View Full Version : Gold-Silver.US Now has a Thunderdome!

24th April 2010, 12:53 PM
OK, folks...
JohnQPublic has generously donated the time and effort to create a Thunderdome section, in the members-only area, for conflict resolution. Here's how it works.

If you are posting along in a mainstream thread, and find yourself getting in a heated argument with mamboni about bagels, and feel the need to start hurling insults at each other, a moderator or other members can ask you to "take it to the Thunderdome" to continue your bagel-related hatred. This will keep the main forum threads from degenerating into cries for bagel-control and why bagels kick @zz... and allow the regularly scheduled thread's discussion to proceed. Meanwhile, mamboni and the bagel lover can head off to The Thunderdome to continue hurling bagel-related insults at each other! Ain't life great? ;D

The Thunderdome has it's own rules. They are posted at the top in a locked and stickied thread that will always remain there. Basically, personal attacks are allowed there, but NO ILLEGAL DEATH THREATS.

What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the thunderdome... it is a bannable offense to talk about thunderdome activities anywhere else on this forum. All Thunderdome threads will be deleted once per day, at a random time.

Here's the link to the Thunderdome:


Read the rules there before doing anything else. I'm stickying this thread and leaving it open for questions, if any of you have them.


24th April 2010, 12:57 PM
This seems positively portentious to me - a great way to blow off steam and clear the air, like a virtual no-holds-barred cage match.

......do you smell that smell?..... do you?....the faint aroma....I smell bagels. :box

24th April 2010, 01:06 PM
Who run Bartertown?

24th April 2010, 01:25 PM
Thanks, JQP & Gaillo.

All Thunderdome threads will be deleted once per day, at a random time.

Not trying to argue- just asking, why delete the TD threads?

24th April 2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks, JQP & Gaillo.

All Thunderdome threads will be deleted once per day, at a random time.

Not trying to argue- just asking, why delete the TD threads?

The purpose is to prevent long-term hard feelings, and preventing of an "archive" of bad feelings and name calling from being created. Sometimes people actually become friends after disagreements and hatred, and there's no need to "preserve" past problems that might end up being regretful after the fact.

24th April 2010, 02:55 PM
Thanks, JQP & Gaillo.

All Thunderdome threads will be deleted once per day, at a random time.

Not trying to argue- just asking, why delete the TD threads?

The purpose is to prevent long-term hard feelings, and preventing of an "archive" of bad feelings and name calling from being created. Sometimes people actually become friends after disagreements and hatred, and there's no need to "preserve" past problems that might end up being regretful after the fact.

I can see the logic, it seems like it could turn out to be a subtle form of censorship, though. Thanks. :)

24th April 2010, 03:11 PM
Not trying to argue- just asking, why delete the TD threads?

So the drunken fool can just forget his public slander and defamation and do it over and over and over again.

Deleting threads is dishonest on it's face.


24th April 2010, 03:16 PM
The purpose is to prevent long-term hard feelings, and preventing of an "archive" of bad feelings and name calling from being created. Sometimes people actually become friends after disagreements and hatred, and there's no need to "preserve" past problems that might end up being regretful after the fact.
I try not to hold hard feelings. My greatest adversary on one thread is my greatest ally on another, and vice versa. It usually comes around.

24th April 2010, 03:26 PM

it is a bannable offense to talk about thunderdome activities anywhere else on this forum.

24th April 2010, 03:28 PM
What happens in TD stays in TD.

24th April 2010, 03:47 PM
I see no thunderdome!

I clicked on the link and it says this, "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. ".

24th April 2010, 03:52 PM
I see no thunderdome!

I clicked on the link and it says this, "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. ".

I'll check into it with JohnQPublic - I know there are several members who have already posted there... I'll get back to you.

24th April 2010, 04:02 PM
Thanks, JQP & Gaillo.

All Thunderdome threads will be deleted once per day, at a random time.

Not trying to argue- just asking, why delete the TD threads?

The purpose is to prevent long-term hard feelings, and preventing of an "archive" of bad feelings and name calling from being created. Sometimes people actually become friends after disagreements and hatred, and there's no need to "preserve" past problems that might end up being regretful after the fact.

I can see the logic, it seems like it could turn out to be a subtle form of censorship, though. Thanks. :)

So the drunken fool can just forget his public slander and defamation and do it over and over and over again.

