View Full Version : Nassim Haramein starts the New Energy Movement
23rd April 2010, 07:37 AM
everything starts with the big bang??? how can we describe it... no way around: with what some call "mumbo jumbo" ... or quantum physics for those who can stretch their cognitive minds.
is quantum physics the real world religion... looks like it
just check this out too if you like him
Alternative Energy Zero Point Energy Nikola Tesla Breakthrough Power Book Launch
23rd April 2010, 07:56 AM
Him again? He uses words like job titles on his resume and strings together double talk with no substance. Numerous lines he used were absolutely menaingless for ayone who could see through the BS.
I think this guy would make a great spiritual advisor for the beast in the New World Order. Looks like the kind of narcissist who could assemble a cult following.
23rd April 2010, 08:41 AM
Him again? He uses words like job titles on his resume and strings together double talk with no substance. Numerous lines he used were absolutely menaingless for ayone who could see through the BS.
I think this guy would make a great spiritual advisor for the beast in the New World Order. Looks like the kind of narcissist who could assemble a cult following.
instead of attacking, please explain the big bang/God... the fact is that you are incapable of doing so without quoting the bible... according to ,many, anybody believing otherwise is caledl a NWO-masonic-mumbo jumbo supporter
you will never win a debate like this. Sorry pal... you really react as the NWO wants you to do. Trash any opposition/dissent, divide to rule...
quantum physics explains the magic of Life, that all is about magnetism and resonnance/frequency generated by a Super Mind/God... what is wrong with this?
23rd April 2010, 09:09 AM
Lets get real spectrism, I am the first to recognize that they are many truths in the bible and that the Bible also contains the absoute Truth if I read it with my new/current anderstanding.
Alas the bible also contains many references to paganism/mythology because back then the powers that be needed incentives to convert the masses, that is as simple as that ... the date of Jesus birth for example, which is the equinox pagan celebration day... drinking blood, which is a recurrent practice in ancient religions, the Easter celebration, another pagan date... etc... I could go on and on, I do not have the time to write it all down, though I listed many of those references once on the old GIM.
Lets get real, would you? Why can you not replace the word God with Quantum Physics which explains why all that is is LOVE... afraid to lose the bible text book if doing so?
why the heck would geometry and magnetic resonnance be so scary if they tell us about the shape and nature of the Universe? Faiiling to see this helps keep religions and sciences from being reunited. There is a theory of everything, that one likes it or not
23rd April 2010, 09:27 AM
I think he's undermined himself by confirming the equation exists already, then later asks if.
Faith being a prerequisite to form some peoples concept of religion, once the equation is found the religion would be short lived for them, and turned into a truly "practiced" religion.
I believe most religions need a "hook", or singular ego reward attached for them to succeed.
23rd April 2010, 09:31 AM
Hi Goldie
I think you may have touched on something we agree on.
Its seems we can both agree with William Paley here.
Scientists get excited about finding stone tools in a cave because these speak of intelligence—a tool maker. They could not have designed themselves. Neither would anyone believe that the carved Presidents' heads on Mt. Rushmore were the product of millions of years of chance erosion. We can recognize design—the evidence of the outworkings of intelligence—in the man-made objects all around us.
Similarly, in William Paley's famous argument, a watch implies a watchmaker.
Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals, including the incredibly complex brains of the people who make watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent God but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process.
I know we don't have the same views on a lot of stuff
But I think its good to find common ground.
23rd April 2010, 09:41 AM
I think he's undermined himself by confirming the equation exists already, then later asks if.
Faith being a prerequisite to form some peoples concept of religion, once the equation is found the religion would be short lived for them, and turned into a truly "practiced" religion.
I believe most religions need a "hook", or singular ego reward attached for them to succeed.
Right. I saw his manipulation attempt when he told people that every atom in them is communicating with the whole universe. Utterly brilliant flattery for uninformed lemmings. If you weigh all his words and look for practical value, you come up empty.
23rd April 2010, 11:12 AM
If you weigh all his words and look for practical value, you come up empty.
I do see practical value in his theories, but what he seems to be doing is mining for power. Or, creating enough of a "buzz" with his info. and possibly through publication sales that he can further test & prove his theories. Who knows his real motives?
I do think he is lacking the exact math to complete his theorems, maybe if he had enough dough he'll form some kind of independent institute, as the mainstream science world takes a generation or more to catch up, he wants to see results in his lifetime as I'm sure any self respecting person would.
You really have to appreciate his views of mainstream science's math, and the way it vaguely "rounds" their numbers to suit the end sum. This is the key to his truth that will do him well in the future.
23rd April 2010, 01:36 PM
Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals, including the incredibly complex brains of the people who make watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent God but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process.
come on, you believe this - I thought you were a creationist?
I would partially agree with this once since I see the that very super mind/god experiencing himself/itself constantly. That Mind/God doesnt plan ahead, it just IS... that is why everything in the universe, changes/morphs endlessly. Hence why any projections we may have today will be proven wrong tomorrow. But this is a tenet of Buddhism - Live in the moment, just BE.
what wee see on earh is just a tiny fraction of what the super mind thinks and allows itself to achieve
saying it is untelligent remains to be seen - sounds like nihilism to me... but from nihlism everything is again possible. Nihilsm is not sustainable as a train of thoughts... because the zero state is not stagnant... it is a beginning... a new fight in sight induced by the NWO. sorry for digressing here...
23rd April 2010, 02:47 PM
I think he's undermined himself by confirming the equation exists already, then later asks if.
Faith being a prerequisite to form some peoples concept of religion, once the equation is found the religion would be short lived for them, and turned into a truly "practiced" religion.
I believe most religions need a "hook", or singular ego reward attached for them to succeed.
like what? .... born in sin? so now do your best nonetheless?
again, I shall repeat, all religions hold the absolute truth but it is buried under so many conflicting messages that people are ready to kill in the name of God(s). Another proof? just look at the inner fights between scholars or dissenting christian churchs. Then when you dare tell them that all creation in the universe is Love, they brand you as a devil worshipper.
sorry something isnt right here. :whip
23rd April 2010, 02:54 PM
Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals, including the incredibly complex brains of the people who make watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent God but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process.
come on, you believe this - I though you were a creationist?
Goldie ;
Of course I don't believe that.
I believe " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
and later
God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so.
God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.
Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds
And so on
Thats what I believe Goldie :)
23rd April 2010, 03:11 PM
I have no problem Starkeken, and you are one of the very few christians I wouldnt have any argument in here, really.
the way I see this dilemma is that ancient civilizations were trying to decipher natural phenomenons such a thunder, sun,, oceans, etc.. and attributed them to gods...
Then came the God label... there has been a shift toward monotheism.
But the question is still there: what is the essence of God exactly
so we are back to square one, analyzing and observing Nature to the extreme
this is what quantum physics is about to uncover... has begun seriously to focus on... religions and mythologies which tell us many truths, have all disappeared at one point and been replaced by the same old song... maybe this time, things might really change.
So it makes sense to me that many people do not wsih this question to be ever answered, simply because they are happy with the God Label. I am fine with it, thats their reality after all.
Though that is where I diverge... I just want to know, even if this means opening a can of worms, because of millennia of deceptions.
23rd April 2010, 03:32 PM
the way I see this dilemma is that ancient civilizations were trying to decipher natural phenomenons such a thunder, sun,, oceans, etc.. and attributed them to gods...
Then came the God label... there has been a shift toward monotheism.
But the question is still there: what is the essence of God exactly
so we are back to square one, analyzing and observing Nature to the extreme
this is what quantum physics is about to uncover... has begun seriously to focus on... religions and mythologies which tell us many truths, have all disappeared at one point and been replaced by the same old song... maybe this time, things might really change.
So it makes sense to me that many people do not wsih this question to be ever answered, simply because they are happy with the God Label. I am fine with it, thats their reality after all.
