View Full Version : peaceful way to solve immigration problems

Large Sarge
25th April 2010, 04:46 PM
ok, this is off the cuff.

but what if they ended all entitlements in the U.S. (social security, medicaire, free school, housing, etc)

legalized all drugs (no profits for drug dealers)

would that not stop the flood of illegals (by choice)

I mean they would think "no reason to go up there"

so no need to build a wall (or a moat)

no more intrusive border searches/security

I mean the illegals most people dislike are coming here for a free lunch

get rid of the lunch

food for thought

also, all those entitlement programs are hopelessly bankrupt already

25th April 2010, 04:54 PM
ok, this is off the cuff.

but what if they ended all entitlements in the U.S. (social security, medicaire, free school, housing, etc)

legalized all drugs (no profits for drug dealers)

would that not stop the flood of illegals (by choice)

I mean they would think "no reason to go up there"

so no need to build a wall (or a moat)

no more intrusive border searches/security

I mean the illegals most people dislike are coming here for a free lunch

get rid of the lunch

food for thought

also, all those entitlement programs are hopelessly bankrupt already

It may be "off the cuff", but it makes more sense than anything presently being proposed. It would address the root causes and amount to killing a few birds with one stone.

Good ideas.

25th April 2010, 05:00 PM
It won't work. They'll just grab their crotches, give you the middle finger and then have sex with your daughter. Haven't you been listening to the geniuses on the other thread?


25th April 2010, 05:03 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else.

25th April 2010, 05:15 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else.

I guess the latest techniques for stirring the shit include telling unverifiable self-serving anecdotes, making broad nonsensicle generalizations about one's audience followed with a sugary glazing of pie-in-the-sky platitudes. Maybe you should fly home to Israel and preach the Libertarian gospel "the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else."

25th April 2010, 05:19 PM
I see the policing of the situation as another form of the entitlement mentality. Business and the people themselves shirking the responsibility to their nation.

Papers may be needed for all at the border, but once on the other side by a few feet people shouldn't be tracked down to provide them.

Here in Costa Rica I saw on the news yesterday a couple of poor Nicaraguan fisherman stopped by border patrol with a cooler full of fish looking to get a couple more pennies on the pound and biking many miles to do so. They were being turned back by well fed, armed & clothed border guards for a couple of dead fish.

25th April 2010, 05:43 PM
I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else.


The chutzpah of Jews is just jaw-dropping sometimes.


25th April 2010, 05:46 PM
No illegal works harder then me...........do you realise how hard it is to sit here hours after hours just reading???.........let them try that for a couple of hours alone.......if they can read.

By the way, do you know how the Mexican government educated the general population how to read??? simple........every week they print comic books with good stories that they give out for free to everyone, if you have to keep up with what is going on you have to learn how to read..........it did work.

25th April 2010, 05:53 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

Let's be honest here, the fact that many are very hard working is a threat to what we have even if there are no entitlements. To put myself through school I was able to find a job that paid $14 an hour to a useless teenager like me and gave lots of overtime, and the reason that job existed is because most people were too lazy to do it. It was hard work so turnover was high and I was able to get hired at about 2x minimum wage. I don't know how I could have gone through school otherwise. I know I could not have gotten that job if we had allowed more immigrants into the country who would be grateful to work there.

I'm not address right and wrong here, just action and consequence. Without handouts, lazy immigrants aren't much of a threat (they'd probably wouldn't be bothered to make the trip) but the hard working ones are. The rest of the world is filled with people willing to work a hell of a lot harder than most of us are.

25th April 2010, 05:54 PM
ok, this is off the cuff.

but what if they ended all entitlements in the U.S. (social security, medicaire, free school, housing, etc)

legalized all drugs (no profits for drug dealers)

would that not stop the flood of illegals (by choice)

I mean they would think "no reason to go up there"

so no need to build a wall (or a moat)

no more intrusive border searches/security

I mean the illegals most people dislike are coming here for a free lunch

get rid of the lunch

food for thought

also, all those entitlement programs are hopelessly bankrupt already

That'll probably solve much of the problem.

But society's entitlement mentality, lobbying from special interest groups, and the power hunger of the politicians will prevent it from being addressed unless the economy nosedives immensely, which may happen soon.

In spite of whether the above will be implemented, another major issue remaining is the fact that many illegals will still attempt to find work with stolen/fraudulent identification.

