View Full Version : The Tea Party divided, just like it was supposed to be.

20th April 2010, 03:45 PM
Uprising safely corralled, back to your feed. Anyone that still thinks Ron Paul wasn't controlled opposition please do some long introspection. Tea bags and protest signs have never and will never accomplish anything. We're going to have to do more.


Tea Partiers in Two Camps: Sarah Palin vs. Ron Paul

Tea party activists are divided roughly into two camps, according to a new POLITICO/TargetPoint poll: one that’s libertarian-minded and largely indifferent to hot-button values issues and another that’s culturally conservative and equally concerned about social and fiscal issues.

The survey, an exit poll conducted Thursday by Edison Research at the massive Tax Day protest on the National Mall, found that the attendees were largely hostile to President Barack Obama and the national Democratic Party – three-quarters believe the president “is pursuing a socialist agenda.”

Yet they aren’t enamored of the Republican Party as an alternative. Overall, three out of four tea party attendees said they were “scared about the direction” of the country and “want to send a message to both political parties.”

The results, however, suggest a distinct fault line that runs through the tea party activist base, characterized by two wings led by the politicians who ranked highest when respondents were asked who “best exemplifies the goals of the tea party movement” – former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), a former GOP presidential candidate.

Palin, who topped the list with 15 percent, speaks for the 43 percent of those polled expressing the distinctly conservative view that government does too much, while also saying that it needs to promote traditional values.

Paul’s thinking is reflected by an almost identical 42 percent who said government does too much but should not try to promote any particular set of values – the hallmarks of libertarians. He came in second to Palin with 12 percent.

When asked to choose from a list of candidates for president in 2012, Palin and Paul also finished one-two – with Palin at 15 percent and Paul at 14 percent.

In general, those who turned out for the April 15 event tended to be less culturally conservative than national Republicans.

Asked to rate their level of anger about 22 issues on a scale of one (not angry at all) to five (extremely angry), the issue that drew the most anger: the growing national debt. The least: courts granting same-sex couples the right to marry. Twenty-four percent said they’re “not at all” upset about gay marriage.

While 73 percent are extremely angry about government intrusion into personal lives, only 48 percent express the same sentiment about “the moral direction of the country.” For instance, only 50 percent of the tea partiers overall said they’re extremely angry about the number of abortions performed each year (16th of 22). That’s less than the proportion extremely angry about bailouts, earmarks and frivolous lawsuits.

“Literally, there’s more harm being done economically to this country than 100 A-bombs could accomplish,” said Dave Kidwell, a 44-year-old from the Detroit suburbs.

Specifically, 51 percent of tea party activists say “government should not promote any particular set of values,” while 46 percent said “government should promote traditional family values in our society.” Compare this to national Gallup Polls, which recently found 67 percent of self-identified Republicans think government should promote such values.

Continues at link.

Celtic Rogue
20th April 2010, 03:55 PM
I would vote for Ron Paul no matter if you think he is so called controlled opposition or not. He has been a consistant voice for smaller gov and sound money for over 30 years.

Are you sure you are not a shill for TPTB fearing what might happen in this country if he were elected? I find it laughable that anyone would think RP is an agent of TPTB'

Can you document your findings that lead you to believe this?

20th April 2010, 03:58 PM
Can you document your findings that lead you to believe this?

What did Ron Paul DO right after he hauled in his multi-million-dollar internet Money Bomb while running for President?


20th April 2010, 04:02 PM
I would vote for Ron Paul no matter if you think he is so called controlled opposition or not. He has been a consistant voice for smaller gov and sound money for over 30 years.

Are you sure you are not a shill for TPTB fearing what might happen in this country if he were elected? I find it laughable that anyone would think RP is an agent of TPTB'

Can you document your findings that lead you to believe this?

Can you suck my nuts? Get back to your rEVOLution. Maybe g-khan will hold your hand. Love isn't going to fix this.

