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17th April 2010, 05:53 AM
Don’t Drink the Water
April 16, 2010 - 6:00 AM | by: Douglas Kennedy
“Don’t drink the water,†that’s what Oliver Outerbridge is telling his neighbors.
It’s ironic because Outerbridge is a restaurant owner in Portland, Maine-a state which has some of the best tasting drinking water in the country.
“We are literally consuming a toxic substance,†Outbridge said, “we are medicating everyone.â€
His issue is obviously not the taste, but what Portland adds to its municipal water - fluoride.
“[Fluoride] causes multiple diseases,†he said. “It's been shown study after study to cause cancer as well as many other debilitating diseases.â€
Outerbridge’s claims are echoed by anti-fluoride activists across the country, but are vehemently denied by most dentists and government scientists.
“There is absolutely no science to this,†said Edmond Hewlett, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association. “There is a preponderance of evidence on this,†Hewlett added. “Not only is [fluoride] safe, but it’s extremely effective in preventing tooth decay.â€
What Hewlett can’t explain is why the anti-fluoride movement has recently gained such traction. In the last two years, dozens of communities in 10 states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, Vermont, Washington, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, and California,) have rejected water-fluoridation.
Outerbridge points to the warning on the back of any fluoridated tooth-paste. “It says right there if you swallow more than a pee-size, contact poison control. This stuff is poison.â€
Hewlett, on the other hand, compares fluoride to other substances like Vitamin A and Vitamin D. “All of these things in high concentration can be toxic, “ he said. “But when they are controlled and monitored, not only are they not toxic, but they are safe, and can actually make us healthier.â€
Fluoride has been added to drinking water (about one-part per-million) for over 65 years. Currently 70 percent of Americans drink fluoridated-water.
Hewlett points out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently honored fluoridated-water as one of the great public health achievements of the 20th century.
Outerbridge remains unimpressed, calling fluoride “mass-medication.†“Fundamentally,†he said. “I have a problem adding any form of medication to a water supply. I feel medical decisions should remain between individuals and their doctors. What’s good for one person is not good for another.â€
But apparently not all of Outerbridge’s neighbors agree. Last year he tried and failed to get a similar initiative on Maine’s state ballot. He also failed in a bid for a seat on Portland’s Water District Board on the issue of halting water-fluoridation.
However, Outerbridge believes the tide is turning in his favor, pointing to a spate of national stories on the anti-fluoride movement, “The more public press we get on this issue, the more likely it's to become an issue for the average person.â€
17th April 2010, 05:56 AM
Dispose of your fluoridated toothpaste right now. Use non-fluoridated toothpaste, baking soda, tooth soap, whatever, but stop poisoning yourself.
17th April 2010, 06:00 AM
Nearly all of the enclaves and cities in which the ultra-wealthy live and congregate (like the ski resorts of Switzerland, for example) have banned fluoride in the water.
17th April 2010, 06:31 AM
I don't drink water anymore, because it is dangerous.
Now, I only drink kool-aid.
17th April 2010, 06:48 AM
Good luck trying to overdose on vitamin D. ::)
BTW, green and black tea contain a lot of fluoride. Switch to white or something else, if you're a tea drinker.
17th April 2010, 07:02 AM
Osaka?, I know, specially when you mix kool-Aid with Coke instead of water :oo-->
First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.
17th April 2010, 08:08 AM
“Don’t drink the water,†that’s what Oliver Outerbridge is telling his neighbors.
I hate the fluoride in the water. The city started dumping it in the water after an erroneous "election" a few years ago. If you voted no it meant yes, and if you voted yes it meant no. The most votes went for no, which meant yes, so it passed. Fluoride dumping is a racket, started at the highest levels and passed down.
I used to have a nice garden, but no more. I stopped watering it from the tap when they started dumping fluoride in the water. Now I only water a few things, from the RO system by hand.
Poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned food. This morning, like most days, the skies are covered with white chemtrail poisons, from one horizon to the other. It seems to me that more and more people need to wake up, and do whatever can be done to stop the madness, whether on the perpetuating or the receiving end of these issues.
Nomen luni
17th April 2010, 09:23 AM
If you voted no it meant yes, and if you voted yes it meant no.I would love to see how the ******** worded that.
