View Full Version : OKC 15 years ago today

willie pete
19th April 2010, 07:59 PM
I don't condone it at all, an absolute horrific event, but I have to wonder if clinton and reno hadn't of sent in the troops and burned out and killed over 100 men,women and children for something that could've been handled in a better way, OKC may not have happened...just sayin'

19th April 2010, 08:07 PM
Everyone should visit the memorial. The floating chairs at night and especially the small chairs representing the children that perished are very moving.

19th April 2010, 08:36 PM
Editor’s Note:

SPLC plants at Elohim City had prior knowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing. Why weren’t the employees at the Murrah Building warned? Why did only the FBI and the ATF employees not come to work that day? What did the Southern Poverty Law Center have to gain from the OKC bombing? After all, they had been trying to break the militia, and that event was the effective end for the militias, until recently. Some have speculated that the terrorist event was a great fund-raising vehicle for the Southern Poverty Law Center, as Morris Dees, the President and CEO-for-life, could then send out scary letters warning potential donors that the SPLC needed money to keep monitoring “hate groups” to “protect the public.” Coming soon to a neighborhood near you—a terrorist attack!


Mossad blew up that building for the SPLC and McVeigh was a patsy.


19th April 2010, 09:16 PM
"One of the revelations was the involvement of civil-rights attorney Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center in an informant operation. According to the memo, the SPLC was involved in monitoring subjects for the FBI believed to be linked to now-executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, the neo-Nazi compound at Elohim City and the mysterious German national Andreas Carl Strassmeir...

"The involvement of the SPLC is mentioned in the following quote from the memo:

"(Name redacted) telephone call from (name redacted) on or about 4/17/95, two days prior to the OKBOMB attack, when (name redacted) of the SPLC, was in the white supremacist compound at (redacted), Oklahoma, notes the director."

"The Daily Gazette reports, "References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh's activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly."

"Dees confirmed the presence of an informant at Elohim City at a recent press conference, the paper reported. "If I told you what we were doing there, I would have to kill you," Dees replied when asked to explain."

What needs to happen is a full blown investigation by the Federal Department of Justice to look into the SPLC's involvement in the OKC bombing. Will that happen? Not with Eric Holder as the Attorney General. Someone who obstructed justice in the murder of Michael Trentadue; see this letter to Leaky Leahy who has disgraced the U.S. Senate for decades. Robert Mueller, head of the FBI is just as corrupt.

The SPLC has spent decades spreading their propaganda to law enforcement agencies around the country. Using the most extreme examples, the SPLC has been a front runner in convincing local law enforcement that anyone who questions the government is a home grown terrorist. I highly recommend you contact your sheriff and your city council. Find out if any of your local tax dollars are going into the coffers of a rank operation like SPLC.

"Our" government paid Randy Weaver and his surviving children $3.1 million dollars for the murders of 14-year old Sammy Weaver (shot in the back) and his mother, Victoria, at Ruby Ridge. The killer, FBI agent, Lon Horiuchi, was absolved and given a free pass. The Trentadue family received one million dollars for the murder of their family member. The fruits of our labor to protect murderers and corrupt public officials. It is a stain on our country.

The individuals responsible for murdering Americans at the World Trade Center (1993), Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC are rouge elements within the U.S. government. Sting operations gone bad. Killers on the loose wearing badges. The truth seekers will not go away no matter how many attacks and smear campaigns are thrown out by vile operations like the SPLC.



General of Darkness
19th April 2010, 09:22 PM
Never forget. This was just a test for 911, and the test was regarding the mentality of the sheep.


Twisted Titan
20th April 2010, 07:52 AM
There was a serious clam down on Gun Control too

This was the spring board for it .