20th April 2010, 04:02 PM
RP is a fucking mason. Anything else?

20th April 2010, 04:04 PM
Wildcard, for as much as I like your thoughts on most things I must disagree. The tea party was borne with RP and its backbone will always be RP's, the more radical, loudest, active group in the fray right now. Just because the opportunists from the neocon agenda have tried, and somewhat successfully shifted the true freedom movement doesn't mean RP is controlled opposition. It only means that the neocons are threatened and are trying to divide and dilute the mass of those that are pissed.

Of course there's gonna be division within the division but no true neocon will ever be alligned with RP or the libertarians/ real radicals.

20th April 2010, 04:19 PM
Can you suck my nuts?

Consider yourself warned.

I'll not be called a shill. If anyone said that to my face I'd fuck them up. Do whatever you need to do. I don't need an education. Some folks here still do.

20th April 2010, 04:22 PM
You're still letting them pull the wool over your eyes if you think RP is genuine. He'd be dead. The greatest heist in the history of mankind was pulled off...10s of trillions...and people do nothing. RP is a sweet old granddad that wouldn't lift a finger to hurt a fly...just the kind of person to lead a group of folks that want to change things.

Nothings been done, nothing is going to be done. Take off the blinders. You're still being fooled.

20th April 2010, 04:23 PM
Are you sure you are not a shill for TPTB fearing what might happen in this country if he were elected?


20th April 2010, 04:36 PM
Love isn't going to fix this.

I will differ only as the definition has be found inconclusive. :CS

20th April 2010, 04:43 PM
If all these tea party'ers really wanted to have a peaceful revolution, they would flex their wallets and remove their money from the system, banks, markets, etc. and shut their business in a national strike.
Outside of that, they're just complaining and being laughed at.

Celtic Rogue
20th April 2010, 04:47 PM
If... the shoe fits wear it... if not... what are you worried about? I asked a question... You took it way to seriously.

20th April 2010, 04:50 PM
I'm not the one in denial. If you can't accept you've backed an agent in the matrix then it's not my problem. Whatever helps you sleep at night, just don't try to pretend it's going anywhere.

*I did get suckered in at first so I'm not completely clean, but I'm man enough to admit I was wrong and I was tricked.

20th April 2010, 04:54 PM
If all these tea party'ers really wanted to have a peaceful revolution, they would felx their wallets and remove their money from the system, banks, markets, etc. and shut their business in a national strike.
Outside of that, they're just complaining and being laughed at.

I agree whole heartedly but we're talking about a group of people who are barely awake and even in their half sleep they are causing concern. I'm not a tea partier because I know it's been hijacked but at the same time they sure have TPTB wondering WTF. Maybe even more importantly, if the regular population carries these sentiments what are the more radical of the populace thinking or planning?

20th April 2010, 04:55 PM
We need to start the Free Radical movement. Only one condition, come well armed to any gathering.

20th April 2010, 05:10 PM
If all these tea party'ers really wanted to have a peaceful revolution, they would felx their wallets and remove their money from the system, banks, markets, etc. and shut their business in a national strike.
Outside of that, they're just complaining and being laughed at.

I agree whole heartedly but we're talking about a group of people who are barely awake and even in their half sleep they are causing concern. I'm not a tea partier because I know it's been hijacked but at the same time they sure have TPTB wondering WTF. Maybe even more importantly, if the regular population carries these sentiments what are the more radical of the populace thinking or planning?
I think they have a good idea and that's why a phony militia round up was made.

20th April 2010, 05:17 PM
I kind of agree EE, but I think that works contrary to what they want it to. They just showed their hand a lil early IMHO.

20th April 2010, 05:31 PM
Are you sure you are not a shill for TPTB fearing what might happen in this country if he were elected?

Personally, when people call Ron Paul a controlled opposition as though he was actually against what he
speaks about I laugh and look at these:

Ron Paul 1983: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJVg3hKCzx0

Ron Paul 1988: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHB2I83_N_k

Ron Paul 1995: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF5pwDCpz4s

CATCH MY DRIFT or must I go on???????