Deleting threads is dishonest on it's face.

Absolutely right. The deletion of TD threads is the slippery slope to censorship, it may take awhile but GSUS will turn into GIM2 in time. The reason this board is thriving is because FREE SPEECH is allowed with almost complete ABSENCE OF CENSORSHIP, just enough to keep it from descending into chaos. People need to be able to see what other members have posted. And people need to be able to see when a member has deleted his/her threads or posts. I don't think threads can be deleted by members? If so, that is GOOD. There needs to be as much transparency as technologically possible.

I also disagree that the original thread should remain in the subforum it started in (if I understood correctly), but the posters having intense disagreement are individually moved to TD with their comments. The entire thread should be moved to TD. How can an individual look at the arguments and come to their own conclusion based on the information if the thread is broken up, along with the flow, and other members input. Threads are organic, in a way, they should be allowed to bear whatever fruit they will bear until no one has anything else to add. Are we a bunch of pansies that need to have our sensibilities protected by Big Brother? If someone wants to quit the thread, or stop reading it because it's too heated, or moved to the TD, then let them. This deleting or breaking up of of threads is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

I try not to hold hard feelings. My greatest adversary on one thread is my greatest ally on another, and vice versa. It usually comes around.
RJB, you are so right! We are all adults here, we are in charge of our own emotions. If we can't forgive and forget what someone has said in the past, and we want to continually revisit the thread to rekindle bad feelings, that's our own problem. We don't need moderation to help us temper our emotions, or to move on. Bravo!

24th April 2010, 04:09 PM

it is a bannable offense to talk about thunderdome activities anywhere else on this forum.

And this rule is absurd! I missed that, thanks Cebu. If this rule is applied, the truth about something brought out in the TD is deleted and forgotten. It disappears into the information black hole. This is ridiculous.

Sorry, I guess I do want to argue. Will it become a bannable offense now to argue with the leadership? Come on guys, please don't ruin the very successful board that you started and nurtured.

1970 Silver Art
24th April 2010, 04:22 PM
This seems positively portentious to me - a great way to blow off steam and clear the air, like a virtual no-holds-barred cage match.

......do you smell that smell?..... do you?....the faint aroma....I smell bagels. :box

Actually it smells like the cream cheese that is on the bagels. The bagels are ALWAYS innocent of any wrongdoing. ;D

24th April 2010, 04:39 PM
Or maybe GSUSers don't deserve free speech.

1970 Silver Art
24th April 2010, 04:50 PM
This is just my opinion but I think that any TD threads should be kept. They should not be deleted. Correct me If I am wrong here but I think that there were some threads on GIM1 that had some personal attacks and name calling but they were not deleted by the mods.

Besides, free speech will not always be pretty and "Ugly" free speech should be allowed just like "Pretty" free speech is allowed.

I think that most of us can mentally "filter out" what we do not like to see on the internet forums.

24th April 2010, 04:58 PM
People need to be able to see what other members have posted. And people need to be able to see when a member has deleted his/her threads or posts.


I agree Greenbear but for a more practical reason. The very concept of Thunderdome is to once-and-for all settle contention between two members rather then tolerate their constant thread-jacking. If their posts are "removed" within Thunderdome daily that only gives the annoying ankle-biters repeated opportunities to stalk their victim, getinvited to the Thunderdome, get spanked, immediately get pardoned, then rinse and repeat over and over again.

Yawn. Why bother?


24th April 2010, 05:00 PM
Consider it as a drunk tank, everyone is sprung eventually.

24th April 2010, 05:03 PM
Consider it as a drunk tank, everyone is sprung eventually.


Totally different situation from the Thunderdome.


24th April 2010, 05:36 PM

24th April 2010, 05:50 PM
People need to be able to see what other members have posted. And people need to be able to see when a member has deleted his/her threads or posts.


I agree Greenbear but for a more practical reason. The very concept of Thunderdome is to once-and-for all settle contention between two members rather then tolerate their constant thread-jacking. If their posts are "removed" within Thunderdome daily that only gives the annoying ankle-biters repeated opportunities to stalk their victim, getinvited to the Thunderdome, get spanked, immediately get pardoned, then rinse and repeat over and over again.

