View Full Version : Counteracting US Gov. Censorship of Websites like GIM

17th April 2010, 01:42 PM
Having just witnessed what I am sure was a case of US government censorship, with the shutdown of GIM, I think it is important to share knowledge about how to set up websites and forums - and how to protect them from being shut down.

I have had a number of websites over the years. I registered my first domain name in 1993 and do a little cyber-squatting and have a small amount of experience running a phpBB/mySQL type forum.

#1 - Tool for Archiving websites

HTTrack @

It's pretty simple to use. You just create a directory, and give the software a project name, usually the same as the directory name. Then you give it the URL, and it downloads the website.

#2 Registering Domain Names, including anonymous domain names.

I have used Network Solutions, Domain Direct, Hover, and GoDaddy. I would say GoDaddy is the best.

GoDaddy's division, "Domains by Proxy", offers anonymous hosting.

A domain name costs about $10 a year. The anon. reg. costs $9 a year.

#3 Setting up your Own Forum.


$100 a year, if you beg for a coupon on their support website you can get your first year for $20.

In order to do this stuff, you used to need to know UNIX. But, at this point, the configuration software is pretty easy.

If you can figure out how to set up accounts with GoDaddy and Dreamhost, and can handle the configuration task of typing in the correct name-server at GoDaddy to point to the Dreamhost forum, you have the technical ability to set up a forum.

I am not super literate in this regard. I use a Dreamhost forum to host a resume & part of a design portfolio. I had a problem with 20,000 porn robo-spam posts that I could have defeated if I could figure out how to set up one of those "Captcha" things where you 'type in the text'.

4. Learning how to Record audio webcasts & video presentations.

I use Pinnacle Video 8 for capturing audio & video. I use Sony Vegas for editing audio & video, and for rendering sound and video files.

I also use Flash for rendering sound & video files.

And there's a program named Audacity

that is free and does a good job of editing audio ... I am told. I've only used it a few times because I am stuck in my ways.

5. Anonymous Free Hosting.

Let's say you want to put an *.mp3 up on the Internet somewhere but don't want to be charged for bandwidth. Anybody know how to do this ?

For website hosting there is

Since Geocities went away, I have come to appreciate Angelfire that much more. Yes there's ads but they haven't censored me yet and there are ways around the ads. You can put a "target" object on your webpage and set your domain forwarding (at GoDaddy) to the URL, with the Target, and it will sort of miss the ads.

Unlike Geocities, Angelfire won't let you post a picture but there's always Tinypic -

In addition to the Zionist controlled Youtube, for hosting videos that you upload (where you are forced to use their file compression software) there are also

6. File Compression


7. Computer Security


I know this guy from a tech website. His security section is pretty straightforward. I'm pretty sure the Zionists sometimes use the technique of putting a link on a forum and then when you click on it you get hammered with viruses etc.

My own experience is that you will end up needing anti-spyware software. My own personal preference -

8. Web Page Design.

Well, there's a million editors. This is the one I like -

Mozilla took over Netscape 4.79, which I think was the best revision of Netscape, and renamed it Seamonkey but it's still very similar to Netscape 4.79, including the web editor. It is about the simplest web editor I have seen.

I have also found that if you're working with Flash objects, you need to be able to place them wherever you want. For that kind of web editing, I suggest Adobe Dreamweaver.

Anyway, I thought I would post this because I perceive that the US gov is ratcheting up the censorship, of course serving their Zionist criminal masters. Therefore it is very helpful for us to learn how to archive websites and set up forums like G-S.us.

I think eventually, we might even find it helpful to go back to old-fashioned dial-up bulletin boards. I have seen web censorship performed using Internet organizations like ICANN. It's scary to think, but websites like GIM1 & G-S.us exist at the discretion of the companies that host them. They can get pressure from ICANN, or from Abe Foxman's minions at the ADL. So I wonder if, in the long run, we will need to use dial-up bulletin boards to get around Internet censorship.

Of course, since the Zionists so thoroughly control the phone company, even a dial-up bulletin board can be interfered with. I wonder if a technology will evolve where people will radio in to an online forum, perhaps using ham radio frequencies.

17th April 2010, 01:46 PM
Is all Chinese to me, but it sounds good ::)

17th April 2010, 01:59 PM
I'll have to applaud gunDriller's post below, and hope the points would be taken into consideration here.

Along with full disclosure if such compromising events occur.

17th April 2010, 02:30 PM
observation (http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=2210.msg20175#msg20175)

Celtic Rogue
17th April 2010, 06:49 PM
Good info ... thanks

18th April 2010, 12:39 PM
Thanks for posting