20th April 2010, 05:43 PM
Do you know what controlled opposition means? You may want to look up a few examples. He's a relief valve kept in place. He doesn't tell the whole truth does he? What about 9/11? What about ZOG? Hmmm.

20th April 2010, 05:48 PM
RP has always reminded me of the mainstream alex jones

Decent message but his nebulous buzzwords are all dead ends...arabs, banks, government, etc, etc
naming the institution not the person/people can only lead you so far

as such, i've never donated to him

20th April 2010, 05:51 PM
Do you know what controlled opposition means? You may want to look up a few examples. He's a relief valve kept in place. He doesn't tell the whole truth does he? What about 9/11? What about ZOG? Hmmm.

Just think...his reputation is already known to be "radical" "nut job" "extremist" etc...and you expect him to come out and say more than he does?

20th April 2010, 05:52 PM
I still support RP. I'm a member of the C4L. At almost 40 years old I joined the republican party for the first time last year. Most of the local positions in the Republican party are held by Ron Paul people in my district.

Am I grasping for straws? Maybe.

Could this be the start of genuine peaceful change? Maybe.

But what else is there? Talk trash on the internet?

I'm a married with kids now, I'm worried about the world I've brought them into. Everything is "controlled opposition." Everything is a false flag attack. No offense to anyone talking violent revolution, but I get suspicious of motives. If Ron Paul is controled opposition, are those trying to instigate violence just government instigators?

So there are 3 things I can do at this point.
1. Whine.
2. Take up arms
3. Try to change the system peacefully.

Honestly I only have 1 option at this point. And that's to try to work peacefully in the system to wake as many people up as I can.

It may sound cheesy but Ron Paul 2012.

20th April 2010, 05:54 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.

gunny highway
20th April 2010, 05:55 PM
We need to start the Free Radical movement. Only one condition, come well armed to any gathering.

no we don't. it's people saying things like this that will make this forum a target. you want to do something like that be quiet about it and don't advertise.

now, back to the topic. i disagree that RP is "an agent in the matrix". it doesn't matter that TPTB used him and abused him during the campaign. or that the use him now on TV as the "voice of reason" and the guy that call the collaspe. what matters is the people he woke up. before his run, i had no idea about the Fed or real money or the fact that our nation does not act as a republic. this caused me, as it did many others, to research these and other issues, further opening my eyes to the fiction that is our country. TPTB can "use" him all they want. put him on TV all they want. he is the most consistant reperesentative in DC, he has never changed his message. and his message is the antithesis of the conventional wisdom floating around in the halls of congress, a "wisdom" that has only bankrupted the country and killed millions in undelcared wars. the louder his message is, the worse it is for TPTB. controlled opposition? no way. can't see it.

20th April 2010, 05:58 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.
I did not refer to you directly, I was refering to internet chatter in general, relax.

If there was not an army ready to go against the British. If the people in 1776 were glued to American Idol, they'd just be chatter on the internet as well.

20th April 2010, 05:58 PM
Of course you want to believe in RP. Because you need a savior. Nobody is coming to save you. You'll have to get off your own ass and do something. And you won't so enjoy what's coming. Fucking pansies.

20th April 2010, 05:59 PM
When I see the abundance of common morons (like the Morton Downey Jr crowd) I say let the whole damn thing go into the trash. There is no redemption for the system, its disgusting people, or the land they pollute. I am in awe at the patience exercised by God.

Ron Paul seems to be a stooge in that he thinks good can still be done for this train speeding down the tracks to hell. In that, I do see him as part of the matrix. Onthe other hand, he is a kind-hearted man and would be the only good choice of public figures to serve this nation as it rots in the intensive care ward. Dr Paul cannot save this patient. Pull the plugs and say good night.