Yawn. Why bother?


Great point. Also, the thread should not be broken up. Even if TD threads are not deleted, the splintering of the thread is still manipulation of information by the mods who are not perfect people, either. It changes the dynamics of the forum. Making the arguments viewable by members only is fine. If a lurker wants to see the outcome, they can register. That's my opinion.

24th April 2010, 06:01 PM
Great point. Also, the thread should not be broken up. Even if TD threads are not deleted, the splintering of the thread is still manipulation of information by the mods who are not perfect people, either. It changes the dynamics of the forum.


1) The original hijacked thread should remain unedited so bystanders can review the initial call for Thunderdome.

2) Thunderdome should only have thread titles like prizefights identifying the contenders: Member1 v. Member2.

3) Nobody allowed to post in those Thunderdome threads except the two contenders.


24th April 2010, 06:13 PM
You just have to love it! LMAO this place is cool.

1) The original hijacked thread should remain unedited so bystanders can review the initial call for Thunderdome.

2) Thunderdome should only have thread titles like prizefights identifying the contenders: Member1 v. Member2.

3) Nobody allowed to post in those Thunderdome threads except the two contenders.

24th April 2010, 06:25 PM
Great point. Also, the thread should not be broken up. Even if TD threads are not deleted, the splintering of the thread is still manipulation of information by the mods who are not perfect people, either. It changes the dynamics of the forum.


1) The original hijacked thread should remain unedited so bystanders can review the initial call for Thunderdome.

2) Thunderdome should only have thread titles like prizefights identifying the contenders: Member1 v. Member2.

3) Nobody allowed to post in those Thunderdome threads except the two contenders.


I believe the founding fathers crafted the most perfect form of government humanly possible to protect individuals and states from tyranny. Their overriding premise was that men are evil and will always seek to usurp power given the opportunity , so they created checks and balances for all three branches of government to protect individual rights.

No offense to the mods, but they are subject to bias just like anybody else. They may not even be fully aware of their bias, like every other member here. The power to break up a thread by removing two contentious participants and placing their arguments separately in another thread is not a good idea. This can even unknowingly be used to stifle debate, and separate the debate from other parties that may be pro or con, or have further insight. And it is arbitrary, a mod can break up a fight and move it to a "sterile"thread where no one else can even comment, whenever his viewpoint is being threatened if he so chooses. It is censorship plain and simple.

24th April 2010, 06:38 PM
The power to break up a thread by removing two contentious participants and placing their arguments separately in another thread is not a good idea.


1) This is the very premise of Thunderdome. Have you seen the movie Greenbear?

2) Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) died in a duel...so much for your references to our civilized founding fathers...lol.



24th April 2010, 06:47 PM
Many times, I love those movies. LOL. The name Thunderdome is catchy, I like it. But the name we put on the thing itself should not determine what we hope to accomplish by the thing. My points are good ones, I think. My concern is not that we conform GSUS's Thunderdome to the function it provided in the movie, but that it does not stifle free speech, or lend itself to subtle forms of censorship. Call me an unpractical dreamer, if you like. :) Moving contentious parties from a thread is a very bad idea.

24th April 2010, 07:35 PM
Where did you guys see that a thread would be torn all to shyt? I read that a mod or other people can suggest that the fighters should take it to the TD. The TD is a gift that I have not saw on any other forum yet you continue to cry bias and censorship. Take it to the ThunderDome people!

24th April 2010, 07:58 PM
Where did you guys see that a thread would be torn all to shyt? I read that a mod or other people can suggest that the fighters should take it to the TD. The TD is a gift that I have not saw on any other forum yet you continue to cry bias and censorship. Take it to the ThunderDome people!

Thank you, Cebu.
Implementation of the Thunderdome is the result of almost 2 weeks of backroom discussion between the mods, JohnQPublic, and suggestions from the forum members in the Board Communications section. This thing ALMOST didn't happen, but I convinced JQP that it could be made workable, and that his concerns about lawsuits, archives of bad feelings, and overall ill-will being brought out of the Thunderdome to pollute other threads could be addressed in a rational, workable way. The end result is what has been offered, after much hard work and dialog.

