View Full Version : Stadium executions: 150,000 watch

26th April 2010, 12:37 PM
A North Korean factory chief accused of making international phone calls was executed by a firing squad in a stadium before 150,000 spectators, a South Korean aid group reported.

Public executions had declined since 2000 amid international criticism but have been increasing, targeting officials accused of drug trafficking, embezzlement and other crimes, the Good Friends aid agency said in a report on the North's human rights.

In October, the North executed the head of a factory in South Pyongan province for making international calls on 13 phones he installed in a factory basement, the aid group said. He was executed by a firing squad in a stadium before a crowd of 150,000.

Six people were crushed to death and 34 others injured in an apparent stampede as they left the stadium, the aid group said.

Most North Koreans are banned from communicating with the outside world, part of the regime's authoritarian policies seeking to prevent any challenge to the iron-fisted rule of Kim Jong Il.

The North in recent months has carried out four similar public executions by firing squad against regional officials and heads of factories, the aid group said.

26th April 2010, 01:09 PM
Six people were crushed to death and 34 others injured in an apparent stampede

Those people ain't even smart enuff to be sheep. They are freekin cattle.

The government has an appointment to kill one and they gett 6 more for free.

26th April 2010, 01:10 PM
He sould have stuck to national calls only.
Politics aside, IMHO executions everywhere should be carried out this way, firing squad and publically+ TV coverage. Secret executions in prisons are disgusting, especially by machinery such as electric chair or lethal injection.
Heinous crimes involving sexual violence should be punished by hanging.

26th April 2010, 01:30 PM
It would be even better if public executions were held for political crimes, an no one showed up to watch!

I know that isn't about to happen, blood good, living vicariously even better!

26th April 2010, 01:32 PM
Pay for view, baby, pay for view.

26th April 2010, 01:49 PM
I like it, public executions for congresscritters who violate the constitution and all pay per view money is used to pay off the national debt..

26th April 2010, 02:36 PM
You guys seem to be missing something. The guy made phone calls. That is worth execution?

And Congress won't be the target of executions. They are above the law. It is the schlepp on the street who will get executed for hate crimes, saying the wrong thing, being framed by a cop, having a gun or bible in his possession, not paying taxes on his carbon emissions when he farts in public.

26th April 2010, 02:45 PM
You guys seem to be missing something. The guy made phone calls. That is worth execution?

It absolutely does seem like a monstrosity but keep in mind that North Korea is one of the very few states truly resisting the NWO. They live in a state of perpetual war, economic and political pressure etc. The NK govt considers any contact with the West to be treason. If you keep in mind what the West has done already and what it is planning to do, the NK govt actions will start to make sense...

26th April 2010, 03:12 PM
Have to agree with you here 100%

This story in itself is propaganda, who did he call would be a first question, and second how did this story get out anyways?

It absolutely does seem like a monstrosity but keep in mind that North Korea is one of the very few states truly resisting the NWO. They live in a state of perpetual war, economic and political pressure etc. The NK govt considers any contact with the West to be treason. If you keep in mind what the West has done already and what it is planning to do, the NK govt actions will start to make sense...

26th April 2010, 03:29 PM
If we created a community of constitutional conservatives and a humbly lone Stalinist, surrounded ourselves with a fence, we too might execute a member who made an outside call...

26th April 2010, 03:32 PM
The case against N Korea is now on the table, the war drums are getting louder and louder............kill, kill, kill............and forget all the killings being committed against the Palestinian people..........forget about the two millions dead Iraqis and those dead in Afghanistan..........forget about the crimes being committed against the American people.

Look at what my right hand is doing.....no no NOOOOOOOO.......don't look at my left hand, only at my right hand...

Baaaaaaaa Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaa........says the sheeps.

26th April 2010, 03:45 PM
Unfortunately NK does run a cartoonish version of a Stalinist regime. Their ways make communism look bad, to put it mildly but they have very few choices, surrender and be turned into another pro-Western porn/drug/sodomy infested rotten country or rule with a steel fist. I wish they had more food and resources so they could survive and not have to compromise with the West in order to stave off starvation.

26th April 2010, 04:03 PM
My research has led me to conclude that North Korea is entirely a "Money Power" creation as are all the other administrative districts that some eroneously think of as "Nation States". It serves a two fold function. The first function is psychological in character and is directed and carried out through the covert social engineering section of the Tavistock Institute based in London, England. This Institute sprang into being during the WW1, it's reason for existence purportedly to research the effects of shell shock on the human psyche. The subsequent decades refined the research to embrace all forms of social engineering, ie, how to subtly brainwash entire populations without their knowing it. The North Korean "state", under the tutelage of the Cohiba smoking and fine wine drinking "Dear Leader" has served as a useful experimental crucible to determine the point at which a repressed population says "enough is enough" and violently or otherwise does away with the ruling class. Judging by the North Korean experiment, human beings require a far higher level of repression than that which they are presently forced to endure before a spontaneous insurrection occurs.