20th April 2010, 06:02 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.

So what are our options?

Besides each of us running for a local elected position and working from the ground up?

gunny highway
20th April 2010, 06:03 PM
i haven't heard any fat ladies singing so i'm going keep thinking good thoughts for now. ;D

20th April 2010, 06:04 PM
We need to start the Free Radical movement. Only one condition, come well armed to any gathering.

You forgot masks, I don't want my mug on CSPAN.

20th April 2010, 06:06 PM
LOL that's my story. I was a libertarian for RP. When I saw his talking points on basic libertarian points, I agreed with all of the except the top one which was "sound money." I thought what the hell does he mean by that?

That is why I'm here. I've also become like the guy in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I am compelled to explain the basics of sound money to everyone I meet.

What is the point of taking up arms if 95% of the country has no idea what they are fighting for. Seriously it's crazy. Win some hearts and minds and there may not have to be a fight. If there is, it's better to have some people with you, than running around by yourself in the woods.

before his run, i had no idea about the Fed or real money or the fact that our nation does not act as a republic.

20th April 2010, 06:08 PM
Did you read anything any of us wrote?

Of course you want to believe in RP. Because you need a savior. Nobody is coming to save you. You'll have to get off your own ass and do something. And you won't so enjoy what's coming. f*cking pansies.

20th April 2010, 06:13 PM
Do you have any idea the percentage of the population that actively participated in the American Revolution or the percentage of tax it was over? I don't give a rat's fat ass what 95% of America is doing.

20th April 2010, 06:15 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.

So what are our options?

Besides each of us running for a local elected position and working from the ground up?

300,000 armed and pissed off Americans on the lawn of the White House would get some things moving. The politicians would get their shit together if they knew there were consequences.

20th April 2010, 06:19 PM
I was into Paul until he wouldn't run Independent.

20th April 2010, 06:22 PM
I don't give a rat's fat ass what 95% of America is doing.

Is that a quotation from Sam Adams? :)

So what are you saying I should do? Talk trash on the internet?

Seriously, I may be naive, but I still believe there is a way to get this done peacefully. Many of the most strident voices in the Revolution tried to get things done peacefully. That's what made them more determined in the path they took once they took it.

You may write off the majority of the US public but the revolutionaries knew they were fighting the British. Americans today would think they are fighting off the O-bots in hopes they can install a Romney.

20th April 2010, 06:24 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.

So what are our options?

Besides each of us running for a local elected position and working from the ground up?

300,000 armed and pissed off Americans on the lawn of the White House would get some things moving. The politicians would get their sh*t together if they knew there were consequences.

Sounds like something the NRA would be proud to sponsor.

How do I get my rifle across state lines legally?

20th April 2010, 06:25 PM
300,000 armed and pissed off Americans on the lawn of the White House would get some things moving. The politicians would get their sh*t together if they knew there were consequences.
Where are these 300,000? They will NOT appear until they are hungry, and again they would fight to get rid of the Kenyan for the Massechusettes Mormon.

20th April 2010, 06:26 PM
Of course you want to believe in RP. Because you need a savior. Nobody is coming to save you. You'll have to get off your own ass and do something. And you won't so enjoy what's coming. f*cking pansies.

I'm sure you've got off your ass and done something, anything??? That is besides calling people F'n pansies and stirrin' sh!t.

No one is gonna enjoy what is coming unless a peaceful remedy can be found and for as much as most of us are ready and willing to fight we are still trying to get it done peacefully if possible. We ALL realize it's nigh on impossible but we endeavor to get our republic back with the least amount of pain to our family, friends and fellow countrymen as possible. We know the other option very well, thank you.

Comprende cupcake?

20th April 2010, 06:29 PM
Sounds like something the NRA would be proud to sponsor.

How do I get my rifle across state lines legally?
I hope your kidding, but seriously, that would be what an uprising would be now.