I'm truly sorry that it doesn't meet everyone's liking, and live up to the "free speech seal of approval" for some of you - but it was either go with the Thunderdome in its present form, or not at all. I'm personally OK with what has been settled on, I think it will be a useful tool for members and moderators alike, and give some of us an outlet for our anger and resentment, without resorting to the banhammer option.

Let's see how it turns out... before we start criticizing it excessively.

24th April 2010, 08:30 PM
Amen Gaillo,

Those criticizing even before seeing it being used gets me the most. I still have not made my way there due to catching up on everything else. I feel it will be like walking midway into the UFC and taking it all in as new.
Once the fight is over no matter what the judges say you take away your own jist of it all.

Is there a way to set it to autopilot to delete posts after say 24-48 hours with this software, That WOULD be the ultimate! Also set it not to be copy-pasted :-) just for the fun of the ones that missed things hahaha.

24th April 2010, 08:46 PM
I really like this, seriously this is great! All we need is some Elites and weapons and we'll take control of our own destiny.


24th April 2010, 09:08 PM
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. "

Still getting that message.

24th April 2010, 09:31 PM
Wait, can I say "any of you fucking homos touch me..., and I'll kill you!" ? ;D

24th April 2010, 10:12 PM
Where is Masonic Plot ? Thunderdome. LOL

Just kidding, I welcomed my old nemesis on here,
we both know the score, I just don't like dishonest
people, trolls, he is honest about being dishonest,
or something like that, lol , that's my take anyways,
I am sure he would disagree.

I even made him feel at home.

Where'd he go anyways, this place is quiet.

And he is a nice guy after all, offering me free books.

24th April 2010, 11:48 PM
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. "

Still getting that message.
I think one needs to have at least 30 posts ( Tantalum).

25th April 2010, 05:27 AM

25th April 2010, 08:29 AM
Where is Masonic Plot ? Where'd he go anyways, this place is quiet.
I actually had him on my friends list when he was Beaker. Say what you want about him but he made me laugh even when I disagreed with him. Since we will have trolls, we might as well have good ones rather than annoying ones.

25th April 2010, 08:35 AM
Here are some people I'd avoid in the thunder dome:

Anyone with wit who doesn't get angry:

I think Percival would be tough if the gloves came off since his goal is to make the other guy mad, then his sense of humor gets his opponent.

Book would be someone else who has a sense of humor who doesn't lose his temper.

1970silverbar and Stackerken-- watch out for the silent type and if I did something to make these to even tempered gentlemen angry, I would already have the forum against me because what ever I did to anger them must have been REALLY BAD.

I add Osaka to that list because I haven't figured him out yet.

Greenbear 'cause she's tough and tenacious.

At almost all costs I'd avoid Mamboni. His wit is already razor keen, but unlike most, he's actually sharper when angry. I probably missed a few, but this is my list.

1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 09:30 AM
Here are some people I'd avoid in the thunder dome:

Anyone with wit who doesn't get angry:

I think Percival would be tough if the gloves came off since his goal is to make the other guy mad, then his sense of humor gets his opponent.

Book would be someone else who has a sense of humor who doesn't lose his temper.

1970silverbar and Stackerken-- watch out for the silent type and if I did something to make these to even tempered gentlemen angry, I would already have the forum against me because what ever I did to anger them must have been REALLY BAD.

I add Osaka to that list because I haven't figured him out yet.

Greenbear 'cause she's tough and tenacious.

At almost all costs I'd avoid Mamboni. His wit is already razor keen, but unlike most, he's actually sharper when angry. I probably missed a few, but this is my list.

Who me? Nah. I am harmless poster. There is no need to fear me. I would not even hurt a fly. Honestly speaking, I am just a pansy and have always been a pansy. I wear my pansy "badge" with honor. :ROFL:

I generally do not want to be in the thunderdome as a "participant" but I would not mind being a "spectator" watching the "participants" go at at each other. ;D

25th April 2010, 09:44 AM
Here are some people I'd avoid in the thunder dome:

Anyone with wit who doesn't get angry:

I think Percival would be tough if the gloves came off since his goal is to make the other guy mad, then his sense of humor gets his opponent.

Book would be someone else who has a sense of humor who doesn't lose his temper.

1970silverbar and Stackerken-- watch out for the silent type and if I did something to make these to even tempered gentlemen angry, I would already have the forum against me because what ever I did to anger them must have been REALLY BAD.

