View Full Version : Autism Boom Began in 1988

25th April 2010, 09:56 PM
If it seems like most of the people you know with autism are 22 or younger, that’s because most people diagnosed with autism were born after 1987. A recent US EPA study has found a distinct "changepoint" year - or spike - in autism in California and elsewhere and concludes that it would be "prudent to assume that at least some portion of this increase is real and results from environmental factors."

"In the Danish, California, and worldwide data sets, we found that an increase in autism disorder cumulative incidence began about (the birth cohort years) 1988-1989," wrote the authors Michael E. Mc Donald and John F. Paul, of the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory.

"Although the debate about the nature of increasing autism continues," they added, "the potential for this increase to be real and involve exogenous (external) environmental stressors exists."

But it was the distinct timing in the increase of autism - the birth of an epidemic, as many believe - that was most notable, and which "may help in screening for potential candidate environmental stressors."

"The calculated year was determined to be significant," the EPA scientists said. The rate of increase before 1988 "was significantly different" than the rate after that year (the "postchangepoint," in epidemiology parlance). In California, the rate spiked from 5.7-per-10,000 before the changepoint, to 20.8-per 10,000 in its wake, and the worldwide dataset showed a similar jump (from 6.0 to 24.2). In Denmark, the rise was even more dramatic, though total incidence was only a fraction of that in the US: from 0.6 to 6.6.

(A study in Japan from 1988-1996 showed continuously increasing autism rates, but no calculable changepoint year - please see the full report for a discussion on study limitations).

So why would rates more than triple in California kids born before and after 1988? Is it just the result of better diagnostics and better reporting, as many have insisted? Or did something drastic change in these children’s environment, beginning in 1988?

The EPA officials doubt it was the former. They noted a recent study suggesting that changing diagnostic criteria may account for only a "2.2-fold higher cumulative incidence of autism, relative to the seven-fold increase" reported in California over 11 years. Likewise, they said, "diagnostic substitution," or switching kids from the mental retardation to autism category, "could not account for increased autism from 1987 to 1994."

As they wrote:

Although artifacts associated with observed increases in various studies cannot be ruled out, from a precautionary standpoint, it seems prudent to assume that at least some portion of this increase in incidence is real and results from environmental factors interacting with susceptible populations. As such exposure is potentially preventable, identification of relevant candidate environmental factors should be a research priority.

Meanwhile, the scientists were surprised to find such similar changepoint years in California, Denmark and the worldwide dataset, although they conceded the data were consistent with similar studies done in Minnesota and Sweden, and a third US nationwide study which found, "the greatest increase in ASD prevalence occurring in cohorts born between 1987 and 1992."

There are many external factors that could be associated with autism, the authors said, so knowing when the explosion in cases began should help narrow down the long list of suspects.

"Future studies should examine for novel or increasing exposures to environmental factors from gestation to at least age three for our calculated 1988-1989 birth cohorts," the authors wrote. "Assuming a dose-response relationship, a candidate factor would have continued to increase in the environment from the late 1980s through at least the mid-1990s."

But what could it (or they) be? According to the EPA:

■Any candidate must be a substance or substances whose exposure level dramatically increased in developed countries beginning at the 1988 changepoint.
■The candidate will likely be something whose exposure level was greater in California than in Denmark between 1988 and 1997.
■The candidate is likely something that was introduced in developing countries later than California, Japan and Denmark. For example, a recent Hong Kong study "is suggestive of a rise in autism, but beginning more recently than our calculated changepoints."
■The candidate "would need to be disruptive to early human neural development."
■The candidate would need to have a route of exposure "consistent with bioavailability to fetuses and infants."
■The candidate would need to have increasing levels of US exposure between 1988 and at least 1995.
■The potential for exposure to a variety of environmental factors "acting synergistically on susceptible populations also cannot be ruled out."
The authors suggested an initial toxicological screening for potential autism-trigger candidates using the CDC’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry or similar data sets.

The EPA officials did not offer a list of substances that should be looked at, though they did note that studies on MMR vaccine and the mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal, "did not support a relationship with autism," including a 2004 report from the Institute of Medicine.