BTW, green and black tea contain a lot of fluoride.That's probably calcium fluoride, which in trace quantities from food is required to build strong teeth. This is not to be confused with sodium fluoride or hydro-fluoro-salicylic acid, that is much more toxic, which they dump in our water supplies. Not only is it a potent neurotoxin, but the industrial sources they use are often contaminated with heavy metals.
The term 'fluoride' itself I believe is used to confuse the issue. All fluoride compounds are not equal.
The sad truth is that the vast majority of food you consume will have been produced using fluoridated water and is therefore contaminated. Even if you can somehow cut it all out of your food supply, it is absorbed through the skin if you wash with it.
17th April 2010, 09:33 AM
Regarding tea, depends what's in the water used to nourish the plant.
Also, while we're on the topic of tea, best to avoid bleached tea bags.
17th April 2010, 10:12 AM
The sad truth is that the vast majority of food you consume will have been produced using fluoridated water and is therefore contaminated.
Most farmers do not use fluoridated water.
The largest cities were targeted first, then cities with more than 100,000 population.
Unfortunately I live in a 100,000+ city, that is also bombared with chemtrails.
Even if you can somehow cut it all out of your food supply, it is absorbed through the skin if you wash with it.
Yes, and we breathe it in showers.
I have gone to washing from a bucket, then finishing with a 3 minute shower, with the water on low and window open.
Unfortunately it looks like I will no longer be able to run outside. I had stopped ten years ago due to the chemtrails.
War is being waged on every person on the planet.
Celtic Rogue
17th April 2010, 11:08 AM
Nomen luni
17th April 2010, 12:14 PM
Most farmers do not use fluoridated water.Interesting... I was unaware of this. I bet most sodas and juices from concentrate come from fluoridated water.
Yes, and we breathe it in showers.
I have gone to washing from a bucket, then finishing with a 3 minute shower, with the water on low and window open.
Unfortunately it looks like I will no longer be able to run outside. I had stopped ten years ago due to the chemtrails.
War is being waged on every person on the planet.Wow... I assume you are not joking me here? Is your bucket is full of rainwater? Why not get out of the city?
17th April 2010, 12:17 PM
This is going to sound like BS but the more you remove fluoride from your diet, the more you will feel a pulsing behind your forehead, and your intuition will become much stronger.
17th April 2010, 12:25 PM
mick silver
17th April 2010, 12:48 PM
and dont eat the yellow snow
17th April 2010, 01:26 PM
like you were under water before then!
Financially or mentally?
The pulse in my frontal lobe has grown to migraines.
Perhaps with the crisis they will have to eliminate these fluoridation programs just due to the cost?
17th April 2010, 01:44 PM
Glad that my water is pure and from a creek and..........for taste great.
17th April 2010, 01:50 PM
I assume you are not joking me here? Is your bucket is full of rainwater? Why not get out of the city?
The shower water was bothering me, and there is aerosol that is visible in the water, especially when looking upwards to the light. Unfortunately the water is still from the tap, but not as much of it is used any more.
I will love to get out of the city, as soon as I find a suitable place that's affordable.
This is actually a small city, surrounded by ag fields. The next town is 15 to 30 miles depending on direction.
17th April 2010, 05:15 PM
How do you get fluoride out of your life?
There's water and toothpaste, what else?
Our city water isn't fluoridated here...and farmers use well water so our water should probably be alright.
Im looking for a good toothpaste to try, non fluoridated.
17th April 2010, 06:01 PM
This is from an MSM report on the Icelandic ash.
With the sky blackened out and the wind driving a fine, sticky dust, dairy farmer Berglind Hilmarsdottir teamed up with neighbors to round her animals and get them to shelter. The ash is toxic — the fluoride causes long-term bone damage that makes teeth fall out and bones break.
17th April 2010, 06:02 PM
There's fluoride in the volcanic ash? Wow, didn't know that.
17th April 2010, 08:16 PM
Nearly all of the enclaves and cities in which the ultra-wealthy live and congregate (like the ski resorts of Switzerland, for example) have banned fluoride in the water.
Can you provide a source for that? Thanks.
18th April 2010, 02:46 AM
Nearly all of the enclaves and cities in which the ultra-wealthy live and congregate (like the ski resorts of Switzerland, for example) have banned fluoride in the water.
