View Full Version : Khazarian Empire II

20th April 2010, 05:16 PM
It just occurred to me....this is not seriously thought through, but I am throwing it up against the wall to see what you guys think.

Below is a map of Middle East.

Think about this.
1. Israel - their base
2. Turkey is under their control
3. Afghanistan via US troops
4. Iraq under control via US troops.
5. Georgia under control via color revolution
6. Ukraine under control via color revolution
7. Saudi Arabia is a friend

They are not there because of oil. They are building The Second Khazarian empire. :o
All they need now is IRAN and SYRIA in mid-east, and southern Russia (via a colored revolution in Chechnya which has been going on for a decade).

20th April 2010, 05:20 PM
And that would only be the start.........remember that they don't plan five or ten years ahead like the "goys" but rather fifty and one hundred hundred years ahead.

20th April 2010, 05:28 PM
Your deduction is flawed, geographically, the Khazar Empire was far north of where you are speaking, the southernmost territory would have been present day Georgia and Armenia and never held territory in any of Greater Syria or Mesopotamia.however. Saudi Arabia is not a true friend, but rather in cooperation to further their own agenda. Turkey is "controlled" by no one, they simply go with whoever is the least threat. Presently Secular Turkey sees Islamic radicals trying to recreate the Caliphate as a more serious threat than Israel. Turkey dislikes Arabs about as much as Israel, again a arrangement of convenience.

20th April 2010, 06:34 PM
This planet is the Khazarian Empire.

The New World Order is the Jew World Order.

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)).

‘We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.’ Rabbi Reichorn in Le Contemporain, July 1, 1880

"The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world." - The American Hebrew September 10, 1920

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).

20th April 2010, 06:59 PM
hoarder, some of that info isn't quite 100% right. Read about American Red Cross mission to Russia in 1917. There were very few doctors, mostly financiers. Here's the names:

Andrews (Liggett & Myers Tobacco)
Barr (Chase Manhattan Bank, now JP Morgan Chase)
Brown (C/o William Thompson)
Cochran (McCann Co)
Kelleher (c/o William Thompson)
Nicholson (Swift & Co)
Pirnie (Hazen, Whipple & Fuller)
Redfield (Stetson Jennings & Russell)
Robins (mining)
Swift (Swift & Co)
Thacher (Simpson, Thacher & Barlett)
Thompson (Federal Reserve Bank of NY)
Wardwell (Stetson Jennings & Russell)
Whipple (Hazen, Whipple & Fuller)
Corse (National City Bank, now Citibank)
Magnuson (recommended by confidential agent of Colonel Thompson)

this is from Anthony C. Sutton.

Most of the time, Guarantee Trust Company of New York is the outfit that comes up in research (and name Max May), which is later became Morgan Guarantee Trust, and later JP Morgan Chase. And also American International Corporation, headquartered at . And also Otto Kahn of Kuhn Loeb & Co., which is 1980th became a part of American Express.

It was the money, the control of the Russia's finance. Not necessarily "the jews".

20th April 2010, 07:04 PM
the reason I posted Turkey flag above, is to show gypsybiker who controls it. I suggest looking up China flag and Soviet Union flag, for comparison.


I don't care that Khazar empire geographically seemed to be over Caspian sea, not Black sea. However, once they were defeated, they moved, and the majority of them actually live around Black sea, in Turkey, southern Russia, the russian territory now commonly called "Ukraine" (because of british and khazarian geopolitical games), Belarus, southern Lithuania and Poland. So eventhough Palestine is not exactly their home land, they believe territories around Black Sea are.

Hence my observation.

21st April 2010, 01:56 AM
[quote=FreeEnergy ]
the reason I posted Turkey flag above, is to show gypsybiker who controls it. I suggest looking up China flag and Soviet Union flag, for comparison.


I don't care that Khazar empire geographically seemed to be over Caspian sea, not Black sea. However, once they were defeated, they moved, and the majority of them actually live around Black sea, in Turkey, southern Russia, the russian territory now commonly called "Ukraine" (because of british and khazarian geopolitical games), Belarus, southern Lithuania and Poland. So eventhough Palestine is not exactly their home land, they believe territories around Black Sea are.

Hence my observation.

You have issues with Geography, firstly,I Never mentioned the Caspian, You stated in your OP they merely needed Syria and the southern Caucasus to redo their Empire, I stated that you were off. The region you stated in your OP, except for Ukraine had NEVER been part of the original Khazar Empire. What you described geographically was the Persian Empire. The Khazars never controlled Greater Syria, Turkey, Levant, Iraq or Afghanistan, as for flags the crescent was adopted by the Ottoman Empire in 1844, then kept by the Republic of Turkey , just because its red doesnt mean that it denotes communism like the USSR did, 50 yrs later or PRC , 100 years later.

