View Full Version : Another farmer murdered, wife gang raped and daughter assaulted in South Africa

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 08:38 AM
And the world remains silent. :boom :redfc :boom

Another farmer murdered, wife gang raped and daughter assaulted in South Africa

Saturday, April 17, 2010 - 17:35

Limpopo, South Africa - Another tragedy struck this morning when a gang of 15 men broke into a farmhouse in the early hours of Saturday morning. This is not crime, this is genocide as more and more farmers and Afrikaans speaking people come under attack from vicious genocidal gangs in South Africa.

After the gang of 15 hooligans broke into the house of the farmer they tied him up and started beating him. They beat him to death for no reason. Another white South African farmer dies in cold blood.

His wife was gang raped by the animal like gang of 15, they repeatedly raped her and when they were finished they then started assaulting their four year old daughter.

According to Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe he says that the break in happened just before 4am this morning. Nothing was stolen as usual in these farm attacks. The woman and her child are now in hospital, a wife without a husband and a child without a father.


19th April 2010, 08:43 AM
Diversity is Death.

19th April 2010, 08:46 AM
Africa wins again.
- Kim du Toit

Recommend Africa Addio - a 60's film covering (loosely) the de-colonialization of Kenya - all it really did was document the coming horrors for every other country - Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, etc...

I cannot believe that the white South Afrikaners are in the least bit surprised that this happening - there's 40 years of predictive examples.

19th April 2010, 08:49 AM


19th April 2010, 08:52 AM
What's with these "We Are The World" news flashes?

What's the purpose behind posting them?

19th April 2010, 09:04 AM
What's the purpose behind posting them?


Waking us up. Been to Detroit or Denver lately?


19th April 2010, 09:39 AM
If anyone, these farmers are the one that need asylum in the US. Get them out of there!

19th April 2010, 10:08 AM
Africa wins again.
- Kim du Toit

Recommend Africa Addio - a 60's film covering (loosely) the de-colonialization of Kenya - all it really did was document the coming horrors for every other country - Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, etc...

I cannot believe that the white South Afrikaners are in the least bit surprised that this happening - there's 40 years of predictive examples.

Great film Joe baby...I've posted it a few times on the old GIM myself. I guess the white farmers must live in isolation, no community nearby. Sounds like they need to start posting pickets or have some type of early alarm. Obviously dogs are not doing the trick to warn the homeowners.

mick silver
19th April 2010, 10:16 AM
If anyone, these farmers are the one that need asylum in the US. Get them out of there!
the sad thing they would not be the ones that came here or give a place to live , we all know this ... we just being the ones that know how to kill or have no skills

19th April 2010, 10:24 AM
What's with these "We Are The World" news flashes?

What's the purpose behind posting them?

Because we wouldn't hear about it otherwise? It's not like MSM reports this kind of thing.

If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple.

19th April 2010, 12:13 PM
If anyone, these farmers are the one that need asylum in the US. Get them out of there!
naaahh...the state department is far too busy shoving somalis on us to help whitey.

Wandering Wastrel
19th April 2010, 01:52 PM
The option of avoiding genocide is no longer available. The only question left is who will genocide who.

19th April 2010, 04:16 PM
What's the purpose behind posting them?


Waking us up. Been to Detroit or Denver lately?


Yea, a couple years ago, blacks weren't killing white farmers in Detroit or Denver then, are they doing it now?

What's the purpose of waking up to crap in south africa if you don't live there and aren't planning on moving there?

19th April 2010, 04:21 PM
What's with these "We Are The World" news flashes?

What's the purpose behind posting them?

Because we wouldn't hear about it otherwise? It's not like MSM reports this kind of thing.

If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple.
"Because we wouldn't hear about it otherwise?"

So, you really don't know why either?

Having heard it, has it affected you life in any way?

19th April 2010, 04:33 PM
You know, Carl, you don't have to read it.

philo beddoe
19th April 2010, 04:38 PM
What's with these "We Are The World" news flashes?

What's the purpose behind posting them?
Aren't you busy writing your de-flation novel? suck it

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 04:42 PM
Carl, some of us give a crap about the genocide in SA.

WTF to you care about, or do you live in a box?

19th April 2010, 04:42 PM
the world cup should be interesting

19th April 2010, 06:47 PM
Carl, some of us give a crap about the genocide in SA.

WTF to you care about, or do you live in a box?
I care about my karma score.