Though that is where I diverge... I just want to know, even if this means opening a can of worms, because of millennia of deceptions.
You think these supposed "scientists" will be able to quantify God and put Him in a box for you to have sway over? Let me tell you ahead of time what you will find.
Picture a group of savage cannibals gathered together in a small field around the shamans. They are directed to collect up stones and sticks to build a trap for the moon and they will trap the moon when the night comes. All night they will fiddle with their "trap" and look for ways to coax the moon into it.
In the morning you will find the primitive minds and tools sitting stupid in a circle wondering why they don't have the moon.
23rd April 2010, 03:47 PM
You think these supposed "scientists" will be able to quantify God and put Him in a box for you to have sway over? Let me tell you ahead of time what you will find.
The bible very much looks like a box to me.
if history is any indication truths always come from miniorties, (that is how christianity started) once it becomes a movement, time to shift gear and look for another dissenting minority.
Everything has been so corrupted that we have no other choce than to relying on this dissenting minority now.
The centralization of dogmas is always good to implement collectivism.
It is not because there are millions thinking alike that it makes you/them right.
God cannot be put in a box, because HE is all HIS creation. it is YOU... me, every linving thing and matter.
24th April 2010, 06:40 AM
Alas the bible also contains many references to paganism/mythology because back then the powers that be needed incentives to convert the masses, that is as simple as that ... the date of Jesus birth for example, which is the equinox pagan celebration day... drinking blood, which is a recurrent practice in ancient religions, the Easter celebration, another pagan date... etc... I could go on and on, I do not have the time to write it all down, though I listed many of those references once on the old GIM.
You are applying concepts to me and my beliefs falsely. I do not follow an easter holiday. I know that Dec 25 is not the birth day of Messiah. The bible does not teach these things. Drinking blood is forbidden in the bible. you can't go on and on as you have no facts.
Lets get real, would you? Why can you not replace the word God with Quantum Physics which explains why all that is is LOVE... afraid to lose the bible text book if doing so?
Huh? You have no idea what quantum physics is about. You watch the charlatan throw around words you cannot grasp and think he is brilliant. He is a flim-flam man. You do not know what love is.
why the heck would geometry and magnetic resonnance be so scary if they tell us about the shape and nature of the Universe? Faiiling to see this helps keep religions and sciences from being reunited. There is a theory of everything, that one likes it or not
If this is true and this is science, why did you post it inthe religion & philosophy area?
Your words make no sense. Geometry is not scary. It is simple and consistent. Magnetic resonance- do you have any idea what that is? Do you know what resonance is?
You have a theory of everything? Does that make you God? OK...take your theory of everything and use it to create out of nothing a chocolate fudge cake. Too difficult? Ok, use it to create out of nothing a cup of wheat. Still too difficult? Tell me what your theory of everything enables you to do?
24th April 2010, 08:11 AM
You are applying concepts to me and my beliefs falsely. I do not follow an easter holiday. I know that Dec 25 is not the birth day of Messiah. The bible does not teach these things. Drinking blood is forbidden in the bible. you can't go on and on as you have no facts.
maybe you do not follow Xmas and easter... but on they are christian dates celebrated all around the planet.
Because Jesus didnt say: this is my blood when passing the wine cup along during the last supper, something that the priest repeats during mass.
Because angels are not human-animal hybrids, if not how would you describe them. In my view, ALL religions have associated human with animal features to "superhumans, celestial beings". It comes from mythologies.
no facts...
I am willing to concieve that all those "facts" were added to the bible by the powers that be at the time to speed up the number of converts. That they have nothing to do with the **real** christianity. This doesnt mean that they dont exist though.
I stick to what I say: The bible holds the Absolute Truth which is buried under so many pagan and kabbalistic symbolism (all of which you call mumbo jumbo, if not satanistic) and conflicting messages about the human spiritual very nature, that it is about time to move ahead beyond that. And we cannot do this without deciphering ALL religious pasts leading to the Same Source... that is what Nassim and the like are merely doing, take out all the mumbo jumbo as you call it , and see how it relates to quantum physcis. And BINGO! They have hit a nerve.
Nothing new has been invented/discovered since the sumerians tablets, vedic culture, ancient egyptian gods and the genesis... NADA. ALL belief systems coming after that have been variations of the same theme.. We are back to square one but with mathematical tools to confirm all this.
If you do not wish to take part in this new understanding, that is your problem.
7th trump
24th April 2010, 08:54 AM
You are applying concepts to me and my beliefs falsely. I do not follow an easter holiday. I know that Dec 25 is not the birth day of Messiah. The bible does not teach these things. Drinking blood is forbidden in the bible. you can't go on and on as you have no facts.
maybe you do not follow Xmas and easter... but on they are christian dates celebrated all around the planet.
( I dont follow easter. Its a pagan ritual that was combined with Passover in the hope those pushing eggs of fertility an screwing like a bunny would reform (Ishtar (easter), as its is pronounced back in the day, was a pagan fertility ritual of outside orgies), but today easter is still a pagan holiday with the date of passover...........sad? yes.
Christmas, Dec 25, was the day Marry was approached by the spirit of God to tell her she was with Child. Marry approached her sister in law who was child also......John the six month in the belly and John leaped in the womb because John, as a unborn child, could feel the spirit of Jesus just a day old. If you do the math Jesus's birthday puts it sometime around Sept 21 if not Sept 21)
Because Jesus didnt say: this is my blood when passing the wine cup along during the last supper, something that the priest repeats during mass.
Because angels are not human-animal hybrids, if not how would you describe them. In my view, ALL religions have associated human with animal features to "superhumans, celestial beings". It comes from mythologies.
(You are totally distorting the facts. Probably because you dont read nor beleive in the Bible. Angels are not flesh. The flesh cannot go into the Kingdom of God. Just what do you think you are in the moment the clay pot breaks? The very same body all the other angels are in. The same one you were created in millions of years ago.)
no facts...
( you are not looking for or at the right facts)
I am willing to concieve that all those "facts" were added to the bible by the powers that be at the time to speed up the number of converts. That they have nothing to do with the **real** christianity. This doesnt mean that they dont exist though.
(I bet you will conceive anything to support your arguement................without a doubt. Scientists do it all the time. You will conceive as needed to further along an idea not supported by preexisting facts. Good example is to look at Al Gore and his false global warming? Heck we have global warming every spring around these parts of the woods)
I stick to what I say: The bible holds the Absolute Truth which is buried under so many pagan and kabbalistic symbolism (all of which you call mumbo jumbo, if not satanistic) and conflicting messages about the human spiritual very nature, that it is about time to move ahead beyond that. And we cannot do this without deciphering ALL religious pasts leading to the Same Source... that is what Nassim and the like are merely doing, take out all the mumbo jumbo as you call it , and see how it relates to quantum physcis. And BINGO! They have hit a nerve.
( I dont take out any facts to support a theory. The facts will support a theory. And if you want to twist the truth and facts around God will see to it that He sends you strong dillusion.)
Nothing news has been invented/discovered since the sumerians tablets, ancient egyption gods and the genesis... NADA. We are back to square one but with mathematical tools to confirm all this.
(theres nothing new under the sun.........including the tablets themselves.......nothing)
24th April 2010, 09:03 AM
thank you for your 2 cents, &th Trump...
Because angels are not human-animal hybrids, if not how would you describe them. In my view, ALL religions have associated human with animal features to "superhumans, celestial beings". It comes from mythologies.
(You are totally distorting the facts. Probably because you dont read nor beleive in the Bible. Angels are not flesh. The flesh cannot go into the Kingdom of God. Just what do you think you are in the moment the clay pot breaks? The very same body all the other angels are in. The same one you were created in millions of years ago.)
they are not flesh but that is how they are represented in the Bible, so why is that? Why sustaining this image if it is inaccurate?