Can you provide a source for that? Thanks.
Gruezi, Herr Banjo! I've lived in these places. That's how I know. :) From St. Moritz to Klosters to the suburbs surrounding Zurich. The Gnomes are careful people. ;)
Celtic Rogue
18th April 2010, 02:53 AM
I agree its going to be really hard to rid flouride from our diet as its in the water we drink and bath with ... and its in the products we use... I wish I had a well!!!!!!! :boohoo
18th April 2010, 03:05 AM
Can anyone recommend a particular brand or product I can purchase to filter water for daily consumption?
I have been using fluoride-free toothpaste, but want total freedom.
18th April 2010, 08:08 AM
That's one of the reasons I moved out of a major city to where I am today; Crap in the drinking water.
I used to distill my water when I lived in the city, and at the bottom of the boiler part of the distiller, there was always a 1/4" of water left over after a cycle. It smelled terrible, like chemicals. I didn't dare taste it, but if I drank a gallon of water, those substances would be in me.
Where I live now I am on a well. I had to test the water to get a mortgage, and it has almost no contaminates, and is soft. What it does have, the quantities/concentration are so low as to be hardly testible. Everyone comments on how good it tastes. I have no filtration, just straight from the ground.
This isn't surprising as it rains alot here, and the ground is very porous and filters well..
18th April 2010, 08:11 AM
Doesn't flouride make you more docile and sheeplike? Wasn't it used in the Gulags and concentration camps to keep the prisoners under control?
18th April 2010, 09:03 AM
Doesn't flouride make you more docile and sheeplike? Wasn't it used in the Gulags and concentration camps to keep the prisoners under control?
I believe that it's supposed to affect your pineal gland. I didn't know that it has been used in gulags... that would be interesting to look into.
18th April 2010, 09:29 AM
What Advanced Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Looks Like
18th April 2010, 09:46 AM
Doesn't flouride make you more docile and sheeplike? Wasn't it used in the Gulags and concentration camps to keep the prisoners under control?
I believe that it's supposed to affect your pineal gland. I didn't know that it has been used in gulags... that would be interesting to look into.
There should be something to counteract, or neutralize it's effects, No?
18th April 2010, 09:54 AM
The sad truth is that the vast majority of food you consume will have been produced using fluoridated water and is therefore contaminated.
Most farmers do not use fluoridated water.
The largest cities were targeted first, then cities with more than 100,000 population.
There are varying amounts of fluoride in ground water outside of cities.
There have also been great amounts of damage to agriculture & livestock by fluoride in the air.
A quotation in the video below, "there has been more litigation on alleged damage to agriculture by fluoride
than all other pollutants combined", refers also to damage by fluoride in the air.
18th April 2010, 12:34 PM
How do you get fluoride out of your life?
There's water and toothpaste, what else?
Our city water isn't fluoridated here...and farmers use well water so our water should probably be alright.
Im looking for a good toothpaste to try, non fluoridated.
Water is the hardest part - you need well water or you need to install a water purification system in your home. A lot of fluoride gets you from taking showers, baths, washing dishes, etc. so just changing your drinking water won't help. I've been drinking either distilled water or well water for the last 10 years.
Toothpaste is easy - there are several dozen brands of fluoride free toothpaste available at health food stores, or you can use baking soda.
I've heard that many canned food products have fluoride contamination, but I don't know which ones or in what concentrations. Better to grow your own food and hunt, if those are options for you.
Nomen luni
18th April 2010, 02:36 PM
Yeah... plain old filtering does not remove fluoride. You need distillation or a filter with chemical elements in it.
@Gaillo- Supposedly it's not a great idea to drink distilled water without hardening it up at least a little. I guess you're still here 10 yrs on, tho'...
18th April 2010, 02:50 PM
Supposedly it's not a great idea to drink distilled water without hardening it up at least a little.
That is part of their ongoing deception. The crooks want people to think that adding fluoride, lead, arsenic, chlorine, uranium, plutonium etc to the water would somehow make it "better" - such is not the case though.
You can get much better mineral content from food.
I drank distilled water for many years before switching to RO, primarily due to cost & convenience.
Pure water is the best.
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