25th April 2010, 06:08 PM
Who ever said "they" want to solve the immigration "problem?"

As the Emperor said in Return of the Jedi: "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it..."

General of Darkness
25th April 2010, 06:15 PM
The only solution is to terminate them before they terminate you. The time for talk and reasoning is literally over.


25th April 2010, 06:18 PM
The rest of the world is filled with people willing to work a hell of a lot harder than most of us are.

Exactly. For a lot less money.


philo beddoe
25th April 2010, 06:21 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else.
Could you pleaze put the hilly and billy avatar back on so it would be easier for us to remember who you are...thanks

25th April 2010, 06:24 PM
It won't work. They'll just grab their crotches, give you the middle finger and then have sex with your daughter. Haven't you been listening to the geniuses on the other thread?


They'll work for nothing and live like animals. Yay. Let's copy them! Cut off the entitlements and they'll be coming to your house sooner than later. Then you can shower them with the love you profess online. Genius.

*enjoy your brown progeny.

General of Darkness
25th April 2010, 06:24 PM
The rest of the world is filled with people willing to work a hell of a lot harder than most of us are.

Exactly. For a lot less money.


Well if I banged out 10 kids living in squalor I'm sure they would also. The rest of the world is also filled with 80 IQ pathetic morons that would probably cut your worthless heart out, eat it and think it gives them power.

25th April 2010, 06:26 PM
As GoD has said, mexicans build mexicos. Not something we should endeavor to emulate. This great race of people has made such huge contributions, bow down.

General of Darkness
25th April 2010, 06:29 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it. Don't forget that 24 American's DIE at the hands of illegals everyday, either through drunk driving or murder

I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else. Big government these nuts, I want them to say it's open season so we can handle our own business

Percival, can I get a direct link to Megaphone?

philo beddoe
25th April 2010, 06:30 PM
ok, this is off the cuff.

but what if they ended all entitlements in the U.S. (social security, medicaire, free school, housing, etc)

legalized all drugs (no profits for drug dealers)

would that not stop the flood of illegals (by choice)

I mean they would think "no reason to go up there"

so no need to build a wall (or a moat)

no more intrusive border searches/security

I mean the illegals most people dislike are coming here for a free lunch

get rid of the lunch

food for thought

also, all those entitlement programs are hopelessly bankrupt already

That'll probably solve much of the problem.

But society's entitlement mentality, lobbying from special interest groups, and the power hunger of the politicians will prevent it from being addressed unless the economy nosedives immensely, which may happen soon.

In spite of whether the above will be implemented, another major issue remaining is the fact that many illegals will still attempt to find work with stolen/fraudulent identification.
No, what will solve it is A MERICANS being able to go over to home depot, maqke the call, and force the local cops to arrest all of the 50 or so mestizos loitering. I'd definitely make a part time job of it.

25th April 2010, 06:35 PM
But it's O.K. to do all your global business with slave labor from China that live on top of each other in shoeboxes.

Could you imagine if the Pacific wasn't there? :boom

Yes, things are quite nice from my view at the top of the pyramid.

Many meatshields protecting my fall.

25th April 2010, 06:38 PM
The rest of the world is filled with people willing to work a hell of a lot harder than most of us are.

Exactly. For a lot less money.


The rest of the world is also filled with 80 IQ pathetic morons that would probably cut your worthless heart out, eat it and think it gives them power.


Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world
The son of a Mexico City shopkeeper has built a staggering $59 billion fortune.


25th April 2010, 06:40 PM
But it's O.K. to do all your global business with slave labor from China that live on top of each other in shoeboxes.

Could you imagine if the Pacific wasn't there? :boom

Yes, things are quite nice from my view at the top of the pyramid.

Many meatshields protecting my fall.

If it weren't for socialists infiltrating our government then perhaps we wouldn't be favored trade partners with China now. All this open borders, open trade bullsh*t is communism and globalism.

*perhaps China would still be a nation of peasants struggling to survive and wondering what to do about the flooding year after year if we hadn't given them so much or had it stolen from us.

**America first has become taboo to say. Well screw that. America first. Fuck China, fuck mexico, fuck israel.

25th April 2010, 07:15 PM
**America first has become taboo to say. Well screw that. America first. f*ck China, f*ck mexico, f*ck israel.

You forgot Europe, they've always been first.

Remember the Irish on the Union's side in the Civil war?

This time it's looks to be the Mexicans.