I am willing to concieve that all those "facts" were added to the bible by the powers that be at the time to speed up the number of converts. That they have nothing to do with the **real** christianity. This doesnt mean that they dont exist though.
(I bet you will conceive anything to support your arguement................without a doubt. Scientists do it all the time. You will conceive as needed to further along an idea not supported by reexisting facts. Good example is to look at Al Gore and his false global warming?)
that is here where iI beg to defer, the entire human history is a giant mass deception but Constantine and his successors didnt do anything wrong. And we have to take at face value the fact that it took 400 years to draft the New testament --- and trust it 101%.
Trying to go back to the root of all realigions will not lead to illusions, but better idea of the Whole and Cosmic Laws and how it applies to spirirtuality.
Again, as you can see I am very flexible in my view... I dont reject the Bible completely - yest you wont do the same when it is time to consider anything that is not christian oriented.
Everything comes from the Soirit?Mind in the Universe - no matter which rendition you choose to believe in... and that is the very conlusion I am willing to reach here.
In fact, the only problem I have with chritianity is very basic: the concpet of redemption which is impossible since humans are ALL born in sin,... which causes diviseness in the human psyche. As I explained already, the notions of right and wrong have been created by God, and these notions can **never** find balance or Rest. Because we need the negative as much as the positive, there are dualities without wich Life could not exist. Only free will can define what is right and wrong... not God which gave us the right to choose. There is no satan out there but our own ditechtomy at work for the best and the worse.
so if what I say in my last paragraph gets me branded me as anti-chritians and satan follower, so be it. I really couldnt care less.
24th April 2010, 10:02 AM
the entire human history is a giant mass deception but Constantine and his successors didnt do anything wrong. And we have to take at face value the fact that it took 400 years to draft the New testament --- and trust it 101%.
Trying to go back to the root of all realigions will not lead to illusions, but better idea of the Whole and Cosmic Laws and how it applies to spirirtuality.
You are right- the entire human history is loaded with deception. The deception came from somewhere, just like the creation came from somewhere. There must be a cause for any effect. Science is limited to that realm. Since we cannot go back in time to see things, we can at best make guesses.
As for the bible and its validity, we have something today that we can witness. We have the scientific ability- each of us- to witness whether the words in there are true today and in our lives. Some things were probably corrupted in human translation and there may be things incorrectly omitted or added. I do question the cannonization process. There is more than enough truth in there, however, for us to get a clear picture of the redemption provided by God for this lost race.
Again, as you can see I am very flexible in my view... I dont reject the Bible completely - yest you wont do the same when it is time to consider anything that is not christian oriented.
Actually, I think I do consider many things from the secular world. You must also realize that a universal truth does not keep itself locked inside the covers of a bible. If the bible holds universal truths, they will be interlaced through everything. It see them like lattice structures woven through and making up the world we know. I can also easily (usually) see the fakes when they attempt to use the pieces of truth in a manner that violates other truths. And when someone preaches a lofty, amorphous, nebulous promise of human enlightenment with no substance and no value, I begin very quickly to suspect ulterior motives.
Everything comes from the Soirit?Mind in the Universe - no matter which rendition you choose to believe in... and that is the very conlusion I am willing to reach here.
Yes- everything comes from the spirit but there are two kinds of spirit- darkness & light. One is life and the other is death. Be careful where you feed.
In fact, the only problem I have with chritianity is very basic: the concpet of redemption which is impossible since humans are ALL born in sin,... which causes diviseness in the human psyche. As I explained already, the notions of right and wrong have been created by God, and these notions can **never** find balance or Rest. Because we need the negative as much as the positive, there are dualities without wich Life could not exist. Only free will can define what is right and wrong... not God which gave us the right to choose. There is no satan out there but our own ditechtomy at work for the best and the worse.
If we need the negatives as much as we need the positives, try this exercise every time you write. Erase as many letters from your writing as the number of letters you write. Then you will have perfect balance. Walk backwards as much as you walk forwards. After using a lamp, put light back into it.
God did not so much create wrong as He did the ability for beings to choose to go against Him. God made beings with the ability to be fellow companions. He did not make robots. To be companions, He made them with minds of their own. He made them with the ability to go against His will. We are very fortunate that He also made an escape for us to return to Him from this rebellious world. But that escape has a time limit and it is coming to a close VERY SOON.
so if what I say in my last paragraph gets me branded me as anti-chritians and satan follower, so be it. I really couldnt care less.
24th April 2010, 02:31 PM
You are right- the entire human history is loaded with deception. The deception came from somewhere, just like the creation came from somewhere. There must be a cause for any effect. Science is limited to that realm. Since we cannot go back in time to see things, we can at best make guesses.
I disagree, ancient civilizatgions had a better grasp about Nature than us... go in the Amazonia and get in touch with indigenous people. Even the american indians.
as for sciences too...The ancient Greek Ptolemy for example, 150 AD., was already considering the sun as the center of the solar system. Centuries later Corpernicus was rewarded for this very idea
philosophically speaking, Socrates, Aristtle and Plato theories have been the basis of all others in the western world.
Sumerian tablets have been copycated by the entire mesopotamian region and still influence our culture today.
there plenty of examples out there, but I have very litte time right now... must go shovel...more later..
24th April 2010, 06:01 PM
You are right- the entire human history is loaded with deception. The deception came from somewhere, just like the creation came from somewhere. There must be a cause for any effect. Science is limited to that realm. Since we cannot go back in time to see things, we can at best make guesses.
I disagree, ancient civilizatgions had a better grasp about Nature than us... go in the Amazonia and get in touch with indigenous people. Even the american indians.
How do you figure? Do you know anything about tribes of the Amazon? Murdering and even cannabalistic. Worshipping all sorts of gods. You think these are more advanced?
as for sciences too...The ancient Greek Ptolemy for example, 150 AD., was already considering the sun as the center of the solar system. Centuries later Corpernicus was rewarded for this very idea
philosophically speaking, Socrates, Aristtle and Plato theories have been the basis of all others in the western world.
Had to be a first somewhere. So you are claiming that the ancients were better than us? I agree.... I see the genetic pool losing information. We are devolving, not evolving to a higher form.
24th April 2010, 06:41 PM
am back...
Actually, I think I do consider many things from the secular world. You must also realize that a universal truth does not keep itself locked inside the covers of a bible. If the bible holds universal truths, they will be interlaced through everything. It see them like lattice structures woven through and making up the world we know. I can also easily (usually) see the fakes when they attempt to use the pieces of truth in a manner that violates other truths. And when someone preaches a lofty, amorphous, nebulous promise of human enlightenment with no substance and no value, I begin very quickly to suspect ulterior motives.
I am not preaching... just endosring thought provoking dialogues... but this is a relgious/philosophy forum or not? Every day I am just amazed at the amount of **hidden** knowledge out there and try to share my findings.
Yes- everything comes from the spirit but there are two kinds of spirit- darkness & light. One is life and the other is death. Be careful where you feed.
I already state my stance of the "all that is"... all created by God.. I am tired of repeating mysel. An atom has negative and positive particles, the negative ones are not bad, (and created by God too), they are needed for the atom's gravitational structure, without either negative/positive polarity the atom cannot spin, it is thus dead. When balance is disrupted, sickness occurs. Satan is a projection of our fears of the Unkniown, and those fears created imbalances in the world, as well as in our selves. Remove those fears and the evil will go away.
The opposite of Love is not Evil - but Fear - The NWO's secret is not the symbolism it reveres but its agenda that keep us in a state of fear. As many people dont grasp that, they fear NWO symbolism and the knwoledge behind.
If we need the negatives as much as we need the positives, try this exercise every time you write. Erase as many letters from your writing as the number of letters you write. Then you will have perfect balance. Walk backwards as much as you walk forwards. After using a lamp, put light back into it.
