View Full Version : Weird Number combinations and Weird Occurrences

17th April 2010, 03:26 PM
They seem to happen in waves. I sometimes see patterns of numbers and events that just defy the odds. I like to watch them and look for bigger patterns that they might fit into. If you are a plain nuts & bolts, facts and nothing but the facts type of person, then this thread is probably not for you. I happen to believe that we are more than just flesh & blood evolved biomass. Having the ability to think and remember and consider the future makes us different. This alone is sufficient evidence to consider a spirit or supernatural world.

Even if you are a strict scientist- and I never have met one yet, you have to admit that the interactions of matter and quantum investigations have yielded some unexpected, heretofore impossible new facts.

Anyway- list odd things you encountered... odd number combinations or swarms of them. Odd meetings with people. Odd events.

I think the days are getting weirder by the minute.

Here is a story from a few years back.... starts in 1998. I was visiting a customer in Long Island. Parked my car in their lot- early afternoon. Went in to visit and came back out for some supplies when I saw that my car had been broken into and everything taken- laptop & luggage. Also my car was damaged where they used a screw driver to jam the lock open. I had no back-up for the computer data with hundreds of hours in it. I was pretty bothered by this. The company I worked for had recently changed hands and the bosses were tyrants. Not a good day. BTW- the cops were absolutely worthless. At that point if I could have gotten a hold of the thieves, I think I would have actually killed them.

About 3 years later I was traveling through Dulles airport in Washington DC and waiting for a connecting flight, when a little old black woman walked in front of me pushing a cart loaded with bags. On top I could see MY bag- the one that was stolen in Long Island 3 years earlier. At least, I thought it was mine. It was the same color pattern & size. It had a big X of a stain matching where I put duct tape on the bag so I could easily identify it when traveling in airports. One more thing needed to confirm MY bag. I knew that 2 of the feet were missing from the bottom.

So I went over to the woman and asked to see the bottom of the bag. Sure enough- that was it. I asked her where she got it. "At a Gettysburg flea market". She even described the little matching toilet kit that was in there. Unfortunately, I had in there a pair of gold-plated tweezers that I personally plated in a chemistry lab at West Point.... gone.

I found a strange relief in talking with her as if I had come full circle and could let go of my loss. What are the odds of seeing your own stolen luggage a few hundred miles away on such a circuitous route? I don't believe I have ever been back to that airport either.

17th April 2010, 03:54 PM
Nice story.....

Mine is the X wife that looked for meand found me ..........after 30 years hahahahah

Nomen luni
17th April 2010, 04:17 PM
Here's a weird one for ya...

Drifting asleep one night a tune popped into my head. It woke me up because I thought it was brilliant and remember thinking to myself how could I make this up, because I'm not very musically talented. The next day I got a CD single I had been after for ages... but I bought the wrong with a similar name by accident, and one of the tunes on there (a B side, if you will) was exactly like the tune I had heard the night before.


17th April 2010, 04:30 PM
Not spooky at all. If the zero point energy field is real then everything is out there and accessible. You just have to be open in order to access it. Trust the force!

17th April 2010, 04:31 PM
Here's a weird one for ya...

Drifting asleep one night a tune popped into my head. It woke me up because I thought it was brilliant and remember thinking to myself how could I make this up, because I'm not very musically talented. The next day I got a CD single I had been after for ages... but I bought the wrong with a similar name by accident, and one of the tunes on there (a B side, if you will) was exactly like the tune I had heard the night before.


That does imply some deeper connection.

How about this.... this has happened to me a few times. A tune comes into my head, and not one of the popular- play every couple songs type.... and when I turn the radio on in the car, THAT song is playing. Now if I was driving with the windows open in a populated area, one could say I heard it. But in these cases, I was alone on empty non-residential roads and the windows were closed.

Here is another thing that happens periodically. I will say something to my wife in the morning or be thinking about a strange word.... a word I had not used or heard in years.... and when I turn on the TV or radio, BANG! there it is!

Nomen luni
17th April 2010, 05:25 PM
Wise words, my little green friend.

Spectrism, you must be a lot more gifted than I am. I can only think of that one example, and believe me, I have tried to extend my 'powers'.

17th April 2010, 05:36 PM
Wise words, my little green friend.

