View Full Version : Physics of Consciousness

19th April 2010, 10:24 AM
I am curently reading The Holographic Universe which was talking of the topic below, and afterI after a quick search I found this... have fun

QUOTE from the book: we are addicted to our beliefs and we act like addict when NEW RADICAL thoughts set in

VIDEO , must be downlaoded from what I see

Holonomic brain theory
The holonomic brain theory, originated by psychologist Karl Pribram and initially developed in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model for human cognition that is drastically different from conventionally accepted ideas: Pribram and Bohm posit a model of cognitive function as being guided by a matrix of neurological wave interference patterns situated temporally between holographic Gestalt perception and discrete, affective, quantum vectors derived from reward anticipation potentials

19th April 2010, 07:38 PM
oops, i realized that I fortot to post the main video, the interview of the author.of the book


19th April 2010, 07:50 PM
They got any peyote growin in the supply creek down on the commune? Just kidding::)

I've always had trouble wrapping my mind around the holographic stuff, just seems illusory to me.

Maybe somebody here can laymenize it for me.

20th April 2010, 07:03 AM
They got any peyote growin in the supply creek down on the commune? Just kidding::)

I've always had trouble wrapping my mind around the holographic stuff, just seems illusory to me.

Maybe somebody here can laymenize it for me.

I dont know if I can trust this appraoch 100% but if you agree that everything is the result of the Spirit/Light, then the Holographic Universe could make sense. Light would shape everything. Every atom is a different compression of Light. Hence the possibility to project everything.

To be honest I find the book not an easy read, and Talbot speaks too fast in the video, but I find daunting any topic that links quantum physics to the brain. This seems highly plausible to me.

21st April 2010, 04:50 AM
Along these lines of thought you might enjoy "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggart.

21st April 2010, 06:11 AM
Along these lines of thought you might enjoy "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggart.

EXCELLENT!! just found youtube vids about her. Thanks for showing up... glad to meet with like minded folks in here . I wished there were more of us coming forward, I am tired of all this diviseness spread by unworkable religious dogmas . Her site: http://www.theintentionexperiment.com/

in one of the interviews she seems to endorse global warming - but overall, materials are worth it. Separatedness is the scourge of Mankind... only quantum physics can solve this.





21st April 2010, 08:01 AM
I would recommend "The Invisible Landscape" by Dennis and Terrence McKenna. It's technically dense, open minded and ambitious.

21st April 2010, 12:06 PM
bngo again, it is out there too... will watch it later. Thanks SLV^GLD. i have watched manyvids about his work but I didnt know that one... I love the guy, his mindset I mean




21st April 2010, 06:03 PM
just finsihed McKenna - he is well known as an advocate for psychedelics but with a strict shamanic education behind, in order to expand consciousness.In my view the rest is right on target.

if not done, drop my thread "The Buddha and Christ Experiment".... http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=2417.0 which is precisely about this too.

26th April 2010, 03:19 PM
you know about princeton's noosphere experiments, goldissima? of all the stuff i've seen on how consciousness relates to the "external" reality, their work is the most compelling:

The Global Consciousness Project - a Summary

The GCP was created in 1997 by a group of researchers working in the challenging boundary areas of physics and psychology. It has grown to include over 100 scientists, artists, and business people around the world. Our purpose is to gather evidence and study indications of the subtle reach of human consciousness in the physical world on a global scale. We maintain a network of special instruments designed to produce random data that apparently are affected by human consciousness under special conditions. The hypothesis of the GCP is that the continuous streams of data from these instruments will show anomalous deviations associated with "Global Events." We hypothesize an effect when there is a large-scale sharing of deep reactions to major news events. During the first four years of the GCP, the number of sites hosting our instruments (which we call "eggs") grew to the present number of about 65, with locations from Alaska to Fiji, on all populated continents, and in nearly every time zone. The world map below has a bright spot for each of the host sites.

We have registered nearly 300 formal experiments as of early 2009. Each is defined by a prediction that the data will depart from expectation during special times such as the celebration of New Years, shocking events like the disaster on September 11 2001, natural tragedies such as the great earthquakes in Turkey and the Asian Tsunami, and large-scale meditation and prayer events like the Kumbh Mela in India. The results indicate strong correlations in some cases and virtually none in others, but overall they show significant evidence that something remarkable happens when we all are drawn into a community of interest and emotion. We have a hypothesis registry that records details of the cases we analyse, and the project hosts a website at http://noosphere.princeton.edu, with complete information about the history, technology, and methods of the project, as well as free public access to the database.

