View Full Version : Pro-Handgun arguements in an Anti-Pistol country

16th April 2010, 08:34 AM
I am one of the few people I know that has bothered to jump through the paperwork hoops that our Canadian (Parliamentary Monarchy) Government has set in place for gun ownership.

I find the vast majority of gun owners are long-gun owners, and are not restricted licence holders.

In Canada we have 3 classes of firearm:
Non-restricted (Long guns)
Restricted (Pistols and semi-auto assault type rifles)
Prohibited (Fully auto, compact pistols, etc)

So, reading a magazine at work today I inevitably get questions fired off at me, because I am a minority, being a restricted holder.

The usual comments were made by the usual type: Anti-pistol comments from the anti-pistol type.
"Pistols are for killing and nothing else."
"Anyone who owns a pistol is just target shooting, and waiting to kill someone."

I get sick of hearing it.

My counter to "Pistols serve no other purpose except to murder" is usually this:
Sharpened blades were made to kill before pistols ever were. Just because you have a steak knife in your lunchbox doesn't mean you will feel compelled to murder someone, does it?"

I made a statement that "I would personally feel a lot more secure if I knew that I, and everyone around me, was a responsible gun owner, and carrying at all times".
The reply?
"I wouldn't. All it takes is one loose cannon to fly off the handle and kill a bunch of people".

Grrrr. In Toronto and all other big cities all over Canada, pretty much 95% of gun crimes are carried out with illegal firearms by unlicenced criminals. If you are a loose cannon, you are going to let loose regardless if it is with a knife, gun or pool cue. Psychos are psychos, and that can't be helped, but they can be shot in self defense if you're armed.

Following that last exchange, I also stated that I would feel much more secure and comforted if, as a Canadian, my wife was "allowed" to carry a firearm with her at all times, and that I would feel that my wife and children would be safer in that case.

There was no arguement from the peanut gallery on that statement.

Anyways, lets hear some positive, constructive arguements for pro-gun activists, please.