No studies have been done on other vaccine ingredients and autism risk, however, nor on the entire vaccine schedule.

If no candidate pans out as the culprit, they wrote, "perhaps most of the observed increases are not caused by an environmental factor, but result from study artifacts that produce false increases or from the current levels being correct but not a true increase."

Either way, the current caseload is going to cost a fortune. People with autism in California born between 1988 and 1997 will incur a mean lifetime care cost between $2.7 billion and $4.0 billion, and "these costs likely have continued to grow in recent years."

I am hopeful that this information will finally spark the mad-dash that this country desperately needs to make to identify the environmental factors in autism. We require a Manhattan-Project style operation spearheaded by the Federal government, and we needed it ten years ago. This crisis is too serious to ignore in mild complacency any longer.

Here are just some of the areas where science is looking:

AIR POLLUTION - A few studies have linked increased risk of autism to environmental toxins - such as mercury - in air pollution, including a CDC funded study from the San Francisco Bay Area, a study of Superfund Cleanup sites in Minnesota, and a study of children living in proximity to mercury-emitting coal fired power plants in Texas.

ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS - These ubiquitous chemicals and other "early life immune insults," or ELIIs, "are important factors in childhood and adult chronic diseases," says one study from Cornell University. "However, prenatal and perinatal environmentally induced immune alterations have yet to be considered in depth in the context of autism and autism spectrum disorders."

PESTICIDES - One study presented at the 2008 International Meeting for Autism Research in London reported that mothers who used pesticide-based shampoos on pets doubled the risk of having an ASD child, compared to mothers who did not. Another study in the agriculturally intensive Central Valley of California reported that autism risk increased "with the poundage of organochlorine pesticides applied, and decreased with distance from field sites."

MERCURY IN FISH - At least one tiny study, from Australia, showed elevated mercury levels in three infants weaned on congee (a rice and fish porridge) and fed fish regularly as toddlers. Their parents had sought medical advice for developmental delay and neurological symptoms, including symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

RETROVIRUSES - In October, researchers from the University of Nevada, the National Cancer Institute and The Cleveland Clinic announced the startling discovery of antibodies to a little known retrovirus in 95 percent of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. One of the researchers reported finding the same pathogen in 40 percent of autsim children tested. The work has been disputed by other scientists.

PREMATURE BIRTH AND EARLY BIRTH WEIGHT - Between 1990 and 2000, late preterm births in the US increased by 13 percent, and the rate of low birth-weight babies increased by 24 percent. Toxicologists calculate exposure rates to toxins based on kilograms of body weight.

VACCINES AND UNDERLYING DISORDERS - In January of this year, the Institute of Medicine’s Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines issued its "Working list of adverse events to be considered." Included in the adverse events associated with the DTaP and MMR vaccines were "autism" and "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)." Interestingly, the IOM Committee said it would consider investigating so-called "Secondary" autism, or "autistic features arising from chronic encephalopathy, mitochondrial disorders and/or other underlying disorders." In other words, vaccines don’t cause autism, but they might cause brain disease in certain predisposed kids, and that might lead to autism.

VACCINES AND IMMUNE STRESS - As for "Primary" autism, the IOM has been asked by the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP, or Vaccine Court) to consider reviewing all the medical literature since the 2004 IOM report that found no link. "In particular, VICP is interested in the Committee’s review on more recent theories of ‘neuroinflammation’ and ‘hyperarousal/overexcitation of the immune system via multiple simultaneous antigenic stimulation." In other words, getting too many shots at once might cause an inappropriate neuro-immune response, such as that sometimes reported in autism.

VACCINES AND VIRAL PARTICLES - A brand new study reported finding pig and monkey viral particles in a number of vaccines. In the MMR II and Varivax (Chicken Pox) vaccines, researchers detected human endogenous retrovirus K, or HERV-K. The retrovirus was a "consequence of their manufacture using human cell lines." A 2001 study of genes and autism reports on the development of "frozen blocks of DNA" caused by imperfect gene duplication. "It appears that human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and HERV fragments are involved," the authors wrote. "The long version of the C4 gene, for
example, results from the integration of an HERV-K."