The second function of North Korea is to serve as the antithesis to whatever thesis TPTB wish to fling it against in order to arrive at the preordained synthesis. This has been the modus operendi of the Top for centuries, but only in the last century due to the advances in social and psychological science led primarily through Tavistock-sponsored research has this "thesis vs antithesis = synthesis" reached its apogee in terms of efficiency and refinement.

To look at North Korea today we may be looking at our own future, one future among many possible ones. The last act of this play has certainly been written, but yet to be played out on the earthly stage. One thing for sure: the curtain is about to rise.

26th April 2010, 05:28 PM
You guys seem to be missing something. The guy made phone calls. That is worth execution?

It absolutely does seem like a monstrosity but keep in mind that North Korea is one of the very few states truly resisting the NWO. They live in a state of perpetual war, economic and political pressure etc. The NK govt considers any contact with the West to be treason. If you keep in mind what the West has done already and what it is planning to do, the NK govt actions will start to make sense...

You actually think the North Korean regime is a good thing? You look at the corruption of the rest of the world and (I certainly hope) blindly figure that North Korea is good. Do you know anything about North Korea? That is run by a mad man with a bunch of mad power freaks. They are brutal savages.

26th April 2010, 05:39 PM

Are you in any way implying that any entity, other than North Korea is presently responsible for the actions of their military or the deprivation of their people?

26th April 2010, 05:59 PM

Are you in any way implying that any entity, other than North Korea is presently responsible for the actions of their military or the deprivation of their people?

Indeed I am, LG. The owners of our system, ie, those whose chips we rent, play with, and call "money" are the ones who shape and write "history" and shape our current "reality". North Korea is sustained through injection of money and humanitarian aid from communist China, which itself is under the complete control of the International Money Power. There are no "countries", only administrative and experimental regions.


26th April 2010, 06:14 PM
Public executions and stadium shows, I believe, make the population numb to violence since I believe North Korea like China goes for head shots not for the heart. I got to research that but I read that somewhere. Exploding heads are a lot more gory then a torso shot.

And it seems like North Korea does them at a pretty good clip.

Don't know, thought I would throw that out there.

26th April 2010, 06:23 PM
Public executions and stadium shows, I believe, make the population numb to violence since I believe North Korea like China goes for head shots not for the heart. I got to research that but I read that somewhere. Exploding heads are a lot more gory then a torso shot.

And it seems like North Korea does them at a pretty good clip.

Don't know, thought I would throw that out there.

I think in NK they tie people to wooden posts and shoot them in the torso while in China they shoot in the back of the head after telling the criminals to open their mouths so the bullet may exit thru the mouth and spare the face, pretty nasty last words to hear 5 seconds before one dies...

26th April 2010, 06:34 PM

Are you in any way implying that any entity, other than North Korea is presently responsible for the actions of their military or the deprivation of their people?

Indeed I am, LG. The owners of our system, ie, those whose chips we rent, play with, and call "money" are the ones who shape and write "history" and shape our current "reality". North Korea is sustained through injection of money and humanitarian aid from communist China, which itself is under the complete control of the International Money Power. There are no "countries", only administrative and experimental regions.


I can't disagree with much of your post here. But even still, doesn't the whole situation seem a bit iffy, turning them loose with a nuke or two? Plans don't always go according to order.

26th April 2010, 06:46 PM
I can't disagree with much of your post here. But even still, doesn't the whole situation seem a bit iffy, turning them loose with a nuke or two? Plans don't always go according to order.

I doubt very much if Dear Leader has any deliverable nukes. More bluster than substance. His main concern is to maintain a study flow of Cohibas, expensive wine and choice young concubines.

26th April 2010, 06:57 PM
A short length of chicken wire could easily deliver whatever nukes they may have into some generals hands that may have other intentions. In any case, their political future is far from certain, and their nukes will survive several different heads of state.

27th April 2010, 02:13 AM
My research has led me to conclude that North Korea is entirely a "Money Power" creation as are all the other administrative districts that some eroneously think of as "Nation States". It serves a two fold function. The first function is psychological in character and is directed and carried out through the covert social engineering section of the Tavistock Institute based in London, England. This Institute sprang into being during the WW1, it's reason for existence purportedly to research the effects of shell shock on the human psyche. The subsequent decades refined the research to embrace all forms of social engineering, ie, how to subtly brainwash entire populations without their knowing it. The North Korean "state", under the tutelage of the Cohiba smoking and fine wine drinking "Dear Leader" has served as a useful experimental crucible to determine the point at which a repressed population says "enough is enough" and violently or otherwise does away with the ruling class. Judging by the North Korean experiment, human beings require a far level of repression than that which they are presently forced to endure before a spontaneous insurrection occurs.

