View Full Version : URGENT - How YOU can HELP our brothers and sisters in SA and the AWB

General of Darkness
22nd April 2010, 05:56 PM
I just got off the phone with Marc Cornah, 2:30 am his time, and just this evening several more whites were murdered, one lady was shot in the middle of the day in her restaurant, a another man was shot for JUST telling a black man to get back to work.

A few days after his interview with VoR, another farmer was murdered right by Eugene Terre'Blanche assassination. We're planing another interview with Marc this Saturday. So we'll get everyone more updates, and hopefully by then an address where we can send them supplies ie, old camos, backpacks, and anything you can spare. Send as much as you can that's legal, i.e. night goggles are legal and I'll probably send the ADN's that I've got, along with stuff from a trip to the military surplus store.

ALSO - ANYONE with knowledge of shortwave etc, that would be greatly appreciated. The white South African RACE is in trouble and this is a call to arms to help in anyway you can. I know that some people here might get their panties in the bunch, but fuck it, I'm white, I'm proud and I God Damn sick of getting pushed around.

Here's the email I received from Marc today.

Dear Mishko,

Sorry for the delay in response I have been away from my computer. The situation is quickly deteriorating with a whole batch of murders in the past week, another 2 people today, I believe people are starting to realize the terrible situation we are in. I will keep you posted as best I can but for now I have a favour to ask you and Mark.

Farmers and right wingers are mobilising across South Africa and organising themselves into groups as best they can without doing anything that can get them arrested. The media is making a joke of the situation and they truly are an evil organization.

As I mentioned we are sadly lacking in many areas and for now this is what will be most needed to give us a fighting chance.

We have almost zero communication in the resistance, we are desperately in need of Radio communication to cover large areas between farms, towns ect. I was thinking you could maybe put it out there that we need assistance in this department so we could set up independent comms between each other in the form of two way radios and bigger cb radios or anything you think people would care to send us. Maybe you could plan a system that you think would function for us and that we could easily build on.. Please try and put it out there.

Secondly we are in the dark in rural areas and at night we cannot function as we cannot see our enemy they are black as the night. So any kind of night surveillance (night sights) would be the answer. I realize these cost money but here we are so limited things others might think are old we would find so useful.

Please could you put feelers out and see if you get any positive response I will send you an address if you think people will help, also any kind of camos any size any colour. And anything people think they could spare that might come in handy I know that certain Americans are big on survival and hunting they would know what we need.
Please call me anytime I missed your call the other day, I think my phone was on silent.

We have to act quickly as I do not think we will have many weeks to achieve this everyday looks like it could explode here. And people are being scared into doing nothing by the press.
Many Thanks
Marc(Cape Leader AWB)

22nd April 2010, 06:06 PM

The only sane and logical help would be evacuation aircraft for Whitey in South Africa.


General of Darkness
22nd April 2010, 06:10 PM

The only sane and logical help would be evacuation aircraft for Whitey in South Africa.


The vast majority don't have the means to leave. Plus where are they going to go? Do you think you can get asylum in America or Europe if you're white? I thought you were smarter than that Book.

22nd April 2010, 06:15 PM
Syd-Afrika, Heil & Sæl!

philo beddoe
22nd April 2010, 06:18 PM

The only sane and logical help would be evacuation aircraft for Whitey in South Africa.

That is sane and logical. Another idea would be to partition the country into white only and non white only areas. Oh yeah, whitey gets the gold mines duh!

22nd April 2010, 06:20 PM

The only sane and logical help would be evacuation aircraft for Whitey in South Africa.


The vast majority don't have the means to leave. Plus where are they going to go? Do you think you can get asylum in America or Europe if you're white? I thought you were smarter than that Book.

I said sane and logical not do-able at this late date. Gotta admit that the writing has been on the wall for decades and they were not just suddenly caught off guard. They previously had plenty of time to hop on a plane out of South Africa. I know this isn't much help now but there it is.


22nd April 2010, 06:27 PM
how this has been allowed to happen is beyond me. why don't these people stand up for themselves and take the country back? political correctness? i am missing something, i know it ???

anyway, it makes me sick.

i have been forwarding VoR to people, hope that helps.

22nd April 2010, 06:30 PM
Saw this on amren:

General of Darkness
22nd April 2010, 06:35 PM
The vast majority don't have the means to leave. Plus where are they going to go? Do you think you can get asylum in America or Europe if you're white? I thought you were smarter than that Book.

I said sane and logical not do-able at this late date. Gotta admit that the writing has been on the wall for decades and they were not just suddenly caught off guard. They previously had plenty of time to hop on a plane out of South Africa. I know this isn't much help now but there it is.


So let me get this straight Book.

