View Full Version : Feds Invade Amish Farm At 5am Over Raw Milk

23rd April 2010, 01:37 PM
Federal agents invaded an Amish farm in Pennsylvania at 5 a.m. to inspect cow-milking facilities then followed up the next day with a written notice that the farmer was engaged in interstate sale of raw milk in violation of the Public Health Services Act.

A failure to correct the situation could result in "seizure and/or injunction," the warning letter from Kirk Sooter, district director of the Philadelphia office of the Department of Health and Human Services, told farmer Dan Allgyer of Kinzers, Pa., on Wednesday.

The farm invaded Tuesday is the one agents visited in February, driving past "Private Property" signs to demand Allgyer open his property for their inspection, saying, "You have cows. You produce foodfor human consumption."

The case is being publicized by the National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, which promotes traditional methods of linking farmers with consumers.

Spokeswoman Deborah Stockton told WND Allgyer "is the type of farmer who exemplifies what we are trying to restore." On her organization's website is the commitment "to promote and preserve unregulated direct farmer-to-consumer trade that fosters availability of locally grown or home-produced food products."

She reported she got details directly from Allgyer of Tuesday's early morning inspection, which highlights the growing conflict between farmers who want to provide health food locally and federal regulators.

Allgyer could not be reached immediately for comment.

23rd April 2010, 01:41 PM
We must stop this clear and present danger to the United States of America. I guess all the real criminals left Pennsylvania already.

23rd April 2010, 01:46 PM
We must stop this clear and present danger to the United States of America. I guess all the real criminals left Pennsylvania already.

The Health Benefits of Raw Milk
Snip: Clean raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food. You could live on it exclusively if you had to.


23rd April 2010, 01:49 PM
Maybe those boys didn't get the memo that the murder rate in Philly is 3.04 times the national average. They should leave these poor white farmers alone and go after the black thugs.

mick silver
23rd April 2010, 01:49 PM
there after every thing that is good ... so every thing you buy comes from a big company ... bye bye little guy

23rd April 2010, 01:50 PM
When will those fools learn not to compete with corporate interest?

23rd April 2010, 01:51 PM
I guess I will delete the Amish humor pix since I figured this thread would pass in the murk without a reply.

It is very interesting to me what other people find interesting. ;D

23rd April 2010, 01:54 PM
I'd fight to protect the Amish. We have some around here. They don't bother anyone and don't owe anyone. They don't play slave debt games and they produce a lot of goods. If they're living wrong then I don't want to be right.

23rd April 2010, 01:58 PM
A judge is moving to the appellate level a case brought against a Wisconsin man by government officials demanding he provide names of friends who may buy or sell raw milk.

The threat against raw-milk activist Max Kane had been the possibility of being ruled in contempt of court for his refusal to provide the information to authorities, according to a report from an advocacy organization.

The dispute over the sale of raw milk by farmers directly to consumers has erupted in several locations in recent months in the United States and Canada. Proponents argue raw milk is healthier, and since it usually is a direct producer-to-consumer transaction the government has no interest in those deals.

Governments argue they do.

Now, according to a report from the Weston A. Price Foundation, which advocates for raw-milk farmers and consumers, Judge Michael Rosenborough denied a motion by the state of Wisconsin to compel Kane to reveal the names of farmers and consumers he believes could be producing or purchasing raw milk.

The report said Kane has lived since December under a court order to deliver the names to the state's Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. A month ago, Kane, helped by attorney Elizabeth Rich, requested a stay of the order in the Vernon County Court in Viroqua, Wis., to take the case to appeal.

The judge now has agreed.


24th August 2022, 08:53 AM
This is not about raw milk, but non USDA beef


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Miller’s Organic Farm: Fighting for Sustainability

LANCASTER NEWS (https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/category/lancaster-news/)
August 11, 2022 • 6,733 • 4 (https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/millers-organic-farm-fighting-for-sustainability/#post-comments)


Water buffalo stay cool in the shade at Miller's Organic Farm in Upper Leacock Township. (Michael Yoder/The Lancaster Patriot)By Michael Yoder

It’s the height of summer, and Amos Miller has much on his mind as he surveys the bounty of the land.

The Upper Leacock Amish farmer and proprietor of Miller’s Organic Farm thinks about the field of hay he must bale before an impending thunderstorm arrives. He studies his herd of 45 dairy cows staying cool underneath a grove of trees.

