View Full Version : Illegal-alien amnesty on the way

20th April 2010, 03:46 PM
President Barack Obama called Massachusetts’ new Republican senator, Scott Brown, from Air Force One today to deliver some news: Democrats are moving forward with an immigration overhaul in a month.

Brown, in an interview with the Journal’s Neil King Jr., said the president was giving him a heads-up that immigration was coming down the pike and he should give it some serious thought. The senator promised to look closely at the bipartisan bill that Sens. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) and Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) are trying to produce.

“He called me originally about illegal immigration, something that he wanted me to look at that was coming down the pike,” Brown says of the call, which also roamed onto other topics like basketball and financial regulation. “I told him and others that I will read anything and make a judgment when it comes forth.”

Alluding to the issue a few minutes later, Brown clarified what he told Obama. “When I said I have an open mind, it means I have an open mind to read the bill,” he said. “That doesn’t mean that I will vote for granting amnesty to anyone. But I want to be respectful to the president and to any member who brings me a proposal.”

After winning health care and advancing financial re-regulation, many Democrats thought the president’s big legislative agenda would be winding down. Election season is beginning, a Supreme Court nomination fight is at hand, and Democrats don’t lack for accomplishments, just political support. But Schumer has argued strongly that they should move forward with a broad overhaul of immigration laws, including a tough crack-down on border security and a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country.

If Brown is right, Schumer appears to be carrying the day – for now.


Expect to hear the typical regurgitated BS about border security and fairness again. >:(

20th April 2010, 03:52 PM

How high does our real unemployment rate need to get before Americans harvest their own food?


28th April 2010, 05:34 PM

How high does our real unemployment rate need to get before Americans harvest their own food?


Most people would starve before they actually did any work.

1st December 2018, 10:46 AM

Anyone here at GSUS still hopeful about our future? I'm not. I admit it.

These days us few remaining members just habitually post AIN'T IT AWFUL links then agree with a brief comment.


1st December 2018, 11:42 AM

Anyone here at GSUS still hopeful about our future? I'm not. I admit it.

These days us few remaining members just habitually post AIN'T IT AWFUL links then agree with a brief comment.

Interesting times we are living. I am not hopeful. I don’t know what my great grandkids will be facing, but it can’t be good.

1st December 2018, 01:05 PM
Oy vey, cracked me up, too funny.

Read this to make sense of it all: http://controversyofzion.info

1st December 2018, 01:28 PM

Anyone here at GSUS still hopeful about our future? I'm not. I admit it.

These days us few remaining members just habitually post AIN'T IT AWFUL links then agree with a brief comment.


I'm becoming less, less hopeful for the future and more thankful for the time period I got to live in.
I got to live the greatest rock music era in history, the muscle car era, a time with the most freedom and least amount of surveillance. Girls were girls and they looked up to men. Everyone had a good job that wanted a job. Employers respected their workers. Most families were still mostly families. Shall I go on?

The USA will become a socialist country, more corrupt, in less then 20 years. Violence, death and disease will ravage this country. There is nothing we can do to stop it.
Other then that, everything is still great! https://www.smiley-lol.com/smiley/musique/danser/dancing.gif

midnight rambler
1st December 2018, 03:58 PM
The USA will become a socialist country

Maybe not...


End Times
1st December 2018, 06:11 PM

Anyone here at GSUS still hopeful about our future? I'm not. I admit it.

These days us few remaining members just habitually post AIN'T IT AWFUL links then agree with a brief comment.


It's called venting. What else can we do other than commit suicide?