I add Osaka to that list because I haven't figured him out yet.

Greenbear 'cause she's tough and tenacious.

At almost all costs I'd avoid Mamboni. His wit is already razor keen, but unlike most, he's actually sharper when angry. I probably missed a few, but this is my list.

Who me? Nah. I am harmless poster. There is no need to fear me. I would not even hurt a fly. Honestly speaking, I am just a pansy and have always been a pansy. I wear my pansy "badge" with honor. :ROFL:

I generally do not want to be in the thunderdome as a "participant" but I would not mind being a "spectator" watching the "participants" go at at each other. ;D

Thunderdome Rules

Rule 1 - Personal attacks are allowed in this section, but NO ILLEGAL THREATS OF VIOLENCE. All other forum rules still apply. If you object to vulgarity, personal attacks, or reading disturbing content, please LEAVE NOW.

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.

Rule 3 - ALL threads in this section WILL be deleted daily, at a random and unannounced time chosen by the moderators or site owner. Don't ask when this will happen, you won't be told.

Rule 4 - Moderators reserve the option to delete ANY post or thread in this section, AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY REASON - without warning or explanation.

:oo--> dumbass...lol.

philo beddoe
25th April 2010, 09:58 AM
Wait, can I say "any of you f*cking homos touch me..., and I'll kill you!" ? ;D
"lighten up Francis"

philo beddoe
25th April 2010, 10:01 AM
I add Os(ky)a(vi)k(e)a to that list because I haven't figured him out yet.

fixed it for ya...... ;)

1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 10:07 AM
Here are some people I'd avoid in the thunder dome:

Anyone with wit who doesn't get angry:

I think Percival would be tough if the gloves came off since his goal is to make the other guy mad, then his sense of humor gets his opponent.

Book would be someone else who has a sense of humor who doesn't lose his temper.

1970silverbar and Stackerken-- watch out for the silent type and if I did something to make these to even tempered gentlemen angry, I would already have the forum against me because what ever I did to anger them must have been REALLY BAD.

I add Osaka to that list because I haven't figured him out yet.

Greenbear 'cause she's tough and tenacious.

At almost all costs I'd avoid Mamboni. His wit is already razor keen, but unlike most, he's actually sharper when angry. I probably missed a few, but this is my list.

Who me? Nah. I am harmless poster. There is no need to fear me. I would not even hurt a fly. Honestly speaking, I am just a pansy and have always been a pansy. I wear my pansy "badge" with honor. :ROFL:

I generally do not want to be in the thunderdome as a "participant" but I would not mind being a "spectator" watching the "participants" go at at each other. ;D

Thunderdome Rules

Rule 1 - Personal attacks are allowed in this section, but NO ILLEGAL THREATS OF VIOLENCE. All other forum rules still apply. If you object to vulgarity, personal attacks, or reading disturbing content, please LEAVE NOW.

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.

Rule 3 - ALL threads in this section WILL be deleted daily, at a random and unannounced time chosen by the moderators or site owner. Don't ask when this will happen, you won't be told.

Rule 4 - Moderators reserve the option to delete ANY post or thread in this section, AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY REASON - without warning or explanation.

:oo--> dumbass...lol.

I noticed the rules. However, did you notice the title of this thread?

You might want to look at yourself in the mirror before you call someone else a dumbass. Just saying.......

25th April 2010, 10:12 AM
You might want to look at yourself in the mirror before you call someone else a dumbass. Just saying.......

You might want to look and notice that you posted this thread in the General Discussion Section. Just saying...lol


Thunderdome Rules

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.

1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 10:19 AM
You might want to look at yourself in the mirror before you call someone else a dumbass. Just saying.......

You might want to look and notice that you posted this thread in the General Discussion Section. Just saying...lol


Thunderdome Rules

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.

What Thunderdome content? What Thunderdome happenings? I do not see anything. :ROFL:

Once again, did you notice the title of this thread? I did not start this thread. Gaillo started this thread and besides I did nothing wrong. This thread does not count book.

25th April 2010, 11:28 AM
Once again, did you notice the title of this thread?

The Topic switcheroo? LOL. Did you?

25th April 2010, 11:41 AM
The Topic switcheroo? LOL. Did you?