The second function of North Korea is to serve as the antithesis to whatever thesis TPTB wish to fling it against in order to arrive at the preordained synthesis. This has been the modus operendi of the Top for centuries, but only in the last century due to the advances in social and psychological science led primarily through Tavistock-sponsored research has this "thesis vs antithesis = synthesis" reached its apogee in terms of efficiency and refinement.

To look at North Korea today we may be looking at our own future, one future among many possible ones. The last act of this play has certainly been written, but yet to be played out on the earthly stage. One thing for sure: the curtain is about to rise.

The scariest thing about your post, is that from what I've read about North Korea, your conclusions fit the facts much better than the "official" MSM/gov story.

The whole country seems to be one big mind-fuck to see how far people can be pushed.

27th April 2010, 05:02 AM
Kim Jong Il is actually the real power behind NK?

No chance in heaven or hell.

Unobtainium nailed it.

27th April 2010, 05:39 AM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

27th April 2010, 05:49 AM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

And the two are mutually exclusive? ;)

I see your point, and I hope you see mine, but don't you think you give too much credit to the over-governed proles of this world–––ignorant, subservient, and dangerously naive–––who millennium after millennium continue to believe the lies from the top?

The top of the pyramid probably is an evil and quasi-supernatural force. Do masonic rituals change brain chemistry and engender occult groupthink? Is government a proxy for nefariously transcendental forces as practiced by the top, to further hone their livelihood of human chattel farming?

Is the devil a Talmudist?

27th April 2010, 05:57 AM
To look at North Korea today we may be looking at our own future, one future among many possible ones. The last act of this play has certainly been written, but yet to be played out on the earthly stage. One thing for sure: the curtain is about to rise.


A little further down that road: Turning us into an insect colony social structure: Workers and Soldiers. They are already well on their way with genetic manipulation of us and our food, family destruction, and non-reproductive sex. We have established colonies in Iraq and Afghanistan and our dumbed-down male soldier ants swarm their oil fields. Our dumbed down female worker ants in our factories and office buildings. Offspring at the daycare centers being tended.


27th April 2010, 06:10 AM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

27th April 2010, 02:12 PM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

This about sums up the NK situation. Because at some point the marionette theory becomes one hell of a long shot, sort of like a hostage taker arming his hostage.

27th April 2010, 02:36 PM
...Congress won't be the target of executions. They are above the law. It is the schlepp on the street who will get executed for hate crimes, saying the wrong thing, being framed by a cop, having a gun or bible in his possession, not paying taxes on his carbon emissions when he farts in public.

I suspect that Congress would be targeted the day after 51% of the American people withdraw from national socialism, etc. Not by the sovereign people, but by the irate creditor, who would be deprived of the wealth taken from those millions of sheeple.

Usurers "play" rough.

27th April 2010, 02:38 PM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

You raise a good point. Who indeed "owns" these corrupt governments. Quite simply, it is those who control food. Money is a food substitute. Food and money are synonymous. The North Korean government has survived to this day solely on the basis of handouts provided to it by Communist China, and covertly by the Western powers. And we in the West are equally dependent on privately owned fiat currency which we redeem for food. Same thing

Like I said above, it serves as an experimental crucible largely hidden from the eyes of the rest of the world. The North Koreans are akin to laboratory mice. What is learned from the research on them will be applied to humanity at large at some future point. At least, that is TPTB's plan. A global dystopia.

27th April 2010, 03:37 PM
This laboratory mice theory makes little sense. The situation in NK is not nearly as severe as life in the Russian gulags or Pol pot's killing fields. An oppressive regime could always take things up or down a notch, by the point of a gun, and shorten or lengthen it's peoples lifespan.

But such regimes run the risk of having their own heads hanging on the end of a stick. It is a poor game plan all around. With potentially no winners. More regimes must be interested in a future for their children, other than passing on a mafia fifedoom.

Hatha Sunahara
27th April 2010, 04:31 PM
It's not so difficult to conclude that North Korea is a creation of and controlled by the same power that controls America. If America couldn't resist it, why would anyone think other countries could resist.