Spectrism, you must be a lot more gifted than I am. I can only think of that one example, and believe me, I have tried to extend my 'powers'.

This is only something that happens in waves. I go through periods of time that are silent. Then odd things line up. Cycles.

While we are at it, anyone get natural highs? I have never done drugs but what I experience sounds like what some describe as drug induced highs. I can experience a time- usually lasts just under a week, where I get jolts of highs as if I shot up some wild drug. They only last a few seconds and I wish I could share the event with others. I see these happen on cycles- used to be at the first quarter moon. That seems to have shifted over the last year or so.

17th April 2010, 06:11 PM
Hearing "voices" too?


17th April 2010, 07:33 PM
You guys are lightweights! You call these events strange? hahaha. It gets a whole lot stranger! :o

It's an aspect of synchronicity, or the "acasual connecting principle," and is a phenomenon that has yet to be fully explained. At least I've yet to hear a good explanation. I've had it all my life, in "waves" as you say, and I've yet to fully understand its dynamics. Most people would deem me insane if I told them about the strange and uncanny coincidences that have happened to me. Truly astounding events, but some of them have made me money, so I keep going with it. lol. Late in his life, Carl Jung studied synchronicity extensively, yet even he couldn't make sense of it beyond his Freud-is-an-idiot, life-is-a-dream schema. Meditation, I've found, helps with understanding it better on an intuitive level, and I highly recommend this. Make sure you meditate properly. No Master Yogi Ascended Master Guru nonsense. If you're doing it right, you'll simply know, just like with the coincidences. The idiots in the new age movement have confused these matters immeasurably, like they do everything else. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll leave it at this: the more you have these meaningful and uncanny coincidences, the more you're on the right path.

18th April 2010, 05:16 AM
ok- Here is another. Last month I had to travel to Wisconsin for a meeting. I have worked in a fair number of jobs and these are mostly in different industries. There is little if any overlap so I don't get to see most of the people I knew in those worlds. Periodically I think about certain people. This applies to forum friends as well.

Anyway, I had been thinking about one company that closed years ago and people I knew there. Just wondering how they might be doing... their mannerisms.... their skills.... where they might have ended up.

Ever see the immortals on the Highlander series? They could sense each other when near. So I was at the airport in Wisconsin and my spidey sense was activated. I looked around and saw the profile of what could have been a previous co-worker that I had been thinking about.... who lived in Texas. Aged- but the mannerism was still there. I went up to him and sure enough, THAT was him!

I travel to Wisconsin once per year. I am in that little airport for maybe an hour and happen to see a guy I was thinking about on and off for more than 10 years. The loop was closed.

I have other stories about this spidey... or Spirit sense... for another time/place.

18th April 2010, 05:18 AM
It's your own crossword puzzle. ;)

Good luck.

18th April 2010, 05:45 AM
...aahh the stories i could tell....doppelgangers... dreams...dej'a vou ( did i spell that right?) .....

Nomen luni
18th April 2010, 06:22 AM
I think yoda hit the nail on the head. Space is the ultimate broadband ethernet, and we're all communicating through it all the time. Some are just a little more aware of that communication on a conscious level than others.

...doppelgangers...!? :o Spill the beans...

18th April 2010, 07:03 AM
...aahh the stories i could tell....doppelgangers... dreams...dej'a vou ( did i spell that right?) .....



2nd May 2010, 06:17 PM
During the month of April I noticed some days with very strange light. The daylight felt like I was in a dream state.... almost artificial. The sun coming through the trees seemed to diffused and almost yellowed or lacking life. I thought I would just quietly watch it as the season was changing and the weather was warming. Maybe it was my own warped perception. Oddly, the sense of false light has passed. Yet, there is still some ominous sense that something world-wide is coming... something that will not support life.

Odd number combinations are still happening. But right now I seem to be drawn to watching the light and how it plays off the sky. Curiouser and curiouser, the days are becoming.

I am also seeing a foreboding in people yet when I question them, they cannot identify what is really wrong.

9th November 2011, 12:47 PM
General of Darkness got this stirred up again. I have not said anything.... and then there was a post by Keehah about 1111.