25th April 2010, 07:43 PM
So be it then. It's better than an undeclared war with hordes of invaders going unchecked.

The answer.

25th April 2010, 08:20 PM
Still waiting for anyone to address and attempt to refute Large Sarge's solid arguments. I'm sure it won't be long now.


25th April 2010, 08:22 PM
Aztlan, look it up. It's an invasion. They are not only coming here for work, they are coming here as a reconquista. Cut off benefits and they will INCREASE their murdering and thieving from whites.

25th April 2010, 08:29 PM
SAVAGE has an opinion on the subject.....


25th April 2010, 08:37 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I don't see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

Most of the employees I have hired over the years work hard the first weeks. One out of five hundred are long term hard working dedicated employees.

Give the Mexican enough time and he to will typically turn fat and lazy. Same with the average white or a black.

25th April 2010, 08:42 PM
Aztlan, look it up. It's an invasion. They are not only coming here for work, they are coming here as a reconquista. Cut off benefits and they will INCREASE their murdering and thieving from whites.

The best strategy maybe to play dead, as if you've met a bear in the woods? :o

25th April 2010, 08:46 PM
ROFL. It must be the soy milk, it has pussified the nation. What about a good old fashioned brawl, like the good old days, winner take all, might makes right.

It will take a combination of cutting off the benefits and throwing them out. Some folks will not allow this, violence is coming.

philo beddoe
25th April 2010, 08:47 PM
Aztlan, look it up. It's an invasion. They are not only coming here for work, they are coming here as a reconquista. Cut off benefits and they will INCREASE their murdering and thieving from whites.

The best strategy maybe to play dead, as if you've met a bear in the woods? :o
Better yet, how bout you just do it?

25th April 2010, 08:53 PM
ok, this is off the cuff.

but what if they ended all entitlements in the U.S. (social security, medicaire, free school, housing, etc)

legalized all drugs (no profits for drug dealers)

would that not stop the flood of illegals (by choice)

I mean they would think "no reason to go up there"

so no need to build a wall (or a moat)

no more intrusive border searches/security

I mean the illegals most people dislike are coming here for a free lunch

get rid of the lunch

food for thought

also, all those entitlement programs are hopelessly bankrupt already

Your off the cuff idea makes one heck of a lot more sense than anything the govt has to offer!

Two thumbs up!


25th April 2010, 09:02 PM
Most of the illegals I know here in Arizona probably work harder than most of the people on this forum. I dont see many of them getting a free lunch at all, I see hard working people looking for a better life and working hard to get it.

I dont know about you big brother, big government liberal types who want government to solve all your problems and build walls around the country but we libertarians believe in the right of a man or woman to travel freely and go where they wish as long as they dont harm anyone else.

I see what you did there. If some one wants the federal government to do one of it's few constitutionally mandated jobs and "provide for the common defence", then you accuse them of being a "big brother, big government liberal". Nice work.

25th April 2010, 09:06 PM
I see what you did there. If some one wants the federal government to do one of it's few constitutionally mandated jobs and "provide for the common defence", then you accuse them of being a "big brother, big government liberal". Nice work.


Olmstein is really on a roll tonight. Bravo!


25th April 2010, 10:44 PM
Aztlan, look it up. It's an invasion. They are not only coming here for work, they are coming here as a reconquista. Cut off benefits and they will INCREASE their murdering and thieving from whites.

The best strategy maybe to play dead, as if you've met a bear in the woods? :o
Better yet, how bout you just do it?

Now, now philo you think you flash those hooters at me, and your gonna get it your way? :P

25th April 2010, 11:56 PM
Still waiting for anyone to address and attempt to refute Large Sarge's solid arguments. I'm sure it won't be long now.


Tell the forum who you were at GIM, or go away.

26th April 2010, 12:01 AM
Still waiting for anyone to address and attempt to refute Large Sarge's solid arguments. I'm sure it won't be long now.


Tell the forum who you were at GIM, or go away.

I told you, mind your own business or pound sand.

Grand Master Melon
26th April 2010, 12:13 AM
Aztlan, look it up. It's an invasion. They are not only coming here for work, they are coming here as a reconquista. Cut off benefits and they will INCREASE their murdering and thieving from whites.

It's only the moronic spawn of the people already here that are interested in "reconquista." A mexican that hops the border for work doesn't have time to give a crap about reconquista or much of anything else other than working.