Do vaccines and vaccine ingredients belong on the list of candidates? Many people say no, but the IOM and the VICP say yes.

I agree with the experts. And now that we have a "changepoint" of 1988, we should go back and look at vaccine exposures both pre- and post- changepoint. Between 1988 and 1996, the following vaccines were added to the US schedule for children in the first 15 months of life:

■HiB - Improved Hib conjugate vaccine licensed in December 1987, and single dose added to childhood schedule in 1988.
■DTaP - Additional dose at younger age added around 1990.
■HiB - Three additional doses added to schedule in 1991.
■Hep B - Three doses - Added to childhood schedule in 1992.
■Chicken Pox - Approved in 1995, added to schedule in 1996
1988 was a very interesting year, and those children have a lot to tell us. Let’s listen.

21st April 2011, 10:04 AM
The EPA officials did not offer a list of substances that should be looked at, though they did note that studies on MMR vaccine and the mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal, "did not support a relationship with autism," including a 2004 report from the Institute of Medicine.

An update: Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud Tuesday, April 19, 2011 (http://newsystocks.com/news/4086402/vaccine-autism-researcher-indicted-for-fraud)

According to CoMeD, U.S. health agencies have relied upon these now questionable Danish studies to sanction the use of Thimerosal. CoMeD registered its concerns about Thorsen and his influence on these studies in a groundbreaking letter to Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General the Department of Health and Human Services, on September 15, 2010. An international community of researchers and advocates signed onto the CoMeD letter.

Now, CoMeD is calling for an independent investigation into the scientific validity of all Danish vaccine-autism studies conducted during Thorsen's tenure and into the possible inappropriate involvement of employees at the CDC. Further, CoMeD is calling for the retraction of the 2004 Institute of Medicine report rejecting the causal relationship between Thimerosal and autism, which relied upon the Danish studies in which Thorsen participated.

More in another GSUS thread: Poul Thorsen CDC Vaccine Safety Studies Investigated for Fraud (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/britain-bans-doctor-who-linked-vaccine-to-autism/msg215345/#msg215345)

21st April 2011, 10:08 AM
PESTICIDES - One study presented at the 2008 International Meeting for Autism Research in London reported that mothers who used pesticide-based shampoos on pets doubled the risk of having an ASD child, compared to mothers who did not. Another study in the agriculturally intensive Central Valley of California reported that autism risk increased "with the poundage of organochlorine pesticides applied, and decreased with distance from field sites."

Reuters: May 2005: Pesticides tied to ADHD in children in U.S. study (http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/05/17/us-adhd-pesticides-idUSTRE64G41R20100517)

May 2005 (Reuters) - Children exposed to pesticides known as organophosphates could have a higher risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a U.S. study that urges parents to always wash produce thoroughly.

Researchers tracked the pesticides' breakdown products in children' urine and found those with high levels were almost twice as likely to develop ADHD as those with undetectable levels.

The findings are based on data from the general U.S. population, meaning that exposure to the pesticides could be harmful even at levels commonly found in children's environment.

"There is growing concern that these pesticides may be related to ADHD," said researcher Marc Weisskopf of the Harvard School of Public Health, who worked on the study.

"What this paper specifically highlights is that this may be true even at low concentrations."

Organophosphates were originally developed for chemical warfare, and they are known to be toxic to the nervous system.

There are about 40 organophosphate pesticides such as malathion registered in the United States, the researchers wrote in the journal Pediatrics.

Weisskopf said the compounds have been linked to behavioral symptoms common to ADHD -- for instance, impulsivity and attention problems -- but exactly how is not fully understood.

Although the researchers had no way to determine the source of the breakdown products they found, Weisskopf said the most likely culprits were pesticides and insecticides used on produce and indoors.

Garry Hamlin of Dow AgroSciences, which manufactures an organophosphate known as chlorpyrifos, said he had not had time to read the report closely.

But, he added" "the results reported in the paper don't establish any association specific to our product chlorpyrifos."

Weisskopf and colleagues' sample included 1,139 children between 8 and 15 years. They interviewed the children's mothers, or another caretaker, and found that about one in 10 met the criteria for ADHD, which jibes with estimates for the general population.

