View Full Version : Freemasons in Congress

24th April 2010, 11:18 PM

Low Pan
25th April 2010, 12:27 AM
It would be great to compile a list of all masons in government, or power positions in our country, and their lvls. I would really be interested to see what that list looked like and who was on it after a yr.

25th April 2010, 12:32 AM
"...They can still be found in the highest levels of American government..."

Good thing she isn't blond. Blondes have a bad enough reputation as it is.

25th April 2010, 12:43 AM
Washington DC:

25th April 2010, 12:45 AM
Washington's masonic Apron

25th April 2010, 07:21 AM

25th April 2010, 04:12 PM
Washington DC:

Hyper Tiger on GIM long ago, we are talking early 2006
would put up images of Masons, Washington, etc,
and this led many to question, and this is the core
of the conflict with many on GIM. We did not know
it back then though.

It led me to question, also RMac would put up stuff
like this, like the Israeli Supreme Court is a Masonic Temple,
paid for by Rothchild. I went, WOW ! WTF is that ?
That was my response, shock, these clowns are for real.
And dangerous at the top.

Brainwashed too.
Low level 3rd degree masons chant the names of composite demons.
"jahbulon" the bul is Baal, very bad history here, source is their own
manuals. And their goal is to corrupt history too.

G stands for many things, all from masons, G , god, gnostics,
geometry, great architect of the universe lucifer, and also believe
it or not goddess, masonry has a hidden goddess in it, represents
earth goddess against Patriarchy.


25th April 2010, 04:19 PM
More here.


Israeli Supreme Court, hidden Pyramid, Masonic Temple

666 hidden in plain view, flower, superimposed,
code words, FOR YOU, it is a grave stone, 13


25th April 2010, 04:29 PM
Israeli Supreme Court, hidden Pyramid, Masonic Temple

FWIW, Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court:

Uncle Salty
25th April 2010, 04:31 PM
Washington DC:


A born again arguing with a Mason about religion.

Does it get any funnier than that?

25th April 2010, 04:43 PM
How often does a journalist ask a candidate "Are you a Mason?" in public? This seems like an obvious question and it's absence is a glaring omission.

If there is anyone here who denies the connection between those who own mass media and Freemasonry please explain this.

25th April 2010, 04:49 PM
Israeli Supreme Court, hidden Pyramid, Masonic Temple

FWIW, Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court:

Rockefeller and Rothchild created Israel.
Imagine paying to create that monster
"supreme court" , what a heinous joke.
Rothchild paid for it, that is what he stands for.
This is why understanding Masons and what they
are about is key. They have plans for us.


25th April 2010, 04:57 PM
How often does a journalist ask a candidate "Are you a Mason?" in public? This seems like an obvious question and it's absence is a glaring omission.

If there is anyone here who denies the connection between those who own mass media and Freemasonry please explain this.

This was a big issue in the UK not that long ago
you could find many articles in the UK papers
where the police, local councils and others were
put on the spot, seems they had many scandals
regarding masons and very serious corruption,
they cover the crimes and connections, etc,
they do not cover oaths, etc, what they believe.

Someone once asked if it applies to internet forums.
The brotherhood corruptions, LOL .
Sorry but I just cannot resist. LOL .

Here are some good sites full of links.