26th April 2010, 12:15 AM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

Grand Master Melon
26th April 2010, 12:29 AM
As GoD has said, mexicans build mexicos. Not something we should endeavor to emulate. This great race of people has made such huge contributions, bow down.

Actually we owe mexico for many great things including:



tomatos (to some extent)

mexican food

a mexican helped create one of the first birth control pills (i'm sure i'll get some grief for that)

guillermo del torro made the hellboy movies

the mexican mint is the oldest mint in north america. mexican coinage used to circulate in the us due to our inability to meet demand

These are just a couple off the top of my head. I'm sure if one checked they'd find that Mexico has offerred the world plenty.

26th April 2010, 12:30 AM
Then they should have no problems returning to that grand paradise! Bon voyage wets!

Grand Master Melon
26th April 2010, 12:32 AM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

There are those who come here just to have a baby and while that's wrong I hold our federal government accountable for not stopping them from doing that.

If someone wants a better life I can't really hold that against them. That said, they should be coming legally and not illegally.

Large Sarge
26th April 2010, 03:22 AM
The rest of the world is filled with people willing to work a hell of a lot harder than most of us are.

Exactly. For a lot less money.


The rest of the world is also filled with 80 IQ pathetic morons that would probably cut your worthless heart out, eat it and think it gives them power.


Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world
The son of a Mexico City shopkeeper has built a staggering $59 billion fortune.


DBS and Salbuchi covered him, he is jewish (Carlos Slim)

26th April 2010, 12:01 PM
Well if I banged out 10 kids living in squalor I'm sure they would also. The rest of the world is also filled with 80 IQ pathetic morons that would probably cut your worthless heart out, eat it and think it gives them power.

Even if that's true how many jobs here actually require an IQ over 80?
Once you cut all the crap the fact is we want the border closed because we don't want competition for the jobs that a monkey can do. It would cheapen labor. And imagine trying to get the lazy white suburban kid to flip burgers when there were 10 foreigners all competing for his job and they'd be happy to work there their entire lives instead of just showing up late every day for 3 months in the summer. Really, what are we gonna do with teenagers? Sorry just because we're white it doesn't mean we all have IQ's of 120. Most kids are effing stupid, they're not gonna be doctors and lawyers, they'll just be bank tellers or do drywall or assembly line work or answer phones. Now we'll give those to jobs to immigrants and our own useless kids will be even more of a problem.

Opening the borders eventually leads to fairness. We do not want that. I'm not playing devil's advocate or anything here, I really mean this. We do not want fairness. For our standard of life to be what it is, where we work little and have a lot, others have to work a lot and have little.

26th April 2010, 12:17 PM
The fairness and equality we're heading for:


26th April 2010, 12:20 PM
And imagine trying to get the lazy white suburban kid to flip burgers when there were 10 foreigners all competing for his job...

World's Richest Man in Mexico Carlos Slim agrees with you Mr. Williams...lol.


26th April 2010, 12:31 PM
As GoD has said, mexicans build mexicos. Not something we should endeavor to emulate. This great race of people has made such huge contributions, bow down.

Actually we owe mexico for many great things including:



tomatos (to some extent)

mexican food

a mexican helped create one of the first birth control pills (i'm sure i'll get some grief for that)

guillermo del torro made the hellboy movies

the mexican mint is the oldest mint in north america. mexican coinage used to circulate in the us due to our inability to meet demand

These are just a couple off the top of my head. I'm sure if one checked they'd find that Mexico has offerred the world plenty.

At first I was like :ROFL: cause I thought you were kidding.

Then i was like :puke when I realized you were serious.

And now I'm back to :ROFL:

I mean seriously, the Hellboy movies? LOL

26th April 2010, 12:35 PM
DBS and Salbuchi covered him, he is jewish (Carlos Slim)

What a huge surprise! :sarc:

Heck even Wikipedia admits this one, albeit in a round-about way.

After World War II, some Jewish immigrants arrived in Mexico from various countries of the Near East, bringing with them their own traditions and languages. Very few, however, were actually Mizrahi Jews[citation needed]. Since they came from various parts of North Africa and the Middle East (including Turkey) with a history of Spanish Jewish settlement after the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, most were in fact Sephardic Jews[citation needed]. Thus, most had Ladino as their traditional language, and the existing Sephardic and general Mexican Jewish community accepted them with open arms[citation needed]. See also "Jews" section above.