After accounting for factors such as gender, age and race, they found the odds of having ADHD rose with the level of pesticide breakdown products.

For a 10-fold increase in one class of those compounds, the odds of ADHD increased by more than half. And for the most common breakdown product, called dimethyl triophosphate, the odds of ADHD almost doubled in kids with above-average levels compared to those without detectable levels.

"That's a very strong association that, if true, is of very serious concern," said Weisskopf. "These are widely used pesticides."

Wired, April 28, 2011: Pesticide Use Tied to Lower IQ in Children (http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/pesticides-children-intelligence/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Ind ex+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29)

Children exposed in the womb to substantial levels of neurotoxic pesticides have somewhat lower IQs by the time they enter school than do kids with virtually no exposure. A trio of studies screened women for compounds in blood or urine that mark exposure to organophosphate pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion.

These bug killers, which can cross the human placenta, work by inhibiting brain-signaling compounds. Although the pesticides’ residential use was phased out in 2000, spraying on farm fields remains legal.

The three new studies began in the late 1990s and followed children through age 7. Pesticide exposures stem from farm work in more than 300 low-income Mexican-American families in California, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and their colleagues report. In two comparably sized New York City populations, exposures likely trace to bug spraying of homes or eating treated produce.

Among the California families, the average IQ for the 20 percent of children with the highest prenatal organophosphate exposure was 7 points lower compared with the least-exposed group.

A Columbia University study followed low-income black and Hispanic families. Here, each additional 4.6 picrograms of chlorpyrifos per gram of blood in a woman during pregnancy correlated with a drop of 1.4 percent in her youngster’s IQ and 2.8 percent in a measure of the child’s working memory.

Findings from a more diverse group of New York City families recruited by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine point to genetics as a major determinant of risk from pesticide exposure. Children who showed the biggest cognitive impacts tended to have mothers carrying a gene variant for a slow-acting version of the enzyme that breaks down organophosphates. This variant is present in roughly one-third of all Americans, observes study leader Stephanie Engel, now at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Another observation from her study: Children exhibited bigger IQ deficits if they came from homes that had been treated with organophosphates while their moms were pregnant — even if the women’s urine at the time wasn’t higher in breakdown products than that of parents whose kids had more normal cognitive scores. Organophosphate breakdown products aren’t toxic, just a putative marker of exposure to the toxic parent pesticide, Engel notes. So the presence of organophosphate breakdown products in mothers of the less-affected kids may reflect the mother’s exposure primarily to breakdown products, not the parent organophosphates.

Findings from all three studies appear online April 21 in Environmental Health Perspectives.

“There was an amazing degree of consistency in the findings across all three studies,” notes Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. And that’s concerning, he says, because a drop of seven IQ points “is a big deal. In fact, half of seven IQ points would be a big deal, especially when you see this across a population.”

Hatha Sunahara
21st April 2011, 10:57 AM
I have an autistic son who was born in 1986. He was diagnosed autistic in 1989. I haven't lived a normal life since then, nor has anyone else in my family.

I'm pretty sure that it is vaccines that are responsible for children becoming autistic. I was sure of it when in the Act that established the Homeland Security Department, there was a provision that protected the vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits that held them responsible for autism. To me, that was a dead giveaway that it was vaccines that cause autism.

Meanwhile, there is no relief for the families who have autistics.


21st April 2011, 11:04 AM
I have an autistic son who was born in 1986. He was diagnosed autistic in 1989. I haven't lived a normal life since then, nor has anyone else in my family.

I'm pretty sure that it is vaccines that are responsible for children becoming autistic. I was sure of it when in the Act that established the Homeland Security Department, there was a provision that protected the vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits that held them responsible for autism. To me, that was a dead giveaway that it was vaccines that cause autism.

Meanwhile, there is no relief for the families who have autistics.


We are having a daughter here in a couple weeks (give or take) and no vaccines will be given. We have decided on a select few that she will receive, Polio, and a couple others but she WILL NOT get any of those until after the age of 2.