Fine. Ban me. LOL

1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 11:45 AM
Once again, did you notice the title of this thread?

The Topic switcheroo? LOL. Did you?

I did not change the topic of this thread. It was the poster before me that did the topic switcheroo. Noticed that it said "Re: People I don't want to face off with in the Thunderdome!". I was responding to a previous post that was posted. I was responding to another poster above me that did the topic switcheroo.

It was not me that did the topic switcheroo. Good try Book. :ROFL:

1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 11:51 AM
The Topic switcheroo? LOL. Did you?

Fine. Ban me. LOL


You are NOT going to get banned for posting on this thread about the Thunderdome that was started by Gaillo. This thread is just an announcement that the Thunderdome is now available on GSUS.

RJB, you are innocent of all "charges". You are cleared to post. :ROFL:

25th April 2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks Silver bar. I was runnin' scared for a moment.

25th April 2010, 12:11 PM
I tend to see things in black and white. ;D I was looking at it from solely the perspective of possible censorship due to moderator bias, even unknowingly. But there are obviously other considerations, like making this a place where people actually want to be, rather than some kind of Animal House with no rules of conduct. So far I think JQP and the mods have proven their objective is to make GSUS the kind of place that GIM1 should have been, or maybe even was at one time. I didn't mean to cast aspersions on the leadership's commitment to making GSUS a forum for free expression of ideas, since that is obviously what they have accomplished here. I still don't think threads should be deleted, but what do I know... :)

25th April 2010, 12:21 PM
I didn't mean to cast aspersions on the leadership's commitment to making GSUS a forum for free expression of ideas, since that is obviously what they have accomplished here.


Feel free to haul a Mod into Thunderdome anytime they disrespect you Greenbear. Thunderdome isn't just for guys.

I'll even hold your betting money while you take care of business...lol.


25th April 2010, 12:23 PM
I'm just a fragile flower, Book. I don't like Thunderdome stuff.


25th April 2010, 12:42 PM
I'm just a fragile flower, Book. I don't like Thunderdome stuff.


Female fighter Tara LaRosa. She’s the best female fighter in the world and just so happens to be from Woodstown, N.J. Woodstown is one of those small south Jersey towns that is so out of the way that if you pass through it, you’re either on your way to Atlantic City or hopelessly lost.

“I can name any flower in the world,” she told me. “I can tell you how to grow anything, what kind of light it needs, where you should plant it.” So, LaRosa, who has a BJJ purple belt, also has a green thumb.


No way are you gonna seduce me into the Thunderdome with that fragile flower ruse Greenbear...lol.


1970 Silver Art
25th April 2010, 01:04 PM
I am definitely NOT thunderdome material IMO. I am too nice of a guy to ever be a thunderdome participant. I will be just a "spectator" and just watch from the "sidelines". ;D

25th April 2010, 01:13 PM
I'm just a fragile flower, Book. I don't like Thunderdome stuff.


Female fighter Tara LaRosa. She’s the best female fighter in the world and just so happens to be from Woodstown, N.J. Woodstown is one of those small south Jersey towns that is so out of the way that if you pass through it, you’re either on your way to Atlantic City or hopelessly lost.

“I can name any flower in the world,” she told me. “I can tell you how to grow anything, what kind of light it needs, where you should plant it.” So, LaRosa, who has a BJJ purple belt, also has a green thumb.


No way are you gonna seduce me into the Thunderdome with that fragile flower ruse Greenbear...lol.


Black Blade
25th April 2010, 04:51 PM
Break the deal face the wheel.


26th April 2010, 06:02 AM
so it's kind of like a Shark Tank.


26th April 2010, 09:01 AM
Great idea, Gaillo.

How are you going to handle the abuse of ThunderDome demands from shills that will inevitably invade at dome point in time?

The reason I ask is that I can forsee issues and instances where a couple members disagree with each other and are told by shills to "Take it to the ThunderDome" when that call is completely unwarranted.

In other words, I can see this being used as a tool for censorship by non-MOD shills, to remove anti-establishmentarians out of mainstream threads and into a rarely-perused forum.

Your thoughts?