Carlos Slim Helú is the best-known Mexican of this immigrant group. His parents immigrated to Mexico from Lebanon.

philo beddoe
26th April 2010, 12:45 PM
Well if I banged out 10 kids living in squalor I'm sure they would also. The rest of the world is also filled with 80 IQ pathetic morons that would probably cut your worthless heart out, eat it and think it gives them power.

Even if that's true how many jobs here actually require an IQ over 80?
Once you cut all the crap the fact is we want the border closed because we don't want competition for the jobs that a monkey can do. It would cheapen labor. And imagine trying to get the lazy white suburban kid to flip burgers when there were 10 foreigners all competing for his job and they'd be happy to work there their entire lives instead of just showing up late every day for 3 months in the summer. Really, what are we gonna do with teenagers? Sorry just because we're white it doesn't mean we all have IQ's of 120. Most kids are effing stupid, they're not gonna be doctors and lawyers, they'll just be bank tellers or do drywall or assembly line work or answer phones. Now we'll give those to jobs to immigrants and our own useless kids will be even more of a problem.

Opening the borders eventually leads to fairness. We do not want that. I'm not playing devil's advocate or anything here, I really mean this. We do not want fairness. For our standard of life to be what it is, where we work little and have a lot, others have to work a lot and have little.
I haven't heard anything more pie in the sky in a long time. blame whitey. Hell, it is our fault we invented all the MACHINES and TECHNIQUES and CHEMISTRY that makes our life easy. But I forgot, it was those smart mesicans that had it so good they decided to come over here and show us just how easy life could be.

26th April 2010, 01:50 PM
You seem to ignore that most of the inventions of the past 150 years relied heavily on what people from many groups invented and discovered earlier, such as the Chinese, Arabs and Latins. You know, things like math, astronomy, etc?

26th April 2010, 01:52 PM
And it took a white man to use it to its full potential.

Grand Master Melon
26th April 2010, 03:16 PM
As GoD has said, mexicans build mexicos. Not something we should endeavor to emulate. This great race of people has made such huge contributions, bow down.

Actually we owe mexico for many great things including:



tomatos (to some extent)

mexican food

a mexican helped create one of the first birth control pills (i'm sure i'll get some grief for that)

guillermo del torro made the hellboy movies

the mexican mint is the oldest mint in north america. mexican coinage used to circulate in the us due to our inability to meet demand

These are just a couple off the top of my head. I'm sure if one checked they'd find that Mexico has offerred the world plenty.

At first I was like :ROFL: cause I thought you were kidding.

Then i was like :puke when I realized you were serious.

And now I'm back to :ROFL:

I mean seriously, the Hellboy movies? LOL

I probably could have left that out but it popped into my head.

26th April 2010, 03:34 PM
If everyone would just stop spending there money at any business that employs people that don't speak english, it would be a good start. Call your local restaurant owners and let them know that you will no longer be spending at their restaurant as long as the people working in. The kitchen are speaking another language. If you are going to spend mony at a business that supports illegal imigration, then don't be upset about illegal imigration. FYI. Just because a worker has legal papers doesn't mean that the papers are actually theirs. Happens all the time. Done

Grand Master Melon
26th April 2010, 03:36 PM
If everyone would just stop spending there money at any business that employs people that don't speak english, it would be a good start. Call your local restaurant owners and let them know that you will no longer be spending at their restaurant as long as the people working in. The kitchen are speaking another language. If you are going to spend mony at a business that supports illegal imigration, then don't be upset about illegal imigration. FYI. Just because a worker has legal papers doesn't mean that the papers are actually theirs. Happens all the time. Done

Just because they're speaking spanish doesn't mean they're illegal. As for not spending money at a restaurant in Arizona so long as the workers only speak english then good luck. I always say that all food is mexican food in this state because that's what the majority of people cooking the food are.

26th April 2010, 06:29 PM
If everyone would just stop spending there money at any business that employs people that don't speak english, it would be a good start. Call your local restaurant owners and let them know that you will no longer be spending at their restaurant as long as the people working in. The kitchen are speaking another language. If you are going to spend mony at a business that supports illegal imigration, then don't be upset about illegal imigration. FYI. Just because a worker has legal papers doesn't mean that the papers are actually theirs. Happens all the time. Done

Just because they're speaking spanish doesn't mean they're illegal. As for not spending money at a restaurant in Arizona so long as the workers only speak english then good luck. I always say that all food is mexican food in this state because that's what the majority of people cooking the food are.

