View Full Version : Riding lawnmore help needed.........
18th April 2010, 11:49 AM
I have a Murray riding lawnmore and the spark plug cable gives out no juice, it will crank OK, plug OK, gas OK, gas feeds OK, spark plug wet OK, wire visual connections looks OK, all hook ups looks OK.
18th April 2010, 11:56 AM
Obviously the ignition system isnt working. you will have to troubleshoot the ignition switch, coil and pickup, see which has failed. youll need to get a manual for your engine and follow the steps.
18th April 2010, 12:59 PM
Thank you Mr. biker........but, what is "obviously" to you who know about it is not to me who knows nothing about it.... ;D
General of Darkness
18th April 2010, 01:00 PM
Ponce is this you?
18th April 2010, 01:05 PM
Dang it, the cop promised never to put it on the internet........oh well, que sera, sera
18th April 2010, 02:02 PM
CHeck that plug in another machine, try another plug to see if it gets spark. If no spark and pretty sure it isnt the plug trace back to the coil, check that everything is tight. Locate and check ground switch (key) wiring for a short somewhere.
18th April 2010, 02:19 PM
Must be the coil, don't want to mess around with that, to the lawmore fixerupper tomorrow..........thanks.
18th April 2010, 02:25 PM
no, dont take it yet! unplug the ignition switch, and remove the spark plug (lowers compression,easier to turn.) then spin the engine smartly and see if there is spark. If there is spark, the switch is bad. OR some units have shutoffs switches on the seat ,mower deck and sometime the clutch. unplug those first if test one passes. (reconnect the ign switch first.)then see if it has spark then. if still no spark, yup its a coil. BTW the "Obviously" remark wasnt intended to be condecending. ;D
BTW, what brand of engine? Briggs? Kohler?
18th April 2010, 02:43 PM
The seat switch was the first thing that I "adjusted" the first day that my new lawmore came home (four years ago) also the kill switch for the up and down of the blades were "adjusted"...... lawnmore will turn but not start, did three different tests on the plug wire and NADAAAAAAAA, dead and buried.
The things that I can do I do, the things that I cannot do I try to do...and if I can't do then to the garbage or the repair station........lawnmore is to bit for the garbage can so is going to the repair shop, thanks guys ;D
18th April 2010, 04:19 PM
Having a new lawn tractor mower myself, I bet it is one of the safety nanny/nazi features that disabled the ignition system. Most likely the seat switch. Maybe try plugging it back in to see if it works... Also, make sure the plug is fully seated in the plug cover.
19th April 2010, 07:02 AM
You said your plug was wet. probably flooded it. take old wet plug out, roll over engine a few times to get gas out of cylinder, put a new plug on and lay on the motor to ground it and see if you have spark then. If still no spark refer to other
posters advice.
mick silver
21st April 2010, 10:33 PM
you need a new coil
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