Miller contemplates ongoing food shortages that have hit grocery stores for months around the country.

He also has the looming threat of a possible jail sentence and more than $300,000 in fines in relation to his years-long court battle with the federal government over food safety laws and inspections of his operations.

Miller said federal officials were last on the farm about two months ago, while the government is “holding hostage” his case that’s currently in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and another case making its way through the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
“They’re just playing their difficult games,” Miller said.

The Miller family bale hay before an oncoming storm last week. (Michael Yoder/The Lancaster Patriot)

Case Update
Miller’s case has been making its way through the court system since 2016 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), represented by the U.S. Department of Justice, filed a civil action requiring Miller and Miller’s Organic Farm to comply with federal meat and poultry food safety statutes.

The USDA wants Miller to operate under the “Federal Grant of Inspection” before slaughtering, preparing, processing or selling for distribution certain meat and poultry products.

Miller had been slaughtering animals like cattle, chickens and pigs without federal inspections of his operation for several years. He argued that his business model of selling private club memberships to his Miller’s Organic Farm exempted him from federal regulations.

The DOJ won permanent injunctions against Miller in civil actions closed out in March 2017 and November 2019, while the FSIS later found Miller again out of compliance.

Another case was opened in 2021, and Miller was working on the compliance issues. He was eventually forced to stop selling most meat and poultry products earlier this year.

Late in 2021, Miller asked to remove his lawyer, Dallas-based attorney Steven Lafuente, from the case. Judge Edward G. Smith did not accept the motion to withdraw Lafuente.

Miller filed an “interlocutory appeal” with the Eastern District Court on May 10, which was assigned to the Third Circuit Court. In the appeal, Miller challenges Judge Smith’s decision to retain Lafuente as his lawyer.

The appeal charges that Judge Smith determined “that Amos Miller does not have the right to choose his own attorney” and that the decision was made in “error” and that the “judge was acting irrationally and beyond the confines of public policy.”

Miller and his wife, Rebecca, were originally set to appear before Judge Smith on Sept. 26 in the U.S. Courthouse in Easton for a show cause hearing to consider adding Rebecca as a defendant in the case, to examine compliance of paying $305,065 in fines and the possible incarceration of Amos “for his continuing civil contempt, until defendants make such payments.”

On Friday, the show cause hearing was ordered stayed as the Third Circuit Court case makes its way through the system, with Judge Smith “finding that good cause exists” for the delay.

In his motion for a stay of proceedings, Miller argues that the DOJ and Judge Smith violated his rights by threatening in the show cause order to “incarcerate not only Amos Miller but his spouse (an un-named party) to this action.”

“Defendant believes these actions are unconscionable actions that shock the conscience, and if RPII (real party in interest) were not Amish and being restrained by the Amish Elders, greater fear of man’s newspapers than God’s words in the Holy Bible would be actionable sounding in tort,” the motion stated.

Pete Kennedy, a Florida-based attorney who works with the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit organization promoting food freedom issues, said the Miller case stands as an important benchmark that could have widespread impacts on small farming operations.

“The meat regulations in this country favor the meat packers,” Kennedy said. “In the meantime, many people Amos’s size have gone out of business because of the regulations. People might not agree with the way he’s approaching things, but it’s an important fight. At the least you’d like to come out of this with a more favorable interpretation of the law by the USDA.”

Miller said that it’s the growing regulations that are causing some of the problems in the food supply that have appeared this year.

“One reason the food supply is getting low is because of the regulations that the government is forcing upon us,” Miller said. “They don’t allow farmers to be farmers, and it could run our country into a nightmare or chaos.”
https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/miller-2-1024x683.jpgThe mailbox for Miller’s Organic Farm sits along Mill Creek School Road in Upper Leacock Township. (Michael Yoder/The Lancaster Patriot)

Finding Alternatives
Not being able to sell beef, pork, chicken, turkey and other meat products has impacted his business, Miller said, but it has not slowed its growth. Miller’s Organic Farm has more than 4,000 members across the country, with products being sent to as far away as Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Miller said many farmers who have gone to a model of selling directly to customers have done well in their businesses. He said his business has almost tripled in size since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as customers sought out nutrient-dense foods and using what they eat as an alternative to pharmaceuticals.