Large Sarge
21st April 2011, 11:05 AM
I have an autistic son who was born in 1986. He was diagnosed autistic in 1989. I haven't lived a normal life since then, nor has anyone else in my family.

I'm pretty sure that it is vaccines that are responsible for children becoming autistic. I was sure of it when in the Act that established the Homeland Security Department, there was a provision that protected the vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits that held them responsible for autism. To me, that was a dead giveaway that it was vaccines that cause autism.

Meanwhile, there is no relief for the families who have autistics.


Hi Hatha,

I would suggest high dose niacin for your son, the only side effect is nausea

you can google "abram Hoffer" he cured a number of "incureable illnesses" with high dfose niacin

also, there are reports out of India/malaysia of ozone curing autism, it was on a youtube video awhile back

anyway the niacin is cheap and safe...

Abram hoffer was a genius, checkout some of his videos

Large Sarge
21st April 2011, 11:22 AM
abram hoffer


Hatha Sunahara
21st April 2011, 11:45 AM
Thanks, Large Sarge. I haven't tried niacin for my son's autism, bu I was taking it myself as a cholesterol reducer for a long time until I figured out that no one needs to control their cholesterol because your body does it by itself, and cholesterol is not responsible for heart disease--arterial inflammation is. I'll try niacin on him. I used to give him vitamin B-6 because that facilitated his use of words for some reason.

You're wise to hold off on vaccines for your new baby. You'd be wise to hold off on all vaccines permanently--for yorself and your whole family. Don't do any amniocentesis. That is the procedure they used to determine the sex of the child by analyzing the amniotic fluid in the womb. That may also have contributed to my son's autism.


21st April 2011, 12:11 PM
You're wise to hold off on vaccines for your new baby. You'd be wise to hold off on all vaccines permanently--for yorself and your whole family. Don't do any amniocentesis. That is the procedure they used to determine the sex of the child by analyzing the amniotic fluid in the womb. That may also have contributed to my son's autism.

The wife was totally against all vaccines, so we compromised that our daughter would get a select few. And after the major developmental stage to give her the best shot of developing normally prior to some vaccines.

Only ones we are currently looking at are Polio and DTP, and again it will be after she is 2 years old. Believe me I would love to have no vaccines at all, but wife wouldn't do any less than those 2.

21st April 2011, 12:29 PM
My daughters on the Austism Spectrum. I'll have to look into Niacin and see if it helps any.

We've got another on the way and just found out today its a boy. We were on the fence when my daughter was born 3 1/2 years ago as we were new to all of this stuff and hadnt looked into it near as much and we did do the first couple vaccines (MMR) at 3 months old.

My daughter immediatley was there after diagnosed with asthma and placed on steroids as well as a few other symptoms that later reading would reveal to us are likley associated with those vaccines. We felt it was no coincidence that her, and many kids we knew her age, were coming down with all these similar symptoms at the same age.

At 2, she was almost totaly non verbal and we got her tested and into therapy. She not full blown autism, but she does have serious speech and language, as well as some other developmental problems and I wonder every day. I have many similiarities with her, however, so I cant say its entirley vaccine related and not genetic.

We wont be getting any vaccines this go round at lest for the first 2-3 years. 3 months old is just a rediculous age to start these intense and questionable vaccine regiments.

willie pete
21st April 2011, 12:33 PM
You're wise to hold off on vaccines for your new baby. You'd be wise to hold off on all vaccines permanently--for yorself and your whole family. Don't do any amniocentesis. That is the procedure they used to determine the sex of the child by analyzing the amniotic fluid in the womb. That may also have contributed to my son's autism.

The wife was totally against all vaccines, so we compromised that our daughter would get a select few. And after the major developmental stage to give her the best shot of developing normally prior to some vaccines.

Only ones we are currently looking at are Polio and DTP, and again it will be after she is 2 years old. Believe me I would love to have no vaccines at all, but wife wouldn't do any less than those 2.

If it's the vaccines that are responsible, why don't all children that get vaccines develop autism? ...just asking...

21st April 2011, 12:52 PM
If it's the vaccines that are responsible, why don't all children that get vaccines develop autism? ...just asking...