Yes i know it doesnt mean they are illegal. The point is we have all the imegrants from south of the border that we need. And a ton more that we dont. There is almost 7 billion people in the world. You could easily say conservitivly that there are a billion people that want to come to this country. How many are you willing to shack up in your house? I work in the restaurant industry. I have seen 1st hand how restaurant managers will hire a mexican with paperwork fully knowing that he is illegal and using someone elses papers. Happens all the time in the restaurant industry. There are millions and millions of illegal aliens in this country using someone elses identity. Would it make any diffrence to you if they were millions of Iranians, Russians, North Koreans, or Communist chinese who have snuck accross our border under cover of darkness and established residence with identity theft. They not only pose direct threat to you and your childrensfuture and quality of life, but a huge risk to the financial system and healthcare system, and a huge risk to national security. Being compassionat is a good quality but it must have a limit. Fleas and ticks just want to be able to eat, and feed their families too. Do you let the parasites continue to suck the life blood out of your dog or cat under the same compassionate ideals. I know we are talking about people here but if you want to give and give and give to those in third world countries, I applaude you for it. But please dont try and force me to give up my homeland and my childrens future because you think its the compassionat thing to do. Right now 25% of all kindergarden classes in the U.S. are hispanic. By 2021 they will be the largest demografic group K-12. If you don't get the implications of this you are probably beyond help, or your Hispanic with family outside the United States. If you are a black or white Naturally born citizen of the United States, You are in big big big freakin trouble down the road.

Do You Get It??????????????

By the way just ranting. Not directed at anyone in particular.

Large Sarge
27th April 2010, 12:41 PM
here is the classic example below (been round the internet awhile)

now my solution is to take away all the freebies, and the taxes, etc

joe legal and jose illegal pay no taxes, etc

"remove the free lunch"

Joe Legal vs Jose Illegal?
Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive.
You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California.
"Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted...."Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per year
Now take 30% away for state federal tax
Joe Legal now=2 0has $31,231.00

Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per year
Jose Illegal pays no taxes...
Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00

Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage
$1000.00 per month
$12,000.00 per year
Joe Legal now has $19,231.00

Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year
Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00

Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare
Joe Legal pays for food
$1,000.00 per month
$12,000.00 per year
Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare
Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00

Joe Legal pays rent of
$1,000.00 per month
$12,000.00 per year
Joe Legal is now in the hole... minus (-) $4,769.00

Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy
Jose Illegal pays rent
$500.00 per month
$6,000.00 per year
Jose Illegal still has $25,200.00

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch.
Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

philo beddoe
27th April 2010, 12:48 PM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

There are those who come here just to have a baby and while that's wrong I hold our federal government accountable for not stopping them from doing that.

If someone wants a better life I can't really hold that against them. That said, they should be coming legally and not illegally.
I bet you won't hold them accountable either when their snot nosed brats are beating up your kids as they have them outnumbered. Wake up

27th April 2010, 12:55 PM
Removing the free lunch might have worked when there weren't so many of them here. Before they brought their whole extended families in. Now if we cut them off they will simply pillage from whitey to survive. They're not going back to sh*thole mexico. They'd rather sit 50 to a house in the USA than 50 to a house in the slums of mexico.

*We're going to have to pick them up by the scruff of the neck and boot their asses back over the border and begin patrolling it seriously to prevent them from coming back in illegally.

Large Sarge
27th April 2010, 12:58 PM
the entitlement programs are broke, the CIA is the biggest drug runner, etc

I think it would dramatically help the situation

some folks would stay, and these would be the folks working hard, most would leave, and more importantly, a lot would not come up here (no mroe free lunch)

philo beddoe
27th April 2010, 01:01 PM
the entitlement programs are broke, the CIA is the biggest drug runner, etc

I think it would dramatically help the situation

some folks would stay, and these would be the folks working hard, most would leave, and more importantly, a lot would not come up here (no mroe free lunch)

Even still, there will be plenty of them left over to pork your daughter. No way out but through force of arms.

27th April 2010, 01:02 PM
I wish I had your optimism. The lazy thug criminal types would not leave. They'd simply take what they need to survive from the closest person with wealth. They'd wind up in prison and taxes would cloth, house and feed them anyway (not to mention free healthcare). We'd wind up spending MORE on each of them than if we just gave them 12 or 15 thousand a year in benefits.