I figured this thread would be a good place to get it evened out............. :o

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 06:53 PM
Carl, some of us give a crap about the genocide in SA.

WTF to you care about, or do you live in a box?
I care about my karma score.

I figured this thread would be a good place to get it evened out............. :o

Carl, you're really a worthless piece of crap aren't you? You're a fricken shill, you quote me an avoid the question. Yeah, that was an attack and let's see who wins this battle.

No personal attacks. You can discuss it, argue about it, but don't resort to this.

19th April 2010, 06:57 PM
I am offering 10-to-1 odds on GoD.





19th April 2010, 08:01 PM
Carl, some of us give a crap about the genocide in SA.

WTF to you care about, or do you live in a box?
I care about my karma score.

I figured this thread would be a good place to get it evened out............. :o

Carl, you're really a worthless piece of crap aren't you? You're a fricken shill, you quote me an avoid the question. Yeah, that was an attack and let's see who wins this battle.
OH BOO HOO! Grow the f**k up and get a clue. Do you live in south africa? Do you believe you're going to affect their situation by calling attention to it here? Are you angling to have the UN or the U.S. Gov. step in and save them? Does what happens there have any real effect upon you? It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

We've got enough problems in our own country to deal with without having to fret about theirs. If we tended to our own business instead of tending to everybody else's around the globe we wouldn't be in the f**ked up mess we're in today.

So to answer your question, no I don't live in a box I live in the U.S.A. and that's the country I care about, how about you?

19th April 2010, 08:11 PM
I care about the members of my race on all continents and so should all other members of my race.

19th April 2010, 08:15 PM
God, Race and Country.

Gud, rase og Land.

19th April 2010, 08:17 PM
It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

Nice of you speaking up for the Palestinians but otherwise you are just demanding Censorship here...lol.


General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 08:30 PM
So to answer your question, no I don't live in a box I live in the U.S.A. and that's the country I care about, how about you?


You do realize that what happens somewhere else affects you? It's open season on whitey there.

philo beddoe
19th April 2010, 08:42 PM
So to answer your question, no I don't live in a box I live in the U.S.A. and that's the country I care about, how about you?

You do realize that what happens somewhere else affects you? It's open season on whitey there.
[/quote]I'll go ahead and say it. Suspected Mr. deflation of being deep cover a while ago. This confirms it.

19th April 2010, 08:46 PM
It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

Nice of you speaking up for the Palestinians but otherwise you are just demanding Censorship here...lol.


First "shill" now "censor", you guys crack me up.

Yes, if you want to call it speaking up for the Palestinians then lets also include the Iraqis, Afghanis, Iranians and Jews.

19th April 2010, 08:50 PM
You do realize that what happens somewhere else affects you? It's open season on whitey there.
No It Does Not. And that's exactly the type of self sreving rationalizations that has "our" government in third world shithole countries fighting other people's battles for them.

19th April 2010, 08:51 PM
What's with these "We Are The World" news flashes?

What's the purpose behind posting them?

What's the purpose behind complaining about them?


19th April 2010, 08:53 PM
And that's exactly the type of self serving rationalizations that has "our" government in third world sh*thole countries fighting other people's battles for them.

Now you yourself are talking about "Israel" lol.


19th April 2010, 08:54 PM
I'll go ahead and say it. Suspected Mr. deflation of being deep cover a while ago. This confirms it.
Dude, you need to go empty your drool cup.....

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 08:56 PM
I'll go ahead and say it. Suspected Mr. deflation of being deep cover a while ago. This confirms it.
Dude, you need to go empty your drool cup.....

After you empty your shill cup and delete your megaphone.

philo beddoe
19th April 2010, 09:13 PM
I'll go ahead and say it. Suspected Mr. deflation of being deep cover a while ago. This confirms it.
Dude, you need to go empty your drool cup.....
It never fooled me with your long winded deflation arguments that took over threads and wasted everyone's time.Now you have a new strategy of direct attacks. You live in Minnesota?

19th April 2010, 09:16 PM
It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

Nice of you speaking up for the Palestinians but otherwise you are just demanding Censorship here...lol.


First "shill" now "censor", you guys crack me up.

Yes, if you want to call it speaking up for the Palestinians then lets also include the Iraqis, Afghanis, Iranians and Jews.

But not Whites?

19th April 2010, 09:17 PM
After you empty your shill cup and delete your megaphone.
I think you need to look up the definition of the word "shill", I'm not the one with a megaphone circuitously pushing an agenda.