Right... One can only stop thinking by thinking.. I am sure that every thought voids another due to exponentiality of the thinking process, there is no such thing as a stagnant state in the Universe. Time will delete any past thoughts of mine eventually and, they return to Nothingness.
God did not so much create wrong as He did the ability for beings to choose to go against Him. God made beings with the ability to be fellow companions. He did not make robots. To be companions, He made them with minds of their own. He made them with the ability to go against His will. We are very fortunate that He also made an escape for us to return to Him from this rebellious world. But that escape has a time limit and it is coming to a close VERY SOON.
Actually, with the all in one, the all that is theory (take it or leave it) we represent and incarnate God's mind. Same for all living creatues and plants. God has created the so many levels of consciousness Humans are divine in essence and because they dont get that evil occurs again. The concept of separatedness creates all the diviseness in the world.
The only free will we have is to acknowledge our divine essence and behave as such or reject it and perish, be neurotic, dysfunctional, etc. (we seem to agree here)
There is no mass rebellion, rebellion lies in each of us. Using the word "world" in this caee, prevents from seeking answers within us.
Back to shoveling
24th April 2010, 07:31 PM
here is why, us humans, are afraid of, sitting in the middle. Balance comes from confusion, doubts, asking questions... we go from fear to love - and love to fear - and cant seem to find rest. The conflicts between polarities show at every level of society and will tear us apart eventually. so now you know why the fight of love vs fear is here to stay, unless we change our mindset... we are all alone with our inner selves to solve this puzzle
ps: the C could be replaced with Chaos... birthing Love and Fear. Indeed, it makes sense to me.
24th April 2010, 07:31 PM
Actually, I think I do consider many things from the secular world. You must also realize that a universal truth does not keep itself locked inside the covers of a bible. If the bible holds universal truths, they will be interlaced through everything. It see them like lattice structures woven through and making up the world we know. I can also easily (usually) see the fakes when they attempt to use the pieces of truth in a manner that violates other truths. And when someone preaches a lofty, amorphous, nebulous promise of human enlightenment with no substance and no value, I begin very quickly to suspect ulterior motives.
I am not preaching... just endosring thought provoking dialogues... but this is a relgious/philosophy forum or not? Every day I am just amazed at the amount of **hidden** knowledge out there and try to share my findings.
I was not talking about you preaching... but the pony-tailed fake cult leader of the bamboozled quantum singularity seekers.
I have seen no new "knowledge" that has helped in the slightest, when it comes to this hidden (occult) stuff.
Yes- everything comes from the spirit but there are two kinds of spirit- darkness & light. One is life and the other is death. Be careful where you feed.
I already state my stance of the "all that is"... all created by God.. I am tired of repeating mysel. An atom has negative and positive electrons, the negative electrons are not bad, (and created by God too), they are needed for the atom's gravitational structure, without either negative/positive polarity the atom cannot spin, it is thus dead. When balance is disrupted, sickness occurs. Satan is a projection of our fears of the Unkniown, and those fears created imbalances in the world, as well as in our selves. Remove those fears and the evil will go away.
Positive electrons? That's a new one for me. Regardless, whether each electron smelled like different flowers or there were purple striped electrons, what has this done for practical applications? You talk about properties of atoms as if when you discover them you think you have recreasted the universe. The act of discovery in and of itself is almost insignificant unless there is some value produced. And to take it a step further, one who preaches the verge of discovery with grandiose expectations still has nothing but slick words.
The opposite of Love is not Evil - but Fear - The NWO's secret is not the symbolism it reveres but its agenda that keep us in a state of fear. As many people dont grasp that, they fear NWO symbolism and the knwoledge behind.
Actually, with the all in one, the all that is theory (take it or leave it) we represent and incarnate God's mind. Same for all living creatues and plants. God has created the so many levels of consciousness Humans are divine in essence and because they dont get that evil occurs again. The concept of separatedness creates all the diviseness in the world.
That is one of the worst pieces of tripe I have read in months. I definitely won't take that nonsense.
The only free will we have is to acknowledge our divine essence and behave as such or reject it and perish, be neurotic, dysfunctional, etc. (we seem to agree here)
This is the lie the devil suckered Eve with- YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD. It is still working on the naive.
7th trump
24th April 2010, 08:05 PM
If this doesnt take the cake!
The only free will we have is to acknowledge our divine essence and behave as such or reject it and perish, be neurotic, dysfunctional, etc. (we seem to agree here)
This is the lie the devil suckered Eve with- YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD. It is still working on the naive.
When or if anyone looks at this the way Spec just said it puts Singular's and the like to shame.
I would have never put two and two together Spec.
Pretty much sums up the new age theorists horse biskets.
In a way Singular, you are right about reverting right back to the beginning....................Genesis with Eve partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be like God.
24th April 2010, 08:12 PM
I have just finished watching Nassim in his series "Crossing the Event Horizon" (twice now). It's very interesting. You must be pretty brave to actually try to argue these topics with others.
At the old GIM, I was very much involved in "transcending the clutches of consensus reality" with respect to economic and finance topics. It's kind of sad that 4 years of my awakening process has been erased. Oh well. Anyway, now I seem to be losing interest in those topics and I'm just way more interested in spiritual off-the-wall topics. I just finished reading Graham Hancock's book, "Supernatural". It was really fascinating. It makes me want to take a trip to the Peruvian Amazon and try some ayahuasca. Maybe I could experience what the Shamans experience?
I know a lot of people will think I've gone off the deep end but I really don't care anymore. The "consensus reality" is getting boring.
I am currently reading "The Holographic Canvas" and the author keeps emphasizing:
It cannot be over emphasized that in order to transcend the clutches of
consensus reality, sovereignty must be redeemed. We must first understand
the true meaning of sovereignty as we step back and recognize the codes of
enslavement by which we have existed. Sovereignty is the freedom to be
without shame, to be without anger, to be without jealousy, to be in love
with the divine consciousness which you are, without the interference of the
alter ego. To be free is to become aware that you are the ultimate creator of
your reality, the conscious dreamer.
Marielle/MerryL :)
24th April 2010, 08:57 PM
hello Marielle.
see my thread titled the Buddha and Christ Experience, there is a video about the ayahuasca.
Glad that we share the same views. Interestingly, what i read and watch only seem to take shape, literally be experienced, when I talk about it. The word, language, is a valuable tool to put yourself to the test. Even if you are caught in a spin when discussing with people who disagree. Of course, what I say is true no matter which side of the fence you sit on... that is why one cannot really change the others point of view unless they seek for unconventional answers.
Brave? LOL... as far as I recall I was the black duck... when I was young, I was afraid to sound different. afraid of rejection... Now I just dont care amymore.
I have the habit to search on youtube, and guess what... I found it and currently listening.... thanks a lot for the tip. When I am done listening, I will post my 2 cents, so please come back!
Be well
24th April 2010, 08:57 PM
I agree that Man is devolving.
I have thought that since the 70's when I heard the band
24th April 2010, 09:18 PM
It makes me want to take a trip to the Peruvian Amazon and try some ayahuasca. Maybe I could experience what the Shamans experience?
I know a lot of people will think I've gone off the deep end but I really don't care anymore. The "consensus reality" is getting boring.
Ayahuasca tourism
"Ayahuasca tourist" refers to a tourist wanting a taste of an exotic ritual or who partakes in modified services geared specifically towards non-indigenous persons. Some seek to clear emotional blocks and gain a sense of peace. Other participants include explorers of consciousness, writers, medical doctors, journalists, anthropologists, ethnobotanists, philosophers and spiritual seekers. Ayahuasca tourism is greatest in Peru, and attracts visitors from all over the world, especially from Europe, USA, Australia, and South Africa, but also from other Latin American countries like Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia and Mexico.
