View Full Version : WA State Patrol Vacancies Soar Because New Candidates Can't Pass Fitness Test

25th April 2010, 11:20 PM

The Washington State Patrol is having a recruiting problem. It's not that they can't find people who want to be troopers. The problem is many of the candidates, particularly younger ones, can't pass the physical fitness requirements.

There are currently 34 trooper vacancies. In addition, 93 current officers will be eligible to retire on Jan. 1, 2011. Since the combined hiring and training processes take about 12 months, WSP is making finding new troopers a top priority.

But it seems finding qualified candidates who can also pass the WSP physical fitness test is a problem. The test consists of pushups, situps and a 1.5 mile run. Surprisingly to the state patrol, it's many of the younger candidates that are failing.

Here are the stats for 2010 so far:

Ages 20 - 29: 66 percent passed
Ages 30 - 39: 73 percent passed
Ages 40 - 49: 92 percent passed
Ages 50 - 59: Only 1 tested and failed

Ages 20 - 29: 33 percent passed
Ages 30 - 39: 40 percent passed
Ages 40 - 49: 100 percent passed
Ages 50 - 59: 50 percent passed

In an effort to reach its hiring goals, WSP says it will hold what it calls special, decentralized testing in Shelton on April 27 and in Kennewick on April 30. WSP says it plans to stretch its resources to condense the traditional six month hiring process to two months.

25th April 2010, 11:22 PM
There is also a video at the above link that does not want to embed here.

Grand Master Melon
25th April 2010, 11:34 PM

Years ago when I was fit I would have become a cop had they not had stupid rules about past usage of drugs. Perhaps they should look into changing some of their criteria.

25th April 2010, 11:49 PM
Most young people are out of shape and weak. I purchased 20 bags of peat moss at the hardware store and they sent this ~20 year old out to help me load them. He could hardly lift the bags onto the tailgate of the truck. They are approx. 70-80 pounds each, which is nothing for most able bodied men. I felt embarrassed for the boy...

25th April 2010, 11:50 PM
Police department physical fitness tests are a joke to begin with. Most, in half decent shape, would hardly break a sweat. Climb over a 6 foot fence, 1.5 mile run..it's easy.

Now, fire departments, that's another story. When you finish one of those tests, be it, still standing...and see the paramedics ready with an ambulance, and 02,...you know, it's serious business.

26th April 2010, 02:04 AM
I think its like 30 pushups in one minute and 38 situps in one minute.