19th April 2010, 09:19 PM
I'm not the one with a megaphone circuitously pushing an agenda.

You never explain why you object so emotionally to this thread being posted...


19th April 2010, 09:21 PM
It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

Nice of you speaking up for the Palestinians but otherwise you are just demanding Censorship here...lol.


First "shill" now "censor", you guys crack me up.

Yes, if you want to call it speaking up for the Palestinians then lets also include the Iraqis, Afghanis, Iranians and Jews.

But not Whites?
Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.

19th April 2010, 09:24 PM
OK, everyone... this thread is starting to get out of hand with the personal attacks.

Carl - if you don't like the post subject matter, LEAVE the thread. Your calls for getting rid of posted news articles, no matter how much they disturb or annoy you, will probably NOT be met with much sympathy around here.

Everyone else (and you all know who you are) - don't play into the hands of would-be censors, don't earn yourself a timeout by attacking him like he wants you to.

It's been a long day... I don't particularly want to wade through the "ban member" menus tonight. Thanks.
You're confused, I never called for getting rid of any posted news article, I mearly questioned the motivations for posting it.

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 09:27 PM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.

19th April 2010, 09:28 PM
It's their country it's their problem let them deal with it, it's called Self Determination.

Nice of you speaking up for the Palestinians but otherwise you are just demanding Censorship here...lol.


First "shill" now "censor", you guys crack me up.

Yes, if you want to call it speaking up for the Palestinians then lets also include the Iraqis, Afghanis, Iranians and Jews.

But not Whites?
Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.

I read the thread. I'm curious why you think this is a non-issue. And I read your previous explanation, but it doesn't make sense. You're a sharp guy, so I'd like to know why you're so dismissive of this story and the seriousness which most of the other posters, myself included, consider this issue.

19th April 2010, 09:29 PM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.

What he said....

19th April 2010, 09:31 PM
I'm not the one with a megaphone circuitously pushing an agenda.

You never explain why you object so emotionally to this thread being posted...


But I don't object to the thread being posted. I don't need to hide my intent behind a "news post", If I got something to say, I say it with clear intent. You know me Book, we've done this dance before.

19th April 2010, 09:32 PM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.

What he said....

What they said...


General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 09:34 PM
But I don't object to the thread being posted. I don't need to hide my intent behind a "news post", If I got something to say, I say it with clear intent. You know me Book, we've done this dance before.

Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.

What does that mean?

19th April 2010, 09:44 PM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.
Everyone, every nation, has a right to self determination free from outside interference.

If they want to kill each other in the process of making that determination then so be it.

I know it's sad but it's their country and as we know from our own nation building experence, majority rules............

General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 09:50 PM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.
Everyone, every nation, has a right to self determination free from outside interference.

If they want to kill each other in the process of making that determination then so be it.

I know it's sad but it's their country and as we know from our own nation building experence, majority rules............

Do you even know the history of SA? You might want to listen to this for a starter. Because you're obliviously ignorant of the facts.

FYI, there was no SA until whites arrived there and build it. This was never about killing each other you ignorant wretch.

Get educated.


19th April 2010, 09:52 PM
I read the thread. I'm curious why you think this is a non-issue. And I read your previous explanation, but it doesn't make sense. You're a sharp guy, so I'd like to know why you're so dismissive of this story and the seriousness which most of the other posters, myself included, consider this issue.
Simple really; It's Not Our Country, Not Our Concern.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things that I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

19th April 2010, 09:58 PM
Do you even know the history of SA? You might want to listen to this for a starter. Because you're obliviously ignorant of the facts.

FYI, there was no SA until whites arrived there and build it. This was never about killing each other you ignorant wretch.

Get educated.


You just don't get it, SA is not our problem, our government is our problem and we need to concentrate upon dealing with it.

If or when SA invades the U.S. then call me and I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you to repel them.

19th April 2010, 10:04 PM
Well, somebodies been workin double overtime to keep it going?

If it's useless then don't post on it...

20th April 2010, 01:07 AM
Do you even know the history of SA? You might want to listen to this for a starter. Because you're obliviously ignorant of the facts.

FYI, there was no SA until whites arrived there and build it. This was never about killing each other you ignorant wretch.

Thanks for posting General. Truly a bloody sad state of affairs this once proud nation is in. >:(

Get educated.


You just don't get it, SA is not our problem, our government is our problem and we need to concentrate upon dealing with it.

If or when SA invades the U.S. then call me and I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you to repel them.