1 - South Africa was a wasteland before whites came there - CHECK
2 - The white man built the country into what it is now - CHECK
3 - Based on khazar propoganda the whites gave up rule - CHECK
4 - Now the whites must leave after they built a civilization - CHECK

First they came for the Boer, etc you know how it will go. Well screw that. It's time to STOP running and keeping our mouths shut. I swear if you were here I'd slap the sh*t out of you.

philo beddoe
22nd April 2010, 06:51 PM

The only sane and logical help would be evacuation aircraft for Whitey in South Africa.


The vast majority don't have the means to leave. Plus where are they going to go? Do you think you can get asylum in America or Europe if you're white? I thought you were smarter than that Book.

I said sane and logical not do-able at this late date. Gotta admit that the writing has been on the wall for decades and they were not just suddenly caught off guard. They previously had plenty of time to hop on a plane out of South Africa. I know this isn't much help now but there it is.

I don't think it's quite that simple. How easily could you take you and your family out of Americunt?

22nd April 2010, 06:59 PM
So let me get this straight Book.

1 - South Africa was a wasteland before whites came there - CHECK
2 - The white man built the country into what it is now - CHECK
3 - Based on khazar propoganda the whites gave up rule - CHECK
4 - Now the whites must leave after they built a civilization - CHECK

First they came for the Boer, etc you know how it will go. Well screw that. It's time to STOP running and keeping our mouths shut. I swear if you were here I'd slap the sh*t out of you.


Gee...they didn't NOTICE Rhodesia reverting back into Zimbabwe all these decades?

Gee...they didn't NOTICE South Africa going the same way for decades?

If you want to slap somebody General slap them White fools awake and tell them to get their White asses out of South Africa tomorrow on the first plane.



General of Darkness
22nd April 2010, 07:08 PM
Fair enough, how many tickets can I put you down for?

22nd April 2010, 07:19 PM
Fair enough, how many tickets can I put you down for?


I'll send you a ticket in Los Angeles that you can pickup at the counter at LAX airport buddy.


White persons, percent, 2008 (a) 94.6%

I think you still have time...


22nd April 2010, 08:06 PM
Well if they're forced to leave, I hope they at least employ a scorched earth policy and destroy what they built on the way out. Let the "natives" have the place, only let them eat dirt and live in stick huts. The Rhodesians should have salted the hell out of every farm there on the way out. Let em all starve.

22nd April 2010, 08:18 PM

Looking into radios a bit myself and just got a little more info. No knowing exactly what they are looking for I'm thinking regular 2 way radios with 22 channels might do the job temporarily. Good for a few miles straight and less in urban areas. I bought a cheap pair a few years back and even here in a hilly area they are good for quite a ways.

If they want something farther they are looking at LR (long range) radios: http://www.walkietalkietwowayradios.com/work/long-range-two-way-radios/

Sorry I don't have time to look further into this now.

22nd April 2010, 08:20 PM
I wish I had the resources to help out but like a lot of folks I'm scratchin' to stay afloat myself. I know I'd want to stand my ground too.

22nd April 2010, 09:28 PM
General thanks for being so vocal on a topic thats close to my heart keep it up mate and I look forward to Saturday’s webcast. Is it hosted at the same time as your Friday show? (9-11pm EST)

There seems to be a most disconcerting trend, in the increased rate of whites being murdered after the death of Eugene Terre’Blanche. Though there seems to be even less reporting on the matter than before and whatever is reported is either buried under the latest antics from the baboon malema or very vague and sparse on details of the event.

As for the nvg’s and radios I personally have neither to spare so it’s either a shopping trip or a monetary donation. Now I think I better go give a few of my mates in SA a call and see how they’re getting on, thankfully both of them are getting out and coming to visit during the world cup clusterfu*k that’s about to kick off.


22nd April 2010, 10:47 PM
So let me get this straight Book.

1 - South Africa was a wasteland before whites came there - CHECK
2 - The white man built the country into what it is now - CHECK
3 - Based on khazar propoganda the whites gave up rule - CHECK
4 - Now the whites must leave after they built a civilization - CHECK

First they came for the Boer, etc you know how it will go. Well screw that. It's time to STOP running and keeping our mouths shut. I swear if you were here I'd slap the sh*t out of you.


Gee...they didn't NOTICE Rhodesia reverting back into Zimbabwe all these decades?

Gee...they didn't NOTICE South Africa going the same way for decades?

If you want to slap somebody General slap them White fools awake and tell them to get their White asses out of South Africa tomorrow on the first plane.



General, as much as I hate the reality, the reality of the situation in SA is that the whites who want to live are going to have to leave. If the whites had fought harder against #3 on your list, they wouldn't be where they are today.

The real problem is that the whites wanted the blacks around as cheap labor, and it came back to bite them in the ass, kind of like the cheap labor we are importing into the US currently.

Unless there are enough well armed whites to overthrow the black government and re-establish apartheid now, along with the exiling many of the "undesirables", SA is over for YT.