COP: Sorry sir, you can't bring a weapon and have a revolution without a permit. That'll take 2 months for the paperwork.

Revolutionary: Oh man, I hope it's still going on when I get my lisence to uprise.

20th April 2010, 06:31 PM
As long as you can rationalize doing nothing we can wait for someone, anyone to do something on our behalf.

20th April 2010, 06:38 PM
As long as you can rationalize doing nothing we can wait for someone, anyone to do something on our behalf.

Where were you when the whole "Restoration of the Republic" thing was going on?

Who ever started that thing would be the people to get behind as they seemed to be including the right people.


20th April 2010, 06:41 PM
As long as you can rationalize doing nothing we can wait for someone, anyone to do something on our behalf.

I told you the 3 choices I see my self having.

1 Talk trash on the internet.

2 Run around in the woods with a rifle by myself.

3 Try to change things by working in the system we have and waking more people up. (And no Ron Paul isn't my savior, he is one of many liberty candidates that I am promoting. Who knows someone on this board could be one.)

Option 3 is the only realistic one that I see. Which one are you doing BTW?

20th April 2010, 06:43 PM
As long as you can rationalize doing nothing we can wait for someone, anyone to do something on our behalf.

I told you the 3 choices I see my self having.

1 Talk trash on the internet.

2 Run around in the woods with a rifle by myself.

3 Try to change things by working in the system we have and waking more people up. (And no Ron Paul isn't my savior, he is one of many liberty candidates that I am promoting. Who knows someone on this board could be one.)

Option 3 is the only realistic one that I see. Which one are you doing BTW?

Im a #1 and #3 kinda guy myself, but do reserve #2 if ShTF!

20th April 2010, 06:45 PM
Yeah, I gotta admit, I do a bit of #1 myself :D

20th April 2010, 06:50 PM
I still believe removing your representative Government is the only peaceful solution.

As they are not needed anymore with the expansion of the internet.

This could easily be worked into any existing Tea Party plans, although they are too stupid to see it in front of their face.

20th April 2010, 07:03 PM

E-democracy (a combination of the words electronic and democracy) is a form of direct democracy that uses information technologies and communication technologies and strategies for political and governance processes. Such processes can be used for governance of local communities, nations and internationally. Democratic actors and sectors in this context include governments, elected officials, the media, political organizations, and citizens/voters.[1]

E-democracy aims for broader and more active citizen participation enabled by the Internet, mobile communications, and other technologies in today's representative democracy, as well as through more participatory or direct forms of citizen involvement in addressing public challenges.[2]

E-democracy is a relatively new concept, which has surfaced out of the popularity of the Internet and the need to reinvigorate interest in the democratic process.[3] Access is the key to creating interest in the democratic process.[4] Citizens are more willing to use Web sites to support their candidates and their campaign drives.[5] In the United States, just over 50% of the population votes, and in the United Kingdom, only 69% of citizens vote.[6]

The research indicates that the political process has been alienated from ordinary people, where laws are made by representatives far removed from ordinary people.[3] The goal of e-democracy is to reverse the cynicism citizens have about their government institutions.[7] However, there are doubts about the real impact of electronic and digital tools on citizen participation and democratic governance, and warning against the "rhetoric" of electronic democracy.[8]

20th April 2010, 07:04 PM
Anyhow, I'm not a gov agent. I'm just a Tennessee boy that's had enough and I'm ready to do something about it. I don't mean anything personal by my comments. It's just frustrating to me that more folks aren't mad enough to pick up a stick or a stone. People are even scared to talk about it.

1970 Silver Art
20th April 2010, 07:12 PM
People are not going to do anything about all of this because they are scared of the consequences of rising up to the gov't. People are afraid of going to jail, getting fired from their jobs, and having their lifestyle interrupted and as long as people are scared of these things happening to them if the rise up, then nothing will ever happen.