The Results page on the GCP website gives an up-to-date summary of the formal tests, and also has links to explorations that are sometimes even more interesting and informative than the primary analyses. We use simple graphs to display the often remarkably clear departures of the data from random behavior. The data for some events show patterns in several measures. For example on 9/11, there is an evident manifestation in the data of our intense engagement in the tragic events. In a much lighter mode, New Years celebrations bring us together in a shared consciousness that apparently affects the GCP network.

A composite across all the individual cases can be summarized visually in a chronological graph (below right) that shows the steady accumulation of differences of the formal data from expectation up to early 2009. If there were no effect, the jagged line representing the results would have a level trend, though it would wander randomly up and down near the horizontal zero line. As the figure shows, the actual data have a fairly steady upward trend. The overall statistics for the project, after 10 years of data accumulation, indicate a probability of about 1 in 10 million that the correlation of our data with global events is merely a chance fluctuation. This can't be taken as proof of an awakening global consciousness, but it is suggestive, and we can exclude reasonable mundane explanations such as electromagnetic radiation, excessive strain on the power grid, or mobile phone use.


they've reached the stage where they're actually starting to engineer this, the most remarkable thing i've seen from them is a robot (http://www.psyleron.com/robot.aspx) built around this tech that you can sit and think "go left" at, and it will go left.


26th April 2010, 07:22 PM
wow, this thread is going to keep me busy for a while. Thanks folks.

26th April 2010, 07:34 PM
thanks for your support guys... I was about to wonder whether I was posting in the wind...

more later... will watch this vid tonight most likely

27th April 2010, 01:27 AM
the normal skeptic sites are rather quiet about the princeton research. skepdic (http://www.skepdic.com/pear.html) resorts to ad hominems ("...pathological science...voodoo science...psychic shipping") while drawing attention to a study that attempted to replicate (http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/jse_papers/portREG.pdf) the PEAR lab's work across 3 different universities. while those experiments failed to replicate the effects seen at princeton, they still produced patterns in the data that shouldn't have been there, leading the researchers to the conclusion that "the change...testifies to inadequate understanding of the basic phenomena involved and suggests a need for more sophisticated experiments and theoretical models for their further elucidation.", which sound like good science to me.

interestingly, one of things that PEAR have found is that one's state of mind makes a difference to the ability to interact with the "external" machines, i.e. if you're feeling good, you get better results. vid below is of one of the guys at psyleron (who makes that robot):


and PS goldissima, you're definitely not posting in the wind, it's good to see you back and posting interesting stuff :-*

27th April 2010, 07:51 AM
Just finsihed the princeton video... although I was expecting somethings a litle bit more assertive, I very much like the conclusion: do your own experience and sort it out for yourself

27th April 2010, 08:13 AM
Just finsihed the princeton video... although I was expecting somethings a litle bit more assertive, I very much like the conclusion: do your own experience and sort it out for yourself

Yes. THANK YOU! |--0--|

I was getting tired of some of these posts, and I've been trying to bite my tongue. The above quote is all you need to know.

For real!

I suggest stop watching videos about this stuff and go practice meditation. Live with some forest monks for while. Take some ayahuasca. Practice it, and then you might see the absurdity of the preaching.

Seriously. Learning real meditation will take you to plateaus of consciousness you've never dreamed of. You don't even need any mind-altering drugs.

99% of these gurus nurture a Cult of Personality, nothing more.

The mysteries are real, and the phenomenon are real, but to one who's actually done this stuff and more, these posts come off as ridiculous, or as if you are of two minds or have ulterior motives, probably unintentional or unconscious.

I don't have the answers, but I've done enough of this kind of stuff to know it takes spiritual introspection the likes of which I don't see in these "experts." (Graham Hancock and others that simply present information and opinions about history and life are NOT who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the new age know-it-alls that spend most of their days asking for money but haven't a clue what real moments of transcendence actually feel like.)