Large Sarge
27th April 2010, 01:08 PM
common law solved crimes/criminals without the use of prison/jails, except for criminally insane

where we get the term outlaw, is from common law.

90% of the folks in prison are there for drug offenses, once they are legalized, they will be let out and have to find a job.

the solutions can be done, but people need to stop looking at the govt for answers.

27th April 2010, 01:11 PM
One of the main reasons for the gov was to provide for the common defense. This is an invasion. They are not assimilating to our culture. They are carrying out a reconquista and we've just been brainwashed to not only let it happen, but to help it happen.

I think Americans can do with a decline in their quality of life. I don't think it should sink to squalor to compete with those that would work for slave wages.

27th April 2010, 01:24 PM
They are carrying out a reconquista and we've just been brainwashed to not only let it happen, but to help it happen.

Wait, Jan just passed a law that will fix everything with National I.D.

And most of her constituents were very pleased with the action...now Ohio is considering measures.

Are you saying they're brainwashed into helping the massive "reconquista"?

27th April 2010, 01:32 PM
Could you link to Jan's national ID legislation? Thanks.

27th April 2010, 01:45 PM
Could you link to Jan's national ID legislation? Thanks.

Here it's indirect one, But this is so often the case in brainwashing schemes.

If you click down & thru, you can see between the lines.


27th April 2010, 02:03 PM
Right, so what you're saying is it doesn't exist and you're just running around like chicken little? Will you accept a national ID card? Will you fight to refuse one?

27th April 2010, 03:13 PM
This maybe would help a little but the problem is, it would never pass. Ron Paul tried to get legislation passed to end birthright citizenship and it got no support. That is why the states are beginning to take things into their own hands. The federal govt - the same one that passed the bailouts and Obamacare? No way would they pass anything like this.

Grand Master Melon
27th April 2010, 03:20 PM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

There are those who come here just to have a baby and while that's wrong I hold our federal government accountable for not stopping them from doing that.

If someone wants a better life I can't really hold that against them. That said, they should be coming legally and not illegally.
I bet you won't hold them accountable either when their snot nosed brats are beating up your kids as they have them outnumbered. Wake up

So the simple fact that at some point there are going to be more brown people than white people automatically means those brown people are going to beat up my white children?

27th April 2010, 03:23 PM
Right, so what you're saying is it doesn't exist and you're just running around like chicken little? Will you accept a national ID card? Will you fight to refuse one?

What doesn't exist? Reconquista, or the National I.D. card?

philo beddoe
27th April 2010, 03:58 PM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

There are those who come here just to have a baby and while that's wrong I hold our federal government accountable for not stopping them from doing that.

If someone wants a better life I can't really hold that against them. That said, they should be coming legally and not illegally.
I bet you won't hold them accountable either when their snot nosed brats are beating up your kids as they have them outnumbered. Wake up

So the simple fact that at some point there are going to be more brown people than white people automatically means those brown people are going to beat up my white children?

Don't take my word genius. Go put your kiddies in an ALL mestizo school and find out............

Grand Master Melon
27th April 2010, 05:13 PM
Maybe, but they start spawning as soon as they cross. Some of them come across many months pregnant already just to drop anchor as they enter the promised land. All on taxpayer's dime.

There are those who come here just to have a baby and while that's wrong I hold our federal government accountable for not stopping them from doing that.

If someone wants a better life I can't really hold that against them. That said, they should be coming legally and not illegally.
I bet you won't hold them accountable either when their snot nosed brats are beating up your kids as they have them outnumbered. Wake up

So the simple fact that at some point there are going to be more brown people than white people automatically means those brown people are going to beat up my white children?

Don't take my word genius. Go put your kiddies in an ALL mestizo school and find out............

I live in Arizona. I don't know if you're familiar with the racial breakdown of the state but we have a large amount of brown people here. My kids attend school with many of them and to date they've no problems with any of them. Of course I don't teach my children to be racists pricks so that may play a role in their ability to interact with other humans in a productive fashion. But go ahead and by all means keep telling yourself that all brown people are bad.

As an aside, I know that you emphasized "all mestizo" by putting "all" in caps. I get your point but I'd be hard pressed to find an "all mestizo school" anywhere other than maybe down by the border or up on the rez. Of course those people on the rez you would call reds probably so they don't count.