View Full Version : One third of Americans say own govt a threat

20th April 2010, 08:36 AM
One third of Americans say own govt a threat:

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Nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a "major … Mon Apr 19, 10:36 am ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a "major threat" to their freedoms, and four out of five say they don't trust Washington to solve their problems, according to a new poll out Monday.

Just 19 percent say they are "basically content" with the federal government, against 56 percent who say they are "frustrated" and 21 percent who describe themselves as "angry," the Pew Research Center survey found.

Only 22 percent say they trust Washington to do what is right4 almost always or most of the time, according to the survey, which had an error margin of plus or minus four percentage points.

The first time Pew asked the question, in 1958, 73 percent of Americans said they trusted the government. In mid-1994, just 17 percent said the same.

The US public has historically expressed distrust in Washington, but a sour economy, epic frustration with the US Congress, and an increasingly polarized electorate have fanned the flames, Pew said.

The findings could spell trouble for President Barack Obama's Democrats in November mid-term elections, with 53 percent saying the federal government needs "very major reform," though Republicans do not get high marks either.

When Obama took office in January 2009, 62 percent of Americans said they viewed Democrats favorably, against just 40 percent for Republicans -- and the president's party now only has a 38 percent-37 percent edge over his critics.

Just 25 percent said they had a favorable view of the Congress, just half of what it was one year ago and the lowest in a quarter century of Pew surveys.

But while 58 percent say the government has gone too far in regulating the economy, 61 percent say they want tougher government rules for Wall Street -- a boon to Obama and Democrats who have made that their top domestic goal now that the president has signed his historic health care overhaul into law.

mick silver
20th April 2010, 11:21 AM
you mean that many people have wake up and seen the light. i would of hope by now more would of seen the light ...

20th April 2010, 11:23 AM
1/3rd is plenty enough for a revolution! ;D

20th April 2010, 11:37 AM
You've got it, Nunaem.

20th April 2010, 11:39 AM
But while 58 percent say the government has gone too far in regulating the economy, 61 percent say they want tougher government rules for Wall Street -- a boon to Obama and Democrats who have made that their top domestic goal now that the president has signed his historic health care overhaul into law.

They still don't realize Washington handed them the cash to begin with.

Now they're just discussing the future payroll options with them.


20th April 2010, 11:42 AM
1/3rd is also the amount of the populace that supported the American Revolution.

Looks like plenty to me.

20th April 2010, 01:04 PM
Let's play who's the enemy?

1) Who/what government, has had the most negative effects on you life?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

2) Who poses the biggest military threat to US lives?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

3) Who is most responsible for the loss of so many US lives
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

4) Who has killed the most innocent citizens around the world in the name of protecting freedom?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

5) Who is most responsible for the loss of liberties in the US?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

5) Who is most likely to use a nuclear weapon on civilians?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

6) Who is responsible for the theft of wealth in the US?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

7) Who has had the most negative effect on the moral fabric of the US?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

8 Who poses the biggest threat to you and you childrens future?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. China
d. US
e. both US & Israel

20th April 2010, 01:26 PM
E thru E_ ;)

20th April 2010, 01:30 PM
I just hacked the central server and downloaded the answer key:

1. e
2. e
3. e
4. e
5. e
6. e
7. e
8. e

20th April 2010, 01:59 PM
If you don't know the answer you don't belong in the US..........and don't even think of going to Cuba.

20th April 2010, 03:54 PM
At some point the U.S. citizen will have to realize that they will be far safer by not trying to police the entire world into serving up its just rewards to the foot of "the pyramid"

20th April 2010, 04:03 PM
I just hacked the central server and downloaded the answer key:

1. e
2. e
3. e
4. e
5. e
6. e
7. e
8. e

Here is the picture for the reading-impaired:

20th April 2010, 04:41 PM
That means 2/3rds have their head up their ass and are posting about it on facebook/twitter.

20th April 2010, 04:46 PM
That means 2/3rds have their head up their ass and are posting about it on facebook/twitter.

Who do you think owns facebook/twitter?
I'll give you one guess...

20th April 2010, 04:53 PM
Is it multiple choice?

I'll go with CIA/Mossad Alex.

20th April 2010, 04:57 PM
Is it multiple choice?

I'll go with CIA/Mossad Alex.


20th April 2010, 05:03 PM
1. e
2. e
3. e
4. e
5. e
6. e
7. e
8. e

My goodness, how did you and I score the same results?!!! :sarc:

20th April 2010, 07:51 PM
In the empire of the blind........the one eye man is king.

21st April 2010, 09:03 PM
In the empire of the blind........the one eye man is king.

TPTB don't just fall over that easy. The developing world strongmen are just now coming into the party. They are more than ready to join in the blood sucking.

The answer is not e through e, it is all of the above, but you are missing f through z in your question. And numbers don't really matter, you haven't given the Japanese mafia a fair turn yet. You want numbers, maybe you should study Chinese history about who holds what records.

Fiat money is accepted in every corner of the globe. The guns are already illegal most everywhere, And silver is no longer a portion of the coins anywhere.

You must be joking if you think that some "one-third" flock of sheep are going to do anything but just "move left", then "move right", then left.... and so on. Besides the study of history , you guys need to pay attention to the dance moves.