I have been seeing 1111 in a fair number of places. It started again for me about a month ago... a couple real zingers hit just right with clocks at night. What does it mean? I still don't know. I think at one point I told people just to watch and work at figuring it out. Not just the number cycles, but everything. Numbers just quantify reality and expose orders. Numbers are pure language of the physical realm. They are subject to a higher authority but put specific limits on the 3 dimensional realm.

9th November 2011, 12:57 PM
I must have missed this thread first time around.

9th November 2011, 03:12 PM
Ha interesting thread SG420.

1111 = 222. (1+1)11, 1(1+1)1, 11(1+1)

I might of mentioned in my other thread about this spidey sense. I get told I'm "a weird guy Ace" by colleagues but they will back me up because they have seen it happen. 1 colleague gets pretty spooked about it.

I'll sit there and say to myself or one of my colleagues, gee I haven't heard from so and so for a while now. It could be a couple months has passed when I have these thoughts and then low and behold they will call. It might take 48 hours but usually within 24.

It actually happened twice this week. Only seems to work with people or customers I am already dealing with. I've tried to conjur up some contacts from people in companies I don't yet work with. Big ones with big budgets. Doesn't seem to work.

9th November 2011, 03:25 PM
I'll sit there and say to myself or one of my colleagues, gee I haven't heard from so and so for a while now. It could be a couple months has passed when I have these thoughts and then low and behold they will call. It might take 48 hours but usually within 24.

It is constant & regular in Horn's world, you don't know the lengths which I tap into it on a daily basis.

Just another day..

9th November 2011, 04:47 PM
Aside from what's already been mentioned, I also sometimes see things just before they happen. A couple winters ago, some friends and I were up at a ski resort. It was snowing with zero visibility outside so we were hanging out at the bar watching a baseball game. Out of knowhere I said, "This next pitch will be a fastball off the ear protection part of the batter's helmet". Sure as shit, the next pitch was a fastball off the ear piece. My friends and the others at the bar looked at me in disbelief like I was some freak. This intuition has come in handy also, like when I sence the highway patrol hiding out on the side of the mountain highway that's part of my commute several turns before I actually see them. I've been trying to train this ability and it may have produced some side affects as I've been seeing apparitons often enough lately that it's a normal occurrence.

9th November 2011, 06:24 PM
once i kicked a coffee cup across the room, about 15 feet, on a hardwood floor. Kicked it hard enough to smash the handle.

but it didn't fall over. to me that seemed wierd. i couldn't do it again if i tried a million times.

10th November 2011, 08:07 AM
Not spooky at all. If the zero point energy field is real then everything is out there and accessible. You just have to be open in order to access it. Trust the force!
DO elaborate.......

10th November 2011, 08:12 AM
once i kicked a coffee cup across the room, about 15 feet, on a hardwood floor. Kicked it hard enough to smash the handle.

but it didn't fall over. to me that seemed wierd. i couldn't do it again if i tried a million times.

i once drove from minneapolis to thunder bay, ontario with a masterlock key laying on the fender guard of a boat trailer. how it didn't fall off is an amazement to me to this day.

10th November 2011, 09:12 AM
i once drove from minneapolis to thunder bay, ontario with a masterlock key laying on the fender guard of a boat trailer. how it didn't fall off is an amazement to me to this day.

That is pretty amazing.... just the wind and vibration would be enough to shake it off.

10th November 2011, 11:41 AM
That is pretty amazing.... just the wind and vibration would be enough to shake it off.

Drag suction. :)

it may have produced some side affects as I've been seeing apparitons often enough lately that it's a normal occurrence.

One has to ask, what type?

10th November 2011, 01:07 PM
Drag suction. :)

One has to ask, what type?

In one building I frequent, there's a black transparent cloud that wooshes across the room with trails coming off the back. I've seen this one four times now. Then there's one with just a white outline. One is a blue orb. It doesn't glow or anything like that; it's just blue. Then there's a man who looks like he's from the 40's. He fades in and out. I've only seen the last three once.

Three weeks ago, I was in a Southern Sierra town for a mountainbike race. Near the end of the weekend, while hanging out on the porch of an old inn, a faceless head looked around the corner for quite some time. I ran after it but no one was there. This is all new to me, so I'm not quite sure what to think.

Thankfully, others have seen the same things at the same time.

10th November 2011, 01:19 PM
Faceless head? Like those on the train?


Or without eyes.