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20th April 2010, 03:26 AM
Glad to be here among the banned scum of GIM!

1970 Silver Art
20th April 2010, 03:45 AM
Welcome to Gold-Silver.US Occamsrazor. You have plenty of company with the number of people that are currently here on Gold-Silver.US that were banned on GIM1 and GIM2.

20th April 2010, 03:50 AM
First of all we are not "banned scum of gim."

Second go look in the mirror troll,
self admitted Bolshevik Jew and hater.

Don't you ever compare yourself to the
good people here as even remotely close.

"you are all goyim" "goyim" "goyim"
"you deserve what you get"

"kill every German man, woman and child"

"On the other hand the Western spirit is a manifestation of Satan."

"I regret that Stalin didn`t follow Ehrenburg`s talmudic advice to kill every German man,woman and child after the end of the war."

"I`ll pick up a rifle and will go shoot Palestinian babies for sport before I associate myself with the degenerate part of the White race."

"I'm more loyal to thinking Jews than to the degenerate part of the White race."

Antonio wrote:
"You are paying for your ancestors greed.They brought the monkeys here,now your life is made unbearable by their descendants.

I am advocating owning the motherf*ckers.

I have a definite opinion only about sociopaths and the need of identifying and shoving them all in mass graves before they do it us all."

"Russian population was the most well-read in the world"

After six months of this , after he cleared the forum , I just
compiled quotes and demanded his head, we voted and he
was gone. But he killed the forum. This is why you need rules.
Skirnir would not ban him and had sole authority for that.
So don't blame the other mods.


http://img251.imagevenue.com/loc460/th_60152_antoniothehater_122_460lo.jpg (http://img251.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60152_antoniothehater_122_460lo.jpg)

According to this guy the entire West is sociopaths
and all of you need to go. He said a lot more too.

Good morning, I could not let this stand !
This guy needs to go. He just called you
all a bunch of scum and he means it.

He already destroyed one forum and was
voted off.

20th April 2010, 03:52 AM

20th April 2010, 03:57 AM
Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;D

Magnes knows the score.

Songs of Innocence soon become Songs of Experience.

20th April 2010, 04:40 AM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

20th April 2010, 04:42 AM
Thank you Micros for saving the essense of my writings over the years. I thought they were irretrievably lost but you seem to have them at hand.
I`m hiring you to be my spokesperson and publicist.
PS. You are wrong about me destroying a forum. I did destroy you, savoring every post doing that, but not the forum.

Can one destroy a forum with lies? Please, Micros, please, say I am a liar. Because if what I say is truth and this destroys forums, then such forums deserve destroying, don`t they?

20th April 2010, 04:46 AM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

20th April 2010, 05:26 AM
Hi Occamsrazor/Antonio I have enjoyed reading what you have written while I don't agree with all of it, it is good to have contrarian opinions to keep the mind working... And you do provide some good data to support your opinions, such as the impossibility of Stalin killing 50 odd million people (or whatever the number claimed is), while population statistics suggests that it is impossible...

May we live in interesting times...

20th April 2010, 05:46 AM
You mean "Characteristic of people with no conscience"

Nomen luni
20th April 2010, 05:55 AM
I took the "banned scum" bit to be a light hearted joke.......

Well, I don't know you, Occam, but it looks like it will be interesting conversing. I enjoy a good argument! Welcome.

20th April 2010, 06:19 AM
Are you the guy that spends his time studying ponerology?

20th April 2010, 07:33 AM
Occam, you're welcome at this forum but please remember to keep your posting at an intelligent level. We've already received complaints about you calling the members scum and goy cattle. Joking or not, if your purpose here is to bait others and create flames, you won't last long.

Since you're new you might not have reviewed the forum rules, so take some time to read and understand them; they're stickied in general discussion and a few other places.

Twisted Titan
20th April 2010, 07:37 AM


20th April 2010, 07:52 AM
Occam, you're welcome at this forum but please remember to keep your posting at an intelligent level. We've already received complaints about you calling the members scum and goy cattle. Joking or not, if your purpose here is to bait others and create flames, you won't last long.

Since you're new you might not have reviewed the forum rules, so take some time to read and understand them; they're stickied in general discussion and a few other places.

Ok, the banned scum was obviously a tease since I am the banned scum of GIM too. If you receive numerous complaints about this then I probably should hang out elsewhere or read a book, an activity which I highly recomend.

As for the goy cattle, that came after the warm introduction by His Magnificence. Notice that you haven`t received a complaint about this from me. I promise that neither you will ever receive a complaint from me about any other matter which will make your life as a mod somewhat easier. I come from a place where males don`t complain.

See, I`m already off the list of the "problem patients".

20th April 2010, 07:55 AM
Welcome to the bad boys club..........

First post of theday.......good morning to one and all.

20th April 2010, 08:01 AM
Welcome back.

I don't think we ever agreed on anything, but then if everyone on the forum had the same opinion it would just be a giant circle je group hug.

20th April 2010, 08:44 AM
Are you the guy that spends his time studying ponerology?

Yes, me and Blue Midnight study sociopathy or ponerology (I confess I haven`t gotten the book "Political pnerology yet, its damn expensive and NYC public library only allows you to read it inside the 42st libabry. This tells you how important the info is thought of by TPTB).

I have plenty of English and Russian books on the subject so I`m probably doing good as far as the studying of the subject goes but I still want to get my hands on the Ponerology book.

20th April 2010, 08:46 AM
Greetings occamsrazor...

20th April 2010, 08:47 AM
Welcome back.

I don't think we ever agreed on anything, but then if everyone on the forum had the same opinion it would just be a giant circle je group hug.

See, yet we never disrespected each other.
At least on my side this was easy and I never had to refrain myself from "disrespecting" you in order to keep things civil because I do respect you even though we disagree on most things.

20th April 2010, 10:24 AM
You can call yourself scum for all I care but don't go slinging that mud around here.

20th April 2010, 11:20 AM
Howdy occam's. Things did get out of hand over at the Agora. I missed alot of what happened but I felt it had probably become a pissing match and all parties were pissed and things said that should just be left in the past. I don't agree with some of your leanings, i.e. Stalinism but you have a good wit and that makes for good banter. So here's to water under the bridge. Welcome.

20th April 2010, 11:40 AM
I welcomed you on another thread before I saw this one. Glad you found you way here, Occam. Your posts are interesting to say the least, and I appreciate your wit. Unfortunately, I was never banned (on purpose) on GIM but I'm happy to hobnob with the cast-off dregs of GIM humanity, I wouldn't have it any other way!

20th April 2010, 03:12 PM
You can call yourself scum for all I care but don't go slinging that mud around here.

I can`t believe you are serious.

joke .

1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
2. A mischievous trick; a prank.
3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
4. Informal
a. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
b. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
v. joked, jok·ing, jokes
1. To tell or play jokes; jest.
2. To speak in fun; be facetious.
To make fun of; tease.


[Latin iocus; see yek- in Indo-European roots.]


joking·ly adv.
Synonyms: joke, jest, witticism, quip, sally, crack, wisecrack, gag
These nouns refer to something that is said or done in order to evoke laughter or amusement. Joke especially denotes an amusing story with a punch line at the end: told jokes at the party.
Jest suggests frolicsome humor: amusing jests that defused the tense situation.
A witticism is a witty, usually cleverly phrased remark: a speech full of witticisms.
A quip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark: responded to the tough questions with quips.
Sally denotes a sudden quick witticism: ended the debate with a brilliant sally.
Crack and wisecrack refer less formally to flippant or sarcastic retorts: made a crack about my driving ability; punished for making wisecracks in class.
Gag is principally applicable to a broadly comic remark or to comic by-play in a theatrical routine: one of the most memorable gags in the history of vaudeville.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

joke [dʒəʊk]
1. a humorous anecdote
2. something that is said or done for fun; prank
3. a ridiculous or humorous circumstance
4. a person or thing inspiring ridicule or amusement; butt
5. a matter to be joked about or ignored
joking apart seriously: said to recall a discussion to seriousness after there has been joking
no joke something very serious
1. (intr) to tell jokes
2. (intr) to speak or act facetiously or in fun
3. to make fun of (someone); tease; kid
[from Latin jocus a jest]
jokingly adv

20th April 2010, 03:21 PM
Howdy occam's. Things did get out of hand over at the Agora. I missed alot of what happened but I felt it had probably become a pissing match and all parties were pissed and things said that should just be left in the past. I don't agree with some of your leanings, i.e. Stalinism but you have a good wit and that makes for good banter. So here's to water under the bridge. Welcome.

Thanks, bro and ditto to all the others who welcomed me.
You see, I go thru life with the attitude of a feline with a full stomach. I never attack first and always allow creatures who surround me to take a few shots at me. I swipe my political and psychological e-paw only after it is obvious that the unfortunate creature is not going to change its mind about attacking me.

Also, many people have exceedingly thin skins and are actually looking for every chance to get offended over nothing. My usual sarcasm is often taken as a mortal offense when no offense was intended.

20th April 2010, 05:25 PM
Hey Occ. It seems you have a reputation.

20th April 2010, 05:29 PM
Glad to be here among the banned scum of GIM!

There you are you Stalinist Bastard!, I missed our little sparing bouts! glad to have ya! ;D

20th April 2010, 05:32 PM
Antonio admitted on the golden agora that he would rip a mans dead gold tooth out (probably for drugs)
:o :o

20th April 2010, 05:35 PM
Careful what you say...

20th April 2010, 05:49 PM
Antonio admitted on the golden agora that he would rip a mans dead gold tooth out (probably for drugs)
:o :o

No, I`d do it purely for the 16k dental gold content.
PS. If you were qualified to speak about drugs, you`d know people do much worse things for them than that.
I was waiting for Micros to start the drug theme in this thread but you turned out to be faster on the draw, the cowboy that you are...

23rd April 2010, 02:29 PM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

::) Old habits die hard.

BlueMidnight is one of my best friends and
I only mentioned his name on here 10 times,
a student of Eustace Mullins and what the Jews
are doing, Antonio, you ever consider that
Blue was studying you ? Who and what are
the Bolsheviks ? etc

What a lot of people on here may not know is that
we were once friends and I even supported you
and 2 others and got a ban for being vocal .
Nobody started anything with you, it is all you.
Your insulting mouth. You wear different masks.

23rd April 2010, 03:34 PM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

::) Old habits die hard.

BlueMidnight is one of my best friends and
I only mentioned his name on here 10 times,
a student of Eustace Mullins and what the Jews
are doing, Antonio, you ever consider that
Blue was studying you ? Who and what are
the Bolsheviks ? etc

What a lot of people on here may not know is that
we were once friends and I even supported you
and 2 others and got a ban for being vocal .
Nobody started anything with you, it is all you.
Your insulting mouth. You wear different masks.

You started to insult me daily on The Golden Agora and continued to do so for months, along with Ben Shockely, calling me a kike, jew monkey etc but never once calling me a liar, constantly quoting me out of context which can easily create an appearance of me or anyone subjected to this tactic being a psychopath. I allowed this to go on for months and held my tongue. Then I said everything I think about you and Ben which has resulted in Ben running from TGA after posting homosexual porn infected with nasty viruses which burned my comp and those of a few other members. Ben is up to his tricks again, he just posted exactly the same thing in Russian in one of my threads.

I never attack first anyone except for shills. But I elevate verbal self-defense to a high art.
I don`t wear many masks. Life is complex and I try to address this complexity. My ultimate allegience is to truth.
Nobody will ever catch me posting intentional lies.

23rd April 2010, 03:37 PM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

::) Old habits die hard.

BlueMidnight is one of my best friends and
I only mentioned his name on here 10 times,
a student of Eustace Mullins and what the Jews
are doing, Antonio, you ever consider that
Blue was studying you ? Who and what are
the Bolsheviks ? etc

What a lot of people on here may not know is that
we were once friends and I even supported you
and 2 others and got a ban for being vocal .
Nobody started anything with you, it is all you.
Your insulting mouth. You wear different masks.

You started to insult me daily on The Golden Agora and continued to do so for months, along with Ben Shockely, calling me a kike, jew monkey etc but never once calling me a liar, constantly quoting me out of context which can easily create an appearance of me or anyone subjected to this tactic being a psychopath. I allowed this to go on for months and held my tongue. Then I said everything I think about you and Ben which has resulted in Ben running from TGA after posting homosexual porn infected with nasty viruses which burned my comp and those of a few other members. Ben is up to his tricks again, he just posted exactly the same thing in Russian in one of my threads as he used to post on TGA, empty insults and nothing else.

I never attack first anyone except for shills. But I elevate verbal self-defense to a high art.
I don`t wear many masks. Life is complex and I try to address this complexity. My ultimate allegience is to truth.
Nobody will ever catch me posting intentional lies.

23rd April 2010, 04:38 PM
It seems there were a few battles going on at this TGA world wide web site.

23rd April 2010, 04:42 PM
Haha, ROFL. That's like saying the Grand Canyon is a gully.

23rd April 2010, 05:35 PM
G'Day Occam, welcome to GSUS.

Looks like this should lead to some interesting debates ... haha

There are really interesting things happening in the wider world at the moment, and we all need as many varied opinions as possible to make sense of it and see the bigger picture.

Your contrary opinions on whats going on, and who is pulling the strings may be uncomfortable to hear, but are welcome. I probably wont agree with more than half of them, but they are still welcome.

Consider :

- The Illusion of PAX Americana is clearly wearing thin. Scratch the surface, and it can be seen that behind all the pretty charts, numbers, and smiling politicians on the TV ..... there is something akin to anarchy on the streets. How many people around the Western world have simply stopped paying their mortgages now ? Where is the West headed now ?

- Blatant regime change, old school Soviet style, in Kyrgyzstan which benefits Russia keeping a toe in the Great Game.. Blatant round up of Poland's leadership, followed by old-school Soviet style execution and cover up. The 'air crash' was even done near Katyn wood, around the anniversary of the event.. A clear message to all that Russia is back, and wants to be left alone.

- The blatant destruction of Poland also sends a message to those that refuse to play along with the IMF. What does all that mean ?

- Israel's ambitions and behavior growing more and more insane with every passing month. If Israel loses its ability to rely on the unconditional support of the American taxpayer .... then where is that going to leave Israel longer term ?

- The EuroZone continues, but only for as long Germany continues to exist under conditions that can only be described as an indefinite extension of the Treaty of Versailles. How long till Germany wakes up and gets its shit together again ? It has to happen eventually.

And finally, what has any of this constant political banter got to do with Gold and Silver ? Well, simply .... everything.

Looking forward to hearing another viewpoint :)

23rd April 2010, 05:38 PM
After thinking about it for a while I have decided that I am now at home since we are all REFUGEES....... ;D hahahahahahahaha.

23rd April 2010, 05:38 PM

AWESOME post. Thank you!

philo beddoe
23rd April 2010, 05:43 PM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

::) Old habits die hard.

BlueMidnight is one of my best friends and
I only mentioned his name on here 10 times,
a student of Eustace Mullins and what the Jews
are doing, Antonio, you ever consider that
Blue was studying you ? Who and what are
the Bolsheviks ? etc

What a lot of people on here may not know is that
we were once friends and I even supported you
and 2 others and got a ban for being vocal .
Nobody started anything with you, it is all you.
Your insulting mouth. You wear different masks.

You started to insult me daily on The Golden Agora and continued to do so for months, along with Ben Shockely, calling me a kike, jew monkey etc but never once calling me a liar, constantly quoting me out of context which can easily create an appearance of me or anyone subjected to this tactic being a psychopath. I allowed this to go on for months and held my tongue. Then I said everything I think about you and Ben which has resulted in Ben running from TGA after posting homosexual porn infected with nasty viruses which burned my comp and those of a few other members. Ben is up to his tricks again, he just posted exactly the same thing in Russian in one of my threads as he used to post on TGA, empty insults and nothing else.

I never attack first anyone except for shills. But I elevate verbal self-defense to a high art.
I don`t wear many masks. Life is complex and I try to address this complexity. My ultimate allegience is to truth.
Nobody will ever catch me posting intentional lies.

blah blah blah you sound like a 13 year old girl reciting her latest boy breakup to her girlfriends agora is dead get over it....since you claim agora is gone...you know damn well anything you say is hearsay and unverifiable

23rd April 2010, 05:53 PM
Thank you Magnes, for saving me a lot of typing.

I second your post.

OccamsRazor = Admitted jewish Stalinist.

Wrong, I`m a proud Jew and a proud Stalinist.
Jew by the way is just a short term for "an intellegent person". "Jew" is much shorter and saves people time.
PS. All right goy cattle, it`s bedtime for me, see you in about 12 hrs of death-like sleep characteristic of people with clean conscience.

::) Old habits die hard.

BlueMidnight is one of my best friends and
I only mentioned his name on here 10 times,
a student of Eustace Mullins and what the Jews
are doing, Antonio, you ever consider that
Blue was studying you ? Who and what are
the Bolsheviks ? etc

What a lot of people on here may not know is that
we were once friends and I even supported you
and 2 others and got a ban for being vocal .
Nobody started anything with you, it is all you.
Your insulting mouth. You wear different masks.

You started to insult me daily on The Golden Agora and continued to do so for months, along with Ben Shockely, calling me a kike, jew monkey etc but never once calling me a liar, constantly quoting me out of context which can easily create an appearance of me or anyone subjected to this tactic being a psychopath. I allowed this to go on for months and held my tongue. Then I said everything I think about you and Ben which has resulted in Ben running from TGA after posting homosexual porn infected with nasty viruses which burned my comp and those of a few other members. Ben is up to his tricks again, he just posted exactly the same thing in Russian in one of my threads as he used to post on TGA, empty insults and nothing else.

I never attack first anyone except for shills. But I elevate verbal self-defense to a high art.
I don`t wear many masks. Life is complex and I try to address this complexity. My ultimate allegience is to truth.
Nobody will ever catch me posting intentional lies.

blah blah blah you sound like a 13 year old girl reciting her latest boy breakup to her girlfriends agora is dead get over it....since you claim agora is gone...you know damn well anything you say is hearsay and unverifiable

There are plenty of intellectually honest ex-TGA members here who will rcecall what exactly happened there. What is readily verifiable is that you seem to be addicted to images of blonds with big tits and seaselessly choose them as your avatar pics.

23rd April 2010, 05:57 PM
Guys? learn and do as I do........Book keeps trying to draw me out into an open fight and I just ignored him, after all, this are just letters on a monitor and no more.

Hatha Sunahara
23rd April 2010, 08:20 PM
Welcome Occam. You once informed me that I was a Stalinist at GIM. I found that amusing. Or did you tell me I could become a Stalinist, and were willing to get me trained by sending me links to Stalinist propaganda. Nevertheless, I like your wit. You are a well-read fellow, and smarter than the average bear. We should get along here, but as with everything, there is no guarantee.


23rd April 2010, 08:52 PM
Guys? learn and do as I do........Book keeps trying to draw me out into an open fight and I just ignored him, after all, this are just letters on a monitor and no more.


Too funny. Ponce once again attacks me then cries out that he is the victim...lol.


23rd April 2010, 08:55 PM
Welcome Occam. You once informed me that I was a Stalinist at GIM. I found that amusing. Or did you tell me I could become a Stalinist, and were willing to get me trained by sending me links to Stalinist propaganda. Nevertheless, I like your wit. You are a well-read fellow, and smarter than the average bear. We should get along here, but as with everything, there is no guarantee.


Thanks. Every honest man is a Stalinist, many are Stalinists without realizing it, due to the satanic Western propaganda about Stalin and Russia in general.

Here is an amusing story about the man himself. Stalin was once chastising his hard-drinking son who was by the way, a dare-devil ace pilot who went to war on the 1st day of it, June 22 1941. He constantly got into trouble, drunken fights etc, bringing embarassement to his family.

Stalin summoned him to his office and said:

"Do you think you are Stalin? Do you think I am Stalin?
He is Stalin!" he said, pointing at a huge Stalin portrait of himself hanging on the wall above them.

This shows you what the man thought about the whole " Stalin cult ".

philo beddoe
23rd April 2010, 09:09 PM
[/quote]blah blah blah you sound like a 13 year old girl reciting her latest boy breakup to her girlfriends agora is dead get over it....since you claim agora is gone...you know damn well anything you say is hearsay and unverifiable

There are plenty of intellectually honest ex-TGA members here who will rcecall what exactly happened there. What is readily verifiable is that you seem to be addicted to images of blonds with big tits and seaselessly choose them as your avatar pics.
[/quote]seaselessly? ex TGA members huh? Do you think they fucking care? I don't. Are you still upset because you can not figure me out? sorry, go shoot some heroin then. Wouldn't you rather jerk off over stalin then the agora?

23rd April 2010, 09:33 PM
[/quote]blah blah blah you sound like a 13 year old girl reciting her latest boy breakup to her girlfriends agora is dead get over it....since you claim agora is gone...you know damn well anything you say is hearsay and unverifiable

There are plenty of intellectually honest ex-TGA members here who will rcecall what exactly happened there. What is readily verifiable is that you seem to be addicted to images of blonds with big tits and seaselessly choose them as your avatar pics.
[/quote]seaselessly? ex TGA members huh? Do you think they f*cking care? I don't. Are you still upset because you can not figure me out? sorry, go shoot some heroin then. Wouldn't you rather jerk off over stalin then the agora?

The time-honoured practice of injecting diacetylmorphine (heroin) is much more respectable than self-abuse and drooling over the unobtainable porn-actresses. I know quite a bit about the former and have stopped the latter in my teens.

philo beddoe
24th April 2010, 05:15 AM
blah blah blah you sound like a 13 year old girl reciting her latest boy breakup to her girlfriends agora is dead get over it....since you claim agora is gone...you know damn well anything you say is hearsay and unverifiable

There are plenty of intellectually honest ex-TGA members here who will rcecall what exactly happened there. What is readily verifiable is that you seem to be addicted to images of blonds with big tits and seaselessly choose them as your avatar pics.
[/quote]seaselessly? ex TGA members huh? Do you think they f*cking care? I don't. Are you still upset because you can not figure me out? sorry, go shoot some heroin then. Wouldn't you rather jerk off over stalin then the agora?

The time-honoured practice of injecting diacetylmorphine (heroin) is much more respectable than self-abuse and drooling over the unobtainable porn-actresses. I know quite a bit about the former and have stopped the latter in my teens.
[/quote]Light the spoon....
play this.....

and circle jerk to stalin (jewisson)

9th January 2011, 12:29 PM
Just helping the forum out on introductions,
second ones for those not aware, also the link
I posted to this thread was messed up by this
forum software, we need vb for many reasons.

9th January 2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the history lesson Magnes. This Antonio / OccamsShytshaver is a nasty beast in human skin. I couldn't imagine anyone having a positive interaction with this character in all of life. He has only one hope and it sounds as if he is firmly avowed against his only salvation.

9th January 2011, 05:32 PM

14th December 2013, 11:41 AM
I do miss that Stalinist junky...

14th December 2013, 02:06 PM
Philo the fag or Ocam?

14th December 2013, 02:17 PM
Philo the fag or Ocam?
Were both Stalinist junkies?