View Full Version : Elderly shooter fends off intruder

21st April 2010, 12:30 PM

Granny gets it done with a .22 (no comment from wallew)

Elderly shooter fends off intruder

DES MOINES, Iowa, April 21 (UPI) -- An 89-year-old Des Moines, Iowa, woman says she owned her .22-caliber handgun for 30 years before firing it at an intruder and missing.

"He was a big, burly guy," Beatrice Turner said. "He was pulling at his shorts and talking crazy."

Nelson McAlpine, 37, was arrested Tuesday on burglary charges after allegedly breaking into Turner's home, where she kept the gun in a bedroom closet for protection, The Des Moines (Iowa) Register reported Wednesday.

Turner told police she fired at McAlpine and missed and tried to fire a second time but couldn't get the gun to work.

A neighbor who heard the shot called police, who found McAlpine standing disoriented in the front yard. The suspect allegedly told police he had been using drugs and didn't know where he was.

Turner said police helped her reload her gun and left it in her possession.

"There were about six officers here," she said. "All of them were hugging me and telling me how brave I was."

21st April 2010, 12:34 PM
I'll be damned... the cops helped her reload it and left it with her?!


I figured granny would a least catch a light tazing...