Carl, you may not care for this news and other articles which do not pertain to the states. However you should look upon South Africa, Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole to a precursor of events that most likely will affect you and your offspring in time to come.

Both your own government and its ilk in the west, has pursued multiculturalism and loose immigration regulations for the last 50 odd years. Flooding the western world with both the good productive individuals wishing to contribute to the betterment of a society and those who seek of the entitlement mentality who will rob, rape, steal and murder those who act in anyway against them.

This article of the brutality of these savages highlights their true nature they took nothing of monetary value but they gleefully took pleasure in beating a bound man to death, violated his wife and child in the most inhuman manner. These cretins a worth less than the shit on the heel of my boot.

You say that when SA invades America you will stand shoulder to shoulder with General, but the problem is they are already there in the states, along with the Somalians, Nigerians, Zimbabweans and the rest. there is no need to declare open war as the government has been kind enough to open its borders. You need not even look to these immigrants but to more visible areas such as, Detroit a once prosperous industrial city now just a cancerous growth thanks to mismanagement, ineptitude and general laziness of its dominant inhabitant.

The Anglo-Saxon is not without blame, as the majority has become a being of little self worth and value, an apologist for the perceived ills his ancestors supposedly committed, a proverbial case of white guilt. :puke

As General said, you may care to educate yourself on these matters or you may choose not to, its up to you.


20th April 2010, 02:50 AM
Heres some White guilt for you concerning the rot of America, Whites ARE guilty, THEY LET IT HAPPEN! they let the rot occur. they are still letting the rot occur.

20th April 2010, 03:06 AM
Yes I would say that’s true, they have been pacified with bread and circuses. They have bought into the idea that the current form of government listens to them, will help them in their times of need and that their votes really matter. Those that do voice their beliefs are shouted down as racists, rightwing extremist and capitulate to the pressure.

Sadly we seem to be missing the spark to truly cause people to take note, change their habits and outlook on the world around them. I feel that the current situations going to get a helluva lot worse before people finally wake up. Sadly though by then it may be too late for them. :(


20th April 2010, 04:19 AM
Not our country? I happen to think that we have an international audience here. What is "our country"? Have you not heard that we are all part of the global community and are lining up in the New World Order?

Iceland is not "our country" yet we are intencely interested in what happens there. Same with Greece, Korea, Japan, etc.

The things happening in other places can and will happen here. Is it not wise to learn from others' misfortunes before they become your own?

As for the gangs attacking isolated farmers, it sounds like hunting parties and ambushes are in order.

20th April 2010, 04:57 AM
You say that when SA invades America you will stand shoulder to shoulder with General, but the problem is they are already there in the states, along with the Somalians, Nigerians, Zimbabweans and the rest. there is no need to declare open war as the government has been kind enough to open its borders.


Now that, is relevant and worth a rant.

Not only has "our" government opened our borders, they are actively importing third worlders into our midst and disrupting entire communities in the process. That is not an act of immigration, that is an act of war against us and our way of life. Where are the articles covering that?

You don't need to paint a circuitous picture when we have a plethora of readily available sources right here at home.

20th April 2010, 05:17 AM
Iceland is not "our country" yet we are intencely interested in what happens there. Same with Greece, Korea, Japan, etc. Iceland, Greece, Korea, Japan and Europe are relevant to us because they are being destroyed by the same banking cabal and economic policies that are in the process of destroying us.

20th April 2010, 05:30 AM
Iceland is not "our country" yet we are intencely interested in what happens there. Same with Greece, Korea, Japan, etc. Iceland, Greece, Korea, Japan and Europe are relevant to us because they are being destroyed by the same banking cabal and economic policies that are in the process of destroying us.

For a thread you find "irrelevant"- you seem to have the most posts. Why not just find a thread that you can be relevant in?

20th April 2010, 05:53 AM
For a thread you find "irrelevant"- you seem to have the most posts. Why not just find a thread that you can be relevant in?
Really?? I wasn't counting.

You know how it is, you step off into a subject with no real regard for it and end up stuck in protracted debate.

That kind of thing happens with really stubborn and opinionated people such as myself.........

20th April 2010, 05:57 AM
Iceland is not "our country" yet we are intencely interested in what happens there. Same with Greece, Korea, Japan, etc. Iceland, Greece, Korea, Japan and Europe are relevant to us because they are being destroyed by the same banking cabal and economic policies that are in the process of destroying us.