Usually a visitor who wishes to become a "dietero" or "dietera", that is, a male or female apprentice-shaman learning the way of the teacher plants, undergoes a rigorous initiation. This can involve spending up to a year or more in the jungle. This initiation challenges and trains the initiate through extreme circumstances involving a special diet and numerous different plant medicines to complement the Ayahuasca, the lack of western food and conveniences, the harsh environmental conditions of heavy rains, storms, intense heat, insects, and poisonous animals. The initiate is also tested for their unwavering commitment to Ayahuasca and the shaman who oversees the training.
Many women just buy a new pair of shoes when bored
24th April 2010, 10:00 PM
I agree that Man is devolving.
what is devolving exactly, StackerKen?
ps: I am not talking of taking drugs recreationally but the purpose of "self investigation"
The powers that be are behind the drug trade to destabilize society on purpose, so the idea we have about drugs in general tends to be extrenely negative. Drugs are always related to violence and promiscuty in movies...
The NWO doesnt want you to know that mind expanding substances also enhance free will. Just like guns, drugs are not the problems but how/why we take them. Thats the power of the intent again that counts, and can be destructive or creative
24th April 2010, 10:06 PM
Book, when are you leaving for Peru, if I may ask? ;D
talk of a blockbuster, this vid has 200,000+ views
April 21, 2007 — this interview is HIGHLY recommended!
Researcher and author Graham Hancock presented his thesis that "supernatural" entities such as aliens and fairies are actually transdimensional beings that humans encounter during altered states of consciousness. The ability to shape-shift has been ascribed to both modern aliens as well as elves and other entities reported centuries ago, he detailed.
Around 35,000 to 40,000 years ago humans underwent a sudden change, and the emergence of cave and rock paintings are evidence of this, said Hancock, who noted that some of their depictions were of part human/part animal beings. He believes these represent the supernatural entities, and through altered states (probably due to ingesting psilocybin mushrooms) humans learned advanced skills from their encounters with these beings.
Nowadays, shamans commonly have such altered state communications. They feel humanity is at a crossroads-- the West has lost contact with the spirit world, and many of the world's woes are due to this, Hancock reported. As part of his experiential research, he traveled to South America and took the psychedelic plant mixture ayahuasca. During one such episode, he described a confrontation with an alien being, but rather than being an extraterrestrial, he suggested it inhabits another dimension that can only be accessed during an altered state.
September 28th, 2006
7th trump
24th April 2010, 10:19 PM
I agree that Man is devolving.
what is devolving exactly, StackerKen?
ps: I am not talking of taking drugs recreationally but the purpose of "self investigation"
The powers that be are behind the drug trade to destabilize society on purpose, so the idea we have about drugs in general tends to be extrenely negative. Drugs are always related to violence and promiscuty in movies...
The NWO doesnt want you to know that mind expanding substances also enhance free will. Just like guns, drugs are not the problems but how/why we take them. Thats the power of the intent again that counts, and can be destructive or creative
You need drugs to investigate?
Drugs are just one way to demoralize yourself.
Naa..............the drug trade is a result of greed of being without moral.
Drugs do not expand your mind, they altor it.
Ever looked up the word sorcery in a concordence?
It means pharma as in pharmacy...................aka drugs users.
And what do you know God hates drug users
24th April 2010, 10:26 PM
New age theorists would be doing more to follow the chosen path, in my interpretation.
What kind of God wouldn't want to hear the same story repeated time and time again in his ancient and aging ear?His reason for the New Testament.
I do agree everything that has been shown to man is cyclical.
"Religions" attempt to steal this cycle into a linear progression , or temper the extreme "cyclical beast" for the faithless who know no bounds.
Maybe God enjoys that story too, who knows?
Faithless interpret the cyclical as insanity, they are neglectful of the slight details that have changed.
24th April 2010, 11:45 PM
see my thread titled the Buddha and Christ Experience, there is a video about the ayahuasca.
Thanks for the link. I don't always know what is out there because I only have time to visit a few threads and Nassim's name tempted me to open up this one. I hope you enjoy the C2C interview with Graham Hancock. It was after listening to all 13 parts of one of those interviews that I decided to buy the book.
The material in the book about Francis Crick, LSD, and DNA is also fascinating. The man was high on LSD when he saw visions of the double helix. He later used those visions to create his Nobel prize winning discovery of the structure of DNA. DNA is a mystery all by itself.
I'll admit that I'm in no hurry to use mind-altering substances that are going to make me puke all over myself. I'm also thinking about trying out the Monroe Institute. We'll see.
You be well, too!
25th April 2010, 05:33 AM
Anyone ever recall talking to a 3-year old who keeps asking WHY? And after every explanation there is another WHY? And soon you realize that they did not understand a single thing you said.
I used to be a moth who liked light. The house I was in had a very cool candle inside a glass windshield. I would bump that glass trying to get closer to the beautiful glimmering light. The shades of color that I could see in that light were inperceptable to the people who lit the candle. Only I in my great vision could see the beautiful light in the candle. Then one night they left the glass open. The end.
25th April 2010, 06:16 AM
You need drugs to investigate?
Drugs are just one way to demoralize yourself.
Naa..............the drug trade is a result of greed of being without moral.
Drugs do not expand your mind, they altor it.
Ever looked up the word sorcery in a concordence?
It means pharma as in pharmacy...................aka drugs users.
And what do you know God hates drug users
You read my posting through your own ditechtomy. Obsession with right vs wrong.
7th trump, you are too narrow minded for me. I think you need a good discussion with a native american shaman... You have been NWO mind controlled and your stance shows it. You do not grasp the power of the intent, its essence.
Torquemada would be your guide if I read your post well. You would agree to burn alive witches and sorcers... wouldnt you?
In all ancient civilization drugs were taken by the initiates only... not the average population. It was taken in specific occasions only.
You prove my point, you see the effects of drugs in a society that has been turned dysfunctional on purpose. Fears (and the ensuing ostracization) rule you completely.
Get a grip!
25th April 2010, 06:55 AM
see my thread titled the Buddha and Christ Experience, there is a video about the ayahuasca.
Thanks for the link. I don't always know what is out there because I only have time to visit a few threads and Nassim's name tempted me to open up this one. I hope you enjoy the C2C interview with Graham Hancock. It was after listening to all 13 parts of one of those interviews that I decided to buy the book.
The material in the book about Francis Crick, LSD, and DNA is also fascinating. The man was high on LSD when he saw visions of the double helix. He later used those visions to create his Nobel prize winning discovery of the structure of DNA. DNA is a mystery all by itself.
I'll admit that I'm in no hurry to use mind-altering substances that are going to make me puke all over myself. I'm also thinking about trying out the Monroe Institute. We'll see.
You be well, too!
Francis Crick is a good example... if people knew how many highly intelligent and bright researchers were using mind exapanding substances (not talking of destructive cocaine and heroin) , they would be amazed.
I watched many youtube vids about DMT, or the spirtual molecule. People who took part in the study led by Rick Strassman, M.D., also reported contacts with extra-dimensional entities. The funny part is that, all these creatures like dragons and feeries, elves which we label as fantasy characters come straight from the mind of people who have been using mind altering drugs... we ought to wonder as why kids are fascinated with those tales
More rationally, we all release DMT when we sleep through our pineal galnd, which is structure resembles a pine cone, itself representing a perfect geometrical shape in the Universe. Inside Vatican State, there are many pine cone monuments.... not so strangely this time, fluoride also calcifies this very pineal gland, so humans' inner frequencies can be kept at lower level of resonnance, a way to control their awareness or awakening process. When we dream, we have the capacity to connect with the supernatural, and we all know that dreaming is essential to our overall well being.
How does it come that sumerians and egyptins already knew about the pineal gland as a gate to explore consciousness? The hidden war on the pineal gland proves this.
