View Full Version : Pre-Thinking US$ Bank Holiday individual Preps.

17th April 2010, 11:53 AM
On the "Guardians" (GOTFR) thread, I priorly reported GE Tim Turner's warning of a bank holiday being declared no sooner than the 3rd week of April 2010. I posted this quotation as a result of my listening to radio interviews with GE Turner earlier in 2010.

No reason was given for selecting that time frame. GE Turner further stated he was informed "last summer" i.e., summer 2009, that it would be in the magnitude of 12:1 which translates to about 87% devaluation. AND, GE Turner has said as recently as 4/7/2010 that he did NOT expect same before Friday, 4/16/2010 (That has come and gone.) GE Turner's final comment on this anticipated event was that he expected it to be a short term--his definition: 2-3 day Bank Holiday--event, and the least disruptive to the general populace would be over a weekend. That concludes what I heard GE Turner say with my own two ears.

Before picking myself up off the floor and considering the ramifications of such an implementation, I resolved a couple of responsive behaviors on my part.

1) To investigate the currency deval of 1933 when the Gold was called in, to determine its proper percentage of deval. (That would be approximately 68% in our inglorious history, which also happened basically overnight.)

2) To reflect on and create an overt action plan to protect me and my family as much as possible in this forecast event.

It is this last point I hope this thread's following posts will focus on and address.

I'll start:
It is hard to create a plan for a "one fell swoop" deval plan such as originally occurred in this nation in 1933. I'm NOT SAYING gold will be confiscated. I'm saying FIAT will be "confiscated" or re-issued by edict.

That being my scenario since it has happened once, albeit in a NON-electronic digits era, it is HARD to concomitantly stay alert, and still be ready for such a future "certainty" at least in my mind.

A) One needs to determine how much "walking around fiat" will be affected, that is NOT in gold or silver or platinum or palladium or diamonds, etc.

B) One needs to pre-think operating in two currencies simultaneously and continuing to live one's life as well as the wife's pocket money, etc.

Some examples:
dollars and gold.
dollars and silver.
dollars and Cando's.
dollars and Swisse.

C) One who is still employed 9-5 who adopts a pro-active plan which anticipates sudden US Currency deval as happened in 1933, needs to come up with a REGULARLY scheduled visit to whom- or whatever conversion servicer, so as to
restore the "comfortable walking around money" level which would be severely diminished in a sudden deval of the US$. How do you accomplish that every week like clockwork?

D) Who are currency conversion service providers easily accessible by We the People?
And who are the ones with the "tightest spread" between bid and asked?

I look forward to hearing others ideas who have spent time thinking about this, and from those to whom this might be an "unplanned for event." In shared knowledge, especially where this unforgivable spend spend spend mantra is modeled from above us, we will find power simply because we DID think about it, and created such an anticipatory/pro-active plan.

Let's hear some ideas, guys and gals. I really hope the gals on this forum pitch in as well. It is a fact that in a great many of our homes, the women manage the money by either default or by mutual agreement.

|--0--| beefsteak

17th April 2010, 12:09 PM
Let's hear some ideas, guys and gals.

Having a stash of $20 bills makes sense in any thread that mentions Bank Holiday...lol.

17th April 2010, 12:49 PM

YW! ;D Glad to be of assistance!

maybe it's just me....but how does a "stack of FRN 20s" help you in your way of thinking? Please flesh it out, okay?

For example: $5,000 in a "stack of FRN 20s" now is going to be worth a mere $443 purchasing power in FRN 20s, and only then, until they are repudiated/surrendered by new FR procedures and paper.

I'm not sure what your plan accomplishes. Please come back and help me understand. I truly am interested!


17th April 2010, 01:11 PM
A currency devaluation against what?

I assume the "12" part is the FRN but what constitutes the "1" part?

How does it work?

17th April 2010, 01:27 PM
against itself in a new to be issued fiat form, Carl.

17th April 2010, 01:57 PM
against itself in a new to be issued fiat form, Carl.