You don't think the destruction of South Africa was brought about by the banking cabal... Certainly South Africa happened before the above mentioned countries. But South Africa was an economic miracle in Africa prior to sanctions and black democracy...

20th April 2010, 06:28 AM
Not only has "our" government opened our borders, they are actively importing third worlders into our midst and disrupting entire communities in the process. That is not an act of immigration, that is an act of war against us and our way of life. Where are the articles covering that?


Right here Carl. Go try and spam/censor that thread with your whining...lol.


20th April 2010, 06:41 AM
To be fair, it is kind of hard for a nation not to succeed when you are sitting on a vein of gold 60 miles long,half a mile wide and more than a mile deep. (Oh, and also all those funny really hard pebbles that you could rake up out of the dirt.)

South Africa really did not have any people prior to the arrival of the whites - Zulu's were mostly towards the east nearer Zimbabwe. The vast majority of the blacks trickled into SA over the last 150 years to work the mines.

Unfortunately, with a 5x breeding multiple, there are way more "non-native" blacks than "non-native" whites. SA is now the last in a long line of African countries trying to commit suicide - regardless of Apartheid, historical misbehavior, and selective laws, the current popularly government is intent of killing the goose that (literally) lays the golden eggs.

The SA leadership seems to be focused much more on taking what others have (rightly or wrongly) rather than building a productive (and peaceful) society.

When the whites are driven from SA (within a decade is my guess) we'll see the same tribal carnage that every other de-colonized country has, followed by famine, atrocities, and an ever spiraling cycle of despair.

What happens then? My guess is the Chinese (who have no reservations about how to deal with civil disorder) will step in - within a generation I could imagine SA will resemble the worst of the Belgian colonies.

This will be tragic to the millions of blacks (and whites) who will live their lives as chattel or literally, slaves.

(One more dark spot on the horizon - when the Chinese take over the mining of the reef, the gold production rate will skyrocket as the mine safety regulations are relaxed. - Wonder if they will call it "blood gold"?)

20th April 2010, 08:02 AM
Not only has "our" government opened our borders, they are actively importing third worlders into our midst and disrupting entire communities in the process. That is not an act of immigration, that is an act of war against us and our way of life. Where are the articles covering that?


Right here Carl. Go try and spam/censor that thread with your whining...lol.

Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews, where would you draw the line?

Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or for their assumed ethnicity?

Yes I'm the one spamming forums with this type of myopically inane prattle as well as attempting to silence through verbal intimidation and abuse anything less than 100% agreement to it.

20th April 2010, 08:23 AM
Yes I'm the one spamming forums with this type of myopically inane prattle as well as attempting to silence through verbal intimidation and abuse anything less than 100% agreement to it.


Obama's Economic Team

Benjamin Bernanke(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Reserve System

Timothy Geithner(Jewish) - Secretary, U.S. Treasury Department

Lawrence Summers(Jewish) - Chairman, National Economic Council

Paul Volcker(Jewish) - Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

Jared Bernstein(Jewish) - Chief Economist and Economic Adviser, Vice President

Douglas Shulman(Jewish) - Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service(IRS)

Peter Orszag(Jewish) - Director, Office of Management and Budget(OMB)

Jon Leibowitz(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Trade Commission(FTC)

Gary Gensler(Jewish) - Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC)

Mary Schapiro(Jewish) - Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)

Sheila Bair(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)

Karen Mills(Jewish) - Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)

Christina Romer(Jewish husband) - Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers

Who said anything about "Zionists" in that thread Carl? You now using your term "Zionists" here is the prattle...lol.

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 08:27 AM
Carl, instead of quoting you I'll just ask what you meant by this. Read the thread, whites in S.A. led that extended list.
I don't want to assume, I just want to know what you meant by that.
Everyone, every nation, has a right to self determination free from outside interference.

If they want to kill each other in the process of making that determination then so be it.

I know it's sad but it's their country and as we know from our own nation building experence, majority rules............
Nice try Karl (or skyvike or whoever you are) You are unwittingly making our point. Left to their own devices, the outnumbered whites would soon declare independence and rout those fucking niggers. It is only because of outside interference that they are incapable of reaching their true [potential.

20th April 2010, 08:30 AM
[Who said anything about "Zionists" in that thread Carl? You now using your term "Zionists" here is the prattle...lol.
OK again: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or for their assumed ethnicity?

Grand Master Melon
20th April 2010, 08:31 AM
God, Race and Country.

Gud, rase og Land.


Come on guys, grow up.