How Fluoride Suppresses the Pineal Gland aka DMT -
yet when we talk about this topic, many out there rather shoot the messenger than asking the appropriate question: WHY?
25th April 2010, 07:09 AM
ps: I am not talking of taking drugs recreationally but the purpose of "self investigation"
The 60's drug counterculture was just a NWO plot to destroy the minds of young America. It worked.
25th April 2010, 08:01 AM
ps: I am not talking of taking drugs recreationally but the purpose of "self investigation"
The 60's drug counterculture was just a NWO plot to destroy the minds of young America. It worked.
drugs are only a catalyst... not a cause, society has been dusfunctional long before that, the drug wave was just a final push over the edge. To understand why drugs turned out having a HIGHLY damaging side effects, we have to go back to The Century Of The Self... have you watched it? If not, here it is... a 4H documentary 46869922954
if you teach people wrong things about the pursuit of happiness and the nature of their egos, damages are guaranteed!!!
It just like alcohlism, if the family is dysfunctional to start with alcohol is just going to worsen everything... The NWO had the agenda to show how depraved human beings can be and that the psyche is evil by nature... so the DRUG WAR COULD FINALLY TAKE PLACE... and we all know that governments are behind it right now. LOL. It is all about $$$ and controlling your consciousness in the end. The hippie movement is a monumental deception.
Fighting the effects without understanding the real causes, is shooting one' self in in foot. That is why psychiatry is a joke for the most part.
The CIA had a LSD secret programme, so they could understand better as how to manipulate the masses and their unconscious desires. Again, the power of the intent... which in this case was used to commit evil. And the average people fell for it... you too it seems.
There is awful mindset that humans are weak and or inherently evil everywhere... people would behave very differently if education were not about controlling every step of their lives... that is what monopoly religions are all about... the karma here is to learn about our god-like nature, each indivdually. There is no groups that can help us... just aloneness and asking the right questions. But sure aloneness is frightening to many... hence the success of collectivism and conformity. We have a huge dilemma at stake...
25th April 2010, 08:17 AM
The man was high on LSD when he saw visions of the double helix. He later used those visions to create his Nobel prize winning discovery of the structure of DNA.
I lived in San Francisco during the 60's and witnessed a guy on LSD walk through a plate glass window. Others on LSD thought they could fly and their gravitational evidence to the contrary was splattered upon the sidewalk below.
Some of the posts in this thread promoting the use of psychedelic substances is irresponsible if not dangerous to naive young readers.
25th April 2010, 09:05 AM
Book, you know how many people drive and have a car accident daily??? How many times have you seen in the papers about people trying to fly like birds?
How many violent crimes are related to the drug war because people fell for the NWO agenda's fake drug war??
Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year
What is the amount of legal drugs (anti-depressants, sleeping pills, etc) prescribed in the world today?
but thats okay to encourage to buy guns and observing passively the sale of weapons worldwide - right? You can talk about how genocides of entire populations are implemented openly but not consciousness related topics, right?
you are naive, very naive... how can we debate if your stance is already so polarized...
This world is completly amok Time for a day of recknoning... .
you are right, lets talk about Consciousness and Trantric practices now... oops! With views like yours, I will be soon accused of promoting debauchery LOL :sarc:
25th April 2010, 09:39 AM
It is indeed amazing that many people would agree on this forum that taxation is the root of evil but STILL YET continue to pay their taxes (I am off the grid now) encouraging all the evil in the world.
Yet many are going after people who want to do their own investigation and speak of expanding their consciousness in a responsible fashion, accsuing them of being cancers of society. .
Something isnt right with this logic... .time to spend some time in front of a mirror
25th April 2010, 10:11 AM
you are naive, very naive... how can we debate if your stance is already so polarized...
Well..since you made this personal, here we go
Before my ex, I was constantly bumping into men more or less my age who couldnt help themselves. More broadly, it appears, when I talk to other women, that lots of men out there expect to be pampered by a personal Maid and have the perfect Doll when it come down to sexuality. They canT have it both, can they?? With me, that's a fact, I do not want to this role play in my life. Prior my ex, I always had to resort to yelling, but screaming didnt lead anywhere and always started a dangerous spin damaging the relationship further.
You insult and reject and abandon Whitey's all-electric kitchen and washing machine in his civilized NYC home then now wanna go submissively wash some brown "Shaman" in Peru's clothes pounding them on a rock by his undrinkable stream for a year:
Usually a visitor who wishes to become a "dietero" or "dietera", that is, a male or female apprentice-shaman learning the way of the teacher plants, undergoes a rigorous initiation. This can involve spending up to a year or more in the jungle. This initiation challenges and trains the initiate through extreme circumstances involving a special diet and numerous different plant medicines to complement the Ayahuasca, the lack of western food and conveniences, the harsh environmental conditions of heavy rains, storms, intense heat, insects, and poisonous animals. The initiate is also tested for their unwavering commitment to Ayahuasca and the shaman who oversees the training.
Eager for "unwavering commitment" and submissiveness to some brown Shaman guy in Peru and yet Goldissima posts a thread here at GSUS entitled Maid and Pampered Boy Syndromes whining about and demeaning the White men in her life who wanted to be pampered by
:oo--> you started this Goldissima
25th April 2010, 10:54 AM
The initiate is also tested for their unwavering commitment to Ayahuasca and the shaman who oversees the training.
I know people who go to church every single day... this is also a commitment... as long as it is free will, it doesnt hurt anybody... if YOU want to do this commitment with the shaman is up to you. Just as people go to confession at least once a week.
25th April 2010, 10:54 AM
Some of the posts in this thread promoting the use of psychedelic substances is irresponsible if not dangerous to naive young readers.
One of the other books I've read on this topic (Inner Paths to Outer Space) strongly advocates that if you want to go down this path, you should get someone you trust to act as a sitter, to make sure you don't hurt yourself or do anything crazy. It also spends time stressing that you need to be spiritually prepared, as well. One of Rick Strassman's test subjects reported that, within seconds of getting the DMT injection, he suddenly realized that he was being pinned down and anally raped by two creatures with alligator-like heads. If your dominant thoughts are low quality: fear, hatred, distrust, etc, then you could be surrounding yourself with entities who feed on those thoughts and a shot of DMT, which lifts the veil, could turn out to be a rather unpleasant experience.
25th April 2010, 11:26 AM
One of the other books I've read on this topic (Inner Paths to Outer Space) strongly advocates that if you want to go down this path, you should get someone you trust to act as a sitter, to make sure you don't hurt yourself or do anything crazy.
Ever notice that they insist it is always only the other guy with the weak mind that has a bad trip?
25th April 2010, 11:47 AM
I know people who go to church every single day...
...and yet you seek to follow those who do not:
25th April 2010, 11:50 AM
actually, I heard that mentally impared people, are brand new souls and that they have to learn how to "use" it...
it could make sense because we all know that many ppl we call "crazy" also happen to say things that are very smart and insighful... or turn out being great artists or scientists, when the pathology is more under control.
Tesla was borderline - his entire life so bright
25th April 2010, 11:58 AM
...and yet you seek to follow those who do not:
because you think that going to work like a robot every day is a BETTER image?
I am sure ppl in amazonia would laugh at us being compressed in a subway train at rush time... or just look at those chinese sewatshop, not a pretty picture either.
I live in a farm where ppl needs are a lot simpler than in NYC and it is truly touching to see how happy they can be with little things...
each reality has it sets of advantages and problems, comparing realities doesnt work.
But this said, I would love to do a trekking in some extreme part of the world. A survialist trip that make you lose 10lbs a week Food rationing, etc... . Are you ready?
Book stop to make yourself look like a butt because you have lost the argument
You have nothing substantial to make your point and you know it... so now you use an image of indigenous people and make fun of them...
