View Full Version : Spraying Again; What Is It?

18th April 2010, 10:36 AM
Well the planes are crisscrossing the sky here again right now.
Spraying who knows what on us below.
It's a sunny Sunday and nice to be outdoors, but what is it being put into the air we have to breathe?

This is just outrageous. My three year old niece was playing outside.
Why should it be allowed for someone to spray unknown substances into the air?!

The laws will have you arrested if you light up a cigarette in a public restaurant where others
would have to breathe the smoke, but someone is allowed to pollute the entire sky.

And all of the official "News" stations etc. act as though it is not happening.

This just stinks!

There was a book from about 30 years ago called "Rage", I believe a movie was made from it starring George C. Scott. (The book was much better.)
It is a story about how a government agency dumped something into the air and the mans wife died from it.
The story is of his revenge on whoever he could track down as responsible.

It was a good book and I know exactly how the character felt.
Rage. That is exactly what it is.

18th April 2010, 10:50 AM
Well the planes are crisscrossing the sky here again right now.
Spraying who knows what on us below..

Looks mostly to be aluminum salts, some claim Barium too. We run good carbon filters for the interior air and limit outdoor exposure. Been starting to look at how to rid the body of these heavy metals. Some areas of CA are stating that there is so much aluminum being dumped that it is killing trees, farms and other vegetation due to the alkalinity of the soil now.

18th April 2010, 11:35 AM
Hermie I feel your frustration...and have for some time!

Last month, I think it was, Jim Willie, in his Newsletter, listed some things we could take to rid our bodies of these heavy metals.

George Ure ( @ www.Urbansurvival.com)posted this at his site last week
Coping at the WuJo: With Persistent Chemmie Questions

A reader is not sure what I was getting at when I laid out what I thought was a pretty clear Idea for an experiment related to chemtrail observations since there is now a major volcano going off in Iceland that could impact chemical spraying:

For the benefit of those of us apparently not up to speed with your logic, could you explain this a bit more:

My thinking is this: If chemtrails in Europe stop with the ash clouds - then it seems likely that they are related to a planetary cooling project. On the other hand, if they continue unabated, then it become more likely that they have something to do with chemical spraying of the high density civilian population areas.

I don't know much about aviation, but if all jet traffic is suspended because volcanic ash represents a clear threat undetected by aircraft radar, how could chemtrail flights continue unabated?

Are the Boeing 'refuelers' somehow hardened to fly through an ash cloud that would otherwise bring them down?

Since I'm too lazy to type out a whole answer myself, let's begin with what a confidential (no I won't reveal the source) tells me is going on with the whole chemtrail deal - I mean just so we're all on the same page on this stuff:

"Between 75 & 85 it was found that our atmosphere was degrading in some rather obscure ways. Several of the protections offered were found to be failing, each at differing rates of decline.

The main one noted was a harmonic of cosmic radiation was allowing sun burn reactions. This is not the usual UV class as such. Rather a static reaction between these rays and our atmosphere. In order to address such a pervasive problem, the use of cloud seeding types of spraying started to be both used and experimented with. At about the same time, the first reports of a global effect of mans pollutions were being formed. The basis of global warming was born...

Now there were two real problems to deal with and few if any answers.

Over time, adjustments were made in the chemicals used that allowed these problems to be addressed. From the advent of molecular micro-sciences, nano technologies, etc., certain adjustments were made to both chemical content and structural reactions between the bonding and static fields intended to be influenced. Because of these two basic problems, the new chem trails are designed to re-initiate both protections.

The other part of all this is that none of these chemicals are at all 'good' for us or any other living thing on our overpopulated planet... The choice was burn up now, or hope somebody would figure out how to address these growing problems.

The degradation of the atmospheric ecosystems and weather hold several truths not well known either. The weather wars of influence are partly to blame for the present conditions.

The old saying, 'it's not nice to fool around with mother nature', seems very appropriate here. And there are several operational programs/facilities doing just that. So we now have a very P.O.'ed Mother nature/ecosystem. Ain't much right with it.