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 08:36 AM
Look above^ Is that 'tard corral idea making sense now?

20th April 2010, 08:37 AM
OK again: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or for their assumed ethnicity?

Clearly they are all self-identifying proud Jews. What is this nonsense about "Zionists" and then when that failed in this thread you now slither in your "assumed" ethnicity nonsense?

Getting kinda slippery and sneaky now Carl with your vocabulary misdirection...lol.


20th April 2010, 08:38 AM
Nice try Karl (or skyvike or whoever you are) You are unwittingly making our point. Left to their own devices, the outnumbered whites would soon declare independence and rout those f*cking niggers. It is only because of outside interference that they are incapable of reaching their true [potential.
You're a silly person who makes silly assumptions but this; "unwittingly making our point" is just plain ignorant.

I'm not "unwittingly" doing anything, I'm stating it point blank and I mean it as stated.

Grand Master Melon
20th April 2010, 08:40 AM
Look above^ Is that 'tard corral idea making sense now?

That's what I was thinking when I read that guys post.

20th April 2010, 08:44 AM
OK again: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or for their assumed ethnicity?

Clearly they are all self-identifying proud Jews. What is this nonsense about "Zionists" and then when that failed in this thread you now slither in your "assumed" ethnicity nonsense?

Getting kinda slippery and sneaky now Carl with your vocabulary misdirection...lol.

Weaseled your way out of answering the question again I see.

And you presume the guile to say I’m "slippery and sneaky"

20th April 2010, 09:00 AM
[Who said anything about "Zionists" in that thread Carl? You now using your term "Zionists" here is the prattle...lol.
OK again: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or for their assumed ethnicity?

So what's these "assumed ethnicity" weasel words Carl in your loaded question now? Can't you say the word Jew out loud?

Of course your loaded question was challenged and not answered...lol.


20th April 2010, 09:20 AM
God, Race and Country.

Gud, rase og Land.


I raise with a Gay Homo.

20th April 2010, 09:39 AM
So what's these "assumed ethnicity" weasel words Carl in your loaded question now? Can't you say the word Jew out loud?

Of course your loaded question was challenged and not answered...lol.


How is the question "loaded"?

20th April 2010, 09:56 AM
So what's these "assumed ethnicity" weasel words Carl in your loaded question now? Can't you say the word Jew out loud?

Of course your loaded question was challenged and not answered...lol.


How is the question "loaded"?

How is their ethnicity "assumed" when it is clearly stated that they are Jews?

Keep answering questions with more endless questions Carl and your plan to kill this thread will be realized...lol.


philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:02 AM
Nice try Karl (or skyvike or whoever you are) You are unwittingly making our point. Left to their own devices, the outnumbered whites would soon declare independence and rout those f*cking niggers. It is only because of outside interference that they are incapable of reaching their true [potential.
You're a silly person who makes silly assumptions but this; "unwittingly making our point" is just plain ignorant.

I'm not "unwittingly" doing anything, I'm stating it point blank and I mean it as stated.
Wake up Carl. We already beat skykike into a stupor....you're next...........

20th April 2010, 10:03 AM
How is their ethnicity "assumed" when it is clearly stated that they are Jews?

Keep answering questions with more endless questions Carl and your plan to kill this thread will be realized...lol.

OK Slick: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or because they're Jews?

How's that, you think you can answer the question now?

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:10 AM
How is their ethnicity "assumed" when it is clearly stated that they are Jews?

Keep answering questions with more endless questions Carl and your plan to kill this thread will be realized...lol.

OK Slick: Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or because they're Jews?

How's that, you think you can answer the question now?
Do joos in America get away with crimes strictly because they are jooish? Two can play at this game. Why don't we start with a yes or no answer.

20th April 2010, 10:10 AM
Wake up Carl. We already beat skykike into a stupor....you're next...........
You're a silly, silly little person who doesn't even understand what was said or what you're arguing against.

You're fighting a battle that is a product of you own feeble imagination and not against anything I've said.

20th April 2010, 10:12 AM
Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or because they're Jews?

How's that, you think you can answer the question now?

Nice try Carl. What's with the "or" word you slithered into your again-loaded question? These criminals are all Jews and you forbid us to even notice?


