View Full Version : California in deeppppppppp doodoo.

18th April 2010, 09:22 PM


California Underemployment Rate at 24 Percent – 100,000 Workers Will Lose their Unemployment Insurance. No Housing Recovery can be had without Employment Recovering.

Link to original article (http://www.doctorhousingbubble.com/california-unemployment-insurance-running-out-housing-recovery-with-employment/)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent forum scrolling 2 pages to the right. -Gaillo

mick silver
18th April 2010, 09:29 PM
right now were right in the middle of the show ... hold on for the ride

18th April 2010, 09:45 PM
right now were right in the middle of the show ... hold on for the ride
Don't you wish. I think the musicians just finished tuning their instruments. We've seen/heard the various instruments. The audience is seated but not yet paying attention. Now we're in the pause just as the conductor raises his baton. Soon we will see how all the pieces fit together and how it sounds when played with gusto. This piece will not start pianissimo.

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 09:54 PM
It's time to get more popcorn because this show will continue and it will not be very pretty at all especially with unemployment (and savings) running out and no job to be had. The desperation will build up and it will reach a breaking point. That desperation will make normal people do things that they would not normally do in "normal" times (i.e committing a crime). This will play out very badly IMO.

18th April 2010, 10:00 PM
Battening down the hatches... awaiting the influx of CA emigrants with powder dry, beans on the stove, sighted in with the sticks locked and loaded.

May you live in interesting times, indeed! :o

18th April 2010, 10:02 PM
When I saw this thread I thought it was gonna be about our chooses for the next Governor in Ca.
Those are bad too.

18th April 2010, 10:42 PM
It doesn't appear to be so bad up here in NorCal but I certainly couldn't say the same for the bottom portion.

Some public spending reductions could be helpful but the unions and their cronies will never allow for that to happen.

I hope that I'll have enough money and resources on hand before the state faces a likely potential meltdown.

19th April 2010, 01:16 AM
My buddy here in NorCal just had his unemployment extended.

At some point you would think they couldn't extend it anymore...that that time we will see some serious problems taking place.

19th April 2010, 01:18 AM
As goes California, so goes the rest of the country. Coming soon to a state near you.

19th April 2010, 02:35 AM
The longer it takes to hit the rest of the country they hardest that it will hit......at onetime that was my belief but we all are now in such deep doodoo that it no longer matters as to when it will hit you.

19th April 2010, 05:09 AM
California in deeppppppppp doodoo.


and that's before the next big quake.

what's that old rule, about being prepared for earthquakes when you live in an earthquake zone ?

Twisted Titan
19th April 2010, 05:16 AM
right now were right in the middle of the show ... hold on for the ride
Don't you wish. I think the musicians just finished tuning their instruments. We've seen/heard the various instruments. The audience is seated but not yet paying attention. Now we're in the pause just as the conductor raises his baton. Soon we will see how all the pieces fit together and how it sounds when played with gusto. This piece will not start pianissimo.



19th April 2010, 06:27 AM
right now were right in the middle of the show ... hold on for the ride
Don't you wish. I think the musicians just finished tuning their instruments. We've seen/heard the various instruments. The audience is seated but not yet paying attention. Now we're in the pause just as the conductor raises his baton. Soon we will see how all the pieces fit together and how it sounds when played with gusto. This piece will not start pianissimo.

Yep +1

Nomen luni
19th April 2010, 06:56 AM
I'm sure this is an old one to many of you...


An idea of what is around the corner for us.

19th April 2010, 08:42 AM
Just my observations -

Here in Nor Cal there is "a certain unease in the air" - foot traffic in SF is noticeably down - even the wealthier neighborhoods are quiet.

Walmart/Costco seem to have foot traffic, but that's it - retail is kaput.

Of course, all that porkulus money is being spent - road crews are tearing up streets with wanton abandon - (oh wait, road work really does not "create jobs" it just keeps the lazy Cal Trans crews employed - once the stimulus money is gone, the jobs saved disappear also.)

Jobs are simply not present - high tech and biomed are DOA. The skill level required and wages offered for very few jobs posted are beyond absurd - which leads me to suspect they are "phantom posts" just posted to meet a companies "internal requirement" without ever intending to fill them. (e.g., we could not get a bio-marketer with 5 years experience, dual masters in Immunology and Business, $12.50/hr - a temp contractor [1099] position). The downtown street sweeper jobs (literally giving a guy a broom and have him sweeping the gutters) have signs posted that they have no positions open, a 6 month backlog of applications.

The pension bubble is really getting to be a problem - the cities are doing everything to keep their fat cat union patrons in the money - fee hikes, taxes, fines are rampant.

A good quake would allow the cities to 'reset' but my fear is that they'll just replicate the bad behavior.