I still don't get it.

Are you saying that there is a possibility that if I had $12,000 of old 'DIGITAL' FRNs in my bank account, one day I may wake up to discover I only have $1,000 new 'DIGITAL' FRNs?

Or, do I have that backwards?

Twisted Titan
17th April 2010, 02:12 PM
Let's hear some ideas, guys and gals.

Having a stash of $20 bills makes sense in any thread that mentions Bank Holiday...lol.

Ten,fives and ones

Nobody will be making change if TSHTF


17th April 2010, 03:15 PM
against itself in a new to be issued fiat form, Carl.

I still don't get it.

Are you saying that there is a possibility that if I had $12,000 of old 'DIGITAL' FRNs in my bank account, one day I may wake up to discover I only have $1,000 new 'DIGITAL' FRNs?

Or, do I have that backwards?

Yes, Carl, that is what I understand from the 12:1 deval. You'll have FRN 1K left out of original 12.

17th April 2010, 03:27 PM
Having a stash of $20 bills makes sense in any thread that mentions Bank Holiday...lol.

Ten,fives and ones

Nobody will be making change if TSHTF


I disagree. I think quite a bit of change will be made - in junk silver. Merc dimes, standing liberties, etc.

Interesting you bring up coinage, Gaillo.

I've been thinking about that one. And here's where I'm leaning. It takes such a long time to create out of properly annealed and alloyed cupro-nickel, and cupro-zinc metals the actual sheets of metal ready for stamping, that I don't see how they could do without the pocket change still being allowed.

Secondly, we are definitely creatures of habit in our country. As such, we are programmed to think when we are little that 3 pennies clutched in our wee fist is a whole lot more money than the nickel in our big brother's hand.

The other programming we've had for decades is that FRN 12.99 is a lower price than anything with a FRN 13 in front of the decimal.

My third point is: all the vending machines which currently operate on cupro-nickel and cupro-zinc coinage. Many of this nation's mass transit would have heart-failure if tickets couldn't be bought at the various stations with the change in our pockets.
Including Susan B's and Sacagawea dollars, devalued or not.

So, one of the strategies I've been mulling over is how much hard, current coinage will
we be permitted to hold in a fiat FRN 12:1 scenario?

Will it be a bifracated deval with coinage=one exchange rate, and FRNs another?

Paper can be printed mucho quicker than metal mined, alloyed, annealed and then rolled into gigantic sheets for stamping coinage.

Ditto the electronic updating of FRN priced goods. Heck, our retail outlets, especially grocery stores and filling stations, and most assuredly banks, re-calibrate digits all the time. This permits gasoline pump changes from a central location after the weekly Oil Data is released every Tuesday is it?

And the grocery outlets "weekly ads" are over every Tuesday at midnight according to my wife. That indicates to me that someone is punching in corrected pricing after midnight via electronic digital edits.

Your thoughts about coinage and a pre-deval strategy, anyone?

|--0--| beefsteak

17th April 2010, 03:39 PM
I don't know beef, sounds like shuffling chairs on the deck of a sinking ship to me.

If everything is devalued equally then there is absolutely no advantage gained from devaluation.

17th April 2010, 03:49 PM
Well, my monetary inventory consist of the following........for and in the US only.

$1,000 = $5.00
$1,000 = $10.00
$1,000 = $20.00
$30,000 = US fiat.........could be only $27,000 (not sure)
$5,000 = Canadian dollar
20 = Maple Leaf
XXXXXXX = One oz round .999 silver
XXXXXXX = Ten oz .999 silver
100 bricks = Nickels
XXXXXXX = Loose change

The only ones that I don't count as "for here" are the 20 Maple Leaf which I call my (Run like hell Ponce) to get to my farm in Aregentina.

And of course I have a lotttttttt of stuff for trading.

No pre 65 silver coins.

Do I need anything else???

To live here I only need $4,350 per year not counting food or gas.

I am only worried about the $30,000 cash, maybe I should get some more Canadian dollars.