Obama's Economic Team

Benjamin Bernanke(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Reserve System

Timothy Geithner(Jewish) - Secretary, U.S. Treasury Department

Lawrence Summers(Jewish) - Chairman, National Economic Council

Paul Volcker(Jewish) - Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

Jared Bernstein(Jewish) - Chief Economist and Economic Adviser, Vice President

Douglas Shulman(Jewish) - Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service(IRS)

Peter Orszag(Jewish) - Director, Office of Management and Budget(OMB)

Jon Leibowitz(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Trade Commission(FTC)

Gary Gensler(Jewish) - Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC)

Mary Schapiro(Jewish) - Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)

Sheila Bair(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)

Karen Mills(Jewish) - Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)

Christina Romer(Jewish husband) - Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers


20th April 2010, 10:14 AM
Do joos in America get away with crimes strictly because they are jooish? Two can play at this game. Why don't we start with a yes or no answer.
Yep just as I thought, you're afraid to answer the question.

Have a nice day coward.

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:15 AM
Wake up Carl. We already beat skykike into a stupor....you're next...........
You're a silly, silly little person who doesn't even understand what was said or what you're arguing against.

You're fighting a battle that is a product of you own feeble imagination and not against anything I've said.
You can't handle it when someone cuts through your amateur attempt at semantics......

20th April 2010, 10:15 AM
the lunch lady is married? who would have thought :-X

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:17 AM
Do joos in America get away with crimes strictly because they are jooish? Two can play at this game. Why don't we start with a yes or no answer.
Yep just as I thought, you're afraid to answer the question.

Have a nice day coward.
You didn't direct any questions toward me smart guy. But you can not give a yes or no answer to my question, which I asked first. What's it gonna be Karl? Stare in the mirror with that coward comment.

Grand Master Melon
20th April 2010, 10:22 AM
Obama's Economic Team

Benjamin Bernanke(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Reserve System

Timothy Geithner(Jewish) - Secretary, U.S. Treasury Department

Lawrence Summers(Jewish) - Chairman, National Economic Council

Paul Volcker(Jewish) - Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

Jared Bernstein(Jewish) - Chief Economist and Economic Adviser, Vice President

Douglas Shulman(Jewish) - Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service(IRS)

Peter Orszag(Jewish) - Director, Office of Management and Budget(OMB)

Jon Leibowitz(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Trade Commission(FTC)

Gary Gensler(Jewish) - Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC)

Mary Schapiro(Jewish) - Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)

Sheila Bair(Jewish) - Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)

Karen Mills(Jewish) - Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)

Christina Romer(Jewish husband) - Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers


OMG Jews!

20th April 2010, 10:22 AM
You can't handle it when someone cuts through your amateur attempt at semantics......
I don't think you even know what the word "semantics" means, much less possess the ability to properly recognize its use.

20th April 2010, 10:25 AM
You didn't direct any questions toward me smart guy. But you can not give a yes or no answer to my question, which I asked first. What's it gonna be Karl? Stare in the mirror with that coward comment.
You're right, my bad. I was expecting Book to respond not is lackluster doppelganger. Please excuse my momentary confusion.

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:28 AM
This reminds me of "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" by Meatloaf. "What's it gonna be boy, YES or NO?"

20th April 2010, 10:43 AM
Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or because they're Jews?

How's that, you think you can answer the question now?

Nice try Carl. What's with the "or" word you slithered into your again-loaded question? These criminals are all Jews and you forbid us to even notice?
OK Slick, the criminals are identified as being Jews, now answer the damn question, are you prosecuting them because they are criminals OR because they are Jews?

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 10:45 AM
Do you prosecute those responsible for their crimes or because they're Jews?

How's that, you think you can answer the question now?

Nice try Carl. What's with the "or" word you slithered into your again-loaded question? These criminals are all Jews and you forbid us to even notice?
OK Slick, the criminals are identified as being Jews, now answer the damn question, are you prosecuting them because they are criminals OR because they are Jews?
KArl Marx demands answers when he himself can not. How was your seder dinner carlman?

20th April 2010, 10:51 AM
KArl Marx demands answers when he himself can not. How was your seder dinner carlman?
My question was asked first; please allow Book the opportunity to answer it before injecting your silliness.

20th April 2010, 10:55 AM
Yes I'm the one spamming forums with this type of myopically inane prattle as well as attempting to silence through verbal intimidation and abuse anything less than 100% agreement to it.


Obama's Economic Team


Timothy Geithner(Jewish) - Secretary, U.S. Treasury Department


Are you sure about that one? I think there is some controversy around it.

20th April 2010, 11:04 AM
Aren't you busy writing your de-flation novel? suck it

This was never about killing each other you ignorant wretch.

Have a nice day coward.