Another view is that North Korea, along with its sisters in the Axis of Evil are the ones that thumb their noses at this power that controls the rest of the world. That would be consistent with the observation that US Foreign policy is the product of the Council on Foreign Relations. They are the ones who tell America to take a 'get tough' policy with nations like Cuba, Iran, Venezueal, and North Korea. These countries are to the American Empire what Germany was to the Roman empire. (Too Uncivilized). These countries behave the way they do because they are paranoid of American subversion of their autonomous power. Try to imagine how if you were the dictator of the country, you could be toppled by your enemies if they were financed and assisted in other ways by the CIA. You would have some pretty heavy internal security measures in place. And you would instill fear in the population not to rise up against you by showing them that you mean business. This is what we do to people who make phone calls to foreign countries. Imagine what we do to somebody who plots against the government.

I could live with either view. Knowing human nature, I think Kim Jong Il sold out to the money powers long ago, and they pull his strings, just like they pull Obama's and Merkel'S and Sarkozy's. Not to mention Bill Clinton who recently went over to North Korea to collect a stray journalist or other hostage after paying ransom with American Taxpayer money. There are photos of Clinton sitting beside Kim Jong Il, and Clinton wasn't smiling. Propaganda pictures. Look them up on Gougle.

Have you ever watched that cartoon puppet show movie called Team America? I don't think it's an accident that all the characters are marionettes, and that you can see the strings. One of those characters is Kim Jong Il. You can't see who's pulling the strings. And it's ditto in real life.


27th April 2010, 04:40 PM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

You raise a good point. Who indeed "owns" these corrupt governments. Quite simply, it is those who control food. Money is a food substitute. Food and money are synonymous. The North Korean government has survived to this day solely on the basis of handouts provided to it by Communist China, and covertly by the Western powers. And we in the West are equally dependent on privately owned fiat currency which we redeem for food. Same thing

Like I said above, it serves as an experimental crucible largely hidden from the eyes of the rest of the world. The North Koreans are akin to laboratory mice. What is learned from the research on them will be applied to humanity at large at some future point. At least, that is TPTB's plan. A global dystopia.

That is the ultimate plan of the devil, but it is not total reality now. The levels of this show are many. Yes- I agree that China is playing big brother to NK. There are a couple reasons- 1) it is better to keep the kook on a leash than have to worry about him sneakin around your back door; 2) the North Koreans can be useful idiots in testing out weapons and distracting the western powers at the right time.

In a similar manner, I see a supernatural power playing one side against another and its children in the human global elite use the same methods. Lies, deception, coercion and implied coercion..... fear, greed, pride- many tools are available for this effort. Think about the reason for that public execution. Instill fear, maintain control.

I think the people who are seeing the schemes of TPTB will soon be finding christianity (in its truest sense) to be in line with their thinking.

The devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.

A day's labor and wages for a day's worth of grain.

And unless they took the mark of the beast, they could not buy or sell.

28th April 2010, 12:52 AM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

It seems like we’ve come full circle here if the final word is that this is an evil world controlled by satanic forces. Such a conclusion might drive people to becoming apolitical, thereby never offering any resistance. What would be the point of saying Zionist this or corporatist that, if it is all beyond our control to effect any change? This sounds like a defeatist attitude. Because the best option would be to serve your fellow man (not a bad idea, in and of itself) while burying you head in the bible or whatever cannon of faith you ascribe to, and waiting for your reward in the next life, while others are seeking their reward, through partnership, here and now, at your expense.

28th April 2010, 01:48 AM
EDIT: I'd rather take it to the Thunderdome. :)

28th April 2010, 06:12 AM
You folks give too much credit to human governing power. The only way that such a centralized controlling force can be operating this as protagonist/antagonist, is if that force is supernatural. Only the devil could pull this off as he is the owner of the corrupt governments.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

It seems like we’ve come full circle here if the final word is that this is an evil world controlled by satanic forces. Such a conclusion might drive people to becoming apolitical, thereby never offering any resistance. What would be the point of saying Zionist this or corporatist that, if it is all beyond our control to effect any change? This sounds like a defeatist attitude. Because the best option would be to serve your fellow man (not a bad idea, in and of itself) while burying you head in the bible or whatever cannon of faith you ascribe to, and waiting for your reward in the next life, while others are seeking their reward, through partnership, here and now, at your expense.

I hear ya - and I'm no christian, but sometimes the bible has it right.

It is not merely individuals we fight against - but against powers.

as in "the POWERS that be".

That doesn't mean that the fight isn't worth fighting, it just means that the fight must continually be fought. We can't just rout out the INDIVIDUALS who are running/ruining the planet and expect the problem to go away; "they" will keep coming back.

But no, I'm not some christian quoting scripture and waiting for the rapture.