17th April 2010, 05:06 PM
I don't know beef, sounds like shuffling chairs on the deck of a sinking ship to me.

If everything is devalued equally then there is absolutely no advantage gained from devaluation.

oh, the ship of state is learning leaning to port/starboard, and the deck chairs be a sliddin' for sure, Carl.

However, I'm don't see your "no advantage gained" view as you state.

I can see a couple of advantages:

Foreign Counterfeiting of FRNs would take it on the chin for a while. I see that occurring b/c so many of them would have to be made in such a hurry that mistakes would be made, big time, in a sudden ramp up of bogus bills and stuffing the distribution channel, that many would be outted simply by their greed and carelessness.

Second advantage I see, is to basically render useless quite literally, tons of drug money currently under the radar. Of course, the trade-off would be a quick spike in violent crime as the addicted in our society would be bouncing off the walls, whether crack cocaine, meth, ice, weed, heroin, liquor, or even coffin nails, because of the inability of people to have enough FRNs to pay 12x higher prices minimally overnight.

The third "perceived advantage" by our lords and masters would be to create a panic and then capitalize on the panic by such a move. Whatever that "spin" would be, it would no doubt be "for our own good" ... (barf!)

A fourth advantage would be that I doubt the rest of the world would wish to simultaneously engage in 86% deval in a self-feeding, downward spiral frenzy. I privately enjoy the thought of really hitting the Chinese mfg "branch" in the solar plexis with such a move, I'll admit it. To think that no one could even afford their cheap WalMart and Harbor Freight stuff at 12x current prices/ adjusted price hikes,
would surely put a lot of Senior Greeters at WalMart out of their misery.

Interesting, no?

Just some thoughts, Carl.

17th April 2010, 05:08 PM
maybe it's just me....but how does a "stack of FRN 20s" help you in your way of thinking? Please flesh it out, okay?


Sure Beafsteak. Nobody at the grocery store or gas station is gonna take the time to read the date on your "silver" dime wtshtf. With the ATM machines down we stand a better chance of buying stuff just before the looters arrive if we wave recognized green paper dollars. Remember that the title of this thread is "Bank Holiday" so there will be a shortage of cash.

That's why my bugout bag contains a stack of $20 bills...


17th April 2010, 05:12 PM
[i][b]Ten,fives and ones. Nobody will be making change if TSHTF

Don't forget that prices will immediately raise due to gouging. $20s is good for me...lol.

Saul Mine
17th April 2010, 05:29 PM
If you are still thinking $ while planning for a crash ... I dunno, maybe there isn't anything more that we can do for you since all the training so far hasn't had any effect.

If you are concerned about a bank holiday and have any significant amount of $ in a bank, you should go to treasurydirect.gov and open an account. Then when your bank fails to open one Monday you can go online and transfer your funds to your TD account. Yes, even after the bank has been shuttered.

For everything else, there's PM.

17th April 2010, 05:47 PM
OK, I'm pitching in one woman's opinion: I don't think the people of the US will ever adopt another country's currency for day to day trade - unlike the rest of the world, most people here don't even know what other currencies look like. I think people will keep using devalued US dollars just out of habit and lack of knowledge of other currencies.

Since the US $ is the world's reserve currency, people all over the world are familiar with it and in many cases would prefer it over their own unstable currencies (or at least they used to). So, for example in Russia or Argentina, people would convert their local money to us dollars for long term storage. Americans never needed to worry about an unstable currency, so people here have never had exposure to other currencies. Besides, no other currency in the world has enough in circulation for our large economic needs.

So, for planning purposes, I'd say keep a few thousand US$ for use during a bank holiday, and the rest in PMs. Keep it simple.

17th April 2010, 05:48 PM
At first the fiat will be king because that all that the sheep's knows or have... as time goes by the the coins followed by PM.

17th April 2010, 05:51 PM
I've been hearing "backroom" rumors all week about a currency devaluation this weekend, now I know why. Thanks for posting this, Beefsteak.