27th April 2010, 12:28 PM
I was getting tired of some of these posts, and I've been trying to bite my tongue. The above quote is all you need to know............. 99% of these gurus nurture a Cult of Personality, nothing more.

sorry but you are not obligated to click on the thread names, are you?... there is a conspiracy and hiidden knowledge involving spirtuality and if you wish to meditate in a certain direction that you feel right for you, more knowledge will always remain important. No matter what your belief system is.

Every new trend depends on pioneers (what the mainstream would call gurus)

The personality culture isnt bad in itself as long asf it teaches you individual respinsibility and self-investigative appraoches, all the paths are okay. we have to get rid of this "black and white" mentality, because it is was is killing society. The fight between polarities will annihilate mankind if we continue like this.

The ego has a dual meaning. You can use it selfishly or to learn selflessness.

Thanks for your 2 cents, though

27th April 2010, 02:39 PM
The mysteries are real, and the phenomenon are real, but to one who's actually done this stuff and more, these posts come off as ridiculous, or as if you are of two minds or have ulterior motives, probably unintentional or unconscious.

disagree, i've meditated and experienced these states of conciousness too, but that doesn't devalue science's addition to the field. indeed the nature of consciousness should really by the centre of science, and to find a few brave souls out there actually investigating it from that paradigm can only do good, given that we live in a western, materialistic culture.

27th April 2010, 03:24 PM
I agree Uranian... it is sad to say that consciousness has for a much too long time been seen as the cradle of evil... something we should leave in peace at all costs. That is why religions have kept their monopoly for millennia long. As a result we have been infested with secret soocieties of the worse kinds.

Those people at the top know perfectly what consciousness is about, mass manipulation is there to prove it, in every culture. All the symbolism out there has an incredible track record. but the average man wont go there because the same elite has made sure to have a counter agenda teaching that their own symbolism is malicious. So everything is getting twisted to the extreme. Confusion is everywhere. But ther are not reserouceless: "they" came up with better: the anti-one world religion and new-age.

The one world religion is in fact the merging of sciences (phydiscs/biology) and sipirituality, we can see today how many got fooled again

27th April 2010, 06:33 PM
The mysteries are real, and the phenomenon are real, but to one who's actually done this stuff and more, these posts come off as ridiculous, or as if you are of two minds or have ulterior motives, probably unintentional or unconscious.

disagree, i've meditated and experienced these states of conciousness too, but that doesn't devalue science's addition to the field. indeed the nature of consciousness should really by the centre of science, and to find a few brave souls out there actually investigating it from that paradigm can only do good, given that we live in a western, materialistic culture.

Huh? Disagree with what? You think I am saying anything bad against science? If anything, I'd like to see more science in these fields of research and more brave souls doing pioneering work! But I don't see it. I see quacks and charlatans, for the most part. Your response is telling: you assume that one thing automatically implies another.

Let me put it to you all this way: I can't speak for others, but here's my feeling: the moments of enlightenment and oneness and transcendence that I've had in my life––––from long, meditative retreats, or ayahuasca, or fasting, or vows of silence, or interpersonal relationships, or chanting, or sensory deprivation, or near death experiences, or from any number of causal factors––––when I think back on them, all of them make much of the stuff in these threads seem absurd or stupid by comparison, like the information in these threads is just adding to the noise of life, rather than engendering wisdom.

My experiences have obviously been different from yours, and no point arguing over who's right.

Everyone's quest is different, so good luck on yours.

28th April 2010, 07:24 AM
My experiences have obviously been different from yours, and no point arguing over who's right.
that's the core issue... that is why I dont intervene in all those christian threads, frustration guarranteed. I let them even fight/arguing among themselves or bashing other religious oriientations.

