View Full Version : The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup

23rd April 2010, 02:01 PM
The back-to-back, double whammy announcements that PepsiCo (PEP) is ditching high fructose corn syrup in Gatorade along with the results of a scathing new study from researchers at Princeton make it official — allies of the controversial sweetener have lost the war.

For years, the Corn Refiners Association, a trade group consisting of companies like Cargill and ADM (ADM), has been hammering away at the bad press gushing out about high fructose corn syrup. In ads, in the press and online, they argue that the sweetener is a perfectly natural product and that it is no worse for you than regular old sugar.

To which consumers have responded with a collective “Yeah, right.” Con Agra (CAG) is taking HFCS out of its Hunt’s ketchup, Kraft (KFT) is banishing it from Wheat Thins and you will no longer find it in Snapple drinks. It’s all in response to what food companies say is overwhelming consumer demand. “We know moms don’t like it, and they don’t want to feed it to their kids,” supermarket expert Phil Lempert told Ad Age. Last month, outraged San Francisco parents forced high fructose corn syrup out of chocolate milk in the school system. More products are sure to follow.

Rightly or wrongly, HFCS is deeply entrenched as the most popular symbol of the growing consumer distrust of a food system that churns out nutritionally empty, overprocessed foods with a long list of strange, unpronounceable ingredients.

And now the Princeton study gives HFCS foes the scientific bombshell they’ve been looking for, since actual evidence that eating lots of HFCS is going makes you fatter and unhealthier than simply eating lots of sugar is scant. The university reports that rats that ate HFCS gained significantly more weight than those that ate table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same. The fact that the results of this study may be based on inconclusive results and thus not really offer convincing evidence, as NYU nutrition expert and no fan of HFCS Marion Nestle, points out, will likely get lost in the shuffle.

If only the Corn Refiners Association had changed the name of their beleaguered product, things might have worked out differently. Despite its name, high fructose corn syrup is only marginally higher in fructose, which has been clearly linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome, than regular sugar. (The fructose however is not chemically bonded to glucose as it is in sugar and thus more freely available to the body, so that could actually make a difference, though it’s never been proven).

But when you’re trying to tell people that your product doesn’t have a lot of fructose, but it’s called high fructose corn syrup, it’s a bit like naming your new butter alternative Extra Trans Fat Margarine. No one’s going to buy it.

mick silver
23rd April 2010, 02:06 PM
it will never go away there just way to much money in it for the rich to let it go

23rd April 2010, 02:20 PM
They'll just rename it.

I am me, I am free
23rd April 2010, 02:21 PM
it will never go away there just way to much money in it for the rich to let it go

Which is why it will be re-named to conceal what it is, like has been done with MSG.

23rd April 2010, 02:58 PM
It's a start, but I will be happy when it's gone from all products.

23rd April 2010, 04:04 PM
I'm glad to see that consumer demand is finally having an effect. It would be nice to finally find a soda with cane sugar again.

23rd April 2010, 05:49 PM
I'm glad to see that consumer demand is finally having an effect. It would be nice to finally find a soda with cane sugar again.

Our Costco in MN has been selling Mexican Coke-Cola w/ sugar for several months now.

23rd April 2010, 06:04 PM
They'll just rename it.

yeah i'm sure it'll be like msg turning into "natural flavor", "spices", etc

23rd April 2010, 07:13 PM
I might even have a Coke again, as long as it is made with real sugar and in a glass bottle. The current swill tastes awful....

mick silver
23rd April 2010, 07:32 PM
as a kid i remember drinking coke out of a glass bottle and when it was ice cold there nothing like it

23rd April 2010, 08:02 PM
The faster HFCS goes the better.

I just wonder what the next big poison will be for mass marketing. It's got to be in something that we eat tons of, and is some sort of additive that will have some superficial benefit...

Is there a way to get radioactive waste somehow worked into BBQ sauce, or perhaps bottled water? :P

23rd April 2010, 09:01 PM
The elites wised up and got rid of that name Aspartame. Thank goodness the new AminoSweet is SAFE and ALL NATURAL!

Why do I think that you ask?