I have always been an adventurer - physically amd spiritually... .
25th April 2010, 12:03 PM
You have nothing substantial to make your point and you know it... so now you use image of indigenous people and make fun of them...
Like you constantly belittling and making fun of Christians and other Believers here and at GIM.
You stop and I'll stop. Deal?
25th April 2010, 12:51 PM
go back to read the thread... I said that I believe that the bible holds the absolute truth... I just do not agree with the coercsive elements which in my view were added by Constantine... just as I would target any coercion elsewhere.
can you say the same about my belief system?
Who is flexible and pragmatic here?
25th April 2010, 01:41 PM
NH is more wizard than scientist or engineer. And too much like the kid who keeps asking why.
The 60's drug counterculture was just a NWO plot to destroy the minds of young America. It worked.
Things are even worse now Book. ;D
25th April 2010, 01:52 PM
Things are even worse now Book. ;D
I agree
25th April 2010, 02:45 PM
The 60's drug counterculture was just a NWO plot to destroy the minds of young America. It worked.
lets also keep in mind that alcohol prohibition was meant to spread the use of drugs which back then was completely legal... then when so many got hooked, alcohol was de-prohibited and durg use was starting to boom. .
it worked so well that now the traffic is in their hands and soon all drugs to become legal, I mean under doctror's surveillance. thats a double whammy...
fake war on drugs + recession/depression cycles= good mix to keep people dysfunctional, along with supply.
we cannot fix the issue unless the educational system is full restored.
25th April 2010, 03:28 PM
go back to read the thread... I said that I believe that the bible holds the absolute truth... I just do not agree with the coercsive elements which in my view were added by Constantine... just as I would target any coercion elsewhere.
can you say the same about my belief system?
Who is flexible and pragmatic here?
I reallize this was not addressed to me. But if the bible holds the absolute truth, how is it that you then say it is all corrupted? You can't have it both ways.
BTW_ what are those "coercsive elements" Constantine added?
25th April 2010, 04:57 PM
I reallize this was not addressed to me. But if the bible holds the absolute truth, how is it that you then say it is all corrupted? You can't have it both ways.
BTW_ what are those "coercsive elements" Constantine added?
I believe it is possible to find sereval hundreds of pages speaking of the absolute truth buried in 1000 other ones Anything handled by man will always be tainted (by a lack of knowledge or deception), one way or another. A lot can happen when it takes 400 years to "arrange" a textbpok, its a lot too tempting.
God is all love, doesnt need do to anything coercve, humans do... any enforcement by fear is man-made. This is my 2 cents of course. But since I have been pondering polarities in Nature, I have to conclude that any fear based system cannot be that of God.
God created human emotions and thus fears... but as a challenge and to move forward, not be domaniated by them 24/7. Fear is negative but it has to be reconverted into positive actions. And nobody can do the job for us... it is all up to each of us.
25th April 2010, 05:01 PM
I like to cherry pick your posts Goldie :)
Cause I find some good stuff in there some times
. Fear is negative but it has to be reconverted into positive actions. And nobody can do the job for us... it is all up to each of us.
Kinda like the fear of God...
Its a good thing :)
25th April 2010, 05:06 PM
Goldie; I have been meaning to ask you....Have you read " A Course In Miracles "?
Some of the stuff you post sounds like it came from there.
I started to Read it many years ago.
Until I was informed that the book was evil. (I had a feeling it was)
I dropped it like a hot potato.
Not good...... Don't read it.
25th April 2010, 07:09 PM
Kinda like the fear of God...
Its a good thing :)
ooh no. not you again LOL... actually it is very pertinent... but if people fear God, that is their business... I dont fear him... after everything I have watched and read lately, I can only fear myself, my own choices.
And that is where starts my homework.
If history is any indication the fear of God will want you to support widespread coercion/interventionism, thats the inherent problem with this particular fear. This fear wants you to control everything so much that you end up creating Chaos.. judgment day... then you may have a solid point.... wishfull thinking at work.... we told you so... and after chaos, survivors will shake their heads in disbelief and ask themselves whether this coercion was really worth it, and will go back to square one, finding emlightenment.
A fear-based system is the absolute evil
7th trump
25th April 2010, 08:20 PM
Kinda like the fear of God...
Its a good thing :)
ooh no. not you again LOL... actually it is very pertinent... but if people fear God, that is their business... I dont fear him... after everything I have watched and read lately, I can only fear myself, my own choices.
And that is where starts my homework.
If history is any indication the fear of God will want you to support widespread coercion/interventionism, thats the inherent problem with this particular fear. This fear wants you to control everything so much that you end up creating Chaos.. judgment day... then you may have a solid point.... wishfull thinking at work.... we told you so... and after chaos, survivors will shake their heads in disbelief and ask themselves whether this coercion was really worth it, and will go back to square one, finding emlightenment.
A feared based system is the absolute evil
Is it evil when I'm feeling fear from falling off the egde of the roof or ladder when I'm cleaning out the gutters?
26th April 2010, 08:12 AM
7thTrump, you know that your question is meaningless
but I will say this again: fear is negative but morphs into positive mode when you own survival (and that of you relatives) is at stake. As long as it is about your very own reality, not involving a group (collectivism) fear will help you when necessary.
We all know in this forum that interventionism is deeply unethical... so why seeking to apply it to consciousness/spirituality? That is the point atheists want to make when questioning religions as a whole.
Religions have caused more wars than anything else, because they go hand in hand with economics. You may say that you disagree with this, though thats the way it has worked out for about millennia. So what? If it is so easy to trap millions of people, then textbooks also say things that are completely tiwsted.
Jesus claimed the value of Love and Compassion, and now we have global socialism. Love which is a positive value can turn negative when not well understood.
Love only works out til a certain point, just as fear. What you are left with is a very thin line in the middle. This is precisely why is everything is neither completely right and wrong. God's Mind is an absolutely perecft neutral state of being: I AM.
26th April 2010, 10:38 AM
Love only works out til a certain point, just as fear. What you are left with is a very thin line in the middle. This is precisely why is everything is neither completely right and wrong. God's Mind is an absolutely perecft neutral state of being: I AM.
Sorry Goldie. But I have to disagree there.^^
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)
James 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
26th April 2010, 04:11 PM
there's at least one university that regards haramein as a physicist of some skill:
After some 20 years of tireless dedication to his in depth research on unification, Nassim Haramein’s most recent scientific paper, “The Schwarzschild Proton,†received an award at the University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference CASYS'09 ( (Computing Anticipatory Systems).
on LSD:
In the 1950s and 1960s LSD was used in psychiatry to enhance psychotherapy. Some psychiatrists believed LSD was especially useful at helping patients to "unblock" repressed subconscious material through other psychotherapeutic methods, and also for treating alcoholism. One study concluded, "The root of the therapeutic value of the LSD experience is its potential for producing self-acceptance and self-surrender," presumably by forcing the user to face issues and problems in that individual's psyche.
In December 1968, a survey was made of all 74 UK doctors who had used LSD in humans, 73 replied, 1 had moved overseas and was unavailable. Of the 73 replies, the majority of UK doctors with clinical experience with LSD felt that LSD was effective and had acceptable safety: 41 (56%) continued with clinical use of LSD, 11 (15%) had stopped because of retirement or other extraneous reasons, 9 (12%) had stopped because they found LSD ineffective, and 5 (7%) had stopped because they felt LSD was too dangerous.
26th April 2010, 04:23 PM
Some of the posts in this thread promoting the use of psychedelic substances is irresponsible if not dangerous to naive young readers.
Are we supposed to believe this post is genuine in it's concern?
26th April 2010, 05:12 PM
Sorry Goldie. But I have to disagree there.^^
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)
James 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
You didnt read well what I said... Light is the source of all life...and all expressions coming from this Light can only be witnessed through opposites, hence for us humans, we must follow the duality principles without which Light canNOT manifest.