This is the 3rd or 4th time in the last year I've heard rumors of a currency devaluation, and it hasn't happened yet... but one of these times it WILL - of that I have no doubt.

it's happening right in front of our eyes.

there's plenty of talk about China letting the yuan "float", which basically means revaluing it 40% relative to the dollar.

i think they will just keep up with their happy talk and the inflation will be much more than the official happy number.

repeat that over and over again for the next 20 years while the national debt grows to $20 Trillion + and you're pretty much guaranteed of a devalued currency.

i think it's good practice to have cash & other trade-ables in case banks were closed for some reason.

17th April 2010, 05:51 PM
If you are still thinking $ while planning for a crash ... I dunno, maybe there isn't anything more that we can do for you since all the training so far hasn't had any effect.

I own AGEs and have my Preps already. The topic here is "Bank Holiday". Good luck trying to tell that gas station or grocery clerk that your dime is "real silver" and demand that he read the date Saul...lol.


17th April 2010, 07:37 PM
If you are still thinking $ while planning for a crash ... I dunno, maybe there isn't anything more that we can do for you since all the training so far hasn't had any effect.

I own AGEs and have my Preps already. The topic here is "Bank Holiday". Good luck trying to tell that gas station or grocery clerk that your dime is "real silver" and demand that he read the date Saul...lol.


Saul, the topic here is DUAL, k?

Bank holiday for the purpose of conducting a system reset, using 12:1 currency deval on the US FRNs.

You make a good point here. Especially after you point out to the gas station or grocery clerk what you are spending to buy the food or fuel. They will simply place a dime in the drawer replacing the pre-64 silver dime you just gave them, and THEY'LL take it to the "conversion service provider" (in this case, a coin shop most likely) and give a healthy percentage of FRNs in exchange for the silver dime.

Please remember, all, I did ask for input as to what currency converter providers (CURRENCY DEF: GOLD is a currency, altho' unlike fiat) one plans to use in a Bank Holiday type event?

Any examples besides: "coin shop?" What else is out there? Is this a new business opportunity for the entrepreneurs out in G-S-L land?

I shared with Ponce earlier about US Bank-Foreign Banking branch on the West Coast with whom I've done business on occasion. On the return to FRNs angle, what I bought from US Bank and then turned around and converted back using Bank Of America branch in my new hometown.


|--0--| beefsteak

17th April 2010, 07:51 PM
Well, my monetary inventory consist of the following........for and in the US only.

No pre 65 silver coins.

How come no pre 65 junk silver?

Just rather have the .999 stuff?

Just wondering...

17th April 2010, 07:58 PM
No pre-65 junk silver for me. :)

17th April 2010, 08:38 PM
No pre-65 junk silver for me. :)


Maybe I should sell mine and buy .999 and MREs? ;D

17th April 2010, 08:52 PM
Metal Man......no idea, really..........even I don't know why, I simply follow my instints and they tell me that regular everyday coins is the way to go.

17th April 2010, 08:59 PM
No pre-65 junk silver for me. :)


Maybe I should sell mine and buy .999 and MREs? ;D

I like pre-65 junk silver for historical reasons, but for survival/barter purposes, I think it's overrated. It's best to keep things simple when dealing with bartering, trading, and using non-dollars as money. I'm sure some people would be interested in trading for junk silver, but I don't want to have to explain to someone the weight and purity of junk silver in a survival situation. They look too much like cupro-nickel coins. I can't rely on the person with whom I'm trading to be smart enough to understand their value.

Also, I worked in a bullion shop for a while, and I realized that if I had to explain pre-65 silver to my customers, who already like coins, then explaining them to the rest of the populace would take too much effort.

Better to have things like vodka, aspirin, nickels, and silver that CLEARLY states the weight and purity.

For example, Northwest Territorial Mint sells bars that can be easily broken into quarter-ounce pieces, reminiscent of the old Pieces of Eight silver coins.