Here's a picture of some hot chick eating fruit:
http://www.aminosweet.info/images/ben_main.jpg (http://www.aminosweet.info/benefits/benefits.asp)

Festina Lente
23rd April 2010, 09:06 PM
Is there a way to get radioactive waste somehow worked into BBQ sauce, or perhaps bottled water? :P

I know it is not radioactive, but isn't fluoride a byproduct of the nuclear industry?

We must protect the integrity of our precious bodily fluids... ;D

The elites wised up and got rid of that name Aspartame. Thank goodness the new AminoSweet is ALL NATURAL!

So here's a picture of some hot chick eating fruit to let you know how safe it is:
http://www.aminosweet.info/images/ben_main.jpg (http://www.aminosweet.info/benefits/benefits.asp)

She is pretty hot. Almost hot enough to make me want to try AminoSweet :sarc:

willie pete
23rd April 2010, 09:10 PM
as a kid i remember drinking coke out of a glass bottle and when it was ice cold there nothing like it

Yep, those were the days, we used to play a game with the coke bottles, back then, on the bottom was where the bottle had been made or where it had been bottled, there was a city on it, so who ever had the city farther away, had to pay

23rd April 2010, 09:43 PM
Is there a way to get radioactive waste somehow worked into BBQ sauce, or perhaps bottled water? :P

I know it is not radioactive, but isn't fluoride a byproduct of the nuclear industry?

We must protect the integrity of our precious bodily fluids... ;D

The elites wised up and got rid of that name Aspartame. Thank goodness the new AminoSweet is ALL NATURAL!

So here's a picture of some hot chick eating fruit to let you know how safe it is:
http://www.aminosweet.info/images/ben_main.jpg (http://www.aminosweet.info/benefits/benefits.asp)

She is pretty hot. Almost hot enough to make me want to try AminoSweet :sarc:

You're darn right we do. I heard that sodium flouride was a byproduct of the aluminum industry.

Aspartame cannot go away quickly enough either. >:(

23rd April 2010, 10:27 PM


23rd April 2010, 11:32 PM
They've had kosher coke for years. No HFCS, only sugar.

Versions of Pepsi and Mountain Dew without HFCS are now available.

Of course, the same moms that buy these products also buy the fluoridated bottled water.

23rd April 2010, 11:44 PM
as a kid i remember drinking coke out of a glass bottle and when it was ice cold there nothing like it

Yep, those were the days, we used to play a game with the coke bottles, back then, on the bottom was where the bottle had been made or where it had been bottled, there was a city on it, so who ever had the city farther away, had to pay

It's amazing to hear stories like these. Such seemingly-trivial occurrences would never have happened in my upbringing. I was a child of the shopping mall, of stuff made out of plastic, of the internet bubble, of safety precautions, and of other sordid trappings of turn-of-the-century progress.

24th April 2010, 05:26 PM
HFCS is terrible, and should be removed, if the drink companies want to keep their sales numbers. I'm surprised the sugar cartel hasn't lobbied more against the corn cartel. No doubt they just don't have as much money.

Eliminate all subsidies for corn, and HFCS will be gone within a few years.

25th April 2010, 03:49 PM
Truevia (sp) is the next killer sweatener for the sheep to be fattened up for the kill.

22nd May 2017, 04:18 PM
anyone remember ole MarketNeutral? :cool: This thread had the most reads/replies of all search results with "Corn Syrup" in the title.

So yes, g'bye HFCS; hello NATURAL SWEETENER! :D

High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed (http://yournewswire.com/high-fructose-corn-syrup-renamed/)
... High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed Sci ... Home Sci/Environment High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed


High fructose corn syrup is a killer. Since humans started consuming it, obesity rates have more than tripled and diabetes incidence has increased more than seven fold since. Even when used in moderation (http://drhyman.com/blog/2011/05/13/5-reasons-high-fructose-corn-syrup-will-kill-you/) it is a major cause of heart disease, obesity, cancer, dementia, liver failure, tooth decay, and more.

I'm liking this lady's new blog, dinjoo-wise truthiness, check it out: Cindy Garay (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eREI-ZTEqrl4Shoc7hthw/videos)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RqIqSXIJ9QM/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=Auk0n0Ok2eEEMr93-npYmSW4_iM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqIqSXIJ9QM) 5:30
WARNING: FDA Relabels DEADLY Corn-Syrup as Natural Sweetner! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqIqSXIJ9QM)

3 hours ago