Because everyone is different, they make vaccines for one size fits all. And that is NOT the case when it comes to peoples metabolisms or tolerance for mercury. I was in the Navy and was shot up with all sorts of vaccines most if not all contained mercury. Hell me and my younger brother used to break those long fluorescent lights as we played "swords" with it which are known to contain mercury. So it's safe to say I've got a pretty good tolerance towards mercury. But only god knows if my daughter will have that kind of tolerance. That's a risk I am not willing to take.

21st April 2011, 01:52 PM


21st April 2011, 01:59 PM
You're wise to hold off on vaccines for your new baby. You'd be wise to hold off on all vaccines permanently--for yorself and your whole family. Don't do any amniocentesis. That is the procedure they used to determine the sex of the child by analyzing the amniotic fluid in the womb. That may also have contributed to my son's autism.

The wife was totally against all vaccines, so we compromised that our daughter would get a select few. And after the major developmental stage to give her the best shot of developing normally prior to some vaccines.

Only ones we are currently looking at are Polio and DTP, and again it will be after she is 2 years old. Believe me I would love to have no vaccines at all, but wife wouldn't do any less than those 2.

If it's the vaccines that are responsible, why don't all children that get vaccines develop autism? ...just asking...

No vaccine for fried brain cells just like there isnt one for a missing limb ect.
By injecting stuff straight into the blood stream ,it by passes the bodies defence systems and to me is very dangerous thing to do .


21st April 2011, 04:15 PM
My kids have never been vaccinated. They are as healthy as can be and above normal intelligence. I figure if they want to be vaccinated they can do it when they are adults. They can also get circumsized then too. ;D

21st April 2011, 04:40 PM
My kids have never been vaccinated. They are as healthy as can be and above normal intelligence. I figure if they want to be vaccinated they can do it when they are adults. They can also get circumsized then too. ;D

That's awesome. I knew a guy who decided at 24 to get circumcised because of societal pressures. Ouch! Since fewer and fewer American boys are now circumcised, there won't be those societal pressures.

Autism is one of the more frustrating mental ailments that I can think of, perhaps along the lines of Alzheimers, but far worse, because Autism occurs in children and lasts an entire lifetime. I've met Autistic young adults, and it's amazing the feeling that I've had with them . . . it was so hopeful. I never stopped feeling as if communication was possible, we just had to find a way. To me, they seemed happier than most "normal" adults, but we just lacked the ability to communicate, which understandably causes frustration.

Hatha Sunahara
21st April 2011, 10:39 PM
I read somewhere that in Amish communities people do not get vaccinated. The rate of autism among Amish people is very close to zero.

The real question is why has the rate of autism gone up so sharply in the last 30 years?

I've narrowed it down to at least two factors:

It's some practice of the allopathic medicine witch doctors, like vaccines, or anything they do to people from conception until two years of age, when the result is detectable.

It's a dietary deficiency, or a metabolic deficiency that causes the brain's rational and language centers to stop developing, but spares the emotional and motor centers of the brain.

I think the cause is something very simple. LIke when they found out how Thiamin prevents pellagra, and how vitamin c prevents scurvy, and niacin prevents beriberi. And how a clean water supply prevents cholera epidemics.

As long as money rules our medical and pharmaceutical institutions, we won't find a cure for autism. Nor for cancer, nor for diabetes, nor arthritis. Because these diseases generate jobs and profits for the system--and jobs and profits are more important than peoples' health.


21st April 2011, 11:21 PM
My kids have never been vaccinated. They are as healthy as can be and above normal intelligence. I figure if they want to be vaccinated they can do it when they are adults. They can also get circumsized then too. ;D

Same thing here with mine basically and now they are all grown up fit and healthy....

21st April 2011, 11:26 PM
I read somewhere that in Amish communities people do not get vaccinated. The rate of autism among Amish people is very close to zero.

The real question is why has the rate of autism gone up so sharply in the last 30 years?

I've narrowed it down to at least two factors:

It's some practice of the allopathic medicine witch doctors, like vaccines, or anything they do to people from conception until two years of age, when the result is detectable.