20th April 2010, 07:17 PM
People are not going to do anything about all of this because they are scared of the consequences of rising up to the gov't. People are afraid of going to jail, getting fired from their jobs, and having their lifestyle interrupted and as long as people are scared of these things happening to them if the rise up, then nothing will ever happen.

Wow, is this the same Outlaw Josey Wales? You finally said something I can agree with! 8)

*and for the record: You're still pansies!

20th April 2010, 07:18 PM
Anyhow, I'm not a gov agent. I'm just a Tennessee boy that's had enough and I'm ready to do something about it. I don't mean anything personal by my comments. It's just frustrating to me that more folks aren't mad enough to pick up a stick or a stone. People are even scared to talk about it.

I'm sorry for "The Tea Party" inviting elected representatives in.

As soon as that happened it was no longer a "tea party", their basic premise was falsified at that point.

Let's start something original wildcard, we'll call it the E-Republic.

The body votes as a whole, but cannot effect the individual.

20th April 2010, 07:21 PM
I'd be happy with a return to true checks and balances of power.

20th April 2010, 07:27 PM
I'd be happy with a return to true checks and balances of power.

It's marketable too.

At best we'd have ourselves anarchy overnight. :sun:

willie pete
20th April 2010, 07:28 PM
Hell, I'd be grateful if they'd just follow The Constitution :D

gunny highway
20th April 2010, 07:30 PM
What do you think of Sam Adams? Patrick Henry?

*and that's the second time someone's insinuated I'm a gov instigator. You lot deserve what you get.

So what are our options?

Besides each of us running for a local elected position and working from the ground up?

300,000 armed and pissed off Americans on the lawn of the White House would get some things moving. The politicians would get their sh*t together if they knew there were consequences.

LOL, yeah. the only thing that will get moving at that point is a cruise missle right into that pile of 300,000 people. this ain't 1776. our enemy won't line up in a field for us. they have the luxury of remote war waging.

1970 Silver Art
20th April 2010, 07:35 PM
People are not going to do anything about all of this because they are scared of the consequences of rising up to the gov't. People are afraid of going to jail, getting fired from their jobs, and having their lifestyle interrupted and as long as people are scared of these things happening to them if the rise up, then nothing will ever happen.

Wow, is this the same Outlaw Josey Wales? You finally said something I can agree with! 8)

*and for the record: You're still pansies!

1970 Silver Art = the poster formally known as OutlawJoseyWalesJr on GIM1

BTW I am also a Tennessee boy but I am not nearly mad enough to do anything about it. I could never get mad enough to do anything about the gov't screwing us. I am not a violent person. I have to just take care of myself and look out for myself. As I mentioned earlier, jail time and interruption of lifestyle (i.e. watching TV, raising kids, working a job, etc.) will keep a vast majority of Americans from rising up against the gov't.

20th April 2010, 07:36 PM
They couldn't kill 300,000 Americans without creating a huge backlash and our side would gain the full support of millions.

20th April 2010, 07:50 PM
Think about it, you could setup some server space go on a mass email campaign, and replace your elected representatives thru petition within weeks.

All completely legal and from the comfort of your own home.

The tea party wouldn't stand a chance.

You could get all the college kids on facebook to do the work for you.

20th April 2010, 07:54 PM
People are not going to do anything about all of this because they are scared of the consequences of rising up to the gov't. People are afraid of going to jail, getting fired from their jobs, and having their lifestyle interrupted and as long as people are scared of these things happening to them if the rise up, then nothing will ever happen.

Wow, is this the same Outlaw Josey Wales? You finally said something I can agree with! 8)

*and for the record: You're still pansies!
Fine. I'm a pansy and you're a Fed. lol.

20th April 2010, 07:59 PM
I may as well be. You guys are skeert. Where's my damned check Obongo?

20th April 2010, 08:35 PM
I would like to be referred to as "V" from here on out.

It only takes one... 8)


20th April 2010, 08:41 PM
Are you, like, a crazy person?