21st April 2010, 01:58 AM
[quote=FreeEnergy ]
the reason I posted Turkey flag above, is to show gypsybiker who controls it. I suggest looking up China flag and Soviet Union flag, for comparison.


I don't care that Khazar empire geographically seemed to be over Caspian sea, not Black sea. However, once they were defeated, they moved, and the majority of them actually live around Black sea, in Turkey, southern Russia, the russian territory now commonly called "Ukraine" (because of british and khazarian geopolitical games), Belarus, southern Lithuania and Poland. So eventhough Palestine is not exactly their home land, they believe territories around Black Sea are.

Hence my observation.

You have issues with Geography, firstly,I Never mentioned the Caspian, You stated in your OP they merely needed Syria and the southern Caucasus to redo their Empire, I stated that you were off. The region you stated in your OP, except for Ukraine had NEVER been part of the original Khazar Empire. What you described geographically was the Persian Empire. The Khazars never controlled Greater Syria, Turkey, Levant, Iraq or Afghanistan, as for flags the crescent was adopted by the Ottoman Empire in 1844, then kept by the Republic of Turkey , just because its red doesnt mean that it denotes communism like the USSR did, 50 yrs later or PRC , 100 years later.

21st April 2010, 03:44 AM
Gypsy, it is early morning here and don't care to start it off
with Turks but just to inform you that you are totally wrong
in your assessment of Turkey, I posted a lot of this on gim,
seems you missed it, Turkey is actually a very important country
to study and know what they did, it is totally a NWO artificial
creation, built on the bones of destroyed nations and totally
controlled by ZOG, and always was, and yes the very same
people that created Israel and communism, and armed and
created the USSR and even Hitler created Turkey, murdered
everyone, built major railroads, pipelines, etc, even if you
know whitewashed history it is revealing. Going back the Jews
and Muslims were always allies destroying Europe.

We were banned on gim for discussing related issues.
What are they ? LOL Awoke and I. Key issues.

Even way back gpond would close threads when
I commented and he did that at least 3 times.

Much of their history is disgusting.

And yes the flag gives them away.

Feith's father was secretary to a key Zionist
involved with all 3, the propagandist, Israel,
Turkey, USSR.

This is where I insert that masonic mass murdering bloody FEZ.
It is totally a masonic creation.

See Eustace Mullins on this too.

Turko Mongol Khazars,
the key to understand all, wars, etc, history,
the power brokers.

21st April 2010, 03:51 AM
Just to add, the current geopolitics of war.

Look at the old pipelines and the new .

Feith fighting the same battles his pops did.

Bollyn writes a key article on some Turkic
countries on oil routes, guess who wants
the gas and oil ?

The Georgian war was all Israel too.

The pipelines being built, region, it is not just the USA.
Israel is heavily involved. Not just Iraq, but Turkic countries.

21st April 2010, 05:30 AM
Thank you Magnes, I figured someone must be familiar with the REAL history better than Gypsybiker45. :)

This flag - red with star and moon (moon on turkey flag, moon with stars on chinese, moon via sickle in soviet) - is NOT the flag of either of 3 countries. In either case, the flag is an indication of foreign invading force.

Nobody really knows where original khazarian empire was. Couple of people think they know. They draw a big area... some of it was well under Caspian sea and Volga river waters, because that water basin once every so often (say, 400 years?...) gets seriously flooded, and then on the other end of that cycle is a serious drought (Aral sea drying right now). The other part of the area is south Russia and russian territory now commonly called "ukraine". Including areas populated by cossacks, which always (even in days of USSR) were very militaristic, maintained their own army, and would NOT possibly tolerate "foreign" rulers. In the last 100 years, afaik, Odessa and Kherson (both Black sea ukrainian ports) were "jewish capitals"... or should we call them "khazarian".

There were never any khazars in Palestine too. When - according to many jewish historians themselves - Rothschild started financing first settlements in Palestine in late 1800th, there was barely 1% of jewish population. Which is identical to most places where they migrated. The countries khazars migrated after being drawn from that caspian sea area - have usually higher than 1% "jewish" population.

So..."Izrael" was created in Palestine as a new home for khazars. Ukraine was created and then taken from Russia as their old home. IMHO the nice khazarian folks are now working on combining these 2 territories together.

21st April 2010, 03:44 PM
Thank you Magnes, I figured someone must be familiar with the REAL history better than Gypsybiker45. :)

This flag - red with star and moon (moon on turkey flag, moon with stars on chinese, moon via sickle in soviet) - is NOT the flag of either of 3 countries. In either case, the flag is an indication of foreign invading force.

Nobody really knows where original khazarian empire was. Couple of people think they know. They draw a big area... some of it was well under Caspian sea and Volga river waters, because that water basin once every so often (say, 400 years?...) gets seriously flooded, and then on the other end of that cycle is a serious drought (Aral sea drying right now). The other part of the area is south Russia and russian territory now commonly called "ukraine". Including areas populated by cossacks, which always (even in days of USSR) were very militaristic, maintained their own army, and would NOT possibly tolerate "foreign" rulers. In the last 100 years, afaik, Odessa and Kherson (both Black sea ukrainian ports) were "jewish capitals"... or should we call them "khazarian".

There were never any khazars in Palestine too. When - according to many jewish historians themselves - Rothschild started financing first settlements in Palestine in late 1800th, there was barely 1% of jewish population. Which is identical to most places where they migrated. The countries khazars migrated after being drawn from that caspian sea area - have usually higher than 1% "jewish" population.

So..."Izrael" was created in Palestine as a new home for khazars. Ukraine was created and then taken from Russia as their old home. IMHO the nice khazarian folks are now working on combining these 2 territories together.

Thanks for making my point, If you bothered to read my response to your first post, I Stated that your Geography was off and you were implying this was a resurrected Empire of Historical regions. dont get too cocky, just because Magnes agrees with some of your response doesnt make you accurate or not open to debate. I personally think that you know Jack and Shit, and Jack left town. :P

21st April 2010, 04:16 PM
Magnes, is the American-Turkish Council (ATC) more powerful than AIPAC?

22nd April 2010, 06:31 AM
Magnes, is the American-Turkish Council (ATC) more powerful than AIPAC?

I just rambled off a few related points above
and this information is not new nor news
and all related. On recent events.

I missed a few.

Who are the players, NeoCons, Oligarchs, Plame-Gate
is part of this, Sibel Edmonds basically talks about
everything, "they are all the same people".

According to her ATC = AIPAC , they really are all the same people.

I mentioned Feith above, Feith and Zell Law Firm out of Israel
brought Jihadists to Europe and armed them to kill Serbs,
they empowered a mafia state full of butchers and these Albanians
distribute the heroin from Afghanistan and it all goes through
Turkey. It is all connected and all the information is out there.

Feith and Perle and the gang mentioned by Sibel Edmonds
all lobby for Turkey too, they worked for and with the Albanians,
and they lobby for Georgia, Israel involved, they empowered
the Chechens to kill Russians, lobbied for them, etc.

Justin Raimondo at http://www.antiwar.com/ put the dots together
long ago and even before Sibel Edmonds information
came out in more detail. Many others cover it too, Wayne Madsen, Lobe,
PCR, PB even, "whose war". Even the MSM but the MSM will not connect
the dots and drops stories fast, like , Abramoff, who was the bagman, involved in the murder of Gus Boulis to steal
his casino ships so they can launder drug money.
Tied to 9/11. http://www.madcowprod.com/

They tried to get rid of Erdogan but he got them it seems.
They tried to kill him and remove him now he jailed 50 of em.
This is all cause of all the conflict between Israel and Turkey.
Israel wants him removed, the Turkish elite/military are not
the people, they are with Israel, they are largely the cryptos
that created Turkey.

There are two excellent articles out there I will put them up.
Oil and gas wars all for Israel , Rothchild and Rockefeller.

22nd April 2010, 07:01 AM
Thank you, Magnes.

22nd April 2010, 07:43 AM
Thank you, Magnes.

No problem, you don't have to thank me,
everything is connected , everything, wars,
war on terror, police state, they have a lot
of experience doing this, history .

You can start 10 threads on recent
Sibel Edmonds testimony and issues
and just scratch the surface, it is all there,
even blackmail, and they all got off.

And hoarder makes a good point,
the whole planet is their empire.

FreeEnergy has a good take on things, good points.

Imagine if there was alternative energy and they
could not use oil and gas as an excuse to mess
with peoples countries, and even if earthly fuels
are necessary what is wrong with just letting the
free market rule, it will flow, it is just an excuse
and vehicle for war and the greed few that lust
for power.

And everyone is getting smited, I just got 3 here and
FreeEnergy who knows his stuff is negative, lol .
The first 2/3 days nobody was smiting anyone here.

22nd April 2010, 07:53 AM
This flag - red with star and moon (moon on turkey flag, moon with stars on chinese, moon via sickle in soviet) - is NOT the flag of either of 3 countries. In either case, the flag is an indication of foreign invading force.

The Huns, later the Huns again that converted to Muslim,
became Ottomans, others became "jewish".
They all come out of the general same area and were
all allied, waging war on Europe and they have never

"ventian" bankers directed all of this against Europe.
Those same "venetian" bankers took over England. LOL
They also created "FreeMasonry." Many cover this.
Barnacle Bob on gim did a long time ago too.
Thousands of Italian soldiers, Venetian, Genoa, fought
and died at Byzantium, to the death, they stayed even
though they knew their fate, thousands, Venetian and
Genoa ships battled the Turks in the Med and destroyed

It would be like the NeoCons/Oligarchs/Israel running
the opposition to the US wars, as they run the US.

Oh wait, let me think about that, history repeats, lol .
