View Full Version : The anti-Christ, Illuminati, Freemasonry, and New World Order are they all one?

25th April 2010, 08:10 AM
Mr. Jaime Licauco, a Philippine based writer of the Philippine Daily Inquirer Online Edition, answered several questions regarding Illuminati and other anti-Christ groups which convert many people and get them as their member.

The following are the actual answers of Mr. Licauco to the questions:

“What or who are the Illuminati? Are they real?

There are several groups known as the Illuminati. One group refers to the followers of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), the Swedish scientist, philosopher and mystic, who claimed he could converse with angels and other higher beings. He wrote his visions through automatic writing.

But the more popular group of Illuminati, according to Donald Watson in his book, “The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit,” is a materialist sect founded by seer and visionary, Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) in Bavaria in 1776. The aim of the group was “to propagate a religion based on enlightened reason which was open to direct influence by Divine Reason and not dependent on Church or state. They used symbolisms borrowed from Freemasons. They regarded themselves as the creative minority in what was to become a new democratic world order.”

They may well all be one with the Illuminati working with the anti-Christ to bring about the New World Order resulting in Armageddon.

Initially they will promise peace, and deceive many that they are good. They will reign for 7 Jewish (360 day) years, after they sign a treaty with many people. The day the agreement is signed will begin the 7 year tribulation (Dan 9:27). During that period, there will be tribulation on the earth worse then any ever before (Math 24:21). They will reign over 10 powers initially, and later they will gain more power and overthrow 3 of them (Dan 7:7, 8, 20, 24, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:13, 14). In the middle of the 7 year tribulation, 1260 days after the agreement is signed, the Beast will break the agreement, gain ultimate control and enter the temple he built, claiming to be God and blaspheming against God (Dan 9:27, 7:25, Rev13:5, Rev 11:2, 2Thes 2:3-9).

Armageddon , in the New Testament, great battlefield where, at the end of the world, the powers of evil will fight the powers of good. If the usual etymology is correct, the name alludes to the frequency of battles at Megiddo.

What is Megiddo?:
Megiddo is an ancient city which is today associated with the Tell el-Mutesellim. Occupation of the site can be traced to the early 4th millennium BCE. It is most famous for its association with Armageddon, a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew for “Mount Megiddo.” No such mountain exists, but the book of Revelations describes the site as that of the apocalypse.

Since Megiddo is described in Scripture as being a plain, some Christian scholars conclude the "Mount of Megiddo" must be an idealized location. Rushdoony says, "There are no mountains of Megiddo, only the Plains of Megiddo.

Megiddo Walls

Why is Megiddo important?:
Two important routes passed through Megiddo: one between Phoenica in the north to Jerusalem in the south, and a second linked Egypt with Damascus. It was thus a rich city in times of peace, but a good meeting point for armies in time of war. Interestingly King Solomon's Wall was recently found.

At the time a one world government will be portrayed as a solution to all our problems, and the leaders will fool the world that it will bring peace. It will bring false peace for a short while, but it will be followed by tribulation. The most likely cause of a one world government would be a worldwide crisis to cause panic. This could be something like a natural disaster, war, terrorist attack, financial crises, or a supernatural event. One of these things could be deliberately engineered by people wanting to take over the world so they can gain power.

The order and magnitude of events during the tribulation is foretold in the Bible. During the first half initially there will be the following sequence of events: 1. An agreement of false peace. 2. War. 3. Famine. 4. Death to 1/4 of the earth's population due to famine, war and wild animals. 5. Christians being martyred for their beliefs. 6. A great earthquake where the moon turns red and sun goes black. The sky appears to roll up with falling stars. Every mountain and island moves from its place, with people so afraid that they hide themselves in caves and amongst rocks from God. 7. Noises, thunderings, lightnings and an earthquake. (Rev 6, Rev 8:1-5)

Probably in the first half of the tribulation two witnesses proclaim God. They have power to kill people who try to harm them and they have power to stop rain, and cause plagues. At the end of their 1260 day testimony they are killed by the Antichrist, to the delight of the world, and their bodies lay in Jerusalem for 3 and a half days before they regain life and ascend to heaven. Then there is an earthquake destroying 1/10 of Jerusalem and killing 7000 people (Rev 11:1-14). Maybe around the same time, there are a group of 144,000 Christians who are dedicated to God (Rev 14:1-5).

The following sequence of events happen probably near the start of second half of the 7 year tribulation: 1. Hail and fire mingled with blood burn up 1/3 of the trees and all green grass. 2. Something like a great mountain burning with fire is thrown into the sea, 1/3 of the sea becomes blood, 1/3 of living creatures in the sea die and 1/3 of the ships are destroyed. 3. A falling star makes 1/3 of the springs and rivers bitter, which causes people to die when they drink the water. 4. The sun, moon and stars lose 1/3 of their brightness and don't shine for 1/3 of the day and 1/3 night. 5. Scorpion like locusts sting (but not kill) non Christian people for 5 months. 6. An army of 200,000,000 kill 1/3 of the world's population. 7. There are noises, thunderings, lightnings, an earthquake and great hail. (Rev 8:6 to 9:21, Rev 11:19)

The following happen towards the end of the tribulation: 1. A severe sore comes upon people, with the mark of the Antichrist needed to buy or sell. 2. The sea becomes as blood and every living creature in the sea dies. 3. Rivers and springs become blood. 4. The sun scorches people. 5. There is darkness in the Antichrist's kingdom and people gnawed their tongues due to their pain. They blaspheme God and do not repent. 6. The Euphrates River dries up and paves a way for the kings of the east, which gather, along with others from the whole world, for the battle of Armageddon. 7. The greatest earthquake ever causes all the islands and mountains to disappear, and Jerusalem to be split into three parts. (Rev 16).

At some time during the tribulation the world's city containing much wealth is destroyed and mourned over (Rev 18). This city is known as Babylon.

At the end of the tribulation there will be the battle of Armageddon, where the world will be fighting Israel, the Beast and then Jesus, when he comes back to destroy the wicked and initially take the two Antichrists to Hell (Rev 19:19-21, Dan 11:44, 45).

He will then restore his glorious kingdom on earth, where he will reign over the chosen people and Christians on earth for 1000 years, in a world of peace with no Satan (Rev 20:1-6, Is 60-66). At the end of that period, there will be the final battle, when Satan is released into the world to cause war again (Rev 21:7-9). The world will then end, and Christians will enjoy a New Heaven and New Earth (Rev:21). The wicked and non believers will go to Hell along with Satan (Rev 20:10-15).

So if you believe the Bible it would appear the Illuminati, Freemasonry the anti-Christ are indeed working together as one to bring about The New World Order and Armageddon!


25th April 2010, 08:25 AM
Sorry about the formatting. That one kicked my ass.