You are confusing the Source and its consquences.
God is a neutral state the zero point... Nassim speaks in length about it. God created itself first and Light was the result.
I know this is very mind boggling to some, but to me it makes perfect sense.
if God is Light... question where is the Light coming from? In the bible if I am correct, god says "I am the beginning and the end"... so there has been a beginjning.
God created Itself, there is no way around this. That is where we need esotericism (mumbo jumbo) and quantum physics to dig further. Unless one refuses to think beyond that point of course. But it has increasingly becomes mainstream to wonder about the Nature and Origin of that very Light. That is the new spirtiuality that is in the making... I want to investiguate because I find this fascinating.
Anybody following this logic will have to agree that NO religious textbooks really address this... only esoterc materials approache this daunting question. And now with the help of quantum physics we are getting close to a breaking point...
we can see why the NWO is terrified at the idea that the One World Religion could come true... so they have been countering that with an agenda.
26th April 2010, 06:33 PM
there's at least one university that regards haramein as a physicist of some skill:
[quote]After some 20 years of tireless dedication to his in depth research on unification, Nassim Haramein’s most recent scientific paper, “The Schwarzschild Proton,” received an award at the University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference CASYS'09 ( (Computing Anticipatory Systems).
Thank you for posting this Uranian... Nassim rocks... mumbo-jumbo doesnt seem so out of touch anymore
on LSD:
In the 1950s and 1960s LSD was used in psychiatry to enhance psychotherapy. Some psychiatrists believed LSD was especially useful at helping patients to "unblock" repressed subconscious material through other psychotherapeutic methods, and also for treating alcoholism. One study concluded, "The root of the therapeutic value of the LSD experience is its potential for producing self-acceptance and self-surrender," presumably by forcing the user to face issues and problems in that individual's psyche.
In December 1968, a survey was made of all 74 UK doctors who had used LSD in humans, 73 replied, 1 had moved overseas and was unavailable. Of the 73 replies, the majority of UK doctors with clinical experience with LSD felt that LSD was effective and had acceptable safety: 41 (56%) continued with clinical use of LSD, 11 (15%) had stopped because of retirement or other extraneous reasons, 9 (12%) had stopped because they found LSD ineffective, and 5 (7%) had stopped because they felt LSD was too dangerous.
While psychedics are for sure not for everybody - they are truly mind exapanding. Consciousness has too often been portrayed as the cradle of evil, or in the lesser case as a complete unknown territory, hence the fearful aspect of it The powers that be do not want us to become more aware. Just imagine that 50% of population would find worthy answers and stop seeing materialism as the only way of life... The system would collapse, thats a simple as that.
Nonetheless the end of materialism is nearing... humans are spirtual in essence and many are about to grasp this. The upcoming global crash will prove itself revealing in that sense..
26th April 2010, 06:47 PM
You didnt read well what I said... Light is the source of all life...and all expressions coming from this Light can only be witnessed through opposites, hence for us humans, we must follow the duality principles without which Light canNOT manifest.
You are confusing the Source and its consquences.
God is a neutral state the zero point... Nassim speaks in length about it. God created itself first and Light was the result.
The only one getting confused here is you singularity. God did not create Himself. He always was/is. He is outside time and time is merely a construct of His. You greatly err in your desire to think you are god.
I know this is very mind boggling to some, but to me it makes perfect sense.
Yes, you are so superior in your ability to fathom the depths of reality and unreality that us mere mortals are in awe. Please utter more wisdom that we may suckle at such sweet rivers of knowledge.
if God is Light... question where is the Light coming from?
Hmmm.... is this a trick question? OK... I will guess.... ummmm... God.
It created Itself, there is no way around this.
But wait! What happened to all that cosmic clarity and brilliance of knowledge? Why would you limit your perception of reality to what is not reality? Why would you pretend to see light that is not there, and deny light that is there?
That is where we need esotericism (mumbo jumbo) and quantum physics to dig further.
Oh... you are maintaining the mumbo-jumbo method of science. Now I got it. Quantum physics is not mumbo jumbo but the idol you bow before uses pieces of it to bamboozle the uninformed.
Unless one refuses to think beyond that point of course. But it has increasingly becomes mainstream to wonder about the Nature and Origin of that very Light. That is the new spirtiuality that is in the making... I want to investiguate because I find this fascinating.
Yes- a classic case of someone finding the new age lies shiny and glorious, but they are the same old lies. I went through that stage in my teen years.
Anybody following this logic will have to agree that NO religious textbooks really address this... only esoterc materials approache this daunting question. And now with the help of quantum physics we are getting close and closer to a breaking point.
And you will ALWAYS be on the verge of a great break-through, with nothing good resulting. You can spend all day sifting through horse manure but it won't put a bail of hay in the barn.
26th April 2010, 07:49 PM
take it or leave it spectrism...
It has been a while that I dont intervene in the christian threads because it is fruitless.
If you wish to join, you are welcome but plz try to have an open mind.
My threads are for people who have inquiries and I hope they can find answers for themselves
The only one getting confused here is you singularity. God did not create Himself. He always was/is. He is outside time and time is merely a construct of His. You greatly err in your desire to think you are god.
ALL THAT IS in the universe IS God... we are HIS mind, the expression of HIS Light., hence HIS very Nature .. Separatedness is a concept created by man only - on purpose.
10th May 2010, 04:55 PM
Nassim loves crop circles and the 2010 season has begun:
This one appeared 5/9/2010 just across the street from Stone Henge:
26th May 2010, 06:57 PM
Thank you for posting this Uranian... Nassim rocks... mumbo-jumbo doesnt seem so out of touch anymore
While psychedics are for sure not for everybody - they are truly mind expanding. Consciousness has too often been portrayed as the cradle of evil, or in the lesser case as a complete unknown territory, hence the fearful aspect of it The powers that be do not want us to become more aware. Just imagine that 50% of population would find worthy answers and stop seeing materialism as the only way of life... The system would collapse, thats a simple as that.
Nonetheless the end of materialism is nearing... humans are spiritual in essence and many are about to grasp this. The upcoming global crash will prove itself revealing in that sense..
thanks too for all the interesting posting you do, goldissima, and for being prepared to take the smites to do it! i admire your tendency to be very forward about your investigations.
as to psychedelics, i tend to agree; the legal drugs are those that either make us work harder (caffeine) or that dull us (alcohol), while those that potentially expand our horizons (psychedelics) are banned. leary that said you can tell a society from the drugs it OKs and those it bans, i think. i know i am glad to have taken a few shrooms over the years, as these drugs can offer a perspective on one's self that nothing else (well, meditation) can, though they can of course be abused, too.
i'd also agree with you that we're spiritual beings having a physical experience that's about to become decidedly less physical, i think. and that the imminent economic dislocation is symptomatic of that.
sorry for the late reply!
26th June 2010, 09:11 AM
any knowledge gained outside of direct experience is faith.
LSD led to many new discoveries for myself.
books written by man than referred to as absolute is clearly out of order.
Thanks for the continued posts that offer other points of view. ;D
3rd July 2010, 07:12 PM
URANIAN: thanks too for all the interesting posting you do, goldissima, and for being prepared to take the smites to do it! i admire your tendency to be very forward about your investigations.
thanks fpr the compliment, I just noticed that my smites have gone up while i was away dramatically. Odd isnt it.
3rd July 2010, 07:16 PM
LSD led to many new discoveries for myself.
I was a teenager in the seventies, so I have experienced psychedelics quite much. I never flipped out... maybe because I am was born as a mind expander, so it didnt have any negative effect on me....
inner fear cause bad hallucinations... just like guns, one needs a fear-based-killer for the gun to harm. If you're anxious to start with, just stay way from psychedelics.
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