Do you think the zombies will see a 1964 Roosevelt dime as much different than a 1965 Roosevelt dime? A few might, but I want something I can count on and doesn't require any extra thinking on the part of the seller. If someone doesn't instantly recognize its value, it's a poor option.

17th April 2010, 09:05 PM
I just love those 1/4 oz bars.........what a great idea.

17th April 2010, 09:15 PM
Having US FRNs on hand is a good idea, even in the event of a currency devaluation. Small bills. Maybe some Canadian dollars if you're close to the border. Nickels. Stuff people are familiar with. Assume ATMs will not work.

I have never seen precious metals as a good option for use in a survival situation.

Too much flash will backfire.

More than one person who lived through the Argentinean collapse has said that if you wanted to commit suicide, you only had to go to a crowded area and hold up a gold coin.

Maybe have some cheap 10k gold rings on hand, if you're so inclined.

Everyone's situation is different. Every local economy and culture is different.

17th April 2010, 09:23 PM
Good info guys.

I bet you're right that that most people won't know
what pre 65 silver is really worth.

So, I'll be re-allocating some fundage to buying more...

* Cash FRNs - $5s, $10s, $20s
* Coins - Pennies, Nickels, Quarters, etc.
* .999 Silver

17th April 2010, 11:18 PM
I can see a deval because of too much printing but other than that I cant see why any gov entity would do a deval. Do you think countries that we used to owe 12 billion to will now accept only 1 billion? I dont see it happening. Plus americans really are too stupid.
I was talking to neighbors about gold and silver 2 weeks ago. 2 days ago they informed me they have a whole pile of it that the father had accumulated over the years and they want to sell it.. Told them I would take it all LOL. They would rather have the paper.

18th April 2010, 02:40 AM
It's easy to forget that throughout history, incredible butchery, slaughter, and death have taken place to satisfy the lust for gold. People have risked their own lives, slaved and prostituted themselves, and told endless lies to acquire gold. Be careful, everyone.

18th April 2010, 07:13 AM
Bank holiday for the purpose of conducting a system reset, using 12:1 currency deval on the US FRNs.


|--0--| beefsteak

Well, I suggest that this line of thought is a waste of time.

U.S. Fed/Gov don't set or control the value of the FRN and the same would apply to a new FRN, which would probably die in an almost instant hyperinflationary global explosion, both figuratively and literally.

Also, driving almost everyone into abject poverty simultaneously would be instant suicide for the Fed/Gov.

But, that's JMHO........................

The purpose behind jacking up the exchange rate value of gold in 1933 was to allow the government to buy back foreign held debt with gold at a better rate. That prices went up on imported goods was of little to no consequence as we were importing less than 7% of total goods used. There was no overall inflationary effect from that revaluation as the use of gold was already outlawed within our economy so its perceived domestic "exchange value" was irrelevant.


18th April 2010, 07:19 AM
The purpose behind jacking up the exchange rate value of gold in 1933 was to allow the government to buy back foreign held debt with gold at a better rate. That prices went up on imported goods was of little to no consequence as we were importing less than 7% of total goods used. There was no overall inflationary effect from that revaluation as the use of gold was already outlawed within our economy so its perceived domestic "exchange value" was irrelevant.


True. And a good point.

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 07:20 AM
Let's hear some ideas, guys and gals.

Having a stash of $20 bills makes sense in any thread that mentions Bank Holiday...lol.

I agree with you on that. I would also like to add that having any physical cash stash on hand makes sense even if there is no bank holiday. Paper denominations smaller than $20 are also a good idea to have on hand IMO. Anything bigger than $20 is not a good idea IMO.

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 07:32 AM
Ten,fives and ones

Nobody will be making change if TSHTF


It still might be possible to make change (TSHTF or not) but it depends on what you are buying. It is best to pay the exact amount for an item and that is why I think that is a good idea to ALWAYS have $1's ,$5's, and $10's as well as nickels, dimes, quarters, and pennys.