“They like the connection and want to be connected to the farm,” Miller said.

Without the support of its members, Miller said, there was a real possibility the farm could disappear. He said it seems like the federal government “want to put them out of business.”
A GoFundMe account was created a few years ago, raising more than $115,000 from supporters to use for the farm’s legal fund. (Funds can now be donated through aGiveSendGo campaign (https://www.givesendgo.com/G3NZH).)

Miller said the farm’s members have also regularly reached out to comment to the government on the operation and to testify their support in court hearings. Miller said he has seen government officials impacted by the support from the community and have displayed unease about reactions from the public regarding the case.

“It’s getting in between the mother and a child by getting in the way of the people’s food supply, and they’re concerned about that,” Miller said.

Miller said his customers are actively seeking animals that are grass fed, regularly out in the fresh air and sunshine and that can enjoy the natural habitat. He said having animals outside in nature creates more nutrient dense and healthy food to consume.

The cows and other animals on the farm have access to alfalfa, hay and additional plants growing in the fields, including grass, herbs, dandelion, and burdock.

“It’s good to have diversity because each plant has its own special nutrition,” Miller said.

Besides the health benefits of allowing the animals to be outdoors, Miller said the farming process is more efficient. Instead of running tractors to harvest large fields of corn or soybeans for feed, the animals are permitted to be outside harvesting their own food by eating grasses and other crops and fertilizing the land with their own manure.

Miller said his members enjoy diverse choices for products, which has also allowed the farm to skirt some of the federal regulations.

Miller started raising water buffalo about five years ago, getting his first herd from animals raised in Arkansas. He said the water buffalo are good animals to breed because they are calm and docile if interacted with from birth, and the meat is a good alternative to beef that is less fatty.

The water buffalo can also be milked for their creamy milk used for traditional mozzarella cheese.
Since water buffalo are listed by the USDA as an exotic animal, Miller said, they are “not in their book to regulate,” allowing him to butcher them on the farm and sell to his customers. He said the water buffalo allow him to keep the meat supply of the farm better stocked.

When asked if there are any discussions in the local Amish or farming community about finding alternative farming methods to remain sustainable, Miller said there are not many talks about seeking replacements. He said most farmers are content to sell their products into the larger agricultural commodity market.

But Miller said with more and more consumers looking to buy directly from the farmers as food shortages become more regular, a new untapped market for producers is being created. He said people are looking to have connections to the people producing their food.

“They don’t trust the large corporations,” Miller said. “It’s not sustainable. For some reason the government keeps endorsing the large corporations, and it can cause big trouble.”

As for his own court case, Miller said if the USDA continues to enforce its regulations like it has done recently, the food supply will continue to get worse. He also said he fears the government is willing to do anything to win the case.

“But the truth will rise to the top,” Miller said. “Time will tell in the end what’s sustainable and what is not.”

midnight rambler
24th August 2022, 06:04 PM
This is not about raw milk, but non USDA beef

No, I disagree. This is much larger. They want to set a precedent that they can shut down private membership associations. If they can bust a large PMA with thousands of members (which are not harming a single living soul!) then they can take out anyone. The use of PMAs is our silver bullet IMO.

24th August 2022, 06:21 PM
No, I disagree. This is much larger. They want to set a precedent that they can shut down private membership associations. If they can bust a large PMA with thousands of members (which are not harming a single living soul!) then they can take out anyone. The use of PMAs is our silver bullet IMO.

Most of those people are U.S. Citizens and as such federal citizens subject to all the coccammamie laws every 3 and 4 letter agency can dream up.

Reserve your rights... What's that???

midnight rambler
24th August 2022, 06:26 PM
PMAs are the perfect way to bypass tyranny - peacefully. So long as everyone stands up to defend PMAs.

25th August 2022, 05:48 AM
A PMA is not a PEA although a bee can be a fish.

PEA is Private Expressive Association within which anyone express their ideas to other members. Aka Freedom of Speech.

PMA's to engage in commerce in restricted or prohibited goods/services is still commerce. If done in a non-IMF manner the Holy Church of the United Nations could be bypassed but not otherwise.

