View Full Version : peak oil, the next big 'scare'?

17th April 2010, 05:26 PM
So, since global warming failed, they are pulling out the peak oil card again? interesting interview 4/16


17th April 2010, 06:08 PM
And once again, why should the military speak up instead of our government? or are we having a military government next???

17th April 2010, 07:53 PM
And once again, why should the military speak up instead of our government? or are we having a military government next???

Or have we had one all along?

17th April 2010, 07:59 PM
I thought peak oil has been floating around for awhile. I think it's true to a point. I think we will be driving our cars for 50-75 years minimum.

I am me, I am free
17th April 2010, 08:00 PM
And once again, why should the military speak up instead of our government? or are we having a military government next???

Or have we had one all along?

We've had a military govt. since Lincoln established one, with no lapses in it being in effect. Why would the money powers ever give up a good thing?

17th April 2010, 08:05 PM
And once again, why should the military speak up instead of our government? or are we having a military government next???

Or have we had one all along?

We've had a military govt. since Lincoln established one, with no lapses in it being in effect. Why would the money powers ever give up a good thing?

Yup.. what I was thinking.

I do believe peak oil is real... after all it is just a production curve.

I also believe that global warming was/is a ploy to get people to go down the path of starving themselves of energy... If they came out and said the easy oil is gone and it is going to triple in price people would panic.

Instead now the majority are quietly going along as told, and even willing to pay a higher tax for it.. Lets see you get less, your standard of living goes down, you pay more, AND you get to feel GOOD about it too.

See how that works?

Where is puke emoticon? :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

17th April 2010, 08:14 PM
So, since global warming failed, they are pulling out the peak oil card again?

How many of us lucky bastards survived their killer Worldwide Flu Pandemic thingie and lived to notice...lol.

The CDC's weekly surveillance report on influenza mirrors the World Health Organization's warning that the pandemic continues, although at low levels. As long as the virus is being passed among people, it could change and re-emerge at any time, infectious disease specialists say.


17th April 2010, 08:25 PM
I'm still worried about killer bees! :o

17th April 2010, 08:31 PM
I am not afraid of a military government but of those behind the military......what will happen.......we will fight the military but those controlling the military will never be seen and once everything is over, one way or the other, they will come out from behind the curtains and continued their bad deeds.

As you all know by now there are more mercenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan than US troops and.........we have a lot more of them all over the world like in Colombia and also right next to Venezuela, Africa and so on.

If we ever were to leave Iraq and Afghan then what would happen to all the Merck's???.........here you will have a bunch of trained killers with no war to fight and in need of a job, so........as you should know by now part of the health plan signed by Obama contains the wordings that he can have a MILITARY CIVILIAN FORCE.

There are at this time around 2,000 of them in and around Washington DC and also tanks and other implements of war in cars on the railroad yard ready to deploy at a minute notice.

All that you have to do in order to know all this is to read different news from all over the world and put it together in a way that would make sense.

17th April 2010, 08:34 PM

17th April 2010, 08:40 PM
I am not afraid of a military government but of those behind the military......what will happen.......we will fight the military but those controlling the military will never be seen and once everything is over, one way or the other, they will come out from behind the curtains and continued their bad deeds.

As you all know by now there are more mercenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan than US troops and.........we have a lot more of them all over the world like in Colombia and also right next to Venezuela, Africa and so on.

If we ever were to leave Iraq and Afghan then what would happen to all the Merck's???.........here you will have a bunch of trained killers with no war to fight and in need of a job, so........as you should know by now part of the health plan signed by Obama contains the wordings that he can have a MILITARY CIVILIAN FORCE.

There are at this time around 2,000 of them in and around Washington DC and also tanks and other implements of war in cars on the railroad yard ready to deploy at a minute notice.

All that you have to do in order to know all this is to read different news from all over the world and put it together in a way that would make sense.

Good point mentioning mercenaries and, to wit, the other side of that coin, private contractors. Blackwater/Xe and other similar companies that offer private intelligence and military services have enormous contracts with the big oil companies. Shadow government, shadow intelligence, shadow banking all have investment interests in oil.

Pat Pat
18th April 2010, 03:27 AM
oil all over the planet

hardly scarce

Lindesey williams cover a part of it

"the energy non crisis"

plus they can easily convert coal into gasoline/oil, process called SASOL

they do this in S africa today, Germany was doing it under hitler

it can be done for around $2.00 a gallon for gasoline

we have tons and tons of coal

the entire state of illinois is a coal deposit, add in W. Virginia, Kentucky, and a lot of western states

its all more B.S.

18th April 2010, 05:02 AM
It may or may not be BS pat pat, but we had best act as if it is real since TPTB will make sure that it is "real'.