From the basic weather influencing sciences, some idiot decided to apply certain parts of it to the earth, as in dirt. Problem is, it works too... It is of a similar design. If all that ain't enough, the end of days is rapidly approaching...

Good old 2012...oooeee! an all that.

Ties neatly with Cliff's early linguistics work on "sun disease", get it? So - that's one view of things and the refueling tankers as you called them, were probably leased for some ostensibly useful purpose (forest fire retardant applications) via a federal agency that protects such things, which in turn sublet the work to some group or other like a west coast aircraft operations group that did a lot of 'work for Uncle' back in Vietnam days and these, in turn fly hither and thither doing their spraying.

Or, so we hear.

18th April 2010, 12:24 PM
Hermie check out weatherwars.com the guy is a degreed meteorologist and former tv weatherman...he knows his sheeeeet.

18th April 2010, 03:06 PM
Thanks Cebu and JohnDoe and JD, I will look at the info.

The thing that gets me, besides the actual pissing in the pool someone is doing, is the average schmuck seems oblivious to it!
We talk of waking people up and here is something hanging right over their damn heads and they don't seem to notice.
I mention it to people around me when it is happening and they seem totally surprised that there is something in the sky.

It's depressing to think that these people will ever wise up to the goings on of the government and PTB when they can't even notice what's happening over their own house!

18th April 2010, 04:37 PM
For a solution, look up orgonite and orgonite gifting.

18th April 2010, 05:31 PM
The skies were blue here yesterday morning, along with the white streaks appearing from the spraying.
By mid morning the sky was turning white and was completely a sickly white by midday.

Today the sky has been sickly white all day long. This is typical around here.



18th April 2010, 05:35 PM
Hermie check out weatherwars.com the guy is a degreed meteorologist and former tv weatherman...he knows his sheeeeet.

That would be weatherwars.info

18th April 2010, 06:41 PM
on NPR 's freshair the guest was openly talking "theories" about propellents used for cooling the Earth to combat global warming. went on to shrug off unknown ramifications to this and other "Far out" ideas. :dunno :comp

18th April 2010, 10:01 PM
Only places they are not spraying to my knowledge: Cuba, N. Koreah and Iran, they have all no free fly space. Last places on earth the west hasn't tamed with full control.

mick silver
18th April 2010, 10:54 PM
when they spray here i have a hard time with my sirus . i never have trouble with then till there spraying

All In
18th April 2010, 11:26 PM
Hmm, I bet Europe's not getting it now, with the volcano and all. I wonder what the effects will be.

18th April 2010, 11:30 PM
You would think with all the hundreds or thousands of employees it takes to spray these chemicals that at least one of them would blow the whistle. I'm sure some of them has have kids or a mother or father they care about.

This I do not get.

19th April 2010, 04:20 AM
I have an IDYLIS air cleaner. When set to automatic, if I put it in front of an open window it will sense the pollutants and want to run on high constantly.

There was no spraying in Minnesota the 10Th thru the 15Th. The day after tax day they started spraying again.

19th April 2010, 05:59 AM
You would think with all the hundreds or thousands of employees it takes to spray these chemicals that at least one of them would blow the whistle. I'm sure some of them has have kids or a mother or father they care about.

This I do not get.

The planes could all be piloted remotely for all we know. The government is quite capable of keeping secrets.

19th April 2010, 06:09 AM
You would think with all the hundreds or thousands of employees it takes to spray these chemicals that at least one of them would blow the whistle. I'm sure some of them has have kids or a mother or father they care about.

This I do not get.

someone DID...he was an airline mechanich and he was looking into why they were NEVER allower to touch or go near certain areas of the plane ( the waste area)...he was later pulled aside and a detailed record of EVERYTHING he bought , everyewhere he went and all of his internet surfing was brought up in the meeting....he posted anonymously ( where, i cant remember).

19th April 2010, 06:43 AM
It was beautiful yesterday...
This morning there were trails all over the sky and the haze was starting to set
I haven't seen this in a few months, then I open this thread.

They must have some extra chemicals they are trying to get rid of. :boohoo