23rd December 2022, 01:03 PM
Amish Farmer Wins his court case can sell raw milk and meat

Amish farmer wins court battle for 'food freedom,' can return to selling raw meat and milk (https://thepostmillennial.com/amish-farmer-wins-court-battle-for-food-freedom-can-return-to-selling-raw-meat-and-milk)

The Post Millennial (https://thepostmillennial.com/?utm_campaign=64483)Dec 23, 2022
Use code TPM for up to 66% off at

“The USDA wants to take what was supposed to be an interstate labeling law and use it to regulate what foods you can and cannot put into your own body.”





An Amish (https://thepostmillennial.com/amish-community-first-in-us-to-achieve-herd-immunity/?utm_campaign=64483) farmer is back to be able to sell raw milk and meat after a US Appeals Court dropped a $300,000 (https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2022/03/marshals-ordered-to-use-reasonable-force-to-gain-access-for-court-expert/) fine against him is allowing him to resume selling raw milk meat. Amos Miller does not use antibacterial chemicals to sterilize his products, which means it is considered “adulterated,” by the USDA.

According to Food Safety News (https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2022/12/amos-miller-gets-an-option-for-2023-of-paying-less-and-avoiding-jail-for-a-civil-action/), in a deal negotiated by Miller’s lawyer last week, the $300,000 in fines was negotiated down to $55,000 payable over the next six months and Miller’s contempt of court hearing has been canceled, with the case having been put in stay and abeyance, provided that the farmer makes the payments.

Earlier this year, Amos’s farm, located in the Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, which has been operating for nearly 30 years, was raided by armed federal agents (https://www.rebelnews.com/update_armed_feds_raid_miller_s_organic_farm) who demanded he cease operations for allegedly failing to comply with federal regulations. His claim is that the regulations of the USDA are not actually good for the food he produces. A federal judge ordered the farmer to stop selling his product.

Miller’s spokeswoman Anke Meyn told the Return To Now (https://returntonow.net/2022/12/20/amish-farmer-amos-miller-wins-battle-in-war-for-food-freedom-in-us-appeals-court/) blog, “The USDA processing plants require the meat to be treated with a chemical cocktail of citric acid, lactic acid and peracetic acid. It’s not citric acid from oranges or lactic acid from sauerkraut. It’s all created in a lab. It’s a synthetic sterilizer that causes many health problems.”

The judge had sentenced Miller to jail for “contempt of court,” a trial for which was due to begin December 16, and was going to shut down his farm if he did not pay in excess of $300,000 in fines. His attorney Robert Barnes said in an interview (https://rumble.com/v209p4o-update-amos-miller-the-amish-farmer-targeted-by-the-usda-viva-and-barnes-hi.html), “Amos Miller will not be spending Christmas in jail and is no longer facing imminent bankruptcy.”

Miller will also be allowed to sell meat that’s been locked up in his freezers “so his farm can survive economically while a longer-term solution is negotiated.” Miller has customers from all over the US as part of his private food club for his organic meat and dairy products.

“The long-term solution is to enact a ‘custom exception plan’ that allows people to get the food they want, and farmers to make it the way they want, without the government overseeing it,” Barnes said (http://rumble.com/v1lmng7-why-the-amos-miller-amish-farmer-persecution-is-important-for-everyone-viva.html).

“Here you have a case of people saying, ‘I don’t want food the way the USDA wants it,’ and ‘they’re saying nope, you can’t have it that way,'” Barnes said.

Barnes said regarding Miller’s private, farm-share-buying club, "If you’re shopping at Miller’s farm, you’re not doing it by accident. Amos Miller doesn’t sell food to anyone who doesn’t want it exactly how he’s making it.”

“The USDA wants to take what was supposed to be an interstate labeling law and use it to regulate what foods you can and cannot put into your own body," he continued.

“Look at any study of the Amish and you will find by almost any health metric, they are healthier than the people living off USDA-approved food. And the USDA, you know what they think is healthy? Bill Gates’ synthetic corn … his fake beef.”

“This is about the USDA’s attempt to monopolize our food supply, and they targeted an Amish farmer to set the precedent.”
Though the Amish typically eschew publicity, Pennsylvania (https://thepostmillennial.com/pennsylvania-senate-candidate-kathy-barnette-reveals?utm_campaign=64483) farmer Amos Miller decided to take on the USDA in the media over the agency's targeting of him and other small organic farmers for the sale of raw milk and meat.



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