It's a dietary deficiency, or a metabolic deficiency that causes the brain's rational and language centers to stop developing, but spares the emotional and motor centers of the brain.

I think the cause is something very simple. LIke when they found out how Thiamin prevents pellagra, and how vitamin c prevents scurvy, and niacin prevents beriberi. And how a clean water supply prevents cholera epidemics.

As long as money rules our medical and pharmaceutical institutions, we won't find a cure for autism. Nor for cancer, nor for diabetes, nor arthritis. Because these diseases generate jobs and profits for the system--and jobs and profits are more important than peoples' health.

Ya got ya thiamin(beriberi)and niacin back to front.................to me its the mercury in vaccines and possibly the vaccines themselves that has caused the rise in autism....they dont seem to care as long as a profit is to be made and that is what the gov is therefore....to collect taxes.

22nd April 2011, 12:11 AM
I live smack dap in the center of the Central Valley. We just moved and are now surrounded by farmland...cherries, walnuts, almonds, and about 50 other things.

I got asthma a couple weeks ago for first time in my life...got hit so hard I thought it was bad lung infection...Dr said it was allergies.

Central Valley I hear has some of the highest rates of autism in the USA.

There's so much shit in the air, water, and food its nuts. Can't even drink water from our own well. Most the older folks on this street have cancer. Many blame the nitrates in water which are crazy high around here.

I just spent my life savings on this damn house but am now thinking about getting the hell out of here.

Allergies in general so bad its unbearable.

willie pete
22nd April 2011, 01:02 AM
If it's the vaccines that are responsible, why don't all children that get vaccines develop autism? ...just asking...

Because everyone is different, they make vaccines for one size fits all. And that is NOT the case when it comes to peoples metabolisms or tolerance for mercury. I was in the Navy and was shot up with all sorts of vaccines most if not all contained mercury. Hell me and my younger brother used to break those long fluorescent lights as we played "swords" with it which are known to contain mercury. So it's safe to say I've got a pretty good tolerance towards mercury. But only god knows if my daughter will have that kind of tolerance. That's a risk I am not willing to take.

Sure.....everyone is different, I'd have to disagree with your statement that you have a "pretty good tolerance for Mercury"...you probably know Mercury is a heavy metal and is poisonous, it's MO the vast majority of people don't have a measured tolerance for poison, it'd be the same as saying you have a higher tolerance for electricity than the next guy in line, I'm speaking now of lethal doses, and again, people are different, there's been people that have been electrocuted and their heart is still beating, BUT they don't get up and start tap-dancing :D, they die... :o

"No vaccine for fried brain cells just like there isnt one for a missing limb ect.
By injecting stuff straight into the blood stream ,it by passes the bodies defence systems and to me is very dangerous thing to do ."

By injecting something IV doesn't by-pass anything, your blood supply along with everything in your blood goes through and is metabolized by your liver (among other organs)

"Central Valley I hear has some of the highest rates of autism in the USA.

There's so much shit in the air, water, and food its nuts. Can't even drink water from our own well. Most the older folks on this street have cancer. Many blame the nitrates in water which are crazy high around here."

With all the Agriculture in Kali, and from the area you describe, I'd speculate it's the pesticides/herbicides that have something to do with it, with all that farming, there has to be tons and tons put into the ground which eventually finds it's way into the ground water

I've never thought a lot about autism, I was just relating it to the numbers.....the number of people that are vaccinated and have been vaccinated (it has to be in the multiple millions, maybe even billions...globally) so if the childhood vaccines were responsible OR played a large role in the Dx of autism, wouldn't one think there would have to be millions and millions more cases of autism? just saying that's all....I don't have the answer, IF I had to speculate, I'd say it was a blend of factors; genetic and heredity being the biggest, and I say that because autism has/is occurring across socio-economic lines..rich people that eat well (OR have the ability to eat well and have exposure to good health care and prevention) along with poor people that are further down the economic ladder....and I'm sure autism has occurred among those who have been vaccinated and those who haven't been vaccinated ...just MO

Large Sarge
22nd April 2011, 01:36 AM
@ Hatha,

it primarily comes down to the mitochondria, and cellular energy.

There is likely some nerve damage from vaccination, the long term problem afterwards is probably an allergy (probably in the brain, food or environmental), toxicity issues (toxins slow/stop mitochondrial function), vitamin deficiencies.

once the damage has been done (vaccine in this case), all you can do is maximize the chance for the body to heal itself.

this includes megadosing water soluble vitamins (Vitamin C, Niacin, B-6, some minerals, etc)

using clean filtered water


22nd April 2011, 05:30 AM
Sure.....everyone is different, I'd have to disagree with your statement that you have a "pretty good tolerance for Mercury"...you probably know Mercury is a heavy metal and is poisonous, it's MO the vast majority of people don't have a measured tolerance for poison, it'd be the same as saying you have a higher tolerance for electricity than the next guy in line, I'm speaking now of lethal doses, and again, people are different, there's been people that have been electrocuted and their heart is still beating, BUT they don't get up and start tap-dancing Cheesy, they die... Shocked

You're wrong, there is tolerances in everything including electricity. How about the park ranger that was struck by lightening 7 different times and still lived to tell about it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Sullivan
There are even cases of arsenic poisoning being found that would be considered lethal, yet the person is walking and talking. Everyone's body chemistry and metabolism is different. There's no telling who would have the ability to remove the heavy metal effectively, and those who's body would hold on to it. With all due respect research cellular biology and how it's vastly different on an individual basis. There are people who do not absorb Iron, or Magnesium well in their diets but have higher levels of heavy metals in their body to make up the difference such as RH- individuals and they're higher than what's considered "normal" levels of copper.

By injecting something IV doesn't by-pass anything, your blood supply along with everything in your blood goes through and is metabolized by your liver (among other organs)

WRONG again the human body has a layered defense immune system, bypassing 1-2 renders the vaccine useless for immunity. If you doubt me, why do you keep having to get boosters every teen years? But when you acquire chickenpox you gain a life long immunity without needing boosters, or any disease for that matter. Once you catch it, you will not catch it again. Unless it mutates (like the cold and flu virus) then the vaccine is useless anyway, or you have a compromised or weakened immune system.
The immune system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity. In simple terms, physical barriers prevent pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the organism. If a pathogen breaches these barriers, the innate immune system provides an immediate, but non-specific response. Innate immune systems are found in all plants and animals.[11] If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, vertebrates possess a third layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response. Here, the immune system adapts its response during an infection to improve its recognition of the pathogen. This improved response is then retained after the pathogen has been eliminated, in the form of an immunological memory, and allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered.

You can't breach layers 1-2 and just go to the adaptive immune system and expect immediate immunity. The immune system wasn't designed to work that way.

And your opinion on autism, if you research it you will see that it millions are affected globally. India even banned U.S. made measles vaccine (Not sure if they are still banned, it happened in 2008 http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/State-bans-vaccine-that-claimed-4-lives-in-TN/301670/) after deaths were reported after inoculations. I have no problem with vaccines, it's the components that are within them I have a problem with. If you did any research you would know that vaccines could be suspended within a saline solution but it's shelf life would be measured in days not months like the mercury based preservatives.

All about giving the mighty dollar to big pharma, risk be damned if some children aren't able to remove mercury from their system.

22nd April 2011, 05:52 AM
There are people who do not absorb Iron, or Magnesium well in their diets but have higher levels of heavy metals in their body to make up the difference such as RH- individuals and they're higher than what's considered "normal" levels of copper.

I was an RH- baby, in that I had to have blood transfusions ASAP when I was born. Does this apply to me, and can you tell me a little more about it or provide links?

22nd April 2011, 05:59 AM
There are people who do not absorb Iron, or Magnesium well in their diets but have higher levels of heavy metals in their body to make up the difference such as RH- individuals and they're higher than what's considered "normal" levels of copper.

I was an RH- baby, in that I had to have blood transfusions ASAP when I was born. Does this apply to me, and can you tell me a little more about it or provide links?

I haven't researched much into RH- individuals, just came across that RH+ have more Iron and absorb it well, while RH- has more copper and have difficulty absorbing sufficient levels or iron.

This place is a treasure trove of RH- information.