(And anyone elses)

26th April 2010, 09:06 AM
Well... that was fun! ;D

No, folks... this thread is NOT the Thunderdome... yet... ;D

Just a warm up then

26th April 2010, 09:09 AM
In other words, I can see this being used as a tool for censorship by non-MOD shills, to remove anti-establishmentarians out of mainstream threads and into a rarely-perused forum.

Your thoughts?

(And anyone elses)

Good point. Could happen. Our Thunderdome could be the old remote exiled Conspiracy Section at GIM that nobody could find.

26th April 2010, 09:14 AM
Exactly my concern, Book.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a ThunderDome, but I want to knw how the MODs are going to handle it if it becomes abused like I described above.

I imagine it's hard to define how, considering it will be a learning experience by the MODs as well as the members, so I don't expect cut-and-dry answers or rules. I'm more or less just planting the seed of though as a heads-up.

26th April 2010, 09:16 AM
Just getting in a bit of practise..........

:boom :boom :dunno :rocket_hor :box :whip :plll :baa :morph: :taunt: :boom :boom :CS :CS :redfc :redfc :boom :box :box :lol :laugh :baa :CS :boom :boom :boom :soap :soap :yuk

26th April 2010, 11:11 AM
Great idea, Gaillo.

How are you going to handle the abuse of ThunderDome demands from shills that will inevitably invade at dome point in time?

The reason I ask is that I can forsee issues and instances where a couple members disagree with each other and are told by shills to "Take it to the ThunderDome" when that call is completely unwarranted.

In other words, I can see this being used as a tool for censorship by non-MOD shills, to remove anti-establishmentarians out of mainstream threads and into a rarely-perused forum.

Your thoughts?

(And anyone elses)

You have a legitimate concern. However, just asking someone to "take it to the thunderdome" does not mean that they HAVE to - unless Rule 1 personal attacks are occuring. As long as the person has something legitimate to say, and it's not violating the forum rules, they can continue posting pretty much wherever they want, despite any cries to "take it to the Thunderdome".

26th April 2010, 11:35 AM
Excellent. Thanks Gaillio.

Applaud for you.

26th April 2010, 11:42 AM
You have a legitimate concern. However, just asking someone to "take it to the thunderdome" does not mean that they HAVE to - unless Rule 1 personal attacks are occuring.


For some say: "Take it to the Lounge".


26th April 2010, 02:20 PM
speaking of virtual environments - are there any websites like Second Life where people use 3D avatars to buy and trade precious metals ?

just think what it would be like to be an avatar in the early 1900th century. you walk into a general. you reach into your pocket and pull out a few silver dollars. you look down at one of them and it says "1804". you buy a hundred pounds of wheat and all the other provisions for your horse and family.

all virtual.

i know there were companies like First Virtual that tried to create a Paypal like system in the late '90's, and they explored a Virtual Reality interface to the exchange.

OK, so sort of went out on a tangent there.

is it mandatory to be argumentative when you're in the Thunderdome ?

26th April 2010, 08:25 PM
is it mandatory to be argumentative when you're in the Thunderdome ?

The only thing "mandatory" in the Thunderdome is to follow the forum rules... other than that - sing kumbaya, pass around the bong, or preach KRSNA consciousness. Nobody will stop you (although a few of us might question your sanity! ;D )

27th April 2010, 03:17 AM
Can I be the first to say "Thunderdome...2 man enter, 1 man leave!"

1970 Silver Art
27th April 2010, 03:33 AM
Can I be the first to say "Thunderdome...2 man enter, 1 man leave!"

I could be wrong on this but I think somebody already beat you to that saying.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
27th April 2010, 09:14 PM
LOL, this thunderdome ladies and gents, will provide laughs for the ages....

27th April 2010, 10:37 PM
Wait, I got another question. Can I say I wanna play naked mazola oil twister with the GSUS wimminz? :-*

28th April 2010, 07:45 PM
I see no thunderdome!

I clicked on the link and it says this, "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. "

"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. "
Still getting that message.

I spoke to JQP - that should be fixed at this point. Try again, and let us know.

It's working now. Thanks.

2nd May 2010, 08:12 AM
Personally, I think we should be able to copy some signature one-liners from TD. Theres bound to be ROFL quotes that will be just priceless.......

4th May 2010, 07:51 PM
I agree, as long as we don't specify who it was directed to or who said it. :D