There is no point at all in jumping into a thread, if one isnt wlling to consider some of its premises. Especially when it goes over spirtitual matters because the unconscious is what it is:a web of dual turbulent realities; and many are not inclined to explore its vasteness and prefer to keep it ultra-simple or stick to one and sole textbook.

edit: it is the vasteness of the unconscious that gives the impression of silliness and nothingness... but once one gets familiar with its maze, the purpose of life becomes so much more fascinating - well in my view. The mainstream reality just gets boring because of its limitatied conscensus, and whose stuructures are bound to crack every now and then, because nothing can stop the thinking process, societal shocks occur because of this... the confrontaion of new incoming data vs conformism/old values, all of which changes perceptions, hence reality

actually I also have come to the realization that blaming religions - and NWO - as a whole has to stop. If the elites have gone so well away with it, it is because masses want that, be deceived. Free will is too scary.. The NWO and co understands the "demand and supply" far beyond anything one would ever imagine... populations want to be molded. it works both ways. The elites really tell us what they plan on doing with us... and people accept without too much questioning. In short they conscent to their enslavement in a way. Free will at work, so most likely the elites do not have any karma to pay since we allow them to exist. Kinda like a &M role play... the fascist elites will only go away for good, the day people look at themselves in a mirror asking "how and why". The more we counter them while ignoring one is guilty first, they will enforce more and more their globalist aganda. Until a break-point... until a majority gets it individually and is prompted to deal with his dual consciousness.... that's the very meaning of Judgement Day in the biblical sense because Chaos will ensue. God will not come to rescue us all, it is about seeing the Light within us, accept our divine nature and deal with it. Things will get very ugly until we get there because the more we fight against "them" the more we participate in our demise. Such extreme polariiiies cannot be sustained for ever. This to say that meditating or praying without grasping how the "all that is" really works is kinda futile.

rant mode off

28th April 2010, 04:01 PM
I think there's truth in every viewpoint. Every last one of us sees the body of existence from our very own point of view but then when we attempt to describe what truth we see, lo and behold, the truth slips away and becomes just another warbling in the trees.

But as humans, it seems we've been made to give meaning to the experiences we have. I'll say that again. We have been made to give. We're like sensory devices or tentacles on the body of being. We synthesize each experience in our search for truth but while truth exists it exists like the air around us. There's no finding truth, it just is.

Deception is the denial of air, like the brat holding ones breath till he or she turns blue. It's possible to be fooled, but not for long.

28th April 2010, 09:02 PM
There's no finding truth, it just is. .... We have been made to give.

exactly... this is the meaning of "all that is". All points of views are allowed and ought to be shared instead of constantly being opposed: sustain dualities which will eventually annihilate themselves because they are bound to become obsolete in the long run.

2nd May 2010, 03:03 PM
Disagree with what? You think I am saying anything bad against science? If anything, I'd like to see more science in these fields of research and more brave souls doing pioneering work! But I don't see it. I see quacks and charlatans, for the most part. Your response is telling: you assume that one thing automatically implies another.

Let me put it to you all this way: I can't speak for others, but here's my feeling: the moments of enlightenment and oneness and transcendence that I've had in my life––––from long, meditative retreats, or ayahuasca, or fasting, or vows of silence, or interpersonal relationships, or chanting, or sensory deprivation, or near death experiences, or from any number of causal factors––––when I think back on them, all of them make much of the stuff in these threads seem absurd or stupid by comparison, like the information in these threads is just adding to the noise of life, rather than engendering wisdom.

I see the PEAR stuff as exactly the good science being done on that, rather than quackery.

In terms of these states of mind leading to oneness, I tend to agree with that. On a purely personal note, if you've experienced that too, why the nick and the avatar?


the gate of buchenwald...i'm no believer in the holohoax, but some nasty stuff happened in those camps, and that phrase was used by the nazis to imply that the jews deserved it. equally the avatar, it's from the vatican isn't it?, think i've seen it in person if so, hardly something that promotes a sense of oneness with fellow humans!

irrelevant to the thread, just always wondered that.

26th December 2015, 10:04 AM
just finsihed McKenna - he is well known as an advocate for psychedelics but with a strict shamanic education behind, in order to expand consciousness.In my view the rest is right on target.


Goldissima has been pushing psychedelics at GSUS for years.

:rolleyes: post from 2010

26th December 2015, 12:24 PM

Goldissima has been pushing psychedelics at GSUS for years.

:rolleyes: post from 2010

Amazing more than 5 years of this place... Not much changed...

20th September 2016, 06:09 PM
Amazing more than 5 years of this place... Not much changed...


Much has changed recently Neuro.


20th September 2016, 07:15 PM

20th September 2016, 08:45 PM

Much has changed recently Neuro.


It seems like they are driving Horn even more krazy...

Apparently Pepe drove pharaoh krazy too:
