View Full Version : Jewish groups oppose Arizona immigration law

20th April 2010, 07:53 AM
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Three national Jewish groups urged Arizona's governor to veto a bill that would force local authorities to enforce federal immigration law.

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review

Understanding Jewish Influence I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism

20th April 2010, 07:58 AM
And remember, they are supposed to be "only" 3% of the population :conf:

20th April 2010, 08:00 AM
To hell with those fuсkers.

General of Darkness
20th April 2010, 08:02 AM
Well the khazars are very open about their interests in immigration.


20th April 2010, 08:06 AM
To hell with those fuсkers.

I think they should go home too.

20th April 2010, 08:12 AM
They need plenty of people from Mexico in the US so that they will fight the whites............DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

20th April 2010, 08:13 AM
I think they should go home too.

They got their Come Home To Israel memo 65 years ago yet still remain in New York, Florida, and California. Why is that?


20th April 2010, 08:18 AM
Although i do agree with this post, i have yet to hear anyone address this issue:

This new Bill will allow Policy Enforcement Revenue Generating Agents to pull over anyone they want, if suspected of being 'illegal'. This is no different than Nazi Germany.

I live in AZ, and our immigration problem is f*cked. But it took 20+ years of this, it didnt happen overnight. There is a serious malicious agenda behind this.

And yet, the people will be happy this has passed. Because it gives them the illusion of safety and security. They wont mind being pulled over, UNLAWFULLY, from time to time if it increases their 'safety and comfort zone'.

No matter what you think, you cannot possibly argue where this is headed.

Politicians do not solve problems. THEY CREATE THEM.

20th April 2010, 08:22 AM
I think they should go home too.

They got their Come Home To Israel memo 65 years ago yet still remain in New York, Florida, and California. Why is that?


They are not leaving until every last ounce of US wealth is stolen, Christians are destroyed, the white race is decimated, and every citizen in the US is their slave. And then they still won't leave.

20th April 2010, 08:22 AM
Well the khazars are very open about their interests in immigration.


I couldnt even make it to the 1:00 mark, before i puked. More 'collective' thinking to push the 'individuals' to the curb.

20th April 2010, 08:26 AM
I think they should go home too.

They got their Come Home To Israel memo 65 years ago yet still remain in New York, Florida, and California. Why is that?


They're more effective there?

In all honesty, I'm a zionist if it means that jews go live in another country and stop fucking around in the media/banks/governments in MY country.

Grand Master Melon
20th April 2010, 08:39 AM
Although i do agree with this post, i have yet to hear anyone address this issue:

This new Bill will allow Policy Enforcement Revenue Generating Agents to pull over anyone they want, if suspected of being 'illegal'. This is no different than Nazi Germany.

I live in AZ, and our immigration problem is f*cked. But it took 20+ years of this, it didnt happen overnight. There is a serious malicious agenda behind this.

And yet, the people will be happy this has passed. Because it gives them the illusion of safety and security. They wont mind being pulled over, UNLAWFULLY, from time to time if it increases their 'safety and comfort zone'.

No matter what you think, you cannot possibly argue where this is headed.

Politicians do not solve problems. THEY CREATE THEM.

I reside here too and you're spot on. It's like the morons that think it's okay that the border patrol has "roaming" patrols that will search your car 100 miles from the border. I always have to explain to the people that support such crap that at the very least the border patrol has already failed by letting someone get 100 miles in and that's aside from the rest of the crap about search and seizure and what not.

20th April 2010, 10:11 AM
Since nothing else has been allowed to work, maybe after this law drives the illegals out the law can then be modified/rescinded.

20th April 2010, 01:32 PM
Cardinal Mahony over at pedophile headquarters, should be happy with the new immigration law. It will drive all illegals over to his parish for him to serve.

LA cardinal: Nazism in Arizona immigration bill
Apr 20 02:23 PM US/Eastern

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The head of the nation's largest Catholic archdiocese says a proposed Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants encourages "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques."
Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese made the comments in his blog Sunday, a day before the Arizona Legislature passed the bill.

If Gov. Jan Brewer signs the bill into law, police would be required to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally.

The Los Angeles archdiocese serves a large Hispanic immigrant population. Mahony says he can't imagine people turning in others who look foreign or because they might lack papers.

20th April 2010, 06:18 PM
I was hoping to find better info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback

Might be a little more daunting of a task this time around.

20th April 2010, 06:31 PM
Although i do agree with this post, i have yet to hear anyone address this issue:

This new Bill will allow Policy Enforcement Revenue Generating Agents to pull over anyone they want, if suspected of being 'illegal'. This is no different than Nazi Germany.

I live in AZ, and our immigration problem is f*cked. But it took 20+ years of this, it didnt happen overnight. There is a serious malicious agenda behind this.

And yet, the people will be happy this has passed. Because it gives them the illusion of safety and security. They wont mind being pulled over, UNLAWFULLY, from time to time if it increases their 'safety and comfort zone'.

No matter what you think, you cannot possibly argue where this is headed.

Politicians do not solve problems. THEY CREATE THEM.

I agree with you on this +100, illegals should be booted no doubt about that, these actions are acceptable to me in areas like Nogales, Douglas,etc. but this SS shit of pulling someone over in Camp Verde or Sedona is a bit much. like it or not the Southwest had a large Hispanic population LONG before Anglophones arrived. the border patrol is way over stepping their authority IMHO with this random stop BS, If i was a Native Hispanic Arizonian,I wouldnt stop, F*ck em .see you in court assholes!

philo beddoe
20th April 2010, 06:40 PM
Although i do agree with this post, i have yet to hear anyone address this issue:

This new Bill will allow Policy Enforcement Revenue Generating Agents to pull over anyone they want, if suspected of being 'illegal'. This is no different than Nazi Germany.

I live in AZ, and our immigration problem is f*cked. But it took 20+ years of this, it didnt happen overnight. There is a serious malicious agenda behind this.

And yet, the people will be happy this has passed. Because it gives them the illusion of safety and security. They wont mind being pulled over, UNLAWFULLY, from time to time if it increases their 'safety and comfort zone'.

No matter what you think, you cannot possibly argue where this is headed.

Politicians do not solve problems. THEY CREATE THEM.

I agree with you on this +100, illegals should be booted no doubt about that, these actions are acceptable to me in areas like Nogales, Douglas,etc. but this SS sh*t of pulling someone over in Camp Verde or Sedona is a bit much. like it or not the Southwest had a large Hispanic population LONG before Anglophones arrived. the border patrol is way over stepping their authority IMHO with this random stop BS, If i was a Native Hispanic Arizonian,I wouldnt stop, F*ck em .see you in court assholes!
Since when did you think the cops DON"T have the right to pull you over any time they like?

20th April 2010, 06:48 PM
Cops are one thing but BP. Border Patrol are NOT policemen. they are BORDER GUARDS here in MI ,obviously I am as close to a border too, albeit much less enforced, but under these regulations, the BP can pull me over here under the same rules, because i look Quebecois?(and I do) F*ck That! I do not recognize the authority of federal "road patrols" and would pursue it in court.

20th April 2010, 06:52 PM
these same jews will gladly accept these people with open arms in israel right :oo-->

20th April 2010, 06:55 PM
these same jews will gladly accept these people with open arms in israel right :oo-->

You bet they will!*

*assuming those people have jewish mothers....

20th April 2010, 08:36 PM
these same jews will gladly accept these people with open arms in israel right :oo-->

I had to chuckle at that one. Pretty ironic that Isreal is probably the most racist country on the face of the earth. Immigrants would probably have more luck getting into the former Rhodesia than Isreal.

mick silver
20th April 2010, 08:55 PM
these same jews will gladly accept these people with open arms in israel right :oo-->
dam that a good one ... oh hell it hurt laughing so hard

21st April 2010, 02:23 AM
DEC '09 update on SHERIFF JOE
you all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well.........


Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe!

Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay.

The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyone who'd like to adopt an animal. He has literally taken stray dogs off the street, given them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog shows.

The best part? His budget for the entire department is now under $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered, and current on all shots, in great health, and even had a microchip inserted the day we got him. Cost us $78.

The prisoners get the benefit of about $0.28 an hour for working, but most would work for free, just to be out of their cells for the day. Most of his budget is for utilities, building maintenance, etc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees collected for adopted animals.

I have long wondered when the rest of the country would take a look at the way he runs the jail system, and copy some of his ideas. He has a huge farm, donated to the county years ago, where inmates can work, and they grow most of their own fresh vegetables and food, doing all the work and harvesting by hand.
He has a pretty good sized hog farm, which provides meat, and fertilizer. It fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, where prisoners work, and you can buy a living Christmas tree for $6 - $8 for the Holidays, and plant it later. We have six trees in our yard from the Prison.

Yup, he was re-elected last year with 83% of the vote.
Now he's in trouble with the ACLU again. He painted all his buses and vehicles with a mural, that has a special hotline phone number painted on it, where you can call and report suspected illegal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement wasn't doing enough in his eyes, so he had 40 deputies trained specifically for enforcing immigration laws, started up his hotline, and bought 4 new buses just for hauling folks back to the border. He's kind of a 'Git-R Dun' kind of Sheriff.




Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona ), who created the 'Tent City Jail':
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.

He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but 'G' rated movies.

He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.

Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.

He took away cable TV until he found out there was a Federal Court Order that required cable TV for jails so he hooked up the cable TV again; only let in the Disney Channel and the Weather Channel.

When asked why the Weather Channel he replied, 'So they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my Chain Gangs.'

He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value.

When the inmates complained, he told them 'This isn't the Ritz/Carlton......if you don't like it, don't come back!'

More On The Arizona Sheriff:

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports:
About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before.

Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their PINK SOCKS.

'It feels like we are in a furnace', said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the TENTS for 1 year. 'It's Inhumane.'

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: 'It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths!'

Way to go, Sheriff!

Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.

21st April 2010, 06:05 AM
In 2001, Arpaio led the way as the first sheriff that requires all inmates 18 years and older to register for the Selective Service System. Registration is required by federal law for all U.S. males between 18 and 26 years of age, as well as for resident aliens of the same age regardless of their immigration status. Since 2001, a total of 28,000 inmates (including 9,000 aliens) have registered for Selective Service.[22][23]



21st April 2010, 06:26 AM
DEC '09 update on SHERIFF JOE
you all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well.........


Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe!

Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay.

The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyone who'd like to adopt an animal. He has literally taken stray dogs off the street, given them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog shows.

The best part? His budget for the entire department is now under $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered, and current on all shots, in great health, and even had a microchip inserted the day we got him. Cost us $78.

The prisoners get the benefit of about $0.28 an hour for working, but most would work for free, just to be out of their cells for the day. Most of his budget is for utilities, building maintenance, etc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees collected for adopted animals.

I have long wondered when the rest of the country would take a look at the way he runs the jail system, and copy some of his ideas. He has a huge farm, donated to the county years ago, where inmates can work, and they grow most of their own fresh vegetables and food, doing all the work and harvesting by hand.
He has a pretty good sized hog farm, which provides meat, and fertilizer. It fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, where prisoners work, and you can buy a living Christmas tree for $6 - $8 for the Holidays, and plant it later. We have six trees in our yard from the Prison.

Yup, he was re-elected last year with 83% of the vote.
Now he's in trouble with the ACLU again. He painted all his buses and vehicles with a mural, that has a special hotline phone number painted on it, where you can call and report suspected illegal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement wasn't doing enough in his eyes, so he had 40 deputies trained specifically for enforcing immigration laws, started up his hotline, and bought 4 new buses just for hauling folks back to the border. He's kind of a 'Git-R Dun' kind of Sheriff.




Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona ), who created the 'Tent City Jail':
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.

He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but 'G' rated movies.

He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.

Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.

He took away cable TV until he found out there was a Federal Court Order that required cable TV for jails so he hooked up the cable TV again; only let in the Disney Channel and the Weather Channel.

When asked why the Weather Channel he replied, 'So they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my Chain Gangs.'

He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value.

When the inmates complained, he told them 'This isn't the Ritz/Carlton......if you don't like it, don't come back!'

More On The Arizona Sheriff:

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports:
About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before.

Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their PINK SOCKS.

'It feels like we are in a furnace', said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the TENTS for 1 year. 'It's Inhumane.'

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: 'It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths!'

Way to go, Sheriff!

Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.

And for the people who cannot see it, this is opening the doors for PRIVATE JAILS AND PRISONS to use slave labor for generating revenue. How long will it take until the inmates are making cheap toys, clothes, etc? Im not sure a former head of the DEA narcotics division is the best guy for the job of immigration. Just saying.....

Grand Master Melon
21st April 2010, 09:46 AM
I'm not going to quote the giant Arpaio propoganda piece I'll simply say the guy is a douche. Sure he has some good ideas but he has plenty of bad ones as well.

21st April 2010, 10:15 AM

Seems like we got us a failure to communicate boy.


21st April 2010, 10:21 AM
Those people have been at it for a long time.

The Hart-Celler Act significantly changed the ethnic make-up of immigration into America. Before the Act was passed, the majority of immigrants coming to America were White. After the Act, the majority of immigrant arrivals were non-White (roughly 80% of the immigrants came to the U.S. from non-White countries). In other words, the 1965 Act reversed the racial make-up of immigration into America.

Jewish Senator Jacob Javits (1904-1986) also played a key role in the creation of the Hart-Celler Act. And Jewish attorney Schlei (see Part I above) conceived the idea of putting a "first come, first served" immigration rule into the Act, to replace the previous national-origins rule [3].

(Revealingly, an action by Jewish Senator Herbert H. Lehman (1878-1963) -- the son of an immigrant and a major player in pro-immigration legislation -- showed how important the issue of immigration reform can be to Jews: in the early 1950s, in what might be described as 'Jewish networking on immigration matters,' Lehman helped to install a Jew, Harry Rosenfield, as the executive director of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization. Then Lehman, his Jewish aid and Rosenfield endeavored to help pro-immigration Congressmen with matters pertaining to the liberalization of immigration laws. The chairman of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization was also a Jew, Philip Perlman. And telling of Jewish attitudes toward the McCarran-Walter law were Senator Lehman's remarks that it had a "racist" and "xenophobic" aura. Apparently for Lehman, a post-WWII Zionist, such an aura surrounding immigration law was okay in Israel, but not in America.)

21st April 2010, 11:10 AM
Good post, Skidmark.

21st April 2010, 01:45 PM
At least their perverted fantasies have given us some ideas as to how to get rid of them.