View Full Version : World poll: Only 19% see Israel in positive light

22nd April 2010, 08:45 AM

World poll: Only 19% see Israel in positive light

Survey conducted in 28 countries on 29,000 respondents reveals that only Iran, Pakistan, North Korea have more negative perception than Israel. Most 'loved' country is Germany. 'Obama effect' has resulted in improvement in relations towards US for first time since 2005

Ynet Published: 04.20.10, 21:43 / Israel News

Only Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan are viewed in a more negative light than Israel, according to a poll conducted in 28 countries and published Tuesday by the BBC.

The poll shows that just 19% of the 29,000 respondents questioned view Israel positively versus 50% who perceive the country in a negative light. Together with Israel at the bottom of the list are Iran (15% positive, 56% negative), Pakistan (16% positive, 51% negative), and North Korea (17% positive, 48% negative).

The poll also showed that world perceptions of the US are improving with 46% of respondents viewing the country favorably and 34% viewing the country negatively. Only two countries saw a decrease in the perception of the world's number one superpower – Turkey and India.

Topping the list of "America haters" are Turkey, with 70% of its respondents viewing the US unfavorable, and Pakistan, with 52% viewing the US negatively. Support for the US dropped surprisingly in India, from 43% to 39%.

"People around the world today view the United States more positively than at any time since the second Iraq war," said Doug Miller, chairman of international polling firm GlobeScan, which carried out the poll with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (Pipa) at the University of Maryland. He noted that the "Obama effect" apparently is a real thing.

Pipa director Steven Kull noted: "After a year, it appears the 'Obama effect' is real.

According to the poll, the most favorable viewed countries are Germany (59%), Japan (53%), Britain (52%), Canada (51%), and France (49%).

22nd April 2010, 10:32 AM
The Jewish community today

There are almost 100,000 Jews living in Germany today and both Germans and Jews boast that it is the fastest growing community of Jews in Europe today. But look behind the scenes and the picture is less promising. At least 70 percent are former Soviet Jews, who came to escape growing anti-Semitism in the former USSR, but perhaps more importantly, because of the generous benefits and economic opportunity in post-war Germany. Today, they often are criticized by longtime Jewish residents for their lack of "Jewishness." For many, Judaism is just a dim memory of stories passed down by previous generations.

Even Jews prefer living in Germany than Israel.

Think about that long and hard...lol.


22nd April 2010, 10:36 AM
" To know something and do nothing about it is like knowing nothing"... Ponce

PS: And in many cases makes you as guilty as those doing the crime.

Grand Master Melon
22nd April 2010, 10:40 AM
While I understand how Pakistani's would look at the US in an unfavorable manner I find it odd that they're in the top 4 of the least favorable nations according to the survey.

I never really think about Pakistan at all and I could really give a crap what goes on over there. There are other nations I find more troubling than them. Weird.

22nd April 2010, 11:00 AM
Mr. Melon............all that is going on is that the US government is getting the mind of the American people used to the idea that they are our potential enemy and that we should go in there and take possession of any WMD that they may have........and then for their own protection we would build US military bases and stay there for the duration.

22nd April 2010, 11:36 AM
The power of the internet may be surpassing the power of mass media.

old steel
22nd April 2010, 12:21 PM
19% you say?

Sounds like a lot.

22nd April 2010, 12:26 PM
The other 81% are anti-Semitic I tell you all!!!!!!!!!!!! :sarc:

22nd April 2010, 02:36 PM
Old Steel.........the real number are only of 2%, you must remember that there are around 17% of those people around and not the 2-3% that they themselves claim to be.........the fifth column is working just fine.

22nd April 2010, 02:52 PM
A nuclear glow would be a good light to see israel in.

22nd April 2010, 03:07 PM
Only thing is ........if they really have nuclear weapons they can then destroy half of the world before they are killed......thanks to the technology given to them by the US...............also.............a great deal of radiation keeps on emanating from their embassy in DC and we really don't know the reason for that.

22nd April 2010, 03:24 PM
So they're going to wipe out DC and possibly Baltimore? Tell me when this becomes a negative... ;D

22nd April 2010, 03:25 PM
The poll is obviously megaphoned, the real number should be like 0.2%

22nd April 2010, 04:05 PM
If I remember right, the last time Israel was becoming seen negatively by most of the world was right before 911.
After that all the bad press stopped and the whole "Get the Muslims!" thing started.

It was convenient.

22nd April 2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks Hermi..........that's news to me.