View Full Version : Here it comes, US to DEFAULT on its debt by JUNE!

20th April 2010, 04:03 PM
I found this post over at Kitco Forums
(Don't ask why I was over there. OK, reading Cyclist's thread.)

Anyway... things are getting CRAZY. Check out this Interview
taken from Special GSR Gold Nugget: - Gold$eek Radio April 14th



* Last Treasury auction was postponed due to lack of interest.
* They are calling by JUNE... the US will completely default.
* Bottom up SHTF: Municipalities >>> cities >>> counties >>> states
* Fiat printing at the top ensures the bottom rots out first.
* Greece is a "Smoke Screen" watch for SPAIN to default AND the USA.
[To confuse people - Where to put their money - In EUROs or US Dollars]


* Month of April: open interest end of Comex contract dates
* May: Few 1000 long CONTRACTS on gold in May
* COMING In JUNE: there is a spike in the number of open interest contracts
on gold of 36 billion dollars; which is far more sitting in the Comex for delivery

Significance of June is this: contract recipients may have some inside knowledge;
they understand the repayment structure on the debt;
American gov't doesn't have the money; noone showed up for treasury auctions;

BY JUNE THE US Gov't will run out of money and completely default??? :o

OK, maybe it won't happen in June... but things are getting crazy very fast!

20th April 2010, 04:11 PM
MetalsMan just posted the perfect example of the perfect thread: Concise summary irresistibly inviting us all to then click his link:


Perfect intro summary MetalsMan. Perfect.


20th April 2010, 04:23 PM
Could you imagine being on the wrong end of all that debt?

Wait, I don't think there's a right end, is there?

20th April 2010, 04:28 PM
I hope so.

I really, really hope so.

It would really make my day if that occurred.

Nomen luni
20th April 2010, 04:30 PM
Good post, Metals.

20th April 2010, 04:35 PM
Could you imagine being on the wrong end of all that debt?

Wait, I don't think there's a right end, is there?

I thought we were on the wrong end of all that debt. Let's see..., we can give Hawaii to Japan...and I guess we back away and let China have Taiwan..., but they're going to want a little something extra..., perhaps a chunk of northern California?

20th April 2010, 04:48 PM
I thought we were on the wrong end of all that debt. Let's see..., we can give Hawaii to Japan...and I guess we back away and let China have Taiwan..., but they're going to want a little something extra..., perhaps a chunk of northern California?

California farm land?

The ECO-NAZIs are messing with the farmers/land owners there
now shutting off their water because of some retarded little fish.

They'll run the farmers off that land and guess who will get it? CHINA.

I'm just speculating, but that's generally probably how they'll sell off
our assets to CHINA in a stealthy way... :o >:(

20th April 2010, 04:52 PM
It's not like they don't have a healthy population around San Francisco already.

20th April 2010, 05:02 PM
Yeah the internet is good, unless you happen to live in China, or now Britain with the censorship.

20th April 2010, 05:55 PM
I remember hearing something the past about Israel purchasing Arizona, then the U.S. selling nukese to Iran.

Does anyone know if that offer is still on the table?

20th April 2010, 06:10 PM
June of 1933?


21st April 2010, 08:14 AM
Bump for further comments/thoughts

21st April 2010, 08:54 AM
So it was international bankers who downed the Polish command because they were set to devalue their currency?

21st April 2010, 09:45 AM
US debt default by June, as interest rates recede yet again. Yeah, right.

Tell us what a default on U.S. debt looks like. What, they just decide to stop printing the unrivaled world reserve currency and creating digits?

This is laughable. If the U.S. ever defaults (and again, I don't understand what this would look like), you certainly won't see it coming a month in advance.

The "default" will come via 20 years of insidiously gradual yet relentless devaluation. It certainly won't happen by June.

21st April 2010, 10:59 AM
US debt default by June, as interest rates recede yet again. Yeah, right.

Tell us what a default on U.S. debt looks like. What, they just decide to stop printing the unrivaled world reserve currency and creating digits?

This is laughable. If the U.S. ever defaults (and again, I don't understand what this would look like), you certainly won't see it coming a month in advance.

The "default" will come via 20 years of insidiously gradual yet relentless devaluation. It certainly won't happen by June.

You must admit it is entertaining to listen to someone with a thoroughly Arabic muslim name (Mohammed Rafeeq) who speaks with a thick British cockney with significant similarity to the Geico gecko lizard.

21st April 2010, 12:51 PM
do forget germany told greece to sell some of its islands and art treasures to pay off some of its debt.

21st April 2010, 06:33 PM
US debt default by June, as interest rates recede yet again. Yeah, right.

Tell us what a default on U.S. debt looks like. What, they just decide to stop printing the unrivaled world reserve currency and creating digits?

This is laughable. If the U.S. ever defaults (and again, I don't understand what this would look like), you certainly won't see it coming a month in advance.

The "default" will come via 20 years of insidiously gradual yet relentless devaluation. It certainly won't happen by June.

You must admit it is entertaining to listen to someone with a thoroughly Arabic muslim name (Mohammed Rafeeq) who speaks with a thick British cockney with significant similarity to the Geico gecko lizard.

OK, I'll give you that much. ;)