20th April 2010, 09:07 PM
It is sad to see the significant percent of aware people become total fascist pigs or suck-ups when others who understand the system is rotten to the core are not exactly like them.

Check out the OP and several of the comments: http://www.doomers.us/forum2/index.php/topic,65768.0.html

20th April 2010, 09:24 PM
Are you, like, a crazy person?

I was tested throughout my life, then only achieved beyond familiar.

Would you like to know more?

20th April 2010, 09:36 PM

20th April 2010, 09:53 PM

21st April 2010, 05:30 AM
When I was 18 I joined the military and was ready to give my life for my country. Looking back, I had no idea why, I just thought it was my duty-- it would have been pointless.

That's where most Americans are. In the trenches, you'll have one guy who's fighting because he's mad that Obama won't fight for Israel, another who thinks Obama is a socialist and maybe one who thinks we should bring back Alan Greenspan for the good times he gave us in the '90s.

Right now we need to wake people up or an uprising will be a complete Cluster F---, and if we wake up enough we won't need a fight anyway.

If it comes to shooting I hold no illusion about the hell we'll be plunged into. To be honest, I really am not scared of what will happen to this country. There's a part of me that thinks it's probably too late. My only loyalty now is to my children. Getting mowed down might have seemed grand if I was younger and single. With kids, I see it as pointless. With what's about to hit, I'll be more valuable at home protecting them, than on a fools mission to save this degenerate country. I know what happened throughout history to kids when an invading army finds them with their fathers gone off to fight on another front. Sherman's march through the south. The Russian's march through Germany sorely stick in my mind..

I'll stick with my family than waste my life in an Army of kids who do not know what they are fighting for.

Nothing will happen until people have to make a choice between starving or uprising. Talk to me when American Idol is canceled and people are grumbling in breadlines of bankster instead of puppet politicians. Silverbar nailed it above.

21st April 2010, 06:12 AM
Wildcard, you are correct again my friend.

RP is a ranking Mason, peace love and granola, no mention of ZOG, no real and truthful stance on 911, 77 or Oklahoma or Waco.

Don't be baited into screaming insults at the obvious trollers.
Vote from the rooftops.

21st April 2010, 06:30 AM
Wildcard, you are correct again my friend.

RP is a ranking Mason, peace love and granola, no mention of ZOG, no real and truthful stance on 911, 77 or Oklahoma or Waco.

Don't be baited into screaming insults at the obvious trollers.
Vote from the rooftops.
"Obvious trollers?" Who? Come on, I could accuse him of trying to troll by using taunts of pansy, trying to claim Ron Paul is my saviour, etc. This became a heated discussion, but it's actually tame to some that occurred on GIM1. I actually choose Gsus over GIM2 because of posters like Wildcard were here.

You can call some of us naive or holding out on a false hope, but I didn't see any trolling. What others and I have posted is genuinely believed

21st April 2010, 07:35 AM
"Obvious trollers?" Who? Come on, I could accuse him of trying to troll by using taunts of pansy, trying to claim Ron Paul is my saviour, etc. This became a heated discussion, but it's actually tame to some that occurred on GIM1. I actually choose Gsus over GIM2 because of posters like Wildcard were here.

You can call some of us naive or holding out on a false hope, but I didn't see any trolling. What others and I have posted is genuinely believed

Asserting the possibility that a person of Wildcards integrity could be a shill is laughable and obvious trolling.

21st April 2010, 11:55 AM
I hold no quarrel with anyone here. It's just frustrating to try showing something to someone, pointing at it right in front of their face, saying "THERE! RIGHT THERE!" and for them to dig in their heels in denial and say "what? that? that's nothing. I don't see anything."

They'll see it sooner or later..., hopefully. But 99% won't see it ever. And I guess that is why we're frikkin doomed!

21st April 2010, 12:25 PM
Yeah, unfortunately most will be on the wrong side of a barbed-wire compound when they finally see it.