxon Mission

15th April 2010, 11:45 PM
The Anglo-Saxon Mission:
the Third World War and
the Inheritance of the New World

February 2010

What our source reports is this:

There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.

It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.

The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.


Video @ bottom of page

16th April 2010, 12:08 AM

16th April 2010, 07:31 AM
Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-Saxon Mission. Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people - so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Give me a break. Which group of people have a monopoly on Central Banks?
Which group of people are actually decreasing in population?

16th April 2010, 07:43 AM

16th April 2010, 08:45 AM
I guess we'll know if Israel becomes crispy.

Well unless they'd like it to be crispy.

Do you think they'd like Jerusalem taken out?

17th April 2010, 08:59 PM
The Timeline
In late 2005 I attended what I thought was a normal 3 monthly City security & financial planning meeting since the usual crowd were emailed listed for attendance. The meeting turned out to be something entirely different. To my surprise (shock) this was very much a Masonic level meeting instead. No notes taken - word of mouth only.

At the meeting mention was made that the Timeline for war against Iran was being delayed to a point where other contingencies had to be put in place. Contingencies were then mentioned, in quite a matter of fact fashion. First was the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action and that Israel promised action that action would soon take place in order to provoke the required Iranian military response. (Israel soon after attacked Iranian backed Hizbollah bases in the Lebanon) That was my first surprise. The second was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the fledging Chinese financial sectors. China was growing too quickly with the Chinese military the being main beneficiary. The third surprise was open talk about the use of biological weapons – when they would be used since timing appeared to be crucial. Then there was more talk centred on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China. The talk continued about how long conventional weapons should be used, knowing they would be hopeless against a Chinese military onslaught in the region. It soon transpired that they were not making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned and so they were simply sharing that information between themselves. It also became clear that the central issue of the meeting was when the ‘balloon’ would go up. Further issues dealt with finances, the moving of resources and protection of assets and the central control of these resources: the bringing in outlying assets. I recall the chain/sequence of events, which ran something like this:

They needed either the Iranians or the Chinese to be guilty of first use nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage. (My information shows that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability) The next stage would be a measured regional nuclear response, enough to cause an immediate ceasefire. This ceasefire would create the time needed to put in place unified totalitarian western governments. Thereafter, or concurrent, biological weapons would be used against the Chinese population. This would then set of another chain of events that would collapse the whole Chinese political and social infrastructure. This was mentioned as: Disease, followed by wide spread food shortages, followed by mass starvation. Somehow, this would then cause the Chinese military to attack eastern Russia. The biological agents were described as being flu like and would spread like wild fire. It shocks and sickens me to describe these events. It shocks me even more to know that plausible events are being manipulated to cause the extinction of a whole part of the human race.


17th April 2010, 09:10 PM
I guess we'll know if Israel becomes crispy. Well unless they'd like it to be crispy. Do you think they'd like Jerusalem taken out?


They all got the Come Home memo but still more Jews live in New York, Florida, and California then live in Israel. What does that tell you about they themselves believing that Palestine is their Homeland?


17th April 2010, 09:19 PM
I mean, you gotta believe by now that they are quite happy with their own timeline, No? :oo-->

Gotta keep adding lines of text here...


23rd April 2010, 12:06 PM
Horn and Book, you are confusing Jews and Khazars. The above picture - nothing but Khazars.

City of London - one of the capitals of Khazars. The only people that may be in control are a few royal families (who may also be of khazarian blood). below them it's all khazars like Rosthchilds.

The actual jewish people that you are refer to, the actual jews practicing judaism - are maybe 20-25% of them. They are being used.

"they say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;" King James, rev. 3:9


They can easily level Jerusalem. Because they are not actual jews, they are khazars who call themselves "ashkenazi jews".

The latest kick is that it looks like they are building themselves a nice european country in place of Yugoslavia - insead of deserts of israel.