18th April 2010, 08:48 AM
After thinking about it..........the same way that they would not change for an oz of silver or gold maybe they would not have change for a $100.00 dollar bill...even if Canadian.

Of my $27,000-30,000 $10,000 into more Canadian and $10,000 into smaller paper fiat.

The Canadian is for in case the US comes out with a new fiat that is $1.00 new to $3.00 old....... or a 1/3 ratio.

Hatha Sunahara
18th April 2010, 10:53 AM

Also, driving almost everyone into abject poverty simultaneously would be instant suicide for the Fed/Gov.

That didn't happen in Argentina. Have you heard of the Government's 'Consequences Management' plan? Obama has the power to call up 80,000 troops to deal with the consequences of action that the government takes. Stuff like devaluing the money and driving everyone into abject poverty simultaneously.

The government has an army of social engineers working to anticipate the reaction of the population to everything they do, and to deal with it. If they can do something like 911 and have most people believing that it was Arab hijackers that did it, a devaluation of the money will be nothing for them. I don't think the government--the one we see is what runs things. There is a secret government we don't see, and that is who is running everything. Globally.

A devaluation will be accompanied by new currency, and you will have to trade in X old dollars for one new unit of currency. Initially, all balances of everything will be divided by X, and all rates of pay will be divided by X. The new currency will be legal tender.

My advice: Get rid of your dollars now. Hold only tangible assets. Paper will evaporate just like the WTC towers did on 911.


18th April 2010, 01:26 PM

Also, driving almost everyone into abject poverty simultaneously would be instant suicide for the Fed/Gov.

That didn't happen in Argentina. Have you heard of the Government's 'Consequences Management' plan? Obama has the power to call up 80,000 troops to deal with the consequences of action that the government takes. Stuff like devaluing the money and driving everyone into abject poverty simultaneously.

The government has an army of social engineers working to anticipate the reaction of the population to everything they do, and to deal with it. If they can do something like 911 and have most people believing that it was Arab hijackers that did it, a devaluation of the money will be nothing for them. I don't think the government--the one we see is what runs things. There is a secret government we don't see, and that is who is running everything. Globally.

A devaluation will be accompanied by new currency, and you will have to trade in X old dollars for one new unit of currency. Initially, all balances of everything will be divided by X, and all rates of pay will be divided by X. The new currency will be legal tender.

My advice: Get rid of your dollars now. Hold only tangible assets. Paper will evaporate just like the WTC towers did on 911.


your response to Carl was quite on point and succinct from where I'm at.

One thoughtful response to your post, if I may? Again, I ask: to make it across the finite point in time where an "evaporate just like the WTC towers did" currency deval requiring fiat exchange occurs...
...what "convert to new fiat service providers"--from Precious Metals Category of assets to newly issued legal tender--do you or others:
--know about?
---plan to use?
----ponder becoming an entrepreneurial start up as such a service provider?
-----have the tightest spreads?

I'm speaking of the "other side" of said anticipated finite, point in future time. This is where I want some ideas, discussion, suggestions. I turn to this fine group of thinkers and doers for some solid ideas.

I've been on the boards for years and years. I may have missed this discussion, that is true. But I'd sure like to listen to that discussion now! This seems to be a seriously unexplored area among those of us prepping.

I propose we are into tangibles for both insurance as well as PMs for their store of value and ultimate convertibility.

The argument has been successfully made as I can see it for the Prep/Insurance part.

May we please get our collective heads together and brainstorm the "other side?" The convertibility back into legal tender issuance?


|--0--| beefsteak

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 01:37 PM
I forgot to mention this in my earlier posts on this thread but I want to be clear in that I think that it is good to have both cash and PM's on hand (I prefer to have more on PM's than physical cash). Have $1's, $5's, $10's and $20's cash denominations on hand AND gold and silver.

As long as the physical cash is still good (i.e not completely worthless), then that should be used first to buy goods and services and then use the silver to buy basic goods and services when the cash is totally useless. Gold should not be used unless you are planning on a "major" purchase and cash is worthless.

I do not know if this exactly answers the question because I do not know exactly how any SHTF scenario will play out.

18th April 2010, 02:22 PM
I forgot to mention this in my earlier posts on this thread but I want to be clear in that I think that it is good to have both cash and PM's on hand (I prefer to have more on PM's than physical cash). Have $1's, $5's, $10's and $20's cash denominations on hand AND gold and silver.

As long as the physical cash is still good (i.e not completely worthless), then that should be used first to buy goods and services and then use the silver to buy basic goods and services when the cash is totally useless. Gold should not be used unless you are planning on a "major" purchase and cash is worthless.

I do not know if this exactly answers the question because I do not know exactly how any SHTF scenario will play out.

Thanks, 1970 Silver Art,
So, is it my understanding if you were to make a large purchase, aka a whole beef steer from a local rancher, you would search until you found one (several?) local rancher(s) that would conduct "food business" with you that would accept your PMs as payment in full in order to open negotiations for your purchase for your family?

If you could not, who/would you seek out to use as a conversion service provider and what spread between bid and ask would you find acceptable before going back to visit Mr. Fiat Only Rancher to obtain the cut and wrapped steer meat for your family's freezer?



18th April 2010, 02:33 PM
What can I say........ready or not here I am......but remember.

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

There is always something else to do, no matter how well prepared you think that you are.

Ponce <---------- and that includes specially him.

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 02:41 PM
I forgot to mention this in my earlier posts on this thread but I want to be clear in that I think that it is good to have both cash and PM's on hand (I prefer to have more on PM's than physical cash). Have $1's, $5's, $10's and $20's cash denominations on hand AND gold and silver.

As long as the physical cash is still good (i.e not completely worthless), then that should be used first to buy goods and services and then use the silver to buy basic goods and services when the cash is totally useless. Gold should not be used unless you are planning on a "major" purchase and cash is worthless.

I do not know if this exactly answers the question because I do not know exactly how any SHTF scenario will play out.

Thanks, 1970 Silver Art,
So, is it my understanding if you were to make a large purchase, aka a whole beef steer from a local rancher, you would search until you found one (several?) local rancher(s) that would conduct "food business" with you that would accept your PMs as payment in full in order to open negotiations for your purchase for your family?

If you could not, who/would you seek out to use as a conversion service provider and what spread between bid and ask would you find acceptable before going back to visit Mr. Fiat Only Rancher to obtain the cut and wrapped steer meat for your family's freezer?



As long as you can still use cash, then I would probably go first to "Mr. Fiat" first to obtain the steer meat by paying cash. If cash can be used, then I would use the cash first before any PM's. The reason that I say this is because I prefer to use cash first before I am forced to use my PM's to buy goods and services. If the PM's are for SHTF, then I would hold on to them as long as possible before you have to use them to buy goods and services if the FRN becomes completely worthless in a SHTF scenario.

All of the above is assuming that PM's will not be illegal to own. It is certainly very possible for a "cashless" society in where no cash or gold and silver transactions are allowed.

BTW I am not a SHTF prepper. I am just to collector that collects silver art bars. I am not buying PM's for SHTF purposes. The above paragraph is just my opinion on what I would do if faced with a SHTF scenario when I have both cash and PM's to buy goods and services with.

18th April 2010, 02:54 PM
What can I say........ready or not here I am......but remember.

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

There is always something else to do, no matter how well prepared you think that you are.

Ponce <---------- and that includes specially him.

Indeed. The best think you can do to "get ready" is to educate yourself. Learn some mad skillz, they'll take you MUCH farther than a pocket full of silver when TSHTF.

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 03:04 PM
What can I say........ready or not here I am......but remember.

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

There is always something else to do, no matter how well prepared you think that you are.

Ponce <---------- and that includes specially him.

Indeed. The best think you can do to "get ready" is to educate yourself. Learn some mad skillz, they'll take you MUCH farther than a pocket full of silver when TSHTF.