Any more personal attacks in this thread and all of the posters doing so will be given a temporary time out ban. I've been tempted already to lock this thread as it is getting out of hand, but am hoping the users here are capable of sorting it out without mod interference. Keep your heads cool, lay off the personal attacks and please bring this topic back up to the level of intelligent conversation.

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 11:09 AM

20th April 2010, 11:14 AM
Yes I'm the one spamming forums with this type of myopically inane prattle as well as attempting to silence through verbal intimidation and abuse anything less than 100% agreement to it.


Obama's Economic Team


Timothy Geithner(Jewish) - Secretary, U.S. Treasury Department


Are you sure about that one? I think there is some controversy around it.

I always thought he was Lizzardian. :oo-->

20th April 2010, 11:34 AM
Iceland, Greece, Korea, Japan and Europe are relevant to us because they are being destroyed by the same banking cabal and economic policies that are in the process of destroying us.


You suddenly cooled off with your angry call to prosecute once they are identified as all being Jewish.

Why is that Carl?


philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 11:43 AM
Anyone remember way back when when your parents stepped into to solve disputes? How many times did mommy come in, and punish everybody, because she was too chicken to go after the main troublemaker? We ALL know who is here to start the shit and ruin the thread by taking it off topic.

20th April 2010, 11:49 AM
Are you sure about that one? I think there is some controversy around it.


After completing his studies, Geithner worked for Kissinger and Associates in Washington, D.C., for three years and then joined the International Affairs division of the U.S. Treasury Department in 1988. He went on to serve as an attaché at the US Embassy in Tokyo. He was deputy assistant secretary for international monetary and financial policy (1995–1996), senior deputy assistant secretary for international affairs (1996-1997), assistant secretary for international affairs (1997–1998). He was Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs (1998–2001) under Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.


Kissinger, Rubin, and Summers had no doubt...lol.

20th April 2010, 11:52 AM
The times certainly are a changin'

20th April 2010, 12:04 PM
You suddenly cooled off with your angry call to prosecute once they are identified as all being Jewish.

Why is that Carl?

Why can't you answer a simple question?

A criminal is a criminal regardless and should be prosecuted as such; that the majority of them are Jews is irrelevant.

"suddenly cooled off" What, you think I was born yesterday?

You either stand up for what is right and lawful or you just stand there and hate.

20th April 2010, 12:08 PM
A criminal is a criminal regardless and should be prosecuted as such; that the majority of them are Jews is irrelevant.

Mind if I use that for my sig? That is just priceless. :ROFL:

20th April 2010, 12:09 PM
Being aware of a problem is the first step in solving it... Unless you live in SA, how is it your problem and how would you go about solving it?

So you're saying you condone what's happening in Africa since it doesn't directly affect you?
My condoning or condemnation is irrelevant; it's not my country, not my place to pass judgment.

20th April 2010, 12:11 PM
A criminal is a criminal regardless and should be prosecuted as such; that the majority of them are Jews is irrelevant.

Mind if I use that for my sig? That is just priceless.
Sure go right ahead, it will be the first reasonable thing you've probably done.

And, why do you believe it's funny?

20th April 2010, 12:12 PM
You either stand up for what is right and lawful or you just stand there and hate.

Either way, you still bump your thread head. :CS

20th April 2010, 01:04 PM
OK. Enough of this nonsense.

Multiple warnings from moderators have been made, warning about the personal attacks. Yet, they continue.

I'm locking this thread.

Ifyouseekay, you've earned a 2 day timeout.

Just because madfranks and I are nice guys, and don't WANT to use our teeth, doesn't mean we don't HAVE them.

Start acting like adults, people!

EDIT: I've received PM's about how "unfair" it is that Ifyouseekay was banned, instead of some of the more blatant offenders on this thread. Just so there's ZERO misunderstanding here, there were multiple bannable personal attacks on this thread, which were met with leniency and warnings instead of outright force. ALL THREE of the forum moderators (myself, JQP, and madfranks) posted on this thread asking you all to STOP THE ATTACKS and act like adults, instead of using bans. Ifyouseekay was NOT the worst offender on this thread, by any means, but he was the next one to keep up with the attacks after the final warning by madfranks. Not fair, you say? I think the mods were MORE than fair and patient with this thread, letting it go on FAR longer than it should have, and sparing MULTIPLE bannings that probably should have occured. Hope this clarifies the situation, we'll see Ifyouseekay back in 2 days and hopefully we'll ALL learn something from this.