Silver Baron
23rd April 2010, 05:21 AM
Drafter said it...Leave nothing usable.

burn structures, salt earth, poison wells too.

Any donations given will end up in unintended hands.

Black Blade
23rd April 2010, 05:32 AM

23rd April 2010, 05:44 AM
You are right Olmstein the AWB needs a game plan there aren't enough whites to reinstate apartheid and nor would the population or the international community stand for it.

The only perceivable alternative is a homeland for the whites the idea has always existed when the talk of doing away with apartheid was first mentioned, what is needed today is a solid plan to make that dream a reality and the means to do so.
There was talk earlier this week of the AWB forming a defense force (http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article416302.ece/AWB-plan-for-defence-agency)and with crimes like this (http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Baby-fights-for-her-life-after-attack-20100423) it’s hard to argue against the idea.

Maybe this could be something to be expanded on when general sits down with Marc on Saturday.


23rd April 2010, 05:47 AM
If the whites leave SA, it won't matter if the infrastructure and the farms are left intact. The blacks aren't able to run a technical society. They are dependant on Whitey for all the accouterments of civilization. The bulk of them will starve and kill each other within a few years and soon enough they will be living in grass huts and tending gardens. Nothing wrong with grass huts and gardens, it's just that most don't realize their civilization depends on technical expertise that they, by and large, are unable to master and maintain.

Apartheid made a lot of sense. As Olmstein stated, their mistake was being greedy and using cheap black labor. I am of the mindset: To each their own. Some mixing is natural and it will happen. It should happen slowly. It is when powerfull interests decide to speed things up that trouble occurs.

Those in SA are largely stuck there. They cannot get out or they would have done so already. Where can they go? No country is going to take them in. They need to arm themselves and somehow group together for safety. Problem is they are stuck having to go to jobs in a bi-racial business world.

23rd April 2010, 05:50 AM
general, not wanting to derail your thread, but the mindless racism displayed by people like blackblade needs to be addressed, so here we go, africa today compared to america today (easy game to play, posting idiot pictures to try to make a point):



23rd April 2010, 06:25 AM
Another under-reported story is the poisoning of dogs and cats of white South Africans. I talked to a friend in SA today and he told me that hundreds of pets are being poisoned. There've been a few local news stories about it, but I've only seen it mentioned on a few blogs. Many pet owners now keep their pets indoors, if possible.

Black Blade
23rd April 2010, 06:43 AM
general, not wanting to derail your thread, but the mindless racism displayed by people like blackblade needs to be addressed, so here we go, africa today compared to america today (easy game to play, posting idiot pictures to try to make a point):



You assume that I am white - but you would be wrong. That demonstrates that you are the racist here by making stereotypical and racially based assumptions. Is funny tho as most who remember me from the old days of GIM already know that.

23rd April 2010, 10:21 AM
general, not wanting to derail your thread, but the mindless racism displayed by people like blackblade needs to be addressed, so here we go, africa today compared to america today (easy game to play, posting idiot pictures to try to make a point):



I suspect your photo of "America" was probably taken in someplace like Detroit, in which case you did nothing more than reinforce his argument. Places like Detroit are on par with the former Rhodesia as examples of what happens when the people that "built the place" are forced to leave because of "Africans" taking over.

23rd April 2010, 10:33 AM
The discovery of documentation that proved the Boer war was and government sanctioned and implimented conspiracy was the catalyst that transformed Dr. John Coleman from an MI5 and MI6 agent into a conspiracy researcher, documentor and author.

He covers the Boer war in his book "The Committee of 300" which is a must-read for you all, imo.

23rd April 2010, 11:33 AM
general, not wanting to derail your thread, but the mindless racism displayed by people like blackblade needs to be addressed, so here we go, africa today compared to america today (easy game to play, posting idiot pictures to try to make a point):



I suspect your photo of "America" was probably taken in someplace like Detroit, in which case you did nothing more than reinforce his argument. Places like Detroit are on par with the former Rhodesia as examples of what happens when the people that "built the place" are forced to leave because of "Africans" taking over.

And the photo of "Africa" is quite obviously an Islamic themed structure, built by Arabs or north Africans, not by sub-saharan blacks.

Sorry, uranian, FAIL.

23rd April 2010, 10:41 PM
I myself was just going to point that out whilst scrolling through the latest replies Olmstein thanks for saving me the trouble.

the poisoining of the pets of whites is not reported in the media simply because it is the precursor to a black home invasion. By killing the pets, whilst it shows the blacks hand early, it enables them to watch the property and lie in wait of the white home owners return without fear of being discovered early and giving their position away. When I lived in South Africa back in the late 80s early 90s we had about 7 dogs and 5 cats. We lost both a dog and a cat to poisoned meat that was thrown on to our property, and another dog was shot but thankfully survived. We didn’t live on a farm but it was a small holding of about 2 hectares (about 5 acres.)