It is the skills that a person obtains that will generate cash (income). In a SHTF scenario, it will be the skills that a person obtains that will earn them gold and silver or whatever the medium of exchange that is in place in a SHTF scenario. Having skills is always a good thing regardless of if the scenario is a SHTF scenario or a "normal" scenario. I still think that have a stash of cash and PM's is still a good idea but that stash of cash and PM's will run out if you do not have a skill set as a way to generate in income to replenish that stash. After all, generating an income is the way that most people have created a cash and PM stash to begin with.

Having a skill set regardless of the economic scenario = PRICELESS

Phenix Pawn
18th April 2010, 03:13 PM
"The local MRE market is holding at moderate inventory levels 15+ cases: Surplus Price $40* (12 Meals) In Date, certified, Inspected, in sealed case. Uncle Suckers est. cost $80-100. Not for consumption, only as military collectable." quotes Mr. Fish

* Not an offer! If you can find real MRE's for this $ or less, buy it? Last 40+ years!

but it's


Yeah, in an emergency, that S**t will keep the hunger away, but your ass will pay!

Hint: "A" and "B" cases are the best, "C" cases have veggie burgers and such, "I" or International cases have mostly offshore food (yuck).

Hint2: Avoid "Camper" or "Aftermarket" MRE's, buy em' and you will be sorry! Total Waste of $$$.

Good Luck.

18th April 2010, 03:45 PM
And that's why six months ago I bought a new metal engine lathe...just in case something happens and I loose my cash and so on.......the plan behind the plan?

I now have my old "Smithis" lathe-mill combo and the new one.

18th April 2010, 03:47 PM

Also, driving almost everyone into abject poverty simultaneously would be instant suicide for the Fed/Gov.

That didn't happen in Argentina. Have you heard of the Government's 'Consequences Management' plan? Obama has the power to call up 80,000 troops to deal with the consequences of action that the government takes. Stuff like devaluing the money and driving everyone into abject poverty simultaneously.

The government has an army of social engineers working to anticipate the reaction of the population to everything they do, and to deal with it. If they can do something like 911 and have most people believing that it was Arab hijackers that did it, a devaluation of the money will be nothing for them. I don't think the government--the one we see is what runs things. There is a secret government we don't see, and that is who is running everything. Globally.

A devaluation will be accompanied by new currency, and you will have to trade in X old dollars for one new unit of currency. Initially, all balances of everything will be divided by X, and all rates of pay will be divided by X. The new currency will be legal tender.

My advice: Get rid of your dollars now. Hold only tangible assets. Paper will evaporate just like the WTC towers did on 911.

Yes let's compare Argentina to the U.S.
A country 3/10ths the size of the U.S. with 40 million people and a GDP of $558 Billion that has spent the better part of the last three decades in currency crisis.

And you believe it provides a good example as to what may occur here in the U.S. with its 300 million people, $14 Trillion dollar GDP and World Reserve Currency? What are you smoking and can I have some?

And it is also silly to project people's reactions to being thrown into abject poverty, in mass and simultaneously, by using their reactions over a peripheral incident known as 9/11 or estimate the government's ability to cope with 10's of millions of homeless, hungry and really angry people by the cluster-f**k way they mishandled a tiny segment of the population after Katrina.

Regardless of your projected fears, I just don't buy into the notion that the government is omnipotent.

Besides, why would they discard a functioning currency?

18th April 2010, 03:58 PM
BTW I am not a SHTF prepper. I am just to collector that collects silver art bars. I am not buying PM's for SHTF purposes. The above paragraph is just my opinion on what I would do if faced with a SHTF scenario when I have both cash and PM's to buy goods and services with.

And I've never been in a boating accident... ;D

I personally think, that the PTB, want to keep the masses quietly in check for awhile. I think we'll have some massive inflation, before the plug is pulled. Say, a few years of 10-20% inflation. Then, formal devaluation, bank runs, and a new currency.

Why wake up a sleeping giant, just yet